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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features


But when Steam servers go down for good, will you be able to play your games? I know I've heard that if that ever happened, they would allow you to play the games without Steam but I really have doubts on that.
If that ever happens, I would crack my games and continue to play them. PC is an open platform and allows me to do that. And it's perfectly ethical and even legal -- at least I believe that no EU court would rule against it.

I don't trust any company, including Valve.
All of this could be circumvented by giving the users a choice. Install disc or play from disc.


But this misses the point. I'm willing to bet (but again, have no proof) that part of the reason this 24 hour DRM nonsense exists in the first place is because with the XboxONE, microsoft now has accurate and reliable day by day usage patterns of XBONE owners.

accurate and reliable aggregated data like that is VERY USEFUL to advertisers and lucrative for microsoft. They likely already have this for those signed up for Live, but there's a good 20 million or so 360s out there not connected to the internet. This basically forces them all to be connected if they want any use out of it- and if any of those owners don't have the ability, well, they probably weren't worth very much to MS anyway.
"If you're backwards compatible, you're really backwards." - Don Mattrick

Well, he said the main reason they didn't is because Xbox 360 was PPC and they didn't want to spend that time and money on a BC solution. It is possible, though, that the next xbox (if there is one, which I'd bet maybe just one more), if it is x86, that BC would be pretty easy (at least comparably) to do.
I'm perfectly fine with this if the price is right. I don't replay games or collect them. Give me Steam-like pricing on a console and I'd be very happy as I wouldn't have to hassle with selling games after beating them and I'd be spending about the same I do now after getting some cash back from selling games.

I own 300 some movies and I'm starting to hate that too since I so rarely watch something I own vs something new on/from Netflix.

So I'm personally ready for a move to services rather than buying products that end up just gathering dust or getting resold for me.

But again, the price must be right. I'm not going to pay the same for a service as I do to buy and own products that I can resell. Which is what MS and the publishers are trying to pull.

In an ideal world, non-drm discs would be available for collectors, and digital games would be available along side them at lower prices for those of us who just want to pay for the experience and don't want to own a physical copy.

I'm with you about wanting products vs services. I've only bought about 3 disk games the past 4 or 5 years. Mostly I used Gamefly to play games. It's not the worlds greatest service but I personally feel much better about spending $15/month, getting to play about 4 new/old games a month, and not have to consistently weigh if a certain game is worth the $60. The newly implemented "online passes" have started to really hamper it's convenience. I really hope there's some sort of digital rental on consoles next gen. That's be Godly for me.
I'm with you about wanting products vs services. I've only bought about 3 disk games the past 4 or 5 years. Mostly I used Gamefly to play games. It's not the worlds greatest service but I personally feel much better about spending $15/month, getting to play about 4 new/old games a month, and not have to consistently weigh if a certain game is worth the $60. The newly implemented "online passes" have started to really hamper it's convenience. I really hope there's some sort of digital rental on consoles next gen. That's be Godly for me.

technically this is certainly possible- it's already halfway there with PS3 one hour trials, and planned demos for all ps4 games with Gaikai. expanding that access out to a week or so for a rental couldn't possibly be that difficult- but does it make financial sense at 15 bucks a month?

The movie industry doesn't really make a ton from netflix streaming, which is why there's a handful of A list films and series and a ton of absolute trash no one wants to watch. I wouldn't bet on digital rental happening at any sane price point for this reason.


I own a PC. Can I sell my used games?

this is where I post part of that Polygon article.


And this is where I point out that Frito-Lay is the parent company of Doritos.


Valve has said that if the Steam service ever shuts down, they'll modify its games so they can be played without DRM, yes? I wonder if there's any chance that Microsoft would do the same thing.

Considering why they are trying to implement this policy n the first place ($), and also considering that will likely take a non-insignificant amount of time/resources, I'm not holding my breath.

You just have to assume the worst-case scenario right now until proven otherwise.
Regardless of what Valve has said, unless you have a signed contract in hand I wouldn't count on the games' DRMs being stripped. Even then I wouldn't count on it. Were Valve (or any company) to go under they'll seek court protection, contracts could easily be altered, etc. Their primary responsibility, by law, is to repay their creditors, not ensure you have your games DRM-free. In fact, charging to lift the DRM could be a decent way to raise money to repay creditors.

Just assume that any game you have that requires the existence of another party (XBLA, PSN, XBone games, Steam, Origin) are not guaranteed to be yours to play forever. I'm OK with that, honestly, provided that they come at a discount to make that very significant drawback worth my while. $20 max.


I discussed this issue with my brother this evening and he went mental. He was seriously livid they would even try and do this on principal.

He isn't even planning on getting a new console because he's happy with his PS3.

I wasn't even expecting him to even raise an eyebrow at this and was shocked he had a full-on meltdown.

Good luck Microsoft with the casuals!
I discussed this issue with my brother this evening and he went mental. He was seriously livid they would even try and do this on principal.

He isn't even planning on getting a new console because he's happy with his PS3.

I wasn't even expecting him to even raise an eyebrow at this and was shocked he had a full-on meltdown.

Good luck Microsoft with the casuals!

Obviously his reaction wont be universal, but even now I can see tons of people (especially parents) calling support and complaining and returning the console and just generally being confused about the internet thing and used games. A lot of commotion's coming, that's for sure.


Hilarious thing is the CASUALS/SOCCER MOMS that people talk about are actually the ones going to GameStop to trade in games with their kids etc. I'd like to see the reaction of those people when they try to trade in their XBone games and the problem surfaces. I mean these Used game DRM plans aren't even going to be there at launch. They will be stuck with those games until the system is implemented. A mess
Hilarious thing is the CASUALS/SOCCER MOMS that people talk about are actually the ones going to GameStop to trade in games with their kids etc. I'd like to see the reaction of those people when they try to trade in their XBone games and the problem surfaces. I mean these Used game DRM plans aren't even going to be there at launch. They will be stuck with those games until the system is implemented. A mess

I didn't really think about this, but you're absolutely right. I see more soccer Moms and Dads with their kids trading in games at Gamestop then I do hardcore gamers. How many times have you stood behind one of these parents and they almost always are trading in games before they purchase another one.


I didn't really think about this, but you're absolutely right. I see more soccer Moms and Dads with their kids trading in games at Gamestop then I do hardcore gamers. How many times have you stood behind one of these parents and they almost always are trading in games before they purchase another one.

Yup. I firmly believe a huge percentage of GameStop loyal customers are those parents. Them not knowing what's going on could become a huge clusterfuck after the console launches
Yup. I firmly believe a huge percentage of GameStop loyal customers are those parents. Them not knowing what's going on could become a huge clusterfuck after the console launches

Maybe we should post informative posters around Gamestops/Walmarts/Targets/Bestbuys about the Xbone and its DRM.
Valve has said that if the Steam service ever shuts down, they'll modify its games so they can be played without DRM, yes? I wonder if there's any chance that Microsoft would do the same thing.

Gabe said that, so I'm told - I wasn't there. I have very little faith in his ability to stand by that for anything other than Valve games, though.

But on a PC, I'm not that worried about it. If Steam died with the DRM still in place, I'd have every confidence in the PC gaming community having easy-to-use cracks available for download in no time.

Sad as it is, I trust "piracy" (if cracking a game you bought qualifies) to save the day on the PC. On a console, I'm more hesitant.

It shouldn't be necessary in either case. I'm no Steam cheerleader, but Steam games do work indefinitely in the absence of Steam - it's only re-installing that you couldn't do. That isn't the case with the Xbox One.
Maybe we should post informative posters around Gamestops/Walmarts/Targets/Bestbuys about the Xbone and its DRM.

Not to be mean, but I'd prefer to let them buy it and find out later - the huge backlash could be beneficial in the long run. The Xbox One is going to sell like crazy at launch, let's not kid ourselves. It's the reaction after launch that's going to decide this.

Fox Mulder

Yup. I firmly believe a huge percentage of GameStop loyal customers are those parents. Them not knowing what's going on could become a huge clusterfuck after the console launches

MS made this choice, they deserve whatever they get. Let parents cry to local news or consumer groups when they find out.

It'll be interesting to see how game sales are affected once people realize they're stuck with their $60 games. If the publisher even allows you to trade in their game at specific retailers, you're going to get shit for it under this new system. The top publishers pushed for this because their games are probably the only ones that will sell under this system.


Not to be mean, but I'd prefer to let them buy it and find out later - the huge backlash could be beneficial in the long run. The Xbox One is going to sell like crazy at launch, let's not kid ourselves. It's the reaction after launch that's going to decide this.

I would like to think that you're right and there will be a backlash from the uninformed once the full scope of this sinks in post Christmas. That would restore some of my lapsed faith in humanity.

The cynic in me says they'll just shrug and deal with it because Call of Duty will be coming out again next November and they'll need an Xbone for that.
Not to be mean, but I'd prefer to let them buy it and find out later - the huge backlash could be beneficial in the long run. The Xbox One is going to sell like crazy at launch, let's not kid ourselves. It's the reaction after launch that's going to decide this.
I'm sure Microsoft would want the same, as those angry customers would feel pressured by their investment in the hardware, games, subscription and set-up to just grin and bear it.




I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her


I've said it before, but I have a bad feeling very few will care about all of this anti-consumer shit by the end of next week.

This thing will sadly still sell.

Stop being so cynical. This is NeoGAF, dude. You gotta believe!


You know, posting an article like that, written by Ben Furfie, of Furfie Freelance Media, a known and self-admitted company of shills-for-hire, in this thread, at this time isn't the wisest move.

Too many "-" in his writing. Can't take it seriously.

I'm assuming the comma is outlawed now.


I don't think I want to buy the Xbox One because of all this. Nothing I'm hearing sounds like something I want.

If I can't sell, or trade my games in, I better be buying them for $5-10.
At last:


When the games start raining down on Monday more people will come off the GAFF-o-Tron ventilator and have a seizure.

Money is here Microsoft. Take it.

The reality is, in order for Microsoft – and most likely Sony too – to "kill game ownership", we would have had to owned the games in the first place.

I stopped there. What a bunch of shit.

You know, posting an article like that, written by Ben Furfie, of Furfie Freelance Media, a known and self-admitted company of shills-for-hire, in this thread, at this time isn't the wisest move.

"Is your current marketing not work? Want to target key customers, but don't know how? Speak to FurfieMedia about the power of social media. "

Well, that was a waste of time.


At last:


When the games start raining down on Monday more people will come off the GAFF-o-Tron ventilator and have a seizure.

Money is here Microsoft. Take it.

I'm almost positive I read the "pulled COD at random from the shelf" part somewhere else, verbatim, well before this whole debacle started. If so either someone's quoting talking point memos, someone's plagiarizing, or I have some serious déjà vu.


You know, posting an article like that, written by Ben Furfie, of Furfie Freelance Media, a known and self-admitted company of shills-for-hire, in this thread, at this time isn't the wisest move.

Not the wisest move? How? Have I now put myself at the top of the GAF SDF hitlist?!

Oh no!

<lifts skirt>run away!!!</lifts skirt>
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