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Battlefield 4 PS4 runs at 720p native [DICE: Incorrect]


People should be happy that they will get to experience a basically unhinged BF experience on consoles for the first time. The technical s are ok and could be better but 64 players on consoles is pretty big. People are going to really experience what makes Battlefield, Battlefield.

That sounded right when I said it.
Well said, all things considerd haha.


How much would I have to spend on a PC to get 60 FPS/1080P on high settings or above. Could I build a rig for $800 or lower?


Not surprised really.

Considering the amount of variables they are already making (BF4 is coming to 360 and PS3 no?)

If BF5 is 720p then I have an issue. But as a title semi scheduled for launch with other platforms taking resource, I think this is fine.

As long as it's a solid 60fps it will be Battlefield.

Agree KZ does now seem more impressive... but they are a 1st party studio, who have worked on the platform for years longer then DICE and only have to worry about PS4, not PC and last gen.


Hmm. As excited as I was a few months ago for next gen - preordered a killzone ps4 from amazon - I'm beginning to second guess myself.

I have an x51 with a 660 and I'm starting to think I might just stick to that for the rest of the year(should be comparable in performance??) and then debate either upgrading my pc with nvidias next card or getting a ps4 if enough exclusives end up living up to their hype.

Yeah the X51 will still see you fine. The OEM 660 in it is actually closer to being a 660 Ti than the retail 660.


How much would I have to spend on a PC to get 60 FPS/1080P on high settings or above. Could I build a rig for $800 or lower?

Pretty much. I have a single HD 5770 and a Q6600 (yup) and can run BF3 on max at 1920x1200 with out a hiccup. I'm guessing it's because of DX10/11 only support? I wish more games would ditch DX9 if so.

I hope the frame rate whores are happy.

1080p 30fps plz

Framerate > graphics
I am very surprised they were not able to take advantage of the power of hUMA since the PS4 is so efficient and easy to develop for.


Your post seems to suggest that the ability to optimise on these consoles will stay the same.

How so? 720p will always enable more frames and eye candy than 1080p. And unless game budgets and technology sits still for the next 7 years, you can count on 720p for the same reasons we had sub-720p as the soft standard last gen.

It won't be every game, but unless MS and Sony mandate 1080p then you should just grab your ankles now and expect 720p, esp. for the most ambitious games.
Not surprised really.

Considering the amount of variables they are already making (BF4 is coming to 360 and PS3 no?)

If BF5 is 720p then I have an issue. But as a title semi scheduled for launch with other platforms taking resource, I think this is fine.

As long as it's a solid 60fps it will be Battlefield.

Agree KZ does now seem more impressive... but they are a 1st party studio, who have worked on the platform for years longer then DICE and only have to worry about PS4, not PC and last gen.

I'm thinking you'll have an issue. If the game could run at 1080p/60FPS DICE would have done it. Remember, these consoles are pretty much just PC's. Not some weird architecture that requires time to know your way around the system and such like the PS3.


On a 7850? Wat? Eh, my 7870 will handle handleit better, I hope.

Well, it is an updated engine, people seem to forget that. I suppose this indicates that the game will be more demanding on PC than BF3 was...

I don't really understand the logic behind it though. Dropping it down to 720p makes you wonder if they're trying to make it graphically on par with PC, but the lower resolution would mean high resolution textures and assets are somewhat irrelevant. Of course other effects may benefit from the resolution drop. It would be interesting to see what AA method they will be using as well.
Love to see the benchmarks for 7850 on BF4.

I'll be happy to do some benchmarks on the PC version at release with my 7850, both at stock and at different overclock levels. Wouldn't be the best way to see what's happening with the console versions but it's better than nothing I guess.

I'd take a guess at around 35-40 fps average on ultra at 1080p with stock 7850 clocks for BF4. You'd think AMD should have decent graphics drivers out for release with this game due to the partnership so that should help AMD cards for release. My super overclock setting can give me near-ultra on BF3 at 60 fps stable as I've already said for a reference point.

I honestly believe DICE will get it to 900p60 for launch on consoles. 720p just seems to low for the hardware the PS4 and Xbox One have, but 1080p might be a step too far at this point.
Well, it is an updated engine, people seem to forget that. I suppose this indicates that the game will be more demanding on PC than BF3 was...

I don't really understand the logic behind it though. Dropping it down to 720p makes you wonder if they're trying to make it graphically on par with PC, but the lower resolution would mean high resolution textures and assets are somewhat irrelevant. Of course other effects may benefit from the resolution drop. It would be interesting to see what AA method they will be using as well.

DICE said the specs will be similar to BF3


I'm thinking you'll have an issue. If the game could run at 1080p/60FPS DICE would have done it. Remember, these consoles are pretty much just PC's. Not some weird architecture that requires time to know your way around the system and such like the PS3.
They aint just pcs though, they have there own tools and for that reason i wouldnt write off things improving with regards res and fps in the next round of software.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I'm good with 720p60fps. I hope more dev go this route instead of 1080p30. 1080p60 is definitely wanted though

If I had to choose I'd go always 60fps even if that meant 720p. Wish 1080@30 games gave me the option to run them at 720@60 (DriveClub being one of them).
People were jumping down my throat yesterday because I was saying that it wasn't surprising that Dead Rising 3 had a shit framerate. Launch games, by and large, are unoptimized and rushed. We remember the great ones... Resistance, Soul Caliber, etc... but the vast, vast majority of launch games on consoles look and play like absolute garbage within 18 months of the system's launch. That's been true in every 3D gen and it will be true in this one.

And this won't be the last game you hear about being 720p. Maybe at some point 1080p/60fps will be the norm but you're in for a helluva shock if you think that's at launch. Almost everything is upscaled.

If you're asking why... it's simple: the tools. Yes, these machines are like PCs, but on the PC most development is about brute force. You have to deal with a wide array of hardware so you don't program specifically to anything - you just use the added power that people have as brute force. That's why a CPU/GPU combo that you can buy today that are much higher spec than consoles will not be able to run anything in 3-4 years... because no one is designing for them specifically.

You can't brute force a console that has the specs that these consoles have. They will be able to do amazing, amazing things over time as people learn the system. But getting tools later and using your PC build means you are going to get mid range PC type output until developers get more time with system and develop to its strengths. Which first parties always have the jump on and is why Forza and Killzone will be head and shoulders above the rest of the launch games.
The contradiction is that Cerny himself said that they could pull out everything graphicly from the ps4 from the start.
Because it was so easy to develop for.
As you said, not for GPGPU computing. Which will greatly enhance algorithms and therefore graphics in the near future. They definitely pull out more than with the PS3 at the beginning, but not everything. Also multi-tasking with 8 cores will take some time before devs will utilize it perfectly.
720p haha wow this gen is sounding more terrible by the day...
Would rather have 1080p 30fps over 720p anyday :(

Yeah, because this one developer represents all developers. Do I need to remind you that Dice released some horribly janky shit on the PS3/360? While coding masters released far more impressive looking games running at solid framerates? Sure, Dice knows how to make a good looking game, but they've never been great at optimizing.


How much would I have to spend on a PC to get 60 FPS/1080P on high settings or above. Could I build a rig for $800 or lower?

Not really to be honest.
If you really want to play safe and you want to get all the goodness from any game you need to spent a bit more ...
If you want quality hardware you need to spent more.
I love to build PCs and it's a very delicate matter because not everybody understand (in a good way) the importance of the quality hardware.
Anyway there is a nice thread over here about building a PC, you can easily "use" that thread to find someone who can help you !



There is no comparison. Upscaling is simply what your tv/monitor can do anyway. If your tv has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and you send it a signal of 1280x720 pixels, by displaying it fullscreen it is upscaling. That is all. There are some fancy ways of improving the quality of this, but you can't extract detail that isn't there. Native 1080p is more than twice the detail of 720p, upscaled or otherwise.

Thanks for responding. So am I understanding it right that an upscaled 1080p image is just a 720p image that has been stretched and then just displayed using more pixels? So that the image may be sharp but will never be more detailed than the original 720p image?

(excuse the noobness, the last time I gamed on PC was the Amiga days)
Be honest, how big of a load did you blow when you saw this thread title, Stevie? If anyone was unsure about StevieP's agenda, simply read this:

That's a direct reference to the quote from a Dice guy saying the Wii U had a "horrible, slow CPU" -- out of nowhere the dude brings up the Wii U.

So what happened over these past few months is that many Nintendo fans came to the salvation of downplaying next-gen consoles and fellating PCs after the Wii U was confirmed to be dreadfully underpowered compared to its competition. It's one of the most disingenuous trends I've ever seen here. StevieP is an enormous Nintendude, just huge. His entire post history is either defending Nintendo & the Wii U or indirectly defending Nintendo & the Wii U by downplaying the next-gen consoles. He resorts to the safety net of referencing the PC and its graphics advantage over and over... and over to avoid any real backlash. Lots of Nintendo fans here have resorted to this all because it makes the Wii U look better, that's the bottom line. Console wars. We are witnessing devious strategies that one couldn't have fathomed back at the start last gen. We've gone nuclear.

And you're one of the biggest Nintendo "shit launchers". Why bring Nintendo to this? IT'S UNRELATED!

Now, coming back to the topic, the game needs a stable (and constant) 60FPS. On PC you don't get that with a 7870, let alone 7850 at 1080p, the framerate will drop to 20 fps in intense situations.
New tweet

JackFrags ‏@jackfrags 5m
To clarify: BF4 running at a higher resolution than 720p in the PS4 dev environment. Final resolution when the game is optimised at launch!

EDIT: Beaten with a stick twice :p

Interesting. I wonder if we will see different resolutions for PS4/X1 in the end.


hide your water-based mammals
And without huge open levels with waves and wreaking waving palm trees. And does Killzone support 64 players?

It does not but it also doesn't stop KZ from looking better than BF4 in the visuals.

Each game is going for different things though.
Seems weird if true. BF3 is a pretty well optimised game right?

It makes sense to me. Frostbite 3 isn't a huge step up compared with Frostbite 2. Kinda like what happened with CryEngine 2 (Crysis) and CryEngine 3 (Crysis 2 and 3). As it's well optimised anyone running BF3 at high settings now should expect similar with BF4. You might have to drop a few settings but nothing drastic.
And without huge open levels with waves and wreaking waving palm trees. And does Killzone support 64 players?

64 players just means getting shot in the back more often. Don't try to spin 720p as a good thing. It isn't. They should have stuck to 30fps. I'm not buying any 720p "next-gen" games because that's not next-gen to me.
People should be happy that they will get to experience a basically unhinged BF experience on consoles for the first time. The technical s are ok and could be better but 64 players on consoles is pretty big. People are going to really experience what makes Battlefield, Battlefield.

That sounded right when I said it.
Yes, you are absolutely right. As long as I get my 64 player matches and 60FPS on consoles, then I'm good.


dat ps4 power. dat ram. dat next-gen.

Battlefield 4 looks pretty good. If it's running at 720p, it could mean our beloved next-gen consoles are not as powerful as we would hope.


Thanks for responding. So am I understanding it right that an upscaled 1080p image is just a 720p image that has been stretched and then just displayed using more pixels? So that the image may be sharp but will never be more detailed than the original 720p image?

(excuse the noobness, the last time I gamed on PC was the Amiga days)
Stretched is not the right word...there is much more to it...but yet the up scaler has to create information(pixels) that are not really there so it won't be as sharp...


I really don't understand why they don't just let you choose your resolution and framerate. If it's possible to achieve 30fps at 1080p, put that in the settings. Let me choose between 720p @ 60fps or 1080p @ 30fps. I'm really not sure why consoles have to have solidified graphical settings.
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