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20 reasons why Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a better WRPG than The Witcher 3

3,6,7 and 19 are (worst case) highly subjective and (best case) debatable. AAAANd 3,6 and 19 are one of THE most importand points in a story-driven rpg AND trumping every other point imho. so....

No Way Meme GIF


Id agree with every except story and side quests, for me witcher 3 has the best story for side quests in age rpg


But Odyssey is not even a good Assassins Creed game :D.

Ok, OP. Let's be serious. The game is nice, even fine, but the world of W3 and the side quests (Red Baron for example), are miles, MILES better than AC:O. Sorry, to break it to you


I've always been surprised that AC Odyssey isn't more acclaimed. It was one of my favorite games in the last 10 years and yeah, I personally liked it more than Witcher 3.

But objectively it is a more repetitive game. Witcher 3 is pathologically dedicated to sidequest lore in a way I hadn't seen before or seen since.


So does Odyssey but they aren't some obscure shit that you need a guide for.
But... that's like the best part of an GOOD rpg. It seems that you like to be informed what will be the immediate consequence of a choice: 'you do this,you get bad ending' instead of making unconcious choices THROUGHOUT the game and on this basis, the consequence will be given.

Btw, the situation of what will happen to Ciri at the end of the game just shows how PERFECT this was - it wasn't one thing you did during the game. It was based on number of things. I played 40hours of Odyssey and I've only ONCE felt that what I did made any change to the game.
I get what you mean, if feels arcade and on auto pilot but at least it captures a sense of exploration by sailing , discovering new islands.

Witcher 3 is kind of sterile and depressing, it's may be why I care less about characters and story and more about evolving in a lighthearted and colorful world.
I'll 100% give you sailing as a highlight. Definitely my favorite part of the game (weirdly enough for my friends its the worst part).

I think Assassins Creed needs to take more from MGS V instead of witcher for their games. More depth in gameplay needed with how you can approach areas instead of focusing on RPG witcher style mechanics.

I liked origins and I had fun with odyssey but I'm getting very bored with the RPG witcher focus they are going for, its just too much for me and I can only play it in certain moods
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I've always been surprised that AC Odyssey isn't more acclaimed. It was one of my favorite games in the last 10 years and yeah, I personally liked it more than Witcher 3.

But objectively it is a more repetitive game. Witcher 3 is pathologically dedicated to sidequest lore in a way I hadn't seen before or seen since.
In terms of side quests I’d say Cyberpunk is on the same level if not better than the Witcher 3 (I know some don’t agree)
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1. Superior melee combat
Far more moves, weapon options and it's just smoother and faster.

2. Superior ranged combat
The crossbow in The Witcher 3 is damn useless whereas the bows in Odyssey are quick, devasting and accurate.

3. More charming protagonist
Kassandra has the charm and grace to match the greatest stars of cinema. Geralt is as miserable and gruff as a fail son at Thanksgiving.

4. Larger map
The map in Odyssey is almost twice the size of The Witcher 3.

5. Better boats
You have a refugee dinghy in TW3. In Odyssey you have a proud ship of war fit for the high seas which can be customized and upgraded extensively.

6. Better story
TW3 you are basically just the backdrop to the story of Ciri and her MacGuffin magic and there is a little political nonsense with characters that barely have any introduction. In Odyssey you roam the greatest era of the greatest civilization while solving the mysteries of your past and influencing the future.

7. Better DLC
The Witcher 3 DLC you chase around a genie and a vampire. In Odyssey you get all new gameplay exploring the mystical land of Atlantis.

8. Better mounts
In odyssey you can customize your mount and your horse is named after the God Phobos, son of Ares. In The Witcher your horse is named after a roach.

9. Better exploration
There is more to see and do in Odyssey. You can climb every mountain and swim to the bottom of the ocean.

10. Better sex
In TW3 you can romance Triss the rat exterminator or Yennifer who takes every opportunity to emasculate poor Geralt while simultaneously being clingy and a shrew. In Odyssey Kassandra bangs whoever she wants with wild abandon.

11. Better Scaling
In TW3 enemies and quests were a set level so therefore were often too easy and gave awful rewards. In Odyssey enemies and rewards scale.

12. Better Upgrades
Weapons and armor can be fully upgraded with many more options and transmog in Odyssey.

13. Better crafting
Instead of making useless "dedoctions" like Witcher 3 crafting in Odyssey focuses on useful things like weapons and ship upgrades.The supplies are more universal and there are more options for obtaining them.

14. Better graphics and performance
Not really debatable. Everything is just that much more beautiful in Odyssey.

15. Better tracking
Instead of following miles of trails and scent marks like in TW3 in Odyssey you follow clues and geography.

16. More epic battles
If you want you can conquer and defeat every army in the Aegean in Odyssey. In TW3 you fight at most a few guys at a time.

17. More dangerous enemies
Start trouble in Odyssey and an endless wave of mercenaries will be sent to track you down and put an end to you. In TW3 your actions have no consequences outside of story beats and a few worthless guards being sent after you.

18. Better stealth
In Odyssey you can become the ultimate assassin slipping silently into a camp and deftly murdering every soul like a whisper on the wind. In TW3 you stomp around clumsily and must fight your way through every situation.

19. Better antagonists
Instead of knocking off the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings like TW3 in Odyssey you pursue a dangerous cult that has infiltrated every level of society.

20. Better setting
The amazing world of ancient Greece is brought to life brilliantly in Odyssey. TW3 has some generic castles, fields and swamps.

No GIF by O&O, Inc


True answer: they're both bad WRPGs

Seriously, when talking about RPGs i think stuff like Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Divinity, etc. New ACs, Witchers, HZDs, etc; are just adventure games with some rpg elements.
Ice Cube Reaction GIF

Edit: I'm a dumbass, i didn't read the sentence right.
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I actually agree with OP. I've started into The Witcher 3 several times, and it's just never clicked with me. But I loved AC Odyssey.

Also, Kassandra best girl.
Had both games at one point.

Enjoyed Odyssey more. Witcher 3 combat was dog shit. Enjoyed the exploration and combat of Odyssey more.
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Gold Member
I’m not a huge fan of the AC series, but Odyssey is an amazing game. Maybe it’s because I was a philosophy major, but just walking through the cities and the novelty of talking with various Ancient Greek thinkers always made me smile.


Of course one can also be a total dweeb and take issue when anything that isn't a tabletop RPG gets called a RPG, but i'm not that far gone into the nerd realm, yet
You don't consider Baldur's Gate, Divinity or Fallout RPG's? I didn't misunderstand did i? What constitutes an RPG for you then?

Edit: ahahahhahaha fuckin' hell didn't see the period. What a dumbass i am. I totally agree with you ahahah.
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K' Dash

it's weird that I never had any issues with W3 combat, just combined signs with swordplay and I was cutting fools left and right with ease.


I'll 100% give you sailing as a highlight. Definitely my favorite part of the game (weirdly enough for my friends its the worst part).

I think Assassins Creed needs to take more from MGS V instead of witcher for their games. More depth in gameplay needed with how you can approach areas instead of focusing on RPG witcher style mechanics.

I liked origins and I had fun with odyssey but I'm getting very bored with the RPG witcher focus they are going for, its just too much for me and I can only play it in certain moods
Ubisoft said their next installment to be a departure of what we're used to and might alienate some fans.

I say why not! Valhalla already is much different and focused than odyssey.

I liked the fluid movement in mgs5. Your character feels grounded to the world, it's neat.

Assassins creed also need more enemy diversity. Even if you're fighting humans they could use different fighting stance. Like, a bandit would fight completely different from a trained guard and I don't know, adding a couple of move set , using their surrounding to trick you etc..

We've yet to see good AI in AC, where the enemy do something else than turning around you, trowing a shot here and there.


I just give u one reasone why Ass Creed Odyssey is better than Witcher 3


Its not even better than Ass Creed Origins.

10. Better sex
In TW3 you can romance Triss the rat exterminator or Yennifer who takes every opportunity to emasculate poor Geralt while simultaneously being clingy and a shrew. In Odyssey Kassandra bangs whoever she wants with wild abandon.
You must love black screens cuz thats how all sex scenes play in Odyssey. Meanwhile i plowed Yennifer on top of a stuffed Unicorn. Not to mentions all the ladies of the night u bang from brothels. And all the extra main romance options from the expansions.
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Had both games at one point.

Enjoyed Odyssey more. Witcher 3 combat was dog shit. Enjoyed the exploration and combat of Odyssey more.


The combat was just horrid in Witcher 3, the glitches and issues hurt the game so much, I just didn't enjoy physically playing that game, like every fucking thing to do in the game felt like shit, the only thing I love about 3, I love about all 3 games.

Go to place, kill monster, towns people happy, repeat lol Those small stories of some beast killing towns people and them bringing money to you to kill (to me anyway) is the meat of the fun in The Witcher series. The fucking MAIN story is boring as shit, it just had too many problems and I feel its just greatly over hyped. I can't really pick Witcher 3 for almost any of its supposed best points.

I feel its not the best looking open world, not the most interactive, controls are not responsive and combat is bad, its just too much for me to be like "oh but the story.....". I'm a fucking MASSIVE MGS fan and even I can't just argue that shit with MGS4, we literally had a thread about that a while ago and as much as I love the series, I can't just argue "oh but da story", this needs to still be a quality game first and foremost as what the fuck happens if someone hates that story? They shit out of luck?

I can think of many games that have shit stories that are almost non-existent or just bad, that I still love cause the gameplay saved the day. Final Fantasy V (personally hated that story, but love that Job system to death), shit Metal Gear Solid V lol might as well legit say that story doesn't even exist, but its gameplay is easily one of the best stealth games of all time, I just can't over look that, we play games to PLAY GAMES, not fucking watch them. I can over look many things in a game and as many of you know, I'm pretty fucking forgiving of games with "meh" stories as I've put more time in games with zero story, but beast gameplay and I just can't ignore the issues in Witcher 3. Odyssey by default simply is the better game. I feel, if I end up hating the story in both, at least I can actually enjoy just playing Odyssey and the game being fucking functional for me to do so.

Witcher 3 out here had Vivaldi's entire face missing when I first met up again with him in 3, one of my favorite characters in the series, fucking ruined such a great character with such a fucking shit intro. Witcher 3 feels like if you took the story and characters from CDPR, but gave the fucking development to Ubisoft, you'd easily have a better game.

Icymanipulator Icymanipulator Agreed. What the artist do with those cities is masterful, you don't get that type of craftsmanship all the time in gaming.
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Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Love Odyssey so far but it has to be seen if it can best The Witcher 3. That's a tall order. I've given Odyssey roughly 20 hours so far and while I do have a lot of fun with it, a couple of ugly things have shown up during this time. First, the bloat. The map is gigantic, and I'm one who usually prefers when they scale back the world. The side quests are often dull fetch quests, but since combat and exploring is so fun I don't mind it for now. The second is microtransactions. Ubi has hidden quite the amount of cool stuff behind a paywall and that is not cool in my book. I'm also not sold on the main protagonist. I went with Alexios, and the characterization of him is a bit off, in that he feels sometimes like a parody, like Rico Rodriguez rather than an epic hero. Maybe I should've went with Kassandra.


1. Superior melee combat
Far more moves, weapon options and it's just smoother and faster.

2. Superior ranged combat
The crossbow in The Witcher 3 is damn useless whereas the bows in Odyssey are quick, devasting and accurate.

3. More charming protagonist
Kassandra has the charm and grace to match the greatest stars of cinema. Geralt is as miserable and gruff as a fail son at Thanksgiving.

4. Larger map
The map in Odyssey is almost twice the size of The Witcher 3.

5. Better boats
You have a refugee dinghy in TW3. In Odyssey you have a proud ship of war fit for the high seas which can be customized and upgraded extensively.

6. Better story
TW3 you are basically just the backdrop to the story of Ciri and her MacGuffin magic and there is a little political nonsense with characters that barely have any introduction. In Odyssey you roam the greatest era of the greatest civilization while solving the mysteries of your past and influencing the future.

7. Better DLC
The Witcher 3 DLC you chase around a genie and a vampire. In Odyssey you get all new gameplay exploring the mystical land of Atlantis.

8. Better mounts
In odyssey you can customize your mount and your horse is named after the God Phobos, son of Ares. In The Witcher your horse is named after a roach.

9. Better exploration
There is more to see and do in Odyssey. You can climb every mountain and swim to the bottom of the ocean.

10. Better sex
In TW3 you can romance Triss the rat exterminator or Yennifer who takes every opportunity to emasculate poor Geralt while simultaneously being clingy and a shrew. In Odyssey Kassandra bangs whoever she wants with wild abandon.

11. Better Scaling
In TW3 enemies and quests were a set level so therefore were often too easy and gave awful rewards. In Odyssey enemies and rewards scale.

12. Better Upgrades
Weapons and armor can be fully upgraded with many more options and transmog in Odyssey.

13. Better crafting
Instead of making useless "dedoctions" like Witcher 3 crafting in Odyssey focuses on useful things like weapons and ship upgrades.The supplies are more universal and there are more options for obtaining them.

14. Better graphics and performance
Not really debatable. Everything is just that much more beautiful in Odyssey.

15. Better tracking
Instead of following miles of trails and scent marks like in TW3 in Odyssey you follow clues and geography.

16. More epic battles
If you want you can conquer and defeat every army in the Aegean in Odyssey. In TW3 you fight at most a few guys at a time.

17. More dangerous enemies
Start trouble in Odyssey and an endless wave of mercenaries will be sent to track you down and put an end to you. In TW3 your actions have no consequences outside of story beats and a few worthless guards being sent after you.

18. Better stealth
In Odyssey you can become the ultimate assassin slipping silently into a camp and deftly murdering every soul like a whisper on the wind. In TW3 you stomp around clumsily and must fight your way through every situation.

19. Better antagonists
Instead of knocking off the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings like TW3 in Odyssey you pursue a dangerous cult that has infiltrated every level of society.

20. Better setting
The amazing world of ancient Greece is brought to life brilliantly in Odyssey. TW3 has some generic castles, fields and swamps.

Every single point is the exact oppposite of true


Please tell me that you wrote that like a marketer on purpose and you haven't been conditioned to write like that normally.
To those who feel offended that others like Odyssey more, Witcher 3 is not a bad game by any means.

If Witcher 3 had the combat of Odyssey, It would be a home run in terms of enjoyment.
The point here is not the game itself only, the fact is that he saying that it is a better WRPG.
Both are good. I just find one of them a bit better than the other but by no means does either of them suck.

Anyone who claims one sucks over the other is not being serious at all because they are both great games.

Or maybe you shouldn't listen to someone who likes Watch Dogs Legion. I got scalped in the other thread for saying I like Legion 😂


It was okay at the time. Doesn't really hold up and it's still running at 30fps.
It was “okay” enough for Ubisoft to make 3 knockoff games based on it.

It’s pretty damning that a game that ripped off…..shit everything from TW3 is still seen as inferior to it.
it's weird that I never had any issues with W3 combat, just combined signs with swordplay and I was cutting fools left and right with ease.

I enjoyed the combat as well, i am aware of what might constitute as issues (like how long the animations take once you perform a combat oriented action), but people tend to exaggerate without properly explaining their opinion. Or they're so brittle they cannot muster lenience to adapt to something they're not used to. But it's all incredibly subjective and while interesting to discuss we could go in circles forever.

I think the Ezio trilogy is the best thing Ubisoft has ever done and the highlight of the entire Assassin's Creed franchise. The rest of them are good, mostly polished and serviceable pieces of entertainment but they're such a boring, by-the-numbers standard formula of design - with ridiculously bad writing to boot - that they're worthless for me to play. The fuck is the point if it doesn't stimulate my brain at all? Hah.


It was “okay” enough for Ubisoft to make 3 knockoff games based on it.

It’s pretty damning that a game that ripped off…..shit everything from TW3 is still seen as inferior to it.

TW3 didn't invent action WRPGs. Besides that there is very little they have in common. 🙄


Disappointed. I thought TC was gonna say:

  1. It's better
  2. It's better
  3. It's better
  4. It's better
  5. It's better
  6. It's better
  7. It's better
  8. It's better
  9. It's better
  10. It's better
  11. It's better
  12. It's better
  13. It's better
  14. It's better
  15. It's better
  16. It's better
  17. It's better
  18. It's better
  19. It's better
  20. It's better
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