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A big summer lays ahead for Playstation on the news front! (have had my info vetted by mods)


EDIT: Gonna mute this post as I just wanted to share the information! I understand it isn't big and I wish I had more to share, I just thought it would be nice to share this seeing as it is from someone who is actually in the loop at Playstation and isn't one of these random redditors or twitter users who's rumours we share for weeks on end. I'm sorry if anyone had huge expectations clicking this, that wasn't my intention. This was just to put those at ease who I have seen on here regarding there being no event this summer due to radio silence and these shadow drops possibly being what we get in place of a traditional event. I'll try and do better for my next post and I apologise if I've pissed off anyone, just was too excited to not share this with a community I adore being a part of! Keep on keeping on!

Hello my dear Gaffers, hope you and all your loved ones are keeping well and that you're having a great day wherever you are.

Now before you guys laugh as this is the typical generic "my uncle works for Nintendo" vibe of news, I have had this vetted by @Mod of War and am happy to show my evidence to any other Mod on the team.

I have a good friend who bagged himself a job at Playstation in a role I won't specify! Now due to him having to sign enough NDAs to fill out his bedroom twice over I don't ever get direct news from him, but he has managed to give me little hints here or there, I got one about the delaying of the original Future of Gaming event due to BLM, and I got a small hint about the price of the PS5 Digital. I don't get a lot from it and I never ask for it but when I do get hints I don't like to tell normally.

But on this occasion due to how many people I have seen talking negatively about it being certain that Sony won't be holding any sort of event or major media presence this summer, I thought it would be good to post this little tease or tip of the hat as I'd like to call it over what to expect this summer.

Now this is nothing huge, just a reassuring message, I am not an insider and will never have news on everything PS, I am just lucky as fuck to have a close friend who has succeeded in his career and has managed to bag a job working for Jimmy Boy Ryan.

I will drop below the DM I received, and this was in response to me and him catching up on how it's been at work recently and how I was hoping for a big summer event from Sony given the radio silence surrounding that. I am sorry I couldn't get anything major but I thought this would be appreciated and if I get anything else which I feel can be shared I'll be happy to go through the vetting processes once again and share it to you all.

As we were talking about a potential Sony event in this convo I would assume this is what he was hinting towards, but regardless it seems like we'll get big news in one format or another this summer!

Yours Faithfully,

Poor Man's Jeff Grubb x

(Removed DM proof due to people being shitty which is well within their right and makes sense, was hinting at a "big summer ahead for PS5 and PS in general"
You have literally just fucked your friend over, I've worked for quite a few games companies and they can easily track who is giving information out if its not thought out properly.


this looks like one of those really long drawn out jokes waiting for the punchline, but the punchline never comes.

if i've read this right, sony will be holding an event?. i am shocked to my core!


You have literally just fucked your friend over, I've worked for quite a few games companies and they can easily track who is giving information out if its not thought out properly.
As the post stands right now there is quite literally no way they could track anything useful through this post.

I'm sorry if people came in here with high expectations but I never promised as such. I was genuinely happy to get a little tease to appease those in worry of Sony not having some form of a big summer blowout, and as the source was legitimate I thought people on here would appreciate it somewhat. Unfortunately no-one really has and apart from a few people who I can't thank enough I've had people give me shit or call me some terrible friend when the post as it stands has nothing to link through to my friend.

I've requested to have this thread nuked aswell as a temp ban and will keeping any teases I get in future to myself as they're obviously not good enough for people on here and they don't like them so I'll respect that and not say anything else on this again.

Again, I'm sorry, I really am fucking sorry, I just thought this would be nice for those who genuinely were thinking we wouldn't get an event as there were multiple. I'll just take a break off here or something, I really am sorry...
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Wasn't directly aimed at you man was kind of a ramble, again I'm sorry. I've deleted the whole post now so let's hope nothing bad happens to my mate :)
No worries, was just looking after you mate etc, during my time at one of the big companies I seen a ton of people sacked instantly to the point even when someone had a phone in their pocket.


Updated the OP, take care you lot, I'm again so fucking sorry.
Only thing you should be sorry is for not being careful enough when is comes to protecting your sources' identity, but other than that you have nothing to be sorry about.

You don't owe any of us anything, so don't worry and don't do this self-ban shit no matter the heat you get from some of the dicks around here, fuck them.
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As the post stands right now there is quite literally no way they could track anything useful through this post.

I'm sorry if people came in here with high expectations but I never promised as such. I was genuinely happy to get a little tease to appease those in worry of Sony not having some form of a big summer blowout, and as the source was legitimate I thought people on here would appreciate it somewhat. Unfortunately no-one really has and apart from a few people who I can't thank enough I've had people give me shit or call me some terrible friend when the post as it stands has nothing to link through to my friend.

I've requested to have this thread nuked aswell as a temp ban and will keeping any teases I get in future to myself as they're obviously not good enough for people on here and they don't like them so I'll respect that and not say anything else on this again.

Again, I'm sorry, I really am fucking sorry, I just thought this would be nice for those who genuinely were thinking we wouldn't get an event as there were multiple. I'll just take a break off here or something, I really am sorry...
Don't take it too hard, you went it the correct route by vetting the message, you wanted to share some good news.


Not being funny but all this insider stuff is a load of bull, i could say my daughter is future ceo of sony in 2035 and she used her time travelling ps7 to send me a message saying get ready sony gonna have a big event during summer 2021, everyone knows sony has a event coming up, they not gonna go into sept not having shown what they got coming, the plain fact is we get the presentation thu or it will be late aug, as for big presentation im holding back on my excitement as im sure all the companies that showed stuff at e3 would prob have thought they had there best presentation yet and we all know how e3 went this yr


Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.

Fuck you and Chelsea. /s

Where is the info?


Unless the news is "We're producing PS5 consoles much faster, It's not that good.
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whaT was this about?

Kev Kev

Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.
youre good dude, stop apologizing like that. people are going to be dicks but you dont have to bow down to them like that. im not entirely sure what happened here as everything has been deleted, but im sure nothing warrants you saying "im so fucking sorry and i love this forum so much and im reaaly really fucking sorry please forgive me and ban me". i feel like ive seen you be a good, positive contributing poster in the past and most of us know that, so youre good man just take a breath and move on.
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Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.
Don't mind the salt, man. People are bored that's all. No need to apologize, nor self ban.
Yeah, you're going to an extreme with that. You had a modicum of info, had it vetted then people were jerks. That isn't on you.

Sony will show something. I think they'll wait til the holiday is done, then go ahead. It *could* be the rumors are true that CoD being a train wreck is a mess which caused a delay.


Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.

No need for all this drama and the self requested ban.
You have just shared something and it was verified.
It's not much and it probably didn't deserve a thread?
Who cares? There are tons of fake insiders, people who work in the gaming press who can only write clickbaits and try to boost their stats on Twitter with fake stuff that gets posted everywhere.

People should just enjoy the summer or some real games, things will be announced when the companies behind them want to make announcements. No one saw the acquisitions announcements coming for example, it's good to be surprised.
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Updated the OP, take care you lot, I'm again so fucking sorry.

You went through the trouble to get the information vetted which was correct for you to do. Now you may have made a mistake in how you shared the information but you were not wrong with sharing it with us in the first place.

There's no need for you to request a ban. You got the information vetted you just needed to have shared it a bit differently to protect your source a little better. Just keep that in mind for the future and thank you for sharing.
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Make it 20. Sony beats Microsoft and they buy every studio you can imagine. Sony wins the arms race.

Hahaha Sony doesn't have money to save so many devs, but at least 5 or 6 for now they can. Housemarque and Nixxes, I expect more 3 and 4.

Let me dream, man.
Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.
Few words of advice.

1 - Never bow down to moronic underapperciative internet degenerates. They hold 0 value and have nothing exciting going on in their life. Ignore them the betas. Stay alpha at all times.

2 - Do not overreact like.
this, uncesserary and makes you look weak minded and easy to manipulate. Do not be like this.

3 - I personally appreciate every bit of info we got from you , big or small.
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Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.
I think you should be taken out and hung drawn and quartered, it's so disgusting how you lied and spread falsehoods. "lollipop_disappointed:

And just like that, you should not be listening to my bullshit above, don't listen to people giving you a hard time.

You made an honest mistake, we all make them, move on dude, peace out :messenger_heart:
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Deleted the post, requested this post to be nuked and have asked for a self temp ban.

I didn't mean to piss you guys off, I really just wanted to give some people who were genuinely starting to think we'd get no big summer blowout something good from a trusted source, I posted this with no ill willed intentions, I said it was nothing huge, I said I wasn't an insider, I always framed it as a "friendly tip of the hat". I'm genuinely so fucking sorry that others came in with big expectations and came away dissapointed.

I love this community and I hate the fact that I've let you down, I'll be taking a break from here probably even post ban as I just feel like shit because of this and it's no-one's fault but my own. I am genuinely so sorry, I never meant anyone to be upset or angry or annoyed or frustrated with this. I'll keep all future teases to myself as it's obviously too hard to manage expectations and people will never be fully happy with what I have to post.

To those who enjoyed the news or have been civil despite it not meeting your hopes, thank you, it means a lot.

To those who didn't enjoy it and have shown their frustration? I'm simply so fucking sorry.

I hope you and all your loved ones all keep well and have the best of times, I'll be back soon I hope.

Your post was appreciated. There is no guarantee we were going to get anything and you gave us confirmation that it is coming. I was starting to worry that we may not get anything so again, much appreciated on the confirmation that it is coming.


Gold Member
This thread is fucking weird to read through. It's like a whole bag of nothing but somehow 3 pages? I don't get it.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
As the post stands right now there is quite literally no way they could track anything useful through this post.

I'm sorry if people came in here with high expectations but I never promised as such. I was genuinely happy to get a little tease to appease those in worry of Sony not having some form of a big summer blowout, and as the source was legitimate I thought people on here would appreciate it somewhat. Unfortunately no-one really has and apart from a few people who I can't thank enough I've had people give me shit or call me some terrible friend when the post as it stands has nothing to link through to my friend.

I've requested to have this thread nuked aswell as a temp ban and will keeping any teases I get in future to myself as they're obviously not good enough for people on here and they don't like them so I'll respect that and not say anything else on this again.

Again, I'm sorry, I really am fucking sorry, I just thought this would be nice for those who genuinely were thinking we wouldn't get an event as there were multiple. I'll just take a break off here or something, I really am sorry...
Dude. Learn to take criticism. You did nothing wrong. People are upset because they are cunts. Just let it go and move on. No need take a temp ban or a break. You did fucking nothing. People are gonna be dicks. Thats just life.


This thread is fucking weird to read through. It's like a whole bag of nothing but somehow 3 pages? I don't get it.
They are waiting for someone to leak something or post a criptic message…

Ok. There, everyone enjoy it

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.
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Dude. Learn to take criticism. You did nothing wrong. People are upset because they are cunts. Just let it go and move on. No need take a temp ban or a break. You did fucking nothing. People are gonna be dicks. Thats just life.
Thread is misleading though.

Him wanting to take a temp ban is a bit much.


Thanks for everyone offering advice, I have realised that I actually did nothing wrong (outside of giving too much info about my friend/source).

My thread title is NOT misleading, I was told that the summer is about to get MUCH BETTER for PS5, I did vet my info with the mods and it was from a trusted source.

Maybe I should have realised that some people would come in here expecting a list of the next state of play and screenshots of GOW 2 running in real time, but once they realised that was not the case, I didn't deserve to face abuse and be mocked when I was giving the most reliable information this sub has had in a while.

So I am going full God Mode Kanye West style, I am not an insider and my info wasn't huge, but it was big enough to deserve this thread and I should've apologised only for giving away too much info about my source.

We are getting some big stuff this summer regarding PS5 and PS in general, it is likely a SoP given me and my friend were talking about the likelihood of a summer event when he gave me the hint I passed on here.

I am therefore going to be asking for the mods to scrap my temp ban, I may still nuke this thread though, but thanks again to everyone who was reasonable and not a degenerate towards me for no reason.

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