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Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed |OT| No shoes, no shirt, all fanservice!


Cup of Tea is the same team that worked on Ace Attorney Dual Destinies too

Yeah, there was a reason why I included that. I thought they were perfectly fine for Ace Attorney and Etrian Odyssey Untold, but apparently the Tales of Xilia dub suffered from poor and inconsistent audio quality. Supposedly the bit rate was so low at times that some characters sounded like they had lisps. The sample clips for this sound good, though, so hopefully they figured out how to prevent that from happening for the projects they've had since.

So is this the first akiba game coming to the west or second?

The FAQ's got you covered:
q. There was an Akiba’s Trip game for the PSP. What’s the deal with that?
a. This is actually the second game in the Akiba’s Trip series. However, both games feature entirely self-contained stories and different characters, so you can start this game with no fears of missing any story details.


I microwave steaks.
It was hard enough to tell the clerk the name of this game to pre-order it. Oh well, can't wait to pick it up tomorrow and still feel mildly embarrased when they read the whole name :p


Gives all the fucks
Sorry for double post. Anyone know DL size?
We'll know the exact size tomorrow for both of them, but here's what Tom said on the Vita version.

The Japanese PSN download is around 1.7 GB, but the English version will be considerably larger due to the presence of dual voice data. Our master file is around 2.6 GB, but Sony compression on PSN usually shrinks rom sizes quite a bit, so I'd estimate it'll be right in the middle of those two somewhere -- maybe 2.2 or 2.3 GB? At the very least, it'll be no less than 1.7, no more than 2.6.

This game looks really fun and entertaining, but I think I will wait for the ps4 version. There is just too much stuff coming out, and I already got tlou to platinum for now. Now I know it says I wont miss out on any story elements because it is self contained...but are there little nods to the past game that I will not understand...kind of like infamous second son?


XSEED Localization Specialist
Day 1 for me, but I still don't see why Xseed thinks this game will have any sort of mainstream appeal.

That quote was sort of misinterpreted. What Ken meant, I believe, is that this is a game which has a little something for everyone in it, so in an effort to make it accessible to as many different types of gamers as possible, we threw everything we could at it, including dual voice, dual text, multiplatform, added content to equalize fanservice and physical/digital release. That way, no one will be at risk of missing out -- no one's got any excuse to hold off on buying it because it has no physical release, or because it has no dub, or because it has no original Japanese voices, or because it's too sexist. It's accessible to all, because we believe it has some degree of appeal to a wide variety of players and we want to make it as enticing to as many different people as we possibly can.

In other words, we don't really think it's "mainstream" in any way -- we just think it has the potential to be enjoyed by a wide audience, and we want to maximize that potential. ;)

Way of the Samurai doesn't exactly fill me with much hope! LOL. what about yakuza - how does that compare in terms of the beat them up aspects. As long as its similar there I'm totally down!

As I said in the other topic, I've unfortunately never played a Yakuza game (I know, I know!), so I'm not one to make that comparison. Others HAVE compared the two in the past, but not in terms of combat as far as I know.

Combat in this game is pretty straightforward, but satisfying -- you have high, mid and low attacks (to damage headgear, shirts/blouses, and pants/skirts, respectively), and these attacks vary VERY significantly depending on which weapon you have equipped: using glowsticks will result in you doing all kinds of fancy rave-dancing moves, for example, whereas wielding a baseball bat will have you winding up your pitch before each attack. (My favorite weapon, Rin's synthesizer, has you doing a variety of aerial flips and spins!)

In addition, you have a standard block, you have the ability to perform an unblockable power-move (pull the analog stick away from the enemy as you press the attack button, which is easier to pull off if you're blocking at the time since it locks you in place), you can "adjust your clothes" to fully heal yourself (though it takes a few seconds and leaves you completely vulnerable, so you have to time it perfectly), you've got "Unison Strip" moves with the various partner characters, and there are different types of chain strip button-presses, strip struggle button-mashes, etc. that play into the fighting as well.

It's probably not as deep as the combat in the Yakuza games, but I'm betting it offers more variety simply due to the huge number of makeshift weapons you can wield.

PS - What about Xseed doing a Y5 translation? I can only dream!

The only versions of the game that exist right now are Super Famicom and PS2, and neither is particularly viable -- the Super Famicom game would be a hard sell to begin with (and is generally considered the worst game in the series, to boot), and the PS2 version is a third-party publication that's... also not very highly regarded. ;)

I'm expecting an inevitable Falcom remake of Ys V somewhere down the line, and if/when that happens, localization is almost a sure bet. But until then, I think you'll have to settle for the existing Ys V fan-translation, I'm sorry to say!

Getting this on Vita- glad I didn't double-dip...can't believe they didn't throw in a cross-save feature.

We wanted to, but the game just wasn't programmed for it. We've advised the developers that people were really clamoring for this, though, and suggested that they ensure this feature is present in future titles, so hopefully if the Akiba's Trip series continues, future installments will be cross-save compatible.

This has no online or multiplayer right?

Nope. The closest thing is in the PS4 version, where you can stream your game and anyone who's watching the stream can interact with you through various chat commands -- they can spawn an NPC into the world with their Twitch or uStream name that says something of their choosing, or they can spawn a magical girl version of your little sister to appear and help you in battle with a massive energy sword (!), or make panties swirl around you like a tornado (for some reason), or call the cops on you, etc.

It's pretty goofy and unique, but it's less multiplayer and more interactive streaming.

I dunno, though; as long as you trust Siliconera, the only genuine confirmation we have is Cindy Robinson, since she was the only actress mentioned in their article about the Akiba's Trip dubbing process.

Yeah, Cindy Robinson is the only voice actor we've confirmed. We've also confirmed that Taliesin Jaffe did the directing.

Beyond that, anything and everything is pure hearsay. ;)

Nope. The closest thing is in the PS4 version, where you can stream your game and anyone who's watching the stream can interact with you through various chat commands -- they can spawn an NPC into the world with their Twitch or uStream name that says something of their choosing, or they can spawn a magical girl version of your little sister to appear and help you in battle with a massive energy sword (!), or make panties swirl around you like a tornado (for some reason), or call the cops on you, etc.

It's pretty goofy and unique, but it's less multiplayer and more interactive streaming.

That's .... GREAT ..Now if i like the ps3 version i'm gonna take the ps4 version as well.


That quote was sort of misinterpreted. What Ken meant, I believe, is that this is a game which has a little something for everyone in it, so in an effort to make it accessible to as many different types of gamers as possible, we threw everything we could at it, including dual voice, dual text, multiplatform, added content to equalize fanservice and physical/digital release. That way, no one will be at risk of missing out -- no one's got any excuse to hold off on buying it because it has no physical release, or because it has no dub, or because it has no original Japanese voices, or because it's too sexist. It's accessible to all, because we believe it has some degree of appeal to a wide variety of players and we want to make it as enticing to as many different people as we possibly can.

In other words, we don't really think it's "mainstream" in any way -- we just think it has the potential to be enjoyed by a wide audience, and we want to maximize that potential. ;)

That makes more sense.
Expanding the audience as much as possible (within the niche) is much more doable than trying to appeal to gamers who have no interest in Japanese games whatsoever.

Can you say anything about the game's total length?
The only versions of the game that exist right now are Super Famicom and PS2, and neither is particularly viable -- the Super Famicom game would be a hard sell to begin with (and is generally considered the worst game in the series, to boot), and the PS2 version is a third-party publication that's... also not very highly regarded. ;)

I'm expecting an inevitable Falcom remake of Ys V somewhere down the line, and if/when that happens, localization is almost a sure bet. But until then, I think you'll have to settle for the existing Ys V fan-translation, I'm sorry to say!

I think that person may have meant Y5 = Yakuza 5, unless they just forgot the "s"


XSEED Localization Specialist
Can you say anything about the game's total length?

It's fairly short if you're only playing it through once (5-10 hours, possibly as much as 15 if you do all the side missions), but this game is meant to be played through multiple times -- in addition to having four distinct storylines depending on your decisions (which you can make clearer in New Game+ by turning on an indicator that shows you exactly which options to select to increase affection levels with specific characters), there are also a ludicrous number of unlockables.

I'd say the average player will be able to get at least 20 hours out of this game.

I think that person may have meant Y5 = Yakuza 5, unless they just forgot the "s"

Oh, whoops! Guess I just have Ys on the brain.

Who makes an acronym out of a one-word title, though?! ;)

Yakuza 5 is Sega, so it'd be up to them to let other publishers handle their titles. I'm sure we'd have some interest if they were willing to let it go for a decent licensing fee, though!



What's the size of the digital version?
The Japanese PSN download is around 1.7 GB, but the English version will be considerably larger due to the presence of dual voice data. Our master file is around 2.6 GB, but Sony compression on PSN usually shrinks rom sizes quite a bit, so I'd estimate it'll be right in the middle of those two somewhere -- maybe 2.2 or 2.3 GB? At the very least, it'll be no less than 1.7, no more than 2.6.



XSEED Localization Specialist
What's the size of the digital version?

Popular question! ;)

To quote myself: The Japanese PSN download is around 1.7 GB, but the English version will be considerably larger due to the presence of dual voice data. Our master file is around 2.6 GB, but Sony compression on PSN usually shrinks rom sizes quite a bit, so I'd estimate it'll be right in the middle of those two somewhere -- maybe 2.2 or 2.3 GB? At the very least, it'll be no less than 1.7, no more than 2.6.

So is there any kind of schedule for the DLC?

We'll be releasing at least two DLC packs every week throughout August and September (that's the plan, anyway!). All of it will be free except -- contrary to what I said before (sorry for the mix-up!) -- the character-specific swimsuits, which will be paid DLC like in Japan. How much they'll cost and exactly when they, specifically, will be released remains to be decided, and will be announced... probably right before it happens. ;)

Per popular demand, though, we're trying to get the free Genshiken DLC released on the first week post-launch. We'll keep you updated on how that turns out!



I'm ready! I've been wanting to play this one since the PSP original released. Looks like a neat concept and a humorous execution. I can't wait to try it out.


I was going to wait for the PS4 version, but I have nothing I feel like playing until ToX 2/SAO next week, so I ended up just ordering the PS3 version anyway. I may end up double-dipping later on if I like the game enough.


So help me out here guys, a store here is selling the US import version, should I just get that one or wait till it launches in Europe?

++ I'll be able to play it now
- - Won't be able to use any DLC ( from what I can tell DLC only consists of extra outfits? )

EU Release:
++ I'll be able to get the DLC
- - Still need to wait 2 months
I'm kinda digging the exploration aspect of the game. Digging it a lot actually. But what kind if side quests if any are there? And more importantly, goofiness aside how's the story?


So help me out here guys, a store here is selling the US import version, should I just get that one or wait till it launches in Europe?

++ I'll be able to play it now
- - Won't be able to use any DLC ( from what I can tell DLC only consists of extra outfits? )

EU Release:
++ I'll be able to get the DLC
- - Still need to wait 2 months

Are you getting the PS3 or Vita version? If PS3, you should be able to make a dummy US account, download the DLC and then log back in to your main account and use it with the game.


Are you getting the PS3 or Vita version? If PS3, you should be able to make a dummy US account, download the DLC and then log back in to your main account and use it with the game.

I'd be getting the Vita version. I kinda feel this is one of those games that's perfect for it.
To join in, waiting for Amazon to tell me my copy has shipped already.

It's been on shipping now this whole morning and scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

Better not be the crappy UPS get there by 8 PM cause that's totally ok ;[


So help me out here guys, a store here is selling the US import version, should I just get that one or wait till it launches in Europe?

++ I'll be able to play it now
- - Won't be able to use any DLC ( from what I can tell DLC only consists of extra outfits? )

EU Release:
++ I'll be able to get the DLC
- - Still need to wait 2 months

Depends. If you are on PS3, you can just create an American account and buy American PSN credit via a reseller and get the DLC that way. It's kind of grey area, but I have yet to hear of any consequences of doing so. On Vita, things are more complicated, since you can't just switch accounts. It is possible though (owning 2 memory cards).

Either way, it is tedious, so if you plan on buying the DLC, I'd wait. I will wait regardless since I want to keep the option of buying DLC even though I might not actually buy it.

If you don't want or need the DLC, you should probably just buy it now if you planned on getting the game anyway. Nothing's really stoping you in that case.
C'mon Newegg, just ship it out. I know you have it. :mad:
I guess my time will be sandwiched between this and Danball Senki W, but no regrets.


XSEED Localization Specialist
- - Won't be able to use any DLC ( from what I can tell DLC only consists of extra outfits? )

DLC consists of outfits, weapons and/or character models. Stuff from Genshiken (+ Susanna Hopkins character model), Falcom, Disgaea, Neptunia, Tokyo Toybox (+ character model), Ragnarok Odyssey ACE, Super Sonico (+ character model) and DiGi Charat (+ character model), as well as a set from Japanese adult goods store "m's" (...), a crapload of swimwear and one set of pajamas for Nana.

If you don't care about any of that, then you'll be fine without the DLC, as there are no additional missions or gameplay elements or anything.

Bestbuy? Same here. I'm getting a little anxious since I doubt it'll actually arrive by tomorrow.
Yeah, how did you know? XD

I hope it's not delayed.

In my case it was actually amazon. So if it's happening at Best Buy too then it's confirmed, they probably haven't gotten their shipment of the game in.
Well, Best Buy still says they're expecting it tomorrow on their website. I guess we'll see.


DLC consists of outfits, weapons and/or character models. Stuff from Genshiken (+ Susanna Hopkins character model), Falcom, Disgaea, Neptunia, Tokyo Toybox (+ character model), Ragnarok Odyssey ACE, Super Sonico (+ character model) and DiGi Charat (+ character model), as well as a set from Japanese adult goods store "m's" (...), a crapload of swimwear and one set of pajamas for Nana.

If you don't care about any of that, then you'll be fine without the DLC, as there are no additional missions or gameplay elements or anything.


Thanks for the quick response. I hardly use any DLC that gives me extra outfits.


XSEED Localization Specialist
I'm kinda digging the exploration aspect of the game. Digging it a lot actually. But what kind if side quests if any are there? And more importantly, goofiness aside how's the story?

To quote myself from the XSEED forums:

OH yes. There are side quests of all shapes, sizes and complexities. I don't have the files with me to get an exact count, but I want to say there are... 80 or so? Something like that. (EDIT: I do have the files with me now, and was able to confirm it's actually closer to 60. But that's still a lot, considering how long and involved these quests can get! Which leads me to...)

And unlike a lot of games, the side quests in Akiba's Trip are actually pretty involved in a lot of cases -- there are some that are just "go defeat ___" or "go talk to ___," but others involve reuniting two lovers who are part of feuding yakuza families (Lolio and Yuriette, from the Montokyu and Capuretto families, to be exact!), defeating all 48 members of idol group AKW48, carrying a cake back to your sister without jumping or getting hit (because that'll jostle it and mess up the icing), etc.

The side quests are where the real Akiba experience is at. ;)

But yes, the game actually has a surprisingly involved story, in addition to all the goofiness. It all centers around a dying race of vampires, a pharmaceutical company and lots of backstabbing.

It's also a multi-tiered story -- your decisions during the first half of the game will change which path you follow during the second half (of four possible paths, which vary a LOT from one another), and your decisions during the second half of the game will determine whether you get the good ending or the bad ending for that path.

All in all, it's pretty good stuff. Very engaging, with characters you find yourself liking and rooting for a lot more than you might expect.


I hope it's not delayed.

We managed to get our shipments out in advance for a change, so most stores should actually have the game tomorrow. This can never be guaranteed, of course... but you have a better chance with this game than you may have had in the past with some of our others, at least. ;)

To join in, waiting for Amazon to tell me my copy has shipped already.

It's been on shipping now this whole morning and scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

Better not be the crappy UPS get there by 8 PM cause that's totally ok ;[

HAHA, Amazon shipped it.

And then they shipped it with UPS so god, I'll stay at work until 8 cursing under my breath if I have to.
Hmmm, other places are confirming delays too.

Tom, what's the word on this? Was the Canadian shipment delayed?

We managed to get our shipments out in advance for a change, so most stores should actually have the game tomorrow. This can never be guaranteed, of course... but you have a better chance with this game than you may have had in the past with some of our others, at least. ;)

I hope you're right. This has been an issue in the past.


Gives all the fucks
Think I'm gonna have to pace myself & not beat the game too quickly so I can still try out all the different DLC outfits we're gonna get.

I don't assume we'll get any tomorrow? Edit: I'm guessing "every week throughout August" includes tomorrow.


XSEED Localization Specialist
I hope you're right. This has been an issue in the past.

Oh, crap. I didn't realize you guys were Canada.

Canadian distribution has always been murky, so even though we HAVE shipped out our copies well in advance, there's no guarantee they'll be waiting for you guys tomorrow. We never have any idea what the hell goes on once our games pass that northern border -- it's like they go into some sort of crazy limbo. We can only cross our fingers and hope. ;)

Theoretically, there's no reason they shouldn't be waiting for you tomorrow. But once they leave our warehouses, their fate rests in the hands of... I don't even know who. And as you've said, this has been an issue in the past, so it could very well be an issue now as well.

I don't assume we'll get any tomorrow? Edit: I'm guessing "every week throughout August" includes tomorrow.

Actually, no. No launch-day DLC. The first DLC packs will be offered a week from tomorrow.

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