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Alien Swarm |OT| - Free Co-op Multiplayer from Valve


There are absolutely genres and styles of games that control better with a game pad.

Action games a la Ninja Gaiden are, in my opinion, one of those. I think platformers are another. I think top down shooters may be another, but I'd need to play this for a while before I have a good sense of that. I think most people hear "shooter" and reflexively assume M/KB provides better response times and aiming accuracy (which it definitely does for FPS), but top down may have different interface optimization, even if they are mechanically similar.

Steering wheels are better for racing sims than KB/M and Gamepad. Arcade Sticks are best for fighting games and perhaps SHMUPS. There is no single input method that is best for all genres -- in fact, in an ideal world, every single game (let alone genre) would have a controller tailor made for its precise mechanics and presentation. Of course, that assumes no concerns with these controllers taking up space and costing money.

Chris R

Ysiadmihi said:
No, and hopefully it never does. I don't want my teammates shooting me in the back every five seconds just because they decided to use a control pad:lol
Uh what? This style of game is made for a dual analog pad. I expect 360 support will be had by the end of the week.


pilonv1 said:
Played three games, had crippling lag to the point of being unplayable. Good job releasing an online game without any ping/connection quality info.
If you hit the thumbs up icon in the lobby, you can see people's ping. You can also type "ping" in the developer (` or ~) console during a game.


The mouse is ok, but wasd just seems odd for top down action. Plus the game uses abit of autoaiming, and i'm not sure if the crosshair actually determines how far you shoot.


rhfb said:
Uh what? This style of game is made for a dual analog pad. I expect 360 support will be had by the end of the week.

To look at it you would think so, which I did until I played it. If it was a single player game I'd agree, but in a co-op game with 3 other people who need to stick together while friendly fire is on? Screw your comfort, aim with the mouse.

Teknoman said:
The mouse is ok, but wasd just seems odd for top down action. Plus the game uses abit of autoaiming, and i'm not sure if the crosshair actually determines how far you shoot.

I think the crosshair determines where flares will land when you throw them. And I don't see the problem with WASD for this game aside from it feeling unnatural.


I love it. My notebook rocks this game, but oh man, playing with the pad is such a pain in the ass. Going to buy a mouse tomorrow.


Played through about half of it on hard. It's a lot of fun. I'm surprised at what a pretty game it is; I love the shadows of the aliens as they're racing towards you.

Apparently if you're looking for a bigger challenge than Insane you can enable a L4D style director with asw_horde 1.


I downloaded it..but when I open it I get a screen of it, then after 5 seconds it closes. It does this every time, help anyone? D:

EDIT: It loads now!...but it lags thanks to my crappy computer...


Finally played it, very good so far... Will play more later with friends.

With my Q6600 + GTS250 rig, performs a little worse than Left 4 Dead 2 and just like TF2, fluctuating between 30fps (during heavy action) and 60fps. Source just doesn't like my PC at all: I mean, I even get some slowdowns in Portal... :(

edit: I wish they add more significant single-player options: the only thing I saw was offline practice. Some might say "just play online", but I've never played L4D2 online with my local friends - no one here is able to host a match, and it looks like it'll be the same with Alien Swarm. For now, I'll just stick with some LAN with friends in the weekends :)


GWX said:
Finally played it, very good so far... Will play more later with friends.

With my Q6600 + GTS250 rig, performs a little worse than Left 4 Dead 2 and just like TF2, fluctuating between 30fps (during heavy action) and 60fps. Source just doesn't like my PC at all: I mean, I even get some slowdowns in Portal... :(

What's your 6600 at? source multiplayer games are real cpu heavy.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
started it up quickly this morning before work. Looks really interesting. plan for tonight secured.


Boonoo said:
What's your 6600 at? source multiplayer games are real cpu heavy.

Stock. I need to overclock it, I know, but I'm not used to CPU overclocking and it looks kinda complicated from what I've seen (specially compared to GPU overclocking :D).


Played it for around an hour, lots of fun. Was playing with some guys I knew from tf2 which made the experience a lot better. Controls seemed weird at first, but I got the hang of it. Found it hard to believe that the game was free.


GWX said:
Stock. I need to overclock it, I know, but I'm not used to CPU overclocking and it looks kinda complicated from what I've seen (specially compared to GPU overclocking :D).

Yeah, it can be a little tricky at first. You'd definitely feel a difference if you bumped it up to 3.0, and that shouldn't be too hard at all.


Boonoo said:
Yeah, it can be a little tricky at first. You'd definitely feel a difference if you bumped it up to 3.0, and that shouldn't be too hard at all.

I would need a third-party cooler for that, right? Someday I'll be brave enough to mess with that stuff.


Played through all of normal and got halfway through hard before people starting getting tired. Having tons of fun with this one.

As far as controls I have no issues with the M/KB other than I have a tendency to try and do a quick turn with the WASD keys instead of moving my mouse when I want to melee the alien stabbing my back.


So good. I spent the entire evening playing with Kuro, Hazaro, and a rotating selection of other GAFers, and over time went through Normal twice (with relatively little difficulty), Hard once (with a few major snags), and we got up to the third map on Insane (divine favor alone will save you). I wish only that there were more content, and time will see to that.

Lyphen said:
No. They only thing that needs to be created with these mod tools is FUCKING SPACE HULK.

I truly had shivers typing those last two words out. Holy shit.

Edit: I'm still shaking. Please don't let me die now.
I knew you were a scholar and a gentleman.


Been playing all afternoon, and hit rank 20+ before I stopped for the night. Last thing I unlocked was the

I played a little bit of each class, and had a blast. I think the medic gun is much better vs infestations than the med beacons. I found out that you can have more than one infestation at a time, and it stacks the damage. 3 or more and it's impossible for the med beacon to save them. I wish you could find more medic ammo/beacons as you went through a level also.

The tech's welder becomes less needed in the later levels, which is good and bad i guess. I wish there were more opportunities to use it effectively, but at the same time, it's nice to be able to bring other items in that slot sometimes.

On a similar note, I wish the tech wasn't mandatory for so many levels. Would be cool if there were alternate methods of completing goals, that were just a little harder.

The most fun I had was on the second playthrough, rushing like mad to the objectives to see how fast I could do it. Didn't get any achievements for that yet, but I look forward to getting a speed run group together.

I also look forward to see what kind of defense maps people make for this. Things like the classic Starship Troopers.

If they added another 3 or 4 campaigns like this one, I'd gladly pay $10-$15 for it.
Well, this game is basically unplayable for me due to there being no way of telling how good or bad each sever is. Every single game has been a massive lag fest unfortunately. Hopefully there's a fix for this soon?
I really hope that they patch in gamepad support. Aiming and moving feels off. In this case, I don't see how mouse makes aiming more precise since you can 180 quickly from the top down perspective immediately by pulling the analog stick from one side to another. That and skating is more evident with WASD movement.


the_concierge said:
Well, this game is basically unplayable for me due to there being no way of telling how good or bad each sever is. Every single game has been a massive lag fest unfortunately. Hopefully there's a fix for this soon?

Gaf alien swarm group, join it.


never left the stone age
If I join the GAF Group the game will look for games played by members in the group right? That's how it worked in Alien VS Predator for the matchmaking at least.

And that's kinda funny, because for the AVP demo you had to join groups to find games because the matchmaking was broken.


Easy_D said:
If I join the GAF Group the game will look for games played by members in the group right? That's how it worked in Alien VS Predator for the matchmaking at least.

And that's kinda funny, because for the AVP demo you had to join groups to find games because the matchmaking was broken.

It works more or less like Left 4 Dead1/2 or Team Fortress 2. Scrolling display that shows who is online, and gives you the option to create a game, join friends, host friends only games, etc.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's really too bad that sentry kills don't count towards the final kill count of the player that deployed it.


Just got done playing a couple hours of this. Really fun game I just wish the maps were a little more varied. I'm really looking forward to some good user maps.


Dont want to really spoil environments so soon, so just three screenshots.




EDIT: If the full size screens are too big, i'll resize.

Also look around maps, dont just sprint through them. Play it like a sci-fi tactical survival horror game, since there are decent amounts of hidden special items to use and sealed doors with supplies.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Controls weirded me out initially, but I've mostly adjusted. I'm sure controller support is in the works anyway, or so I'd hope. Not the end of the world if not though.

Really had no expectations for this, so me enjoying it so much is a pleasant surprise. Was playing for hours with different friends and everyone was having a blast. Had fun with all of the classes and most of the weapons too. This is so much better than Alien Breed Impact, heh.


never left the stone age
God I can't wait for people to start making awesome campaigns for this, there must be a lot of levels from the old mod that people will want to remake too :D'

I love this game, feels good, looks great, much better than I expected from the trailers, the lighting in this game is great and the shadows are very smooth looking, though they are a bit pixel'y, but the zoomed out view helps mask it at least.

Oh and the gameplay is good too.


If there isnt a space station campaign in the game, someone needs to step up and make one. Complete with one of the sections taking place outside the station in slo-mo mode.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Impressed with it. Enough to want more.

Aiming and damage could use a little work. I saw enough bullets fly THROUGH aliens rather than into them to knock them back.

Wish there was more variety in the gameplay.

Hell, I just wanted MORE! Hopefully, modders will go crazy with this and come up with some excellent campaigns :D


I don't understand all the complains, this game just controls like a Diablo like game only you don't have to click the terrain to move.

I hope Diablo 3 threads don't flood of people asking for pad support...


So, I have a total of 112 minutes played, wish I could say it's a great game, but these 112 minutes have been spent having the map load, then crash.

In short, imad.



the_concierge said:
Since I live in Australia and most Gaf members are in the US, will this actually help?

Possibly. I think we've play with people in different parts of the world in L4D2 and TF2 no problem...but not really sure.


relies on auto-aim
Kuro Madoushi said:
Impressed with it. Enough to want more.

Aiming and damage could use a little work. I saw enough bullets fly THROUGH aliens rather than into them to knock them back.

Wish there was more variety in the gameplay.

Hell, I just wanted MORE! Hopefully, modders will go crazy with this and come up with some excellent campaigns :D
I saw enough bullets fly THROUGH Kuro rather than into Kuro.
Needs fixing.

What did we get to, Stage 5 or 6 of Insane before we called it a night?
shagg_187 said:
Name me some more free steam games! I love me some free games! :D :D

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Teknoman said:
The mouse is ok, but wasd just seems odd for top down action. Plus the game uses abit of autoaiming, and i'm not sure if the crosshair actually determines how far you shoot.
Yeah it took me quite a while to get used to that in the little time I played. I kept trying to turn with the mouse.

the_concierge said:
Since I live in Australia and most Gaf members are in the US, will this actually help?
There are plenty of NA insomniacs.
Ran through maybe 75% of the offline level last night before I got brutally murdered as I ran out of ammo - pretty damn fun - looking forward to some co-op.

My friends seems indifferent so far, so I'll probably look for a GAF game to jump into.
Game is pretty awesome and I'm kinda surprised that they ended up releasing it for free. I definitely would have paid money for this.

I can't believe all the complaints about the controls. It feels completely natural to me and I wouldn't want to play the game if I had to play it on a gamepad.
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