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Alien Swarm |OT| - Free Co-op Multiplayer from Valve


relies on auto-aim
Hazaro said:
Oh also stat tracking.

Also also
People getting stuck at the "Generating map..." progress bar in TileGen
You need to install the Alien Swarm - SDK. Go to Steam > Library > Tools and install the Alien Swarm - SDK. Your maps will generate properly now.
Also (Haven't tried)
Firstperson: bind k "sv_cheats 1;firstperson;asw_hide_marine;asw_controls 0;asw_debug_marine_aim 1;sv_cheats 0"

Thirdperson: bind l "sv_cheats 1;thirdperson;asw_hide_marine;asw_controls 1;asw_debug_marine_aim 0;sv_cheats 0"
Got custom maps working in multiplayer with the ingame editor.

First make a map in the ingame editor, with a start and exit. Setup some objectives.
Now close the client.

Look under X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\alien swarm\swarm\maps
You'll see some files called Output with some extensions.
Feel free to rename all those to something else thats not Output so you don't overwrite your masterpiece later. (Editor only saves maps as Output)

Now start up an online game.
Then open the console and type map Whatever

Everyone must have the SDK installed. Go to Library -> Tools -> Alien Swarm SDK


Neo Member
the_concierge said:
Well, this game is basically unplayable for me due to there being no way of telling how good or bad each sever is. Every single game has been a massive lag fest unfortunately. Hopefully there's a fix for this soon?

If you had changed your country location in steam to some random place on the other side of the world to get a better download speed, change it back.

Ive heard you can use the L4D console command to open the server browser as well.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Randomly disconnected after two mission with three nice random folks. =\

Also, 360 pad works very well with this game. It works like any Source game, you need to enable it in the dev console and you can't use it in the menu. Apart from a few binding in the offline single player the 360 pad support is rather well done for an "unsupported" feature.


Dani said:
Randomly disconnected after two mission with three nice random folks. =\

Also, 360 pad works very well with this game. It works like any Source game, you need to enable it in the dev console and you can't use it in the menu. Apart from a few binding in the offline single player the 360 pad support is rather well done for an "unsupported" feature.
Thought so. Need to get that wireless adapter quick, or at least a wired one.
Does the pad work for hacking though?

I'm skeptical that it would be better than a mouse, in this game you're basically aiming at things with a cursor rather than just pointing and shooting in a direction like you do in other top down shooters.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
People have trouble with keyboard and mouse? Do you have trouble moving your mouse around normally?

Game works just fine with it. wtf


Forgot to check last night, but the little arrow in the middle of your reticule, is that another way of looking at the sweet spot for reloads? Shit was awful with the rail gun :lol


Enjoying this a lot! I'm having fun with the medic class, initially is the only way to heal through the healing sphere thing?


EvaPlusMinus said:
People have trouble with keyboard and mouse? Do you have trouble moving your mouse around normally?

Game works just fine with it. wtf
For anyone who has a console background, or even a bit of an arcade background, the PC emphasis on aim above movement feels weird. I've never been quick on the mouse and probably never will, which is why I often stay away from classes like Scout and Sniper. For people like me, moving is an integral part to how we aim.

I remember a pure mouse speed and accuracy test being done on some of the top TF2 pros (or maybe it was some other PC game), and a lot of the people that often come out on top often in 1v1 fights weren't the ones with the highest scores. Movement made up for the rest of that. I know I died a lot last night because I couldn't easily move around and get that mouse past my character at the same time to hit something sneaking up on me.

Actually, there is one thing I'd find better to control this game with: Wiimote+Nunchuck. That way I'd get my analog control for better movement, and I'm faster and more accurate with a pointer than a mouse.


Why is Valve so awesome in stuff like this? Dont we have Portal for free as well? Or was that limited, anyway awesome.


BioWare Austin
RS4- said:
Forgot to check last night, but the little arrow in the middle of your reticule, is that another way of looking at the sweet spot for reloads? Shit was awful with the rail gun :lol
Nope, thats the aiming reticle. But i noticed it gives you useful information such as ammo count...and yes even serves as an alternative to the active reload bar (theres a small white area during active reload in the crescent similar to the bar on the left hand corner)...I just wish it wasn't so tiny.


Corum said:
Enjoying this a lot! I'm having fun with the medic class, initially is the only way to heal through the healing sphere thing?
You get a medigun at level 9 I believe. I haven't checked out the other unlocks.


I was forced to go Tech for the online mode since nobody else did it. I got stuck on the hacking-parts. I had no clue on what to do. Especially the one near the end with the 1's. Luckily I managed to get through it, but I never really understood what to do.
Dani said:
Randomly disconnected after two mission with three nice random folks. =\

Also, 360 pad works very well with this game. It works like any Source game, you need to enable it in the dev console and you can't use it in the menu. Apart from a few binding in the offline single player the 360 pad support is rather well done for an "unsupported" feature.

What's the command?
Proven said:
For anyone who has a console background, or even a bit of an arcade background, the PC emphasis on aim above movement feels weird. I've never been quick on the mouse and probably never will, which is why I often stay away from classes like Scout and Sniper. For people like me, moving is an integral part to how we aim.

I remember a pure mouse speed and accuracy test being done on some of the top TF2 pros (or maybe it was some other PC game), and a lot of the people that often come out on top often in 1v1 fights weren't the ones with the highest scores. Movement made up for the rest of that. I know I died a lot last night because I couldn't easily move around and get that mouse past my character at the same time to hit something sneaking up on me.

Actually, there is one thing I'd find better to control this game with: Wiimote+Nunchuck. That way I'd get my analog control for better movement, and I'm faster and more accurate with a pointer than a mouse.

The game doesn't require fps like precision though. It's literally point and click. If you can click on icons on your desktop then you can play this fine. And I think turning speeds are deliberately fixed to not be instant in this game. You're not supposed to be able to flick round and instantly shoot something behind you. This isn't smash tv. Thats why you have to cover each others backs.

With regards to movement if you're strafing round constantly like you would in an fps you're going to piss off your teammates and take a lot of friendly fire. This isn't really a twitch game and it rewards a slower, more methodical approach. I admit I can understand finding WSAD weird even though I have no problems with it.

At the end of the day if you're more comfortable with a pad then thats cool, but people acting like this should be played with a pad are mistaken in my opinion. Just because it shares the same perspective as a twin stick shooter doesn't mean it is one.
"I was forced to go Tech for the online mode since nobody else did it. I got stuck on the hacking-parts. I had no clue on what to do. Especially the one near the end with the 1's. Luckily I managed to get through it, but I never really understood what to do."

Line up all the ones. When you click on a column, you change the direction it shifts. So you basically want to change the directions of each column until they all line up in a row.

Also, FPS movement with a Keyboard >>>> FPS Movement with a gamepad.


Teknopathetic said:
"I was forced to go Tech for the online mode since nobody else did it. I got stuck on the hacking-parts. I had no clue on what to do. Especially the one near the end with the 1's. Luckily I managed to get through it, but I never really understood what to do."

Line up all the ones. When you click on a column, you change the direction it shifts. So you basically want to change the directions of each column until they all line up in a row.

Also, FPS movement with a Keyboard >>>> FPS Movement with a gamepad.
...except that this isn't an FPS?



I don't want to sound like a complete idiot butttttttt..... (hey, I'm sounding like one!): is there any manual for this game? ^^


but ever so delicious
I have no issues at all with the control scheme, i find it to be very very easy. It's just an fps with a top down view to me, mouse to look around and shoot, wasd to move. Bloody easy.

Ran through the first mission in offline mode, no hiccups and it was a bit of fun. Will dig into it some more tomorrow night with the ausgaffers.


Dani said:
Randomly disconnected after two mission with three nice random folks. =\

Also, 360 pad works very well with this game. It works like any Source game, you need to enable it in the dev console and you can't use it in the menu. Apart from a few binding in the offline single player the 360 pad support is rather well done for an "unsupported" feature.

Never knew this. Thanks. Seems pretty nice. Have to see how well I can aim without FF when it's live (instead of the practice bots), but I like it. Seems very natural. Of course, my low mileage 360 controller continues my run of shitty MS hardware and has a short in the cord. So who knows how long I can continue to use it. It's like starting a junker with a bad battery. One of these days it's not going to turn over no matter how much I finagle it.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Ezahn said:
I don't want to sound like a complete idiot butttttttt..... (hey, I'm sounding like one!): is there any manual for this game? ^^

Play the first level in offline mode. It gives you a general rundown on what to press as you progress through the level.


One thing I noticed that with triple buffering enabled I seem to have no mouse-lag at all, where in other source games like L4D2 or TF2 the mouse-lag is ridiculous with it enabled.
"...except that this isn't an FPS?"

That was in response to someone earlier in the thread with regards to PC gamers emphasis on "aiming over movement" as there was a slight implication that somehow a pad is better than a KB for movement (And he cited an FPS in an example).

Shove the snark.


GAF parliamentarian
I'm surprised people think the game controls weird with WASD and mouse. I love it. Reminds me of Geometry Wars Galaxies on the Wii, which controlled in a similar way.


Teknopathetic said:
"...except that this isn't an FPS?"

That was in response to someone earlier in the thread with regards to PC gamers emphasis on "aiming over movement" as there was a slight implication that somehow a pad is better than a KB for movement (And he cited an FPS in an example).

Shove the snark.

Well there is a huge difference between this and FPS games. I would never in a million years use a 360 controller in a FPS. But I'll probably use the 360 as my default controller. It seems to work really well. The only caveat is how well I can aim and shoot when unpredictable humans are flying in and out of my sight.


If the mouse movement is fixed, then a stick for aiming will be even better for me. Just because you can click on something on the desktop doesn't mean that you can do it well, and while I didn't have the hardest of times last night there were a few frustrating moments. Maybe it's my mindset of aiming since I concentrate more on the direction of my character than I do on my reticule. Looking at the character more helps me time melee attacks better too.

As for movement, 3D movement will always prompt an analog preference or else I'll feel like I'm relearning to play video games to some degree. It's easier to compensate for the different speeds of different games until I get comfortable. For 2D games, Dpad, but I can deal with WASD as you get to put more concentration into movement.


GAF parliamentarian
Dambrosi said:
That doesn't help me with regards to Alien Swarm, which is in a completely different location (the "common" folder) and has no "cfg" folder. I assume I create my own, but where? Complete Source noob here, btw.

Teknopathetic: no snark intended, misunderstood remark. Sorry for any offense.
Example: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\alien swarm\swarm\cfg


For people wondering the command: copy and paste: exec 360controller into the control panel. This isn't correct, but it'll give you two drop down options in the smart type that are correct. I chose the first one (with PC in the name).

Proven said:
If the mouse movement is fixed, then a stick for aiming will be even better for me. Just because you can click on something on the desktop doesn't mean that you can do it well, and while I didn't have the hardest of times last night there were a few frustrating moments. Maybe it's my mindset of aiming since I concentrate more on the direction of my character than I do on my reticule. Looking at the character more helps me time melee attacks better too.

One of the things I like most. That the gun aims forward by default with the controller. I don't play overhead games like Diablo because, well, I hate them. (Not overhead games in general. Just loot games that are popular.) So it's a completely foreign control scheme. It's not like it's difficult, but I was playing last night and when I started getting tired, I realized I was aiming backwards a lot of the time. Definitely not in my comfort zone where I can zombie walk through.

Plus, because it plays so well, it's a good candidate for comfy couch with controller at night.


Lyphen said:
I'm surprised people think the game controls weird with WASD and mouse. I love it. Reminds me of Geometry Wars Galaxies on the Wii, which controlled in a similar way.
Geometry Wars Galaxies had the analog equipped Nunchuck that allowed me to be good at it.


Played this the last two hours with a friend. It definitely ramps up the difficulty if you only play with 2 people.

Gives a bit of a L4D vibe and thats a good thing. And on top of that: A new hat for Team Fortress 2. What could I want more from a free game? :D
Its really good for a free game. But you get a level up too fast. And there's just one campaign (i know costum campaigns will come). And it needs bigger weapons XD But i like how the gamestyle changes when you change your weapon or your class. I hope valve supports this game. Because its awesome.

Prestige like promotion is also in this game.


Does anyone know how to get the TF2 hat to unlock? I have the achivement, but the hat is still missing...

Edit: It unlocked with the next item I got. Looks a bit crazy though ^^


Dance In My Blood said:
It's really too bad that sentry kills don't count towards the final kill count of the player that deployed it.
It doesn't?

Well that explains how I can create alien massacres with my sentry gun and still come in last in final kill counts :(


I just had an idea to use Guile theme as my battle music :lol


Sadist said:
Awesome game is awesome. Don't know which level, but the face huggers are lame :(

A guy I was playing with last night had a face hugger and told us that we could punch it off. The three of us were wailing on him, but nothing happened. Is there some sort of trick to doing that?
The only cure for the infection is healing.

Thats the hint you get when you got killed by these things.

Playing this game just for the TF2 hat is the biggest mistake you can make as a gamer.


Zozobra said:
A guy I was playing with last night had a face hugger and told us that we could punch it off. The three of us were wailing on him, but nothing happened. Is there some sort of trick to doing that?
Other guy told me that he needed a medic to "heal" it off.


Zozobra said:
A guy I was playing with last night had a face hugger and told us that we could punch it off. The three of us were wailing on him, but nothing happened. Is there some sort of trick to doing that?
Jokes on him. You were just killing him faster. You treat infections with the medic gun or health deployables. The key is to outlive the infection. You can't force it off.


Zozobra said:
A guy I was playing with last night had a face hugger and told us that we could punch it off. The three of us were wailing on him, but nothing happened. Is there some sort of trick to doing that?
he played too much L4D i guess, you have to spam heal on the guy to get it off.


Threi said:
It doesn't?

Well that explains how I can create alien massacres with my sentry gun and still come in last in final kill counts :(


I just had an idea to use Guile theme as my battle music :lol


I hear you. With the exception of my last 2 maps, I also played nothing but Tech. Tech and sentry man = a less than manly kill count.


Bitches love smiley faces
It's interesting to see how they've integrated ideas they've learned from L4D. Don't remember if the original mod had them, but when we first got to the bridge scene with the gunship, I had no idea we just started a crescendo event.
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