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Anyone not play RE:4 because the mechanics changed?


Let me start by saying RE:4 is the most fun game I've played this generation. The last time I remember spending 10+ hours with the flu in front of my tv was back when Donkey Kong Country first came out. Easily one of the best.

About 3 months before the semester started my roomate last semester convinced me to pre-order it online because it came with "The making of RE:4." I said sure, why not. He's an italian international student and he wouldn't be able to procure the PAL version until he went back home (I think RE:4 came out in March in Europe) and he would be at UNI during that time. He's a hardcore Resident Evil fan, and he ranked the RE series just behind the FF series as his favorites of all time

So I get the game and I get first crack at it. I'm blown away but how much of an improvement it is over all the older RE's. I wasn't a very hardcore Resident Evil fan to begin with, I played REmake and didn't even bother to finish RE:0, so RE:4 was completely blowing me away.

So anyways I go to class one day and come back and I find that he was playing it. You can tell that he's one of those purists by the way he plays -- conserving ammo, dodging zombies. He gets to the end of the first level and checks his menu , he realizes he has 100+ bullets and so grimmacing he throws the controller down and shuts the game off. I was in shock. I had been hyping the game up to him and how it was so much better than the other RE's. I didn't expect that reaction from him.

He didn't like the mechanics of the new RE he tells me. He wanted his static camera and old "dodge-the-zombies" gameplay. He was frustrated at the pacing of the new RE, and how you actually had "to kill" the monsters in order to proceed. He didn't like that he had 100+ bullets by the end of Chapter 1. And he told me action games aren't his thing.

Now I guess I could understand where he's coming from being frustrated and all with the direction capcom took with the new RE. But seriously I thought he should have gotten over it and just played RE:4 for what it was; it's one fun game. But no he grudgingly refused, and he never touched it again.

Well anyways IMO that's asinine. Not playing the game because it has drastically improved. But I guess I could see how Capcom alienated some of its more hardcore fanbase. So RE purists on this forum my question to you is, anyone else play RE:4 because you found it too "mainstream"? Or because capcom flipped the script with their gameplay?


Screw him. If he'd rather be shooting zombies he can't see because of the camera, walking like a tank, solve retarded non-sensical puzzles and deprive himself of one of the best games ever, he doesn't deserve to play RE4.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Yeah, you should tell him he's retarded. The old RE games are terrible, with a horrible interface, the worst control scheme ever in a video game, and ridiculously bad storylines. How the series turned into one of the most popular on the PSX is beyond me.


i love RE4 (and 0, 1, 2, Veronica, and the Outbreaks), but its NOT a survival horror game. it just isnt.

i can see how someone would be put off because of the new direction. as similar as it is to the rest of the series, the feel has changed a lot.

i still love the old style RE's, but i dont mind having it both ways.

Musashi Wins!

Nerevar said:
Yeah, you should tell him he's retarded. The old RE games are terrible, with a horrible interface, the worst control scheme ever in a video game, and ridiculously bad storylines. How the series turned into one of the most popular on the PSX is beyond me.

exactly. their rubbish. and thank god for the "control scheme" and set pieces in the new one because honestly...the story line and puzzles are still pretty much crap.


All of the shit that was present in the old REs basically added up to artificial difficulty. I welcomed the changes RE4 made, personally, since I found it silly from day one that my guys ran around like RC cars or tanks or something and that even though I'm playing as a crack special deployment police unit, none of them do things like break down doors or use close quarters combat to defend themselves.

And for God's sakes, why would a police station use a security system that involves puzzles and movable parts?


belgurdo said:
And for God's sakes, why would a police station use a security system that involves puzzles and movable parts?
Umbrella's Suggestion Box - "I wanted to get a snack out of the kitchen, but the key to the kitchen was surrounded by spinning blades for some unexplicable reason. And why is the suggestion box in a pit full of giant snakes!??!"


yea i realize he's stupid for not wanting to just go ahead and play it....

but I don't know I guess its like my favorite band changing their style of music and me not wanting to listen to them anymore cause of that change. It makes sense.

But I still don't see anyone going to that extreme. Im just wondering if anyone else on this forum completely refused playing RE:4
I thought the mechanics change didn't go far enough:

Not being able to move while shooting = stooooopid.
That annoying laser aim system that only casts on targets and not on backgrounds = stooopid.
No straifing for Leon while Las Plagas dance brigade does the sidesways jig on cue = stooopid.

Having said all that, I tried to catch up on RE Zero that skipped over after RE4, and I couldn't even bear to play half an hour of that shit. RE4 mechanics with all it's flaws is still lightyears beyond the previous RE controls/camera stupidity.
other than the annoying QTE situations, RE4's gameplay was a very significant step-up.
Thank god Capcom is adding the 'walk while firing' aesthetic in RE5- that's probably one of the worst non-editions in the RE series, especially considering that Silent Hill has had the function since the first game.


TheJollyCorner said:
Thank god Capcom is adding the 'walk while firing' aesthetic in RE5- that's probably one of the worst non-editions in the RE series, especially considering that Silent Hill has had the function since the first game.

Where'd you hear that?
it was one of the few details Capcom announced either in Famitsu or @ Sony Conference/the MS Japan Summit.
The other main detail I remember was something regarding the 'weather' (i.e. heat) playing a large factor.


TheMissingLink said:
I stopped playing it because it was too intense/scary. I am a pussy :(
I'm 'sorta' like that. Until I got used to it, I could only play the game in hour spurts before I just couldn't keep going. The reason why I don't play Mercinaries is because of my irrational fear of one-hit kills.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's certainly intense, but come on, it's not that scary! And I get pretty scared at stuff.

The village is really creepy though, not helped by the fact that early on you're scrounging for ammo all over the place and always thinking you'll run out. Oh and early on in the castle when you're looking down into the dungeon and you can see that big bastard with the claws...well, I really didn't want to go down there.

Can't deny I was happy to see typewriter rooms though as I knew I was safe. That is, until my bro fucked around throwing grenades as he'd just saved, one landed near a door and a chainsaw guy burst in :(


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The new controls and style are WHY the RE series is saved. It only even ended up on Nintendo because it had diminishing returns on Sony systems.


I dunno, if PS2 had the RE:4 series it would have had more sales than the game cube. Dont think the market was saturated in terms of the RE genre -- AAA quality games of the RE persuation are few and far between
I don't understand... the only controls that changed were being able to aim properly.

Otherwise, the controls are exactly like the previous RE games, it only seems better simply because of the camera.

It is absolutely still "tank controls". I just shake my head when I see this many posts proclaiming the previous games had tank controls but RE4 doesn't. That said, I love all of the RE games, only one I never finished was RE0 cause it kinda bored me.


works for Gamestop (lol)
"4 Resident Evil's" new gameplay formula is what made me buy the game. if they didn't change it, it would have been another RE0 (meaning i wouldn't be interested in the game)


Concerning the quantity of ammunition, isn't there a hard mode? Maybe it only unlocks when you finished the game... But he should try that mode nonetheless!
I love the 'new' Resident Evil gameplay. We've had countless of Resident Evil games with fixed cameras and 'dodging zombie' gameplay, plus there's an abundance of similar Survival Horror games (haunting ground, fatal frame, silient hill, obscure, etc) out there for people who preffered things the old way.


you still cant progress some places without killing zombies. You should see this guy play REmake. He's a freaking maniac.
I think some of you guys would be surprised how many people despised the changes. I haven't been there in a while, but the IGN RE boards used to be full of cynical purists bashing the new game style, I'd say maybe like 75% of the forum including mods etc. Thats an exaggeration but almost any positive post about RE4 up to and after its release would turn into a flame war. I'm a fan from the old games and I miss certin things but I won't deny an awesome game out of spite.

Most of the complaints seemed to come from the story not being finished before moving on, like what happened to Chris, Jill, Claire, Barry etc in those 6 years, but those are really just fan nitpicks. Its like how Star Wars fans wanted every line from the original trilogy backed up and explained by the prequals when some things should be left to imagination.

Those stuck in the past are probably just the vocal minority compared to the new fans brought in by the updated play mechanics, although I can understand how they would feel betrayed somewhat. I'll just wait for the next Fatal Frame and Silent Hill for my old school survivor horror fix.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
PanopticBlue said:
I don't understand... the only controls that changed were being able to aim properly.

Otherwise, the controls are exactly like the previous RE games, it only seems better simply because of the camera.

It is absolutely still "tank controls". I just shake my head when I see this many posts proclaiming the previous games had tank controls but RE4 doesn't. That said, I love all of the RE games, only one I never finished was RE0 cause it kinda bored me.

Camera changes controls. If you played Halo from a top-down perspective, it would have roughly the same movement controls as Gauntlet. But you don't, so it doesn't.


What I wonder is what the old REs got that there were so many people liking them, while I found they are total crap. I tried to find virtues in them, but I failed miserably. Luckily RE4 is everything they lack and much much more.


Shogmaster said:
I thought the mechanics change didn't go far enough:

Not being able to move while shooting = stooooopid.
I think this increased the tension and excitement personally. Running and gunning in games is extremely unrealistic actually anyway.

Shogmaster said:
That annoying laser aim system that only casts on targets and not on backgrounds = stooopid.
This was obviously done because of gameplay mechanics.

No straifing for Leon while Las Plagas dance brigade does the sidesways jig on cue = stooopid.
Again, I think it increased the tension in the game. Sure, Leon couldn't strafe, but it was completely possible to beat the game without it.


Shogmaster said:
I thought the mechanics change didn't go far enough:

Not being able to move while shooting = stooooopid.
That annoying laser aim system that only casts on targets and not on backgrounds = stooopid.
No straifing for Leon while Las Plagas dance brigade does the sidesways jig on cue = stooopid.

I liked the fact the laser only highlights on valid targets. It's rather gameplay friendly, especially in light of your other complaints. Why exactly is it stupid?


Ristamar said:
I liked the fact the laser only highlights on valid targets. It's rather gameplay friendly, especially in light of your other complaints. Why exactly is it stupid?

I guess when it comes to shooting distant objects it might be a bit of a problem.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Synbios459 said:
I just hope the next Metal Gear Solid game will have as much of a drastic change to its camera as the RE series.

it will...metal gear solid 3:subsistenc is using a "3rd person camera" system like splinter cell (as well as online play), and it's pretty much serving as a 'beta test' for MGS4
Synbios459 said:
I just hope the next Metal Gear Solid game will have as much of a drastic change to its camera as the RE series.

The upcoming Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence will utilized a fully controlable 3D camera.

EDIT: Damn, beaten by Wario64.


Wario64 said:
it will...metal gear solid 3:subsistenc is using a "3rd person camera" system like splinter cell (as well as online play), and it's pretty much serving as a 'beta test' for MGS4

Holy shit!

I may be interested in the series again if they do this. The sorta old top down camera was bullshit IMO.

Is this an admission that SC is better in that respect? :lol
Yes I realize that, but MGS3 wasn't designed for it. That would be like putting RE4 camera in RE1. Sure it would be easier and a little more fun, but as it was not designed for it, it would be lacking.
Synbios459 said:
Yes I realize that, but MGS3 wasn't designed for it. That would be like putting RE4 camera in RE1. Sure it would be easier and a little more fun, but as it was not designed for it, it would be lacking.

Having complete control over the camera for a game that involves hiding in 3D surroundings wouldn't be the ideal camera?

I don't quite get what you're trying to say.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Ristamar said:
I liked the fact the laser only highlights on valid targets. It's rather gameplay friendly, especially in light of your other complaints. Why exactly is it stupid?

It's stupid because it's completely unrealistic, which is the basis for all his other complaints. There's nothing logically inconsistent about any of that.


Nerevar said:
It's stupid because it's completely unrealistic, which is the basis for all his other complaints. There's nothing logically inconsistent about any of that.

It's a gameplay mechanic. Dying in an MMO and being able to be ressurected isn't realistic either, but it's done for gameplay reasons.
Dr_Cogent said:
It's a gameplay mechanic. Dying in an MMO and being able to be ressurected isn't realistic either, but it's done for gameplay reasons.

Pretty much, throwing out friendly gameplay mechanics for the sake of realism is not the way to do things, it's a balance. Having a laser sight on all the weapons appear as red dots indicates what you can and can't shot, no needless bullet wasting.


Nerevar said:
It's stupid because it's completely unrealistic, which is the basis for all his other complaints. There's nothing logically inconsistent about any of that.

Then I assume then he and others would prefer a slow, inaccurate (albeit realistic) run 'n' gun implementation ala the Rainbow 6 series instead of the sprinting, walljumping, bunnyhopping, pinpoint bullshit found in most shooters.
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