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Are we going ignore that Sony are charging for next gen enhancements for ps-4 games?


Ok. On top of lying about cross-generation strategy, and not only raising prices of their games next-gen to $70, but they are also charging for next-gen enhancements for current-gen games.

If anything is anti-consumer, it's this. Sony needs to get humbled again.

Spider-Man (PS4) is the first PS4 Sony game confirmed to get next-generation enhancements and it costs money to get that upgrade. Why?



Didnt they say that the PS4 Spiderman remaster comes in like a special Edition of MM?, if true then i think thats fair enough. They will probably release a patch at a later date anyway for other users.


I can't get mad about it because I never really expected them to stop selling remasters of big games separately. Would be great for sure, but let's be honest: why would they even consider it?

Both Sony and Nintendo do this because their game development pedigrees allow for it. If someone else does not it has nothing to do with being pro consumer, but if it benefits individual consumers power to them.
Nintendo put 3 full games in a collection and said "here you go." They didn't market it as anything other than it is. I don't see how it's even related.

When did Sony market a remastered Spiderman PS4 with improved assets and RT as a free upgrade? It's not a simple boost mode.

And yeah, Nintendo charging $60 for emulated games is far worse than what Sony did.


Actually you don't. Games are now $70, so in fact, you get a discount if you buy Miles Morales stand alone.

Codes 208

Gold Member
People didn’t get skyrim SE for owning skyrim on the 360, so why would that change here?
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"anit-consumer" LOL

They are making this awesome video game system for us (and thier shareholders) They are EVIL !

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Your still paying for it...

It's absolutely shocking and a terrible precedent to set by the platform holder.

Nothing about my post suggested I didn't think I was paying for it.
I threw money at Sony all day yesterday.....I have no problems paying for this. The first game was fantastic.....I will pay to play through the re-/master/make/fresh/whatever again. Worth it to me.


Arrogant sony is back

All upgrades should be a patch and free

I'll vote with my wallet for a another few years, GG sony
It depends how much work has been done for me. If they have literally slapped the code on PS5 and switched to 4k, then for sure the patch should be free, but if they had updated assets, updated textures, added RT, improved LOD, etc, then i think its fair to pay a SMALL price for the update.




You don't get last gen remasters free this gen so why would it be the case next gen? This isn't just a patch to boost resolution and framerate, they went in and reworked a lot of assets and added RT.

Because the hardware is almost identical compared to the PS3 architecture. Because you want to set an example to your publishers. Because it increases the user base earlier. Because it causes good will. Because other companies are doing what your doing for free (Borderlands 3, Witcher 3 etc). Because your working on an expansion and alot of the technology used is deployed in said expansion. Because the more people that play the base game, the more are likely to pay for the expansion. Because your rewarding loyal fans who bought the original in good faith that it would be enhanced on the PS5 without financial loss which was insinuated alot when the PS5 was first revealed. Because it's the decent thing to do "For the players" and also because play should have "no limits".


Bullshit when your competition and other companies are doing it for free
One competitor does the exact same thing. The other doesn't have a single game that could sell as many remaster copies as Spiderman, and their next generation business model hinges largely on continual rental as opposed to purchases.


Nothing about my post suggested I didn't think I was paying for it.
I threw money at Sony all day yesterday.....I have no problems paying for this. The first game was fantastic.....I will pay to play through the re-/master/make/fresh/whatever again. Worth it to me.

As a gamer what is better though a large portion of your games to be enhanced for free (as it's done on PC and with rival companies) or done on a per game basis to the detriment of your wallet.

It might still be worth it to you but you shouldn't champion it as some acceptable thing. Don't give them a pass so easy, their marketing was misleading.


You don't get last gen remasters free this gen so why would it be the case next gen? This isn't just a patch to boost resolution and framerate, they went in and reworked a lot of assets and added RT.
didn't Microsoft upgrade some games on xbox one x from 360 for free?

Codes 208

Gold Member
I did get that free upgrade of that one Assassins Creed game.
That’s a bit different, when AC4 launched, it was cross-gen. This isn’t a cross-gen port, it’s a remaster.

the proper equivalent would be how miles morales on PS4 can be upgraded to the PS5 version.


What time is it?
The question I have, can I upgrade Spider Man PS4 without purchasing Miles Morales Digital Deluxe and if so, how much?

If i buy Spiderman MM for ps4 will i get the Ps5 version when i put the disk into the ps5?

I believe so.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
As a gamer what is better though a large portion of your games to be enhanced for free (as it's done on PC and with rival companies) or done on a per game basis to the detriment of your wallet.

It might still be worth it to you but you shouldn't champion it as some acceptable thing. Don't give them a pass so easy, their marketing was misleading.

You assumption is I am championing anything. I am not. I am spending my money as I see fit. I was simply adding my comment to this thread.
If the OP only wanted people who shared their opinion to post there, start a private conversation or make that clear in the first post.

Again imo, the first product is great, I don't expect the developer (regardless of who is bankrolling them) to do work for free, and I will thank them for the effort with my wallet.



Sony warriors out here defending of course. imagine if the sides were switched here
I'm kind of defending and i'm no Sony warrior. Like i said earlier, it depends how much work has gone into the update, and that should reflect in whether the update is free, or you pay for it.
Its also being added in a special edition of MM, and thats happened before in special editions (the COD4 remaster a prime example).

All cross gen updates wont be free on Xbox either, but if all Xbox first party games will be getting free updates, then yes it would of been a good move for Sony to do the same with first party updates, at least from a PR standpoint.


No because did anyone complain about cross gen games for the 360/PS3 or X1/PS4 that cost more than their previous gen counterparts?

Sony warriors out here defending of course. imagine if the sides were switched here

You think 70 dollar games aren't coming to the SX? As if COD and other games haven't already been priced at 69.99, third parties are going to jump on this which we all know make up 99% if both consoles libraries so what I'm confused about is why everyone is jumping in sony like their the cause for all this.

Regardless if anyone liked it or not how can you tell me that if Rockstar decided Red Dead 2 was 70 dollars the sheer size of the game in single player alone wouldn't have been worth the extra money.

Lastly, I still think it's hilarious that people were talking about spending 600 dollars for the consoles and saying ridiculous shit "600 is nothing for me! These consoles are worth the money!" But somehow 70 dollars is too much like what? Lmao
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