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Are you out of touch with modern gaming trends? Provide an example


I am to a certain extent. Obviously I know about the current goings-on with Nintendo, MS, Sony etc but some aspects of gaming has be puzzled.

Here's my example, and please, no OTT judgement if/when somebody comes up with something equally shameful :messenger_grinning:

Somebody on here referred me to Fortnite yesterday. I honestly haven't a clue what that game is about, despite knowing its a huge IP. But from my limited knowledge I think its a co-op based fps on PC and mobile devices that its publisher makes money from through loot boxes? I haven't Googled to correct/confirm but that's my current claim to gaming shame.

I don't know what the hell Pokemon games are either. Platformers, puzzle, rpg???

Feel free to share others and point and laugh amongst yourselves.
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Mr Hyde

Gold Member
I don't follow gaming trends at all. The games that get super popular has never resonated with me. I haven't tried or even glanced at certain games, such as Fortnite, Pokémon, LoL, Minecraft, CoD, Animal Crossing, Among Us, Fall Guys or whatever the next big thing is calling themselves. Don't know what they are about and I don't want to know either. It's all garbage from my point of view.
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...I don't know what the hell Pokemon games are either. Platformers, puzzle, rpg??? ...
The fuck!? You're just being silly, right?

But yeah, the description of your understanding of Fortnite pretty much sums up my own impression and knowledge of the game. I'm still playing mostly older games (just lit up my save of Sacred Stones this morning). But I still peek my head in from time to time out of curiosity. I guess I don't have the time and energy (or interest) to keep up. But I'm always glad to see other folks enjoying the "new" stuff.
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I'm completely out of touch with the online competitive environment. Multiplayer games are the biggest crowd pleasers out there. Back in the day, I'd sink night after night into Halo and Counter-Strike. While I still love online co-op games, such as Valheim, the big competitive games like Fortnight, Apex, and Call of Duty... I just don't get them. I get bored after a few rinse and repeat rounds; I feel like luck matters as much as skill. In Halo 2, when I went down, it was because I got outplayed. In COD, when I go down, its cause I got one shot in the back from a fresh respawn. Anyway, out man yells at cloud and all that.


I guess, not a fan of MTX, I don't know what kids play nowadays, I guess Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite and COD.

Maybe I am just getting older and more grumpy but I think the GATCHA mechanics that hook kids to play just a few games and not having other experiences is kinda sad, I am not against kids playing for hours, I was playing for hours and managed to succeed in education and work, but playing Fortnite all day doesn't really contribute to the development of a human being IMO.
You can argue games in general ain't the best thing to educate a kid, but in my case I learned better english that way than actually studying(It's not my main language) and actually got a lot of influences and experiences.

And there I go ranting, yeah I am completely out of touch.


The more microtransactions a games has the less I know about it.

I get zero enjoyment out of grindy games that are always the same formula and people play them for 1-2 months and move on. Mostly it is games like Outriders where you kill stuff get loot and move onto the next game next month to grind again with absolutely no real substance.

I still like fixed camera angles from Resident Evil and I don't mind turn based combat.

I have never tried Fortnite, Minecraft, most mobas and games that are being hyped on twitch for 1-2 days because developers paid twitch influencers to advertise their games.
Also never played a real mobile game in my life. I never used my phone for any of it.


I am to a certain extent. Obviously I know about the current goings-on with Nintendo, MS, Sony etc but some aspects of gaming has be puzzled.

Here's my example, and please, no OTT judgement if/when somebody comes up with something equally shameful :messenger_grinning:

Somebody on here referred me to Fortnite yesterday. I honestly haven't a clue what that game is about, despite knowing its a huge IP. But from my limited knowledge I think its a co-op based fps on PC and mobile devices that its publisher makes money from through loot boxes? I haven't Googled to correct/confirm but that's my current claim to gaming shame.

I don't know what the hell Pokemon games are either. Platformers, puzzle, rpg???

Feel free to share others and point and laugh amongst yourselves.
Happy birthday!

Very Funny Oops GIF by America's Funniest Home Videos


How does someone not know what Pokemon is? It was super popular 20+ years ago and still is today.

Haven't a clue. I know Pokemon is that little yellow thing and there is also a spikey haired kid and something to do with a red and white ball. I see pics of dragons fighting with stats on screen so assume Pokemon is a Japanese turn based rpg franchise?

Minecraft is another game I can't make heads nor tails of. I see my nieces playing it and refer to it as 'that digging game'.

That's all I see, a little block man digging holes.
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I never got into online gaming. Just play a few rounds of CS GO or rocket league. I would love to keep playing online FGs but those are niche as fuck in south America, specially on pc.

I don't understand how people can spend money in MTX vs getting new games.
VR makes me want to spew my guts up after about 15 minutes. I don't like it and I don't get it.

Online multiplayer just isn't for me. I just want a single player experience I can enjoy.

I do NOT understand DLC or microtransactions or the people who buy them. Playing assassins creed valhalla and checking the shop like... who the hell wants to spend real world money so their in game horse can look like a unicorn? DLC is always just like shitty cut content or devs just coming up with quick and easy ideas. Pay 30 bucks extra for some levels that weren't good enough to make the full game? Nah, not for me.

Spending money on in game outfits etc seems like the stupidest thing in the world to me.

Demand for easy modes. I just don't get it. Its a game. You are meant to "beat" the game.
Don’t watch or follow youtubers or any other streamers. Don’t buy Nintendo products. Never preorder digital or any other games (how stupid is that lol). Not interested in mobile games or games for kids (obviously). Not talking on headset in FPS games like CoD (totally pointless because everything happens so fast and everyone talks their language anyway).

Fare thee well

I used to occasionally throw down for a good FPS game. I don't even care what they are now. Apex, Destiny, Battlefield 9+, COD 9+, etc. They somehow don't appeal to me in the slightest.

I compare the old rainbow 6 ravenshield games to rainbow six siege. Forgiving how the older games have aged, the feel is miles apart.

So yea, weird to just not have any FPS ever on my gaming rotations these years, after spending so much time in them in the past.

Edit: Also guns have charms on them? And soldiers flourish/spin knives casually while they sprint. WHAT IS THAT? lol
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I do NOT understand DLC or microtransactions or the people who buy them. Playing assassins creed valhalla and checking the shop like... who the hell wants to spend real world money so their in game horse can look like a unicorn? DLC is always just like shitty cut content or devs just coming up with quick and easy ideas. Pay 30 bucks extra for some levels that weren't good enough to make the full game? Nah, not for me.

Spending money on in game outfits etc seems like the stupidest thing in the world to me.

Season passes. I am utterly oblivious as to what they are. I bought one for Rise of The Tomb Raider last year and couldn't find anything different about the game. Got a refund. Never again.
Aside from a very small number of exceptions, I don't really play or care about modern games at all. I still keep up with them for some reason, though. Like, I'll never buy a Naughty Dog game, the new Resident Evil or the FF7 Remake, but I still keep track of what's happening with these games in terms of the development and how they're being received once they're out. I don't even know why. It's weird.

Same with consoles, actually. I don't plan on ever buying a PS5 or Xbox, but I still watch all those silly comparison videos Digital Foundry puts out.
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Haven't a clue. I know Pokemon is that little yellow thing and there is also a spikey haired kid and something to do with a red and white ball. I see pics of dragons fighting with stats on screen so assume Pokemon is a Japanese turn based rpg franchise?
Pokémon is such a force that you have to be actively avoiding it to not know more than that, unless you live somewhere very remote and culturally removed from things like that. Baffling!


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I never got into battle royale. I tried a few games and found the genre remarkably repetitive, boring, and soulless. Fortnite is the worst of the bunch.

Twitch. I watch just enough of any given stream to see if a game I am thinking about buying looks good to me. I don't knock those who enjoy the entire experience of watching others play games while chatting with them and the chatroom, or just watching some hot girl's cleavage struggle to break free from their too-small tank tops (I admit I've clicked on a few thumbnails just to appreciate some exquisite breasteses for a moment), but overall it just ain't for me.
Pokémon is such a force that you have to be actively avoiding it to not know more than that, unless you live somewhere very remote and culturally removed from things like that. Baffling!
Well, nope, I don't know much more than what the other poster mentioned. Why are the dragons put in balls that the kids throw around?


Gold Member
I dont play any online or f2p games. I used to like some mainstream stuff like assassin's creed but I dont even really like those anymore. Over the course of the last gen, I've become a pretty big weeb when it comes to what games I like now.


Skins is definitely one for me. The amount of excitement the kids in my family have for some cosmetic shit that costs £15 when they could buy some amazing games in the sales for much cheaper (or you know, just stick with a skin they were excited for last time).

These companies (EA, Epic, Ubisoft etc) are so fucking predatory it’s pure dog shit that they can get away with it.


Well, nope, I don't know much more than what the other poster mentioned. Why are the dragons put in balls that the kids throw around?

Sure mate.

You’d have to be a total recluse to not have ever seen or heard of pikachu, the thing was Japan’s bloody mascot for the World Cup and you know, the games are discussed everywhere on places like NeoGAF.

Such a bizarre and obvious lie for someone who posts on a gaming enthusiast forum to post, it’s like saying ‘what’s Mario’.
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I dont play any online or f2p games. I used to like some mainstream stuff like assassin's creed but I dont even really like those anymore. Over the course of the last gen, I've become a pretty big weeb when it comes to what games I like now.
I'm the same way, I still play Fortnite just play it. Cause it's easy for me to even play but I don't take it seriously as I used to. After winning a couple of games. I become bland in that regard and yeah I hardly play online games now. It's rare. I'm very picky in what I play. I guess it's because I'm busy with school and stuff.


Lots of mentions of Roblox on this thread.

I've never even heard of it. Google image searched and it looks like a PS1 game running in high resolution via an emulator.

I assume its another one of those games that a billion people a week play online?


Gold Member
I don't get the appeal of most AAA games being released, even the ones who receive high praise.

When i played The Witcher 3, it felt like a really bad RPG with a mildly interesting story and boring combat.
When i played God of War 2018 it felt like an average Hack'n'Slash with an heavy pretense of being story driven, despite story being extremely boring.

When i see all the people giving high praises to games like this, calling them GOTY's and what not, i can't help but feel i'm extremely out of touch with the modern gaming public.


Simps for Amouranth
Pokémon and Animal Crossing are a couple that I've heard mentioned but know sweet fuck all about nor have i any interest in finding out


Gold Member
I hate crafting.

Millenials have some odd fetish for it, so devs put it into every single game.
They don't do any IRL crafting after elementary school, so that's how they compensate for that.

Many of them probably believe that to make an arrow you take a stick and keep a knife pressed against it for 7 seconds.


Lots of mentions of Roblox on this thread.

I've never even heard of it. Google image searched and it looks like a PS1 game running in high resolution via an emulator.

I assume its another one of those games that a billion people a week play online?

I still don’t get it.



Sure mate.

You’d have to be a total recluse to not have ever seen or heard of pikachu, the thing was Japan’s bloody mascot for the World Cup and you know, the games are discussed everywhere on places like NeoGAF.

Such a bizarre and obvious lie for someone who posts on a gaming enthusiast forum to post, it’s like saying ‘what’s Mario’.

There is a difference between having heard of Pickachu and not knowing what exactly it is.

I love to watch movies but I've never seen Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, etc. Big deal? No, its not.
Buying skins for €20. I just don't get it.
I’ll talk from my experience so it probably translates to millions of others. When you’re so involved in one game, one ecosystem that you don’t play anything else (at least not seriously) like I was with CoD: Modern Warfare (2019) for 8 months or so, then it becomes important even how you look (even though you can only see yourself on death cam lol). It’s like caring what you wear on your work. So I’ll admit, I spent 50-100$ on skins during that period. No regrets, it is by far best militaristic shooter ever created and great care was put in many of those skins. Remember, this is the only game you play day after day. That’s millions of kids in Fortnite, Apex Legends, Rocket league etc etc around the world.
You’d have to be a total recluse to not have ever seen or heard of pikachu, the thing was Japan’s bloody mascot for the World Cup and you know, the games are discussed everywhere on places like NeoGAF.
sure I know pikachu, I heard kids scream strange sounds and it was understood that they played pokemon, but I honestly don't know about the thing. I never played the games (maybe a few minutes on an emulator), never watched the show, and I don't watch football (or sports on TV), even then, seeing that yellow thing would hardly make me an expert.

They're pretty easy to ignore if you don't have a Nintendo console, like TLoU or Halo if you don't own their respective platforms.


I haven't played Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Pubg, Among Us or LoL. I don't even know what Roblox and Among Us are about.
I don't play any F2P games.
I don't play any survival or battle royale games.
I don't buy any microtransactions.
I don't spend money on any early access games.
I don't watch any streams on twitch, don't follow any of the popular streamers/youtubers.
I have no plans of buying a Switch.
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Isn't roblox just a reallife simulator, since kids hardly go outside anymore (I've been told, I don't hang around with kids).

Micro tx is where I draw the line myself, that's just horseshit.

Fortnite, among us, moba, pokemon, I know what these are, I just don't have the desire to play them, but I will watch the finals of the world championships if they are held.
I have a younger brother I see sometimes, he’s like 13-14, so of course he likes videogames. I’ve tried getting him in to some classic game series/genres but all he ever plays is Fortnite on the Switch. My Dad says he’s gonna try and find him a PS5. Don’t really see the point because all he’s gonna play is Spider-Man and Fortnite but idk 🤷🏻‍♂️

Makes me feel old. I grew up with so many different types of games to play but it seems kids now just wanna play Fortnite, Roblox, or Minecraft.
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