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Are you out of touch with modern gaming trends? Provide an example


Gold Member
I haven't yet found a Battle Royale that I like. I prefer TDM.

EDIT: Oh, and I hate watching other people play games, unless it's some record-setting run or a professional face-off. I will never understand streamers.
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I’ve read sentences discussing “card packs” for FIFA on this site but I don’t know exactly what they are. I assume some sort of cosmetic or loot box thing but haven’t looked it up.

Also I assume roblox is like Minecraft but also dunno.


I haven‘t played online once in my life, not even a single match. The online modes in all the games I buy are left completely untouched.
I love physical collecting and offline gaming but online is pretty fun. You should try it sometime.


How does someone not know what Pokemon is? It was super popular 20+ years ago and still is today.
My wife explained it to me but I’ve never played. It’s something of a hole in my gaming knowledge like final fantasy or SEGA Saturn.


Team based online shooters and Battle Royale shooters.

I just stopped paying attention to their names. There's probably like, 12 trending this month alone. It's just this soup of products that sound like they were made on a manufacturing line after being designed by committee. The McDonalds of gaming products.


I absolutely cannot stand the way sony's exclusives design their main characters on their recent titles. Huge turnoff everytime when looking at the characters, feels like they are the real infected/monstrosity/enemy more than their opponants. I rather play as them.


Gold Member

Sure mate.

You’d have to be a total recluse to not have ever seen or heard of pikachu, the thing was Japan’s bloody mascot for the World Cup and you know, the games are discussed everywhere on places like NeoGAF.

Such a bizarre and obvious lie for someone who posts on a gaming enthusiast forum to post, it’s like saying ‘what’s Mario’.
I don’t know man. Other than the art style and knowing you “capture and train” monsters (because other games are said to be like Pokémon) I couldn’t tell you anything about the games. The first came out a little after my time, and I never bothered to learn more. I understand it’s a juggernaut, I just.... yeah


I don't know why specifically Nintendo's online service supposedly sucks so hard, but then again, I don't think I wanna know. I mean, I know that the Switch has no tangible voice chat, but who cares when you have Discord?
When I play Monster Hunter Rise with friends, we decide a day and time, then meet in Discord to chat, and then play the game. And it runs smoothly, without any noticeable lag or something. I literally don't know what's supposed to be so horrendous about it. It works... fine?

Other than that, I am very out of touch with current big releases. I have no idea what an Apex Legends is and I very much suspect it has something to do with monkeys.
I don’t think Battle Royals are that fun. I don’t really enjoy Minecraft or Roblox. I haven’t really ever liked Call of Duty multiplayer. I’ve played Fortnite with my younger nephew several times…I don’t think it’s that great.

I like single player games, souls-type games, and Battlefield 3/4 type multiplayer (maybe GTA online too), and I love rpgs.


Battle royale games - never saw the appeal of getting dropped into somewhere where you may or may not get the best gear to hunt other players down.
Survival games - like interactive versions of watching bear grills episodes, or entire seasons of Alone? Not seeing the fun factor there.
VR: Tried it, and the games strike me as a second controller strapped to your head with mobile game genres to showcase the technology.
Minecraft: Not my cup of soup. No idea if its you running around someone elses lego world. building your own world. building your own world with survival thrown in. /shrug.
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Pokémon is such a force that you have to be actively avoiding it to not know more than that, unless you live somewhere very remote and culturally removed from things like that. Baffling!
Played only Pokemon on 3DS. Played it because it was said to be something.
Did not finish it. Don't care at all. It's not Persona or Zelda 3.

Anything that Nintendo is doing in 3D after the stelar very 1st N64 games.

New______ by Nintendo.

Free 2 play.


3D Sonic (minus The lost levels), they are not playable, Sonic is broken in 3D, he's not responsive, he's floating. Sonic stories (minus Lost Levels and Colors).

The new censoreship code.

Online multiplayers when most of the net codes are still broken (online fighting games, what a joke). Cause let's be real, we still leave in the area of shit online codes with broken rules par games... and we pay for it on consoles! Online gaming in 2021 still sucks for anyone that is not a tech guy.

Minecraft, Fortnite, Animal Crossing, ect...

Motion controls that is not Wii Sports or The Conduit 2, forcing motion controls.

Cloud gaming in 1080P and calling it the best way to play.

Zombies and violence for violence that adds nothing to the story or gameplay.

Crunch and calling it ok.

Calling the Switch a WIiU done right when WiiU as better controls and no joy con drift (and is full compatible with the Wii). Pretending that anything that is not a NES SNES Japanese Saturn D-pad is done right.


Watching idiots on YouTube. It's above what I can handle.

What Street Fighter has become.

What Mario has become.

What Nintendo and SEGA have become.
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I didn't know what roblox was until I saw my niece playing it. I thought it was just some toys like legos. I think it was the news it was worth a lot of money had me almost curious about it. Other than that I'm mostly aware of all of the other trends even if I don't partake. Mostly thanks to my nieces.


I am out of touch with the garbage gaming trends of the last few years and I am happy with it.

- Going full digital
- Buying passes
- Thinking that cloud gaming is in any way a good idea
- Buying Microtransactions
- Buying season passes
- Buying any remaster
- Playing looter games
- Playing trendy games (Fortnite, Amogus…)
- Watching strangers playing games on twitch

feel free to ruin gaming further with all that crap.
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I don't play any online games.
I strongly dislike interactive movies (most of the AAA output such as Uncharted, Last of Us, Tomb Raider...).
I play close to no first party games anyway.
I never buy DLC and shit like this.
I don't buy subscriptions either (only took 1 year Xbox live Gold once to play a F2P lol, what a joke it was, it finally became free to play F2P...)

So I suppose I am, but I can't say for sure.
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Don’t like movie games, so basically most of Sony’s exclusives.
Most F2P games are wack to me.
Sony’s first party doesn’t really interest me.
Season pass sucks, especially when they announce a character before the game is even out.
Going digital is dumb.
Censorship, especially with Sony.
Most BR games are boring.


Gold Member
I teach middle school and have a constant ear on what they are playing so I can use it to build rapport (something that is part of my evaluation). Over the years, I’ve given all of these titles a go. Stuff like Doki Doki Literature Club, Fortnite, Minecraft, etc. Of all of the stuff I’ve played on recommendations from my students, I still go back to Fortnite occasionally. I have a couple of friends that play casually on multiple systems, but we can all play Fortnite together due to cross play. It’s more of a game where we can chat while we play and doesn’t take a lot of attention.


I don’t like crafting. At all. Collect that, build that to craft that. Its tedious and the only game I’ve played where I forgive it is in The Last of Us 1 and 2, because in those games it’s more on the fly and only uses 6 ingredients.

Also the battle royale genre, It’s stressful and I suck at it. Going in to the inventory to see what crap you picked up accidentaly because you are in a constant hurry, only to get shot by another player from miles away cause he was lucky enough to find a good sniper rifle. It doesn’t feel fair, it’s stressful and I can’t take it.
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Snake Oil Salesman
I like where the industry is headed. The more NeoGAF complains about MTX, Battle Royale etc ..the higher my power level rises.

Open world multiplayer is the future. Accept it or prepare to be crushed.


Influences. I tried watching some stuff to see what was about but holy fuck it seems like a waste to me
Don’t watch or follow youtubers or any other streamers. Don’t buy Nintendo products. Never preorder digital or any other games (how stupid is that lol). Not interested in mobile games or games for kids (obviously). Not talking on headset in FPS games like CoD (totally pointless because everything happens so fast and everyone talks their language anyway).
Agree 100% with this

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I like where the industry is headed. The more NeoGAF complains about MTX, Battle Royale etc ..the higher my power level rises.

Open world multiplayer is the future. Accept it or prepare to be crushed.

What a weird flex.

I'm assuming most of us who participated in this thread understood the "out of touch" portion of the title. It's okay - your multiplayer, MTX-ridden games are safe from the likes of us.


Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and their ilk… Can’t stand ‘em and I just don’t get the appeal of them after trying multiple variants (Demon‘s Souls on PS3, Dark Souls on PC, Bloodborne on PS4).


Completely out of touch on specific things :

*Don’t know how to play multiplayer online games - no interests whatsoever in those games (only multiplayer online I ever tried was Journey 😆). Not even sure what you’d actually need to play multiplayer online (aside internet connexion). I only play single player games

*Same for MMORPGs and RTS - I know nothing about those because I have no interest in those

*I would have no idea how to stream games as I have no interest in this either

*Never played any computer game ever. Console (and arcade) baby for 40 years. Would have no idea how, too. I never bought any game on steam (shitloads of soundtracks only 🙂)


Never played Fortnite, never played COD or Battlefield, don't use twitch, don't use discord.


Gold Member
I don't play:
  • Fortnite
  • Warzone (or COD in general)
  • Battlefield
  • DOTA
  • LOL
  • Genshin Impact
  • FIFA/NHL/etc
  • ...
I do play:
  • Great single player adventures
  • Rocket League
So I guess yes?
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anything microtransactions.
I never paid a dime for anything besides the inital game purchase. It is completely beyond me how there seem to be more than enough people willing to constantly shell out money for skins etc to make this a business model.
Do you even consider pay 2 win games a trend? , these kids were tricked by corporate greed ; you ask them for a reason and they will go nut , these games made them illogical with half brain.
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Multiplayer games with paid battle-passes or "seasons" that lock you out if not completed within certain time-frame. I used to play online in the Halo 3 and Bad Company 2 days and all I remember paying for was expansions that came with new maps and weapons. I would have flipped out back then if I received a message telling me I could no longer access content I paid for because I had other things to do.
I see a lot of people saying they don't know what Roblox is. That game used to be fucking awesome way back in 2005-2006. Basically an intractable lego game where you could create your own games within the engine. Now? I think it's probably gone to far in the Fortnite direction which leads me to my next question.

Why does every game have to have gay ass neon colors painted over everything?


Neo Member
I don't follow gaming trends at all. The games that get super popular has never resonated with me. I haven't tried or even glanced at certain games, such as Fortnite, Pokémon, LoL, Minecraft, CoD, Animal Crossing, Among Us, Fall Guys or whatever the next big thing is calling themselves. Don't know what they are about and I don't want to know either. It's all garbage from my point of view.
My mans said “I have no idea what it is, but it’s bad.”


Yes, Cellphone games. I refuse to play them. Why? Because they suck and demand time gates and micro transactions. I'm not even sure if this model has ever changed, I just know I've had a nice Cellphone for 10+ years and play zero games. I'm a purist baby!


Gold Member
Definitely have been out of the loop in regards to battle passes and that jazz. Just buying a pass to hopefully unlock skins, guns, and other cosmetics? JUST WHY?


Gold Member
*Gets plopped into an open world sandbox*
Me: What do I do?
Dev: Whatever you want!
Me: Do I go this way?
Dev: Sure! You can dig a hole, build a castle, use your imagination!!!
Me: At least give me a MacGuffin dammit!
i'm 44 and obviously i've been playing games for a long time, but i don't follow gaming trends at all.

i play all kinds of different genres of games, but my favorites of each, no matter how old they are.

i've never paid attention to achievements in games, i think they're completely stupid.

i never play online, i never play fps.

i thought the last of us was reductive horseshit, and i died laughing when all of you simpletons that liked the first one got so mad at the second. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Battle Royale games for me are about as useful as an air conditioner for Eskimos. I don't get them and I don't want to. All progress lost, all items lost, etc after each match. It's just Groundhog Day with guns.


Gold Member
I have never played Fortnite and I have no desire to. Same goes for similar kind of games. Give me a good SP story any day of the week.


Gold Member
I don't understand how someone could want to deal with survival elements in a game. I play games to not deal with real life bullshit, it's so odd, to me at least, to want to inject tedium into games.


Gold Member
Heard of [but never played] Fortnite, PUBG, Apex, DOTA.

Have heard of "roguelike" but have no clue what it is. Don't care enough to Google it either.

I hate online gaming, as it's too big of a time sink with no real end-goal. Played COD4 back in the day for like 100 hours, and although fun I don't get how people could play thousands of hours each year, when a new COD game or other big multiplayer game comes out.

I also hate most AAA games people gush over. God of War, Horizon, Halo, Gears, BOTW, etc. I've played many of the big name games, and it just doesn't seem as good as it's made out to be.
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