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Are you out of touch with modern gaming trends? Provide an example


I've never played a MOBA, Free-to-play, MMO, or shooter multiplayer game. The closest I've come to multiplayer is Souls games. It's been interesting to see I'm not the only one who is out of touch lol.


Neo Member
I think Battle Royale games are insanely dumb.
Let’s have you run around for 15 minutes doing nothing until you find one person.
Now most of them have revives. So they basically have made team death match but on 1 single big map. People are paying for dumbed down experiences.


-Have next to zero knowledge of mobile games. Have no idea which games are popular, which studios are famous, etc. My knowledge of mobile gaming never moved past angry birds and plants Vs zombies.

-I can't name a single e-sports player or team.

-The only streamer I can name is Ninja probably because the name is easy to remember and he has stupid hair. And I've never seen anything he has made aside from the cringy segments at the game awards.
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Super hard games, prob just cause I’m older but don’t like them.

Nah, you're just being lazy. :messenger_winking_tongue: Used to play with a UN veteran soldier was at the age of 64 on The Division 1 and he's really good. Don't lose faith on yourself.:messenger_winking:


Super hard games, prob just cause I’m older but don’t like them.
I’m 45, I actually think games used to be harder back in the days, modern games let you save so often that even when you’ve finished a game you don’t really know all about it. By the time you had finished an older games you had played it so many times that you knew where all secrets were and the best way to beat all bosses. Even ”simple” games like Rick Dangerous will take a long time to finish even though the game is short, just brutal trial and error grinding until you had it all memorized. Played through Fist 2 awhile back on C64, it was a ton of work. Zelda 2 isn’t all that easy either. And I dare anyone to play through Shadow of the Beast 2 on Amiga without using the ten pints cheat, Souls games are childs play in comparison.
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The modern multiplayer FPS genre offerings have over time come to basically completely exclude my favorite subgenre, the arena shooter, which is built around a hugely diverse range of situational weapons & map/powerup control. The COD-style FPS, battle royale games, basically anything class-based, and even Halo-style shooters (few though they may be) do not speak to me the way arena shooters used to, at all. The result is I do not play what was formerly one of my very favorite genres.
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I don’t understand the trend of gamers who only play one or maybe two games for the entire generation without giving any new games a chance. They can do what they want with their money, but to me it gets boring and personally I like exploring new things.
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Gold Member
There seems to a big push for co-op gaming to return which I'm not a fan of whatsoever
You need friends for co-op afterall


I don't play online multiplayer games at all - which is strange since I used to love couch multiplayer and LAN stuff. I don't get the idea of buying cosmetic items at all. I absolutely hate the "battle royale" games and find them roughly as interesting as watching paint dry.

I also find that the whole gaming market is generally heading in a direction I don't care for. If we take Playstation stuff as an example, I have hundreds of PS1 and PS2 games, about 60 PS3 games and maybe 15 PS4 games. I don't have a PS5 because right now there aren't any games that make me want to buy it (and no, this isn't dissing the PS5 - I feel exactly the same way about the Series S/X).

I sometimes think I just don't like games any more - but then I start playing Super Famicom, PS1 or PS2 games and still find them just as great as ever.


I have no ideea what the diference is between 4x and grand strategy games... When someone talks about these genres the only thing i think are Paradox game? Are there other games in this genre outside of the Paradox ones?


I think I'm fairly in touch considering my advanced years(47),I see what's going on by being on here quite a lot.....am I interested in actually playing any of this stuff....Fortnite,Battle Royale's in general,whatever the latest streamer focussed multiplayer game is this month....not really,lol.
Multiplayer doesn't interest me at all any more. I'm not really sure how that came to be. Used to play CSS day and night, being totally engrossed. For like 1-2 years. But then I just stopped for some reason and was never able to get into it again. Come to think of it, this kinda came along with me generally not trying to win in anything any more. Even when playing real sports I lost all drive to win and when I lost I could not care less.

But to get BTT. Because of this I have yet to play a single Battle Royale game and I only played like a game or two LoL. And I'm also completely out of touch with this influencer stuff on YT or twitch. Kinda baffled kids spend so much time watching those people. Well, guess I'm just old. Feel like my mom who didn't understand what I was doing when I was little. Well...


I basically checked out when Minecraft became a thing...i'll stay in my lane and and leave you be..

(at this moment downloading Yakuza 5 to PS3 and blasting Busta Rhymes)
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Can’t Git Gud
Among Us looks like worst crap ever. Roblox also... Fortnite I can recognize skillplay but there is nothing that interests me in that game.
I also don't like to play online. I do minimal amounts of battlefield 5 but it's not so amazing omg.... I do watch some warzone because it's fun to watch though. But I don't play it.
I like classic games like new re8 was great. Dark souls, bloodborne, single player games are more my jam.
And for sure I don't get that anime crap. Most these anime games look exactly the same... and I love dragon ball lol.

Kids really eat that shit up, My nephews are all about fortnine skins even they don't know how to play the game. And they love mobile games. my ps5 and astro playroom? WHO CARE, where are skins?! Why iz it so hard uncle ?!
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I read about itchi.io and I didn't know what it was. Also I'm not into mobile games and chinese/korean games.
I also have never played any Pokemon game (I also did not know anything about Pikachu until my kids wanted to watch the detective Pikachu movie), never played WOW, and have never played a MOBA.....that is about it for my gaming ignorance. Tried almost everything else.

I have children so I know what Roblox and Minecraft are, though I really only let them play Minecraft. I've actually tried Fortnite a bunch of times and I can't get into it. The building aspect is definitely what sets it apart from other BR games, but I don't really enjoy it. I really enjoy Halo and Titanfall multiplayer, so I think the reason Fortnite doesn't do it for me is that the gunplay feels slower, and the game encourages hiding and sniping over close combat.

I pretty much ignore most F2P games because I don't have the time to waste on grinding, but I have really enjoyed Rocket League. I also don't get people who pay for in-game cash. No fucking way I'm going to support that shit. If I like a game and they make decent sized expansion type DLC then I will buy DLC, but game "bucks" encourage all of the wrong behaviors from gaming companies for me to support.


I've only once come close to playing a game online, and it was White knight Chronicles on PS3.

.... trading Pokemon doesn't count.
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Gold Member
I played Snake on my Nokia mobile phone about a century ago - That's my entire library of mobile phone games right there.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

I still don’t get it.

After reading that article I can understand why young children would enjoy it so much. Sounds accessible and easy and relies on fun made with friends.

$45bn valuation. Woof. I suppose it's either the successor or eventual longtime companion to Minecraft in that space now.


I also have never played any Pokemon game (I also did not know anything about Pikachu until my kids wanted to watch the detective Pikachu movie), never played WOW, and have never played a MOBA.....that is about it for my gaming ignorance. Tried almost everything else.

I have children so I know what Roblox and Minecraft are, though I really only let them play Minecraft. I've actually tried Fortnite a bunch of times and I can't get into it. The building aspect is definitely what sets it apart from other BR games, but I don't really enjoy it. I really enjoy Halo and Titanfall multiplayer, so I think the reason Fortnite doesn't do it for me is that the gunplay feels slower, and the game encourages hiding and sniping over close combat.

I pretty much ignore most F2P games because I don't have the time to waste on grinding, but I have really enjoyed Rocket League. I also don't get people who pay for in-game cash. No fucking way I'm going to support that shit. If I like a game and they make decent sized expansion type DLC then I will buy DLC, but game "bucks" encourage all of the wrong behaviors from gaming companies for me to support.

It seems like some of the biggest games around sell in-game currency (Fortnite, GTA 5, etc.). I wonder if there's a correlation. Not that all their success is owed to such practices, but more that it helps them make even more money. Either way, I'm with you on this. I've never bought in-game currency and never will.


The nicest person on this forum
If current trend is Fortnite, GaaS, MOBA or other MP focus games the yes I'm out of touch but I do like games like Monster Hunter series which currently very popular so I guess there is that.


Gold Member
Not just now, but even a decade ago, I've never touched any MMO or mobile game ever even if F2P.

If I add up all the BR matches of Pubg and COD, it's about 10 matches combined.

I've never played one minute of anything resembling Minecraft or Roblox aside from playing maybe 10 minutes of that create a game free download on 360. I forget what it was called. I played some demo or community creation of a dude walking around a grassy level searching for shit. It was shit and deleted the program.
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I don’t “get” the appeal of Animal Crossing.

Like I “understand” the appeal, I can totally appreciate why people find the laidback nature of what amounts to busywork in the twee, comforting setting of a tranquil, picturesque island as something to enjoy. But to me it seems like kind of a waste of time.

Each to their own I guess.


if it's not a single player or pve game chances are i'm not playing it, it has to do with my age i guess, i'm not really the competitive type anymore.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Nah, you're just being lazy. :messenger_winking_tongue: Used to play with a UN veteran soldier was at the age of 64 on The Division 1 and he's really good. Don't lose faith on yourself.:messenger_winking:
Prob a time issue as well. When dark souls originally came out I spent hours on one area. Now with my game time competing with so much other stuff I can’t be bothered.

I mean I still play harder stuff (some destiny content can get really hard soloing), but I mostly play the easy part of that game to relaxe.


Prob a time issue as well. When dark souls originally came out I spent hours on one area. Now with my game time competing with so much other stuff I can’t be bothered.

I mean I still play harder stuff (some destiny content can get really hard soloing), but I mostly play the easy part of that game to relaxe.

Yup, I get you. When coming back from work with all the tension you're not interested in another intensively competitive MP as they're usually exhausting, same with probably harder games. That's one part of Destiny's charm, it's usually not taxing unless you seek those harder parts and it's pretty forgiving. Raids are intense though, but they're satisfying once you play them as you usually spend most of your time on easier parts.


1) Never watched a gaming stream, and I will never understand why I should watch somebody play a game instead of playing it myself.

2) I've never spent more than 10 minutes in the character's creator of any game.

3) Still can't see how Minecraft can be entertaining. Or any of the battle royal games.


I basically checked out when Minecraft became a thing...i'll stay in my lane and and leave you be..

(at this moment downloading Yakuza 5 to PS3 and blasting Busta Rhymes)
Woot...only 4 hours to download and install (plus deleting Yakuza 4 to make room)...here i go...


Souls games. I’ve tried to like them but they’re just too hard for me and not fun. Symptom of having less time to play. Also anything that’s popular that streams on YouTube etc a lot. Minecraft I’ve never played and have no idea what it’s about. Fortnight looks boring. Among us also looks boring.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Overall I’m okay with Battle royale under the right situation (warzone) now trends find ways to get into other games (dlc, rpg elements etc.) even though mobile gaming has taken off its not a win for me, personally.


The whole F2P battle Royale thing I don’t get

but I’ve never been a big multiplayer gamer to begin with so it may not be trend related but rather gaming taste related
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I am not in touch with any form of online gaming. I don't even play with my console plugged into the internet. I'll plug it in occasionally, if I want to download a game or an update, but otherwise, I'm not even connected to the internet.


Eh, I don't know if you'd say trend or just this genre, but I hate battle royale, at least how they've all implemented it so far. Diverse placement across a shuffling huge map is good. Spending the first 5 minutes of each round stumbling around for a gun is not. I wish they'd let you start with a good loadout and just have unique weapons randomly and rarely placed around the map and not require it to play. Stuff that wouldn't break the game, like an extra flamethrower weapon or a decoy standee you could run down the road.
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Gold Member
Some months ago I got the chance to work on some eSports events for League of Legends, CSGO and Valorant, and watching some of the CSGO and Valorant matches made go "how can people enjoy playing these absolutely awful games?"

It's weird, I remember a few years ago I saw this attractive girl had a new gaming rig in her place which she used to play LoL. At this point I felt totally out of touch, not only with gaming, but with reality.

Even amongst my friends, people are still surprised that I like Starcraft but wouldn't want to play Heroes of the Storm/LoL. They see it as a pretty similar game.

Honestly, I thought it was me, and just not my style, because SO MANY people love it. Like they can see something good about it, that I just can't. I even tried to like them as to do MP with friends, but it never engaged me.

I think it would be fun as an action game that you play with a controller. It's all micro with NO macro, may as well just directly control your character instead of disconnected with a mouse.

Anyway...I almost never buy DLC. I want to say that I rarely do any MTX at all, but I actually can't even think of one time...so it might actually be never lol. Never preordered digital, but I don't bother with physical at this point either. Badly disconnected from games my friends and family play, like CoD. I can no longer be arsed to "take one for the team", I'm a total asshole when it comes to bad games and I'd prefer not to play it than be an annoying bitch all day about how we should do or play something else instead.

What a different life than when there wasn't enough time in the day for Goldeneye, Smash, Mario Party, Kart, Starcraft, Worms and Half Life.
Not that much , tbh I'm out of games reviews who literally steal our judges senses and tell us how to think and look the way they think and look on games rather than making it simple and technical , I'm usually being sceptical until I see people still talking about it then I make the decision , day one experience is risky and fatal to the final verdict, I know that I shouldn't trust my feelings and give it a chance but that's a lot of effort and tension that I need to give for a single game , being sceptical is the golden standard for me.
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I dislike Ubi-like open worlds, and "cinematic" action-adventure games. So I get to avoid 90% of modern AAA titles.

Ten years ago, it was MMO and Moba.

Twenty years ago, ugly PS1-era 3D games.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Paying for digital only anything. Don't get it, never will.
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