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Are you out of touch with modern gaming trends? Provide an example


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Someone was telling my caveman ass about Discord. I asked them if Discord was similar to Team Speak, and they said kinda.

I'm not even sure what Team Speak was supposed to be.
I had no idea what a Roblox was before entering this thread lol.

I'm out of touch when it comes to multiplayer games nowadays. I don't enjoy Gaas Games or Battle Royale games. It's crazy because I used to play a lot of multiplayer, but with those games gaining more popularity I've gone about 95% Single player.

I like what little they've shown for Battlefield 2042 though, so maybe that'll get me back MP.


Sitting through ads to have a moment of gameplay. IOS is full of this shit.

Also, Roblox mind numbing non challenging press X to win experiences. I don’t get just wandering around a flat map with no objective bumping into other “players” doing the same thing just to raise enough points? to buy a new skin.

Old grump out.
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I've enjoyed playing 3rd person action-adventures most ever since the PS1 days, but now most big budget ones are open world which mostly leave me completely cold. That's why I turned to mid-budget and indie games during the latter half of last gen, when the open world fad started engulfing everything.

I also loved the good old survival horror of yesteryears, but now most horror games are from the same boring run & hide mold (even Resident Evil). It's like being a fan of moody Euro horror, indie cinema, and cult classics, when the market just pushes trashy mainstream American "horror" with jump scare galore. That's why I turned to Souls-likes, which retain that sense of mystery and dread with fight for survival.

And I don't even want to go into what it's like being a fan of "corridor" arcade racing these days.
The shift from actually different and varied levels in mp games to ... premium skins that cost more than most games. This industry is soo cynical sometimes god.
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I am 41 , and been gaming since 1985 and just reading some of the comments , some people really need to open up your bubble on games. I am not saying you need to play every popular game on the planet . You should at least know at least what some of the popular games are. Because it does affect all of gaming and how things are going.


I only buy retail, never buy DLC and skip games that promise a lot of dlc and after-release content, to get them all in a single complete retail edition.
The exception to the rule are on-line heavy games that wouldn't function without being connected or supported through internet, like MMOs. Their online functionality must be justified beyond just the convenience of "finding distant partners", so that meas that today's fighting games are still skipped.

I've also lost faith in mobile gaming, and consider them online casinos. Watching kids these days playing exclusively on them makes me want to shake my walking stick in anger.
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I am to a certain extent. Obviously I know about the current goings-on with Nintendo, MS, Sony etc but some aspects of gaming has be puzzled.

Here's my example, and please, no OTT judgement if/when somebody comes up with something equally shameful :messenger_grinning:

Somebody on here referred me to Fortnite yesterday. I honestly haven't a clue what that game is about, despite knowing its a huge IP. But from my limited knowledge I think its a co-op based fps on PC and mobile devices that its publisher makes money from through loot boxes? I haven't Googled to correct/confirm but that's my current claim to gaming shame.

I don't know what the hell Pokemon games are either. Platformers, puzzle, rpg???

Feel free to share others and point and laugh amongst yourselves.

sorry to say that OP but the Sonic fans are living in a bubble. its pretty normal that you guys are out of touch with the rest of the gaming world. Time has stopped for Sonic fans between 91-93 :p

@Topic: For me its DLC or payed content. Never done it and dont get why people buy it.
sorry to say that OP but the Sonic fans are living in a bubble. its pretty normal that you guys are out of touch with the rest of the gaming world. Time has stopped for Sonic fans between 91-93 :p

@Topic: For me its DLC or payed content. Never done it and dont get why people buy it.
what about Sonic fans who grew up after the 90's?
Haven't a clue. I know Pokemon is that little yellow thing and there is also a spikey haired kid and something to do with a red and white ball. I see pics of dragons fighting with stats on screen so assume Pokemon is a Japanese turn based rpg franchise?

Minecraft is another game I can't make heads nor tails of. I see my nieces playing it and refer to it as 'that digging game'.

That's all I see, a little block man digging holes.
Well you guessed correctly Pokemon is exactly that, Turn Based JRPG franchise where the gimmick is that you can catch up from thousands of monsters and have them fight, bassicly replacing the party members with collecting.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
  • I do not play online and find it extremely unappealing
  • I hate busywork mechanics, so e.g. loot, grinding, exp bases "progression"
  • I dislike empty open worlds
  • I do not buy dlc, passes, microtransactions (and actually only buy retail games)
  • I do not own a phone with a touchscreen
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Pretending Halo 3 (MCC) and Socom 2 aren’t the pinnacle of online gaming.

Sure I love Rainbow Six and enjoy Overwatch and Apex, but nothing has surpassed these two series imo.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I am 41 , and been gaming since 1985 and just reading some of the comments , some people really need to open up your bubble on games. I am not saying you need to play every popular game on the planet . You should at least know at least what some of the popular games are. Because it does affect all of gaming and how things are going negatively.
Fixed that for you!


The only two F2P online multiplayer games I've ever played for any extended length of time (and actually spent money on) are World of Tanks Blitz and Duelyst.
Ironically, both of them ran into issues. Wargaming released a couple overpowered pay-to-win fantasy tanks, which messed up the meta, while Counterplay Games made a shitton of mistakes managing Duelyst (including a pointless sale to Bamco), and the game was eventually shut down.

Also (this will likely betray my ancient curmudgeon-ness), I've never really gotten the hang of using a gamepad.


Gold Member
Well, I keep playing Paladins cause I love it, I'd like to play more stuff with my friends but extremely low pace of battle royale bores me to death... I just can't get fun out of them, I'll still play Smash or Rocket League sometimes with them if we coincide


Snake Oil Salesman
Makes me feel old. I grew up with so many different types of games to play but it seems kids now just wanna play Fortnite, Roblox, or Minecraft.

The kids are going to be alright.

They don't care about graphics, cutscenes, or marketing hype. Instead, they gravitate to gameplay first games that encourage player creativity and cooperation.

They're better than us old farts.
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Someone was telling my caveman ass about Discord. I asked them if Discord was similar to Team Speak, and they said kinda.

I'm not even sure what Team Speak was supposed to be.
Someone told me about Discord so I installed it and joined this group thing he had..

Loaded it up and it looked like someone puked words and pics over a totally uncomfortable user interface, I shut it down. I felt old

I never went back out of shame.


I mostly play retro shit these days, but I'll dabble in new games. I find myself more often than not dropping games because they overcomplicate controls and mechanics.


I do not own a phone with a touchscreen
I just tried this, well I tried ditching everything social media wise, I wanted a quite life, no distractions..

A day later i'm getting phone calls from the lad 'did you see that whatsapp I sent you?'

And the missus 'can you do crap on Facebook for me?'

... I envy you. Once you're in, you're IN!
Roblox. I tried it, had no idea what I was doing. Got yelled at for fat shaming at turned it off.

Anybody pining to sequels for games like Silent Hill are a minority skidding towards 40!


At 45 I am totally out of touch with modern gaming.

I've never played an MMO, GAAS, Competitive multiplayer, or any other 'social' online video game and I plan to keep it that way. In fact I've never played an online game at all unless you count a hand full of Dark Souls Invasions and that one time a stranger and I followed each other around in Journey. Consequently I've also never purchased any microtransaction of any kind, never opened a loot box, never bought a season pass or battle pass, or any of that shit.

I'm a man of simple pleasures, give me mysterious isolated alien worlds to explore or a sword, a horse, and rich fantasy world to wonder around in ALL BY MY DAMNED SELF, and keep your 'I shoot you' 'you shoot me' repetitive modern crap away from me.

I've also never played a phone game (except bowling like 20 years ago on my flip phone), never played any free to play anything, and I've only ever played a Rogue-lite once (returnal) and hated the randomness of it so much I quit.

Now back to whittling on my porch and chasing kids off the lawn.
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Gold Member
  • DLC and microtransactions - I kinda regret supporting this practice when it first appeared. Never expected what it would spur into.
  • Live services/GAAS, online-only DRM, and end of game ownership - it especially, baffles me how people applaud the latter.
  • The frenzy of Ultimate, Legendary, Deluxe, Legacy, Gold, Silver etc. editions
  • The endless stream of remasters, remakes, reimagingings, reboots, re-releases, definitive editions and so on - I legit can't wrap my head around how some people are willing to re-buy the same game over and over again.
  • Experimentation and the conceptualization of new ideas barely happens anymore. Not many seem to dare to try new gameplay ideas these days.
  • Faux artists/idealogues that've besieged the gaming industry and needlessly want to reshape video games into something "other" than actual video games
  • Political correctness and related themes. What's worse are the gaming media that propagate this notion. Shit has become way too prude and serious. I like the campy shit.
  • AA games are barely being made - I really hope some indie studios will eventually grow into new AA studios.
  • Business driven game design/design by commitee - while I can't fault the studios and companies who take this practice to stay afloat as a trade-off it makes their games incredibly flat and devoid of character
  • Ongoing corporate acquisitions and consolidation of legacy studios - most long running studios have become shadows of their former selves imo anyway
  • Over casualized gameplay - sometimes it feels like you're being sleptwalked/handheld through a game instead of playing.
  • Abundance of cinematic games. AAA games some times feel like they're "ashamed" of being "gamey" and try to shy away from it - Don't get me wrong, a cinematic game now and then can be fine. However, its become a problem when the majority of the industry pushes it and oversaturates the market selection/variety in the process.

Yeah, I'm probably out of touch. I think its a mess. All the above just doesn't really do it for me and I'm honestly kinda okay with that. I got a huge backlog/library to plow through anyway, so, eh whatever.
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I will never, ever, ever understand the appeal of watching other people play games on Twitch etc. Not to say it's bad or wrong if you enjoy this, it's just not my thing.
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I still dont know what a moba/dota is.

i have never played a call of duty. I think i know basically what it is all about though: Teenage boys playing war and screaming ”boom - headshot”
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I don't know anything about competitive online gaming. I could probably do it, I would probably be addicted to it and play nothing else, but my internet is slow and I have alot of life distractions where I leave my game on pause for hours. I like to play slow rpgs and my playtimes end up being like 200hours for a 40hr game cuz the game just sits there with me not playing it half the time.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I just tried this, well I tried ditching everything social media wise, I wanted a quite life, no distractions..

A day later i'm getting phone calls from the lad 'did you see that whatsapp I sent you?'

And the missus 'can you do crap on Facebook for me?'

... I envy you. Once you're in, you're IN!
This will not happen for a long time, though my wife and my former boss tried to convince me of gettint one for a long time. I'm good. When I am not at home, I am not available digitally and that's fine.
I haven't played Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Pubg, Among Us or LoL. I don't even know what Roblox and Among Us are about.
I don't play any F2P games.
I don't play any survival or battle royale games.
I don't buy any microtransactions.
I don't spend money on any early access games.
I don't watch any streams on twitch, don't follow any of the popular streamers/youtubers.
I have no plans of buying a Switch.

Same here, except i watch some fighting games streamers/touneys and of course, Aris.


i dont play any online games anymore, i tried pubg a few years ago and turned it off after 10 minutes, dont understand the whole battle royale thing and why its so popular
dont care for microtransactions or dlcs
not interested in mmo's and grind games that never end

when i was younger id play everything but now that im a bit older i dont really care about whats popular or anything like that, i stick to single player games and if they dont grab me after an hour of playing i scrap it

like others have mentioned in some earlier posts, i also dont like where the games industry is heading, most of the new games feels so samey to me and the microtransaction stuff doesnt help either
44 and had been keeping up with game news and stuff well enough I feel. but I never touch any mobile games, and no battle royale games either. I don't understand how anyone can swallow most of the mobile games with the huge gated progression to force you to pay. and I equally don't understand how battle royale games is "fun". I also don't get open world sand box games but I kinda understand and respect Minecraft. I feel that one is at least some what positive with allowing kids to work on their creativity.

outside of that, the only other things that grinds my gears are big corporate culture that screws up games and the devs (looking at you, EA and Activision), lootbox, micro transaction and half baked releases.


- Don't follow or subscribe to streamers or gaming "content creators". (I do like gaming related documentaries. People that actually do research like Ahoy & Noclip).
- Being in 10 million Discord gaming "communities" cause every single one of those above thinks they need their own.
- Survival & BR games
- Use Twitch lingo


i dont play any online games anymore, i tried pubg a few years ago and turned it off after 10 minutes, dont understand the whole battle royale thing and why its so popular
dont care for microtransactions or dlcs
not interested in mmo's and grind games that never end

when i was younger id play everything but now that im a bit older i dont really care about whats popular or anything like that, i stick to single player games and if they dont grab me after an hour of playing i scrap it

like others have mentioned in some earlier posts, i also dont like where the games industry is heading, most of the new games feels so samey to me and the microtransaction stuff doesnt help either
Same pretty much. I think i'm just out of touch with most things popular now as I dont like most of them..

Hell, I havent played a Fifa game in YEARS, Playstation 1 I think was the last time I tried it. I just downloaded 42 gigs worth of Fifa 21 only to find it doesnt feature the poxy Euros??

What the hell? Seriously? :/

The Snake

I do not, under any circumstance, understand why someone would watch another person stream a game, much less pay or donate for them to do it, rather than just play it themselves or do something more productive. I can understand a competitive setting like EVO or something but I don't get the idea of watching someone sit there and play through an RPG or whatever.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I do not, under any circumstance, understand why someone would watch another person stream a game, much less pay or donate for them to do it, rather than just play it themselves or do something more productive. I can understand a competitive setting like EVO or something but I don't get the idea of watching someone sit there and play through an RPG or whatever.
While I am not a fan of streaming, I can understand it for watching a friend play something, e.g. to demonstrate a game or to talk to the friend while playing when you cannot meet. I cannot understand watching *whatever the name of some popular streamer is*.

The Snake

While I am not a fan of streaming, I can understand it for watching a friend play something, e.g. to demonstrate a game or to talk to the friend while playing when you cannot meet. I cannot understand watching *whatever the name of some popular streamer is*.

Okay yeah, I can understand that.
I do not, under any circumstance, understand why someone would watch another person stream a game, much less pay or donate for them to do it, rather than just play it themselves or do something more productive. I can understand a competitive setting like EVO or something but I don't get the idea of watching someone sit there and play through an RPG or whatever.

to be fair, even thou I don't really follow any streamers, I can get the idea of it. some of these streamers are basically making a performance of it. I recently watched some videos of Asmongold of WOW fame, and while a lot of stuff he said don't exactly click with me, I would give it to him for streaming 10 hours straight and still keeping 100~200k people engaged on the stream. knowing when to say some bs stuff to fan the flames in the chat and stuff is definitely a skill not everyone knows how to do. there's a lot of things he said you can tell he probably didn't mean it or just saying it to get a reaction, and that's where the "performance" is. I think watching streaming is about the same as watching a popular TV show back in the days, just with the next day work place watercooler talk already mixed into the show already. I'm not a big fan of it but I guess it is what it is. and good streamers does have some value to what they do. now the hot tub soaking, yoga pants wearing, ASMR talking ones... those are a totally different story and let's not talk about that ever.
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