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As a PlayStation player, I feel concerned about the future

You mean two iconic franchises.




Horizon Zero Dawn Ps4 GIF by PlayStation

How you can think they are unremarkable is beyond understanding.
Even Sony thinks Killzone is unremarkable, otherwise Killzone Shadow Fall would not have been the last entry in the series. 10 years in the backburner does not signify to me that it has much importance in the gaming space, and outside of a few GAF members, I hardly ever see anyone clamoring for a new Killzone.


Be concerned about not being able to pay your bills, not being able to care for someone or if someone in your family is ill instead of being concerned over video games.

The showcase was subpar, but the year is far from over. We already know the majors that are coming. They weren't fully revealed yesterday, but we know the games we want are going to come regardless. Shit, I have a backlog to go through anyway.
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The time to be concerned was years ago.

When Sony closed Japan Studio in 2021, it marked the end of an era. Just look at the immense history of games which that studio produced since the inception of the PlayStation. Gone. We will never see most of these iconic IP ever again. In some ways though, what happened to Japan Studio is not too surprising when you look at how much their output had slowed in recent years, as well as Sony as a whole.

Sony have been winding down their middle market operations for a long time. Think your smaller games, your indie developer partnerships, your genre studios like Evolution and Psygnosis, your quirky games for the AA market etc. The days of Shawn Layden standing on stage at E3 telling us how much he loved Vib Ribbon, even if it wasn't a multi-million seller, are over. Sony are now all-in on big AAA productions and money makers ie. the $200 million budget 'movie games' and a dozen GaaS titles.

This is a concern with gaming as a whole and is not a unique phenomenon to Sony. Everything is coalescing and becoming "too big to fail" in a sense. The result is less risk taking, less money devoted to game variety, and, well... worse games. Big companies like Microsoft, Activision, EA, Sony etc. closed many of the studios which formed the bedrock of their identity. Or else they merged them together and drastically cut them down. If you read the language of the press releases whenever that happens to a studio, it's always "re-organized" or "re-centered" or some shit.

Here is Sony's own graveyard:


Some excellent studios in there which with a bit of cultivation could've still been delivering games to this day. Remember the talk of Sony making an answer to Forza Horizon? Evolution could've made that. GaaS? Why buy up some shitty unproven studios when you had Zipper Interactive. Need more killer apps to sell your new VR platform? They killed off their Manchester and Cambridge studios making exactly those.

That's all this industry is now. As soon as the golden goose stops laying eggs, it gets killed. There's no investment into anything, and legacy means absolutely nothing to these companies. And then farmer Sony realizes that it still needed the goose after all, so it has to go and acquire a new one - which doesn't produce nearly as tasty eggs as the last.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Even Sony thinks Killzone is unremarkable, otherwise Killzone Shadow Fall would not have been the last entry in the series. 10 years in the backburner does not signify to me that it has much importance in the gaming space, and outside of a few GAF members, I hardly ever see anyone clamoring for a new Killzone.
Killzone had like 6 games released for it in a 10 year timespan. The IP did it's job and they moved on to create their new IP for the next 10 years. That's great planning by Herman Hulst and GG.


Come on, it was only ONE show, this is exaggeration at its best to be concerned only by this. You must be someone hyper anxious for anything.

Looking At You Reaction GIF by TikTok

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I have been nervous since the day they announced moving headquarters to California back in 2016. Low and behold, 7 years later and we have seen hypocritical censorship, shutting down of major studios (when they could have easily been restructured to make A, AA games in-between tentpole releases), terrible treatment of Japanese developers, the same tired genre of third person cinematic narrative focused games with numerous shallow systems, and a push for GAAS design and less on quality complete games on launch. That isn't to mention the ever increasing bloat their games tend to have these days.

Hell, we have already got confirmation that they are remaking HORIZON ZERO DAWN. Why the fuck are you remaking a game already? A game that is already completely playable on the system that isn't even two generations old, and barely looks all that much different than its sequel? It was idiotic to do it for Last of Us and it is idiotic here. Wasted resources is all this company seems to know how to do with Hulst and Ryan at the helm.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Come on, it was only ONE show, this is exaggeration at its best to be concerned only by this. You must be someone hyper anxious for anything.

Looking At You Reaction GIF by TikTok

This was the first "Showcase" in two years. The last Showcase already being very mediocre and numerous crappy State of Plays in between. This wasn't "only one show". This has been a steady decline.

We aren't in the age of shows like 2015, the Year of Dreams anymore. This is Western Led Sony. The Sony that focused on 4 major titles for years with little to show since. The sony that remakes games that don't need remakes, wasting dev time and resources. The Sony that thinks showcasing 3 CGI GAAS games is a good idea.


This is Jimbo's vision of running Playstation. He doesn't believe in conferences and hyping up PS gamers. He only cares about selling games in the current quarter. And he's a quarter-to-quarter exec. It works......ONLY IF, you constantly have high level content coming out.

Well yes. Game companies want to sell games.

And I believe Sony will have high quality content coming.

They have since PS5 launch, and this year has been crazy for quality content on the platform.

Individual tastes vary, but the overall quality and quantity this year is unprecedented.

Personally I think Sony will continue with that approach while it’s driving sales the way it is today.
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Post Kaz Hirai has been a continuous step down in terms of the traditional Playstation philosophy. The only thing that's being going in an upwards curve has been the revenue.
Amen, what I would give for the ps2 sony back, or late ps3/ps4 era sony. Modern sony is all about cutting costs and being as boring as humanly possible. Jim Ryan is a hatchet man, he was brought into cut the fat, i assume that fat was spending money to market things


Wait what?! Sony is remaking horizon dawn. 😂🤣😭.
If thats real, than sony have truly become all but creatively bank rupt, they only seem to do whats cheap and easy now. Implementing proper ps3 bc or remastering ps3 games? Waaah thats too hard for modern sony and it might cost them money. Much easier and cheaper for them to “remaster” a game from 2017 that still looks better than most current games on the market
I’ve been concerned about the future of gaming for awhile for the entire industry. I said before and I’ll say it again. This is not the same Sony as before. I’m not surprised by the showcase based on the trajectory Sony has been going in over the years. I saw the writing on the wall with the recent and VERY unfortunate live service obsession and the huge focus of AAA, Western-style games a long time ago. I just really hope the pursuit for live service success doesn’t affect Sony’s focus on single player games if one of those GAAS happens to succeed.
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This was a bad showcase. I never appreciated Jim Ryan's philosophy compared to the times of Layden, Shu, Tretton, etc.

BUT we're also one week away from a single month that has Diablo, Final Fantasy and Street Fighter in it. And we just came off a sweet re-interpretation of RE4. Armored Core around the corner. This is not a time to be THIS pessimistic, lol.

Nintendo got us all sorted, so don't panic.
The one that is willfully selling broken controllers? No thanks.
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I think you guys needs to relax. Good games take time to be produced… And I do believe Sony will put something good out… But after this atrocious showcase, this nonsense of Sony investing in talent x MS buy studios needs to stop. Clearly Sony is having its share of trouble when it comes to developing games. The games they are working on probably either look terrible or are in dev. hell… to a point where they can’t even show or promise a release date.
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Moderated wildly
This was a bad showcase. I never appreciated Jim Ryan's philosophy compared to the times of Layden, Shu, Tretton, etc.

BUT we're also one week away from a single month that has Diablo, Final Fantasy and Street Fighter in it. And we just came off a sweet re-interpretation of RE4. Armored Core around the corner. This is not a time to be THIS pessimistic, lol.

The one that is willfully selling broken controllers? No thanks.

Isn't every console manufacturer selling you broken controllers?
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think you guys needs to relax. Good games take time to be produced… And I do believe Sony will put something good out… But after this atrocious showcase, this nonsense of Sony investing in talent x MS buy studios needs to stop. Clearly Sony is having its share of trouble when it comes to developing games. The games they are working on probably either look terrible or are in dev. hell… to a point where they can’t even show or promise a release date.

I doubt this. Jimbo just doesn't believe in marketing games more than 6 months in advance. He's an idiot. It's hard for me to believe dev teams that have been great for 20 years all of a sudden can't make games anymore.


Dude it was a single conference with multiplayer games and some single player. GaaS multiplayer stuff is going to be a thing unless Epic decides to pump out a new UT and show these kids what a real shooter is.

Be concern if Wolverine, Spidey and the inevitable other single player franchises are GaaS.


I'm also a Playstation gamer, but so far I'm not worried about the future. The showcase didn't live up to the hype, no question, but it showed a lot of great games. And we all know there's more Sony didn't show us yesterday. Sony may want to save the real hits for the Microsoft showcase, where Starfield will be shown.

Sure, they also want a piece of the cloud pie, I don't like it, but there's money to be made in the near to mid-term and as long as they're still making AAA single player games I don't give a damn. I just don't support it.


I hated the show and Ive come to realise they cant do shows anymore.

But Im not worried about the output of games so much in the ways you way.

With the Gaas games, PS has said they will be doing GaaS games but that doesnt mean they aren’t gonna do games like God of War, TLOU, Horizon and GT like last year. Wolverine, Death Stranding 2, Ronin will all be single player AAA games. And they

And they only showed 2 Online games from first party? The Haven game and Marathom. Maybe Concord is a single player game, we saw nothing?

But after the show now Im worried about the output in quantity in these games. Quality will most likely still be there but the amount of games…Has there work rate changed, it cant be games are just harder to make.
We saw nothing from the expanded teams like Naughty Dog, Cory Balrog’s Santa Monica project, Sucker Punch, Bend, Blue Point etc.

If they show had Naughty Dog’s new single player IP and Factions 2, Ghost of Tsushima 2 and Cory Balrogs game, even if teasers/CGI it would of been a great. Last night was a 5/6 out of 10

They are gonna need alot more teams to produce more stuff. Gaas is fine, just give me more Single Player games Too. And new Genres like 1st Person Shooter, WRPG and unique games.

Also the Handheld shows they are just dumb too. I mean either release a Steamdeck like portable, or wait till Steamdeck 2/Switch 2 and release a competitor
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Geez people need to calm down. There were 3 total GaaS games at that showcase.

1. Fairgame$
2. Foamstars
3. Marathon

EDIT: Forgot to point out only one of these is even first party.

Tower of Fantasy is an MMO, if you consider that GaaS then that's 4.

32 game trailers were shown. Stop crying, you have 3 games to avoid if you hate GaaS.

We saw very little of Sony's first party, which to me says that Sony isn't rushing those games. They are dominating console sales and are giving their teams time to deliver the quality their players expect. Which is only a good thing.

Spider-Man 2 comes this fall, why drop a bunch of bombs right before FFXVI and Spider-Man 2. Show them in December or January to keep people interested after your 2 big hitters this year are out.

Besides you all whine and cry about games getting announced too early. None of the other first party games are coming this year. Sony won't pull an EA and compete with their own titles for mind share. Sure, the showcase wasn't mindblowing. But I'm personally looking forward to a ton of the games they showed. I can wait to see the other first party titles either, but my PS5 isn't going anywhere. And lets be honest, neither is yours.

Don't you think helldivers 2 is gaas too. It's day one on pc after all.


Sony has become too westernized and you can see it in there games with all these first person gaas games they are about release. The only one I think that will have legs is Marathon since it’s multi platform and it’s bungie. The rest will more than likely flop since the market is oversaturated with shooters.

It’s sad that Sony doesn’t have that creative edge from the east anymore.



"Updates and reveals on PlayStation’s new hardware, in addition to focusing solely on 1st party titles would be the showcase that PlayStation needs to set up the next phase.
It’s understood that a lot of the games we’re waiting on seeing are pretty much ready, so I’m not sure why Sony decided to wait this time around."



"Updates and reveals on PlayStation’s new hardware, in addition to focusing solely on 1st party titles would be the showcase that PlayStation needs to set up the next phase.
It’s understood that a lot of the games we’re waiting on seeing are pretty much ready, so I’m not sure why Sony decided to wait this time around."
I know people are going to look at it as an excuse but:

1. waiting on the ACTIVISION merger

2. Focus on FF XVI and Spider man 2 for 2023 before announcing 24/25 projects.

3. Maybe they just aren’t ready to show off other games?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Wait what?! Sony is remaking horizon dawn. 😂🤣😭.

If thats real, than sony have truly become all but creatively bank rupt, they only seem to do whats cheap and easy now. Implementing proper ps3 bc or remastering ps3 games? Waaah thats too hard for modern sony and it might cost them money. Much easier and cheaper for them to “remaster” a game from 2017 that still looks better than most current games on the market
Yes. Its a remaster of sorts. They are using the HFW engine and assets and porting them back.

They are also working on a gaas game. a MP horizon game with fortnite graphics.

Yes, they have gone creatively bankrupt.


Too much gaas for sure.
Needs more ps5 focus too. I feel like barely an dev is really coding to the metal anymore.
Uncharted 4 is a ps4 game.... I still fail to see anything close looking on ps5.

I miss new games. I misssingle player games. Killzone 2, uncharted and so on.
I don't think we will ever get that 360/ps3 "amazing" feel again.

ps4 had highlights too. reveal of death stranding, tlou2, gow, ff7... crazy moments WITH LIVE AUDIENCE AND PEOPLE ON THE STAGE !!!
I gasped for air when The Last guardian was reborn !!!
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
- Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, Santa Monica Studio, BluePoint, and Bend Studio are either working or rumored to be working on single-player games.
- Insomniac is finishing up Spider-Man 2 with Wolverine being in development.

Their major studios are still making single-player games.

These studios are also expanding and are working on multiple titles.

- Naughty Dog is working on The Last of Us Multiplayer. Guerrilla Games is rumored to be working on a multiplayer game outside of Horizon.

Sony can't keep doing the same thing over and over again. They have to branch out. If Sony wants to compete in other areas of gaming, then they need to make more live service games. It's part of the competition.


Uncharted 1 2007
Uncharted 2 2009
Uncharted 3 2011
TLOU 2013
Uncharted 4 2016 (and that game was partially rebooted and heavily changed)
TLOU2 2020

You can see the dev times are getting longer but uc1 to uc2 TWO YEARS. Gears of war was the same, gta games, gta 4 took 3 years.
And all of these were ground breaking, top of the line, best looking games when they release. Now 4 years is thought of as short dev


To me, it's not about missing the mark on the showcase because I thought it was just OK. It's more about how disconnected they are with the community. It's a whole new group of people this gen minus Shu and they are just not as good.
Damn... These companies don't get no kinda slack, huh?

Give Jimbo a break guys. The guy has been performing pretty well the last few years. They'll show more 1st party games when the games are ready. Clearly they aren't ready. I didn't like the showcase either, but I'm honestly not worried about "the state of Playstation". Maybe if this becomes a trend, sure. But 1 little misstep in a decades long stride? Nah...stop the doom and gloom press!

Let's be fair here, and practical. The year is almost 50% through; there isn't much they have in store for us, and that's fine. Let's see how Sony fairs in 2024.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Damn... These companies don't get no kinda slack, huh?

Give Jimbo a break guys. The guy has been performing pretty well the last few years. They'll show more 1st party games when the games are ready. Clearly they aren't ready. I didn't like the showcase either, but I'm honestly not worried about "the state of Playstation". Maybe if this becomes a trend, sure. But 1 little misstep in a decades long stride? Nah...stop the doom and gloom press!

Let's be fair here, and practical. The year is almost 50% through; there isn't much they have in store for us, and that's fine. Let's see how Sony fairs in 2024.

Again, what is the excuse for 4 CGI trailers for GAAS Games? They were clearly not ready to show, yet they still showed that trash.

"They will show more first party games when the games are ready" is not a good excuse when they already showed in this very presentation they have no trouble showcasing games that are clearly not ready.


I’ve been browsing several threads and came to the conclusion that I’m worried about gaf. Nobody is ever happy and everyone just complains about everything. Sadly, the fault is on you all for hyping yourselves up constantly. I never thought I’d get to the point where this site just depresses me, yet I read one absurd thread after another today.
It’s okay to hold Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo accountable. The majority of threads I’ve seen sounds like a bunch of entitled brats. You’re worried because Sony didn’t show what all of their studios are developing? And you fear the future from Sony because sure theyll cancel what all of their studios are working on and have Neil D run every studio making Last of Us 2 ports.
They spent an hour straight showing games and people still complain. Sony never said it was going to show 1st party games but the hype machine. Y’all make gaming depressing for real. I’m done with this site. I may be a nobody who never contributed much on threads, but I’ve lurked on threads for 5+ years and this is era level of whining about shit. Sony and Microsoft both are developing games, so what the fuck are you really worried about? I’m out, I hope people start learning to just enjoy games again and stop acting entitled to everything.

No such thing as entitlement when it comes to business transactions. It's my money. I'm not going to spend on it on the slop the video game industry is trying to feed me just because you want me to. Either I get the product I want, or I get nothing and spend nothing. Win-win for me.

At the end of the day though, I want to get something I want and these companies want my money. When they don't give you what you want, you complain to these businesses first. If they don't change, they don't get your money. Consumers are the masters, not the other way around. I suggest you quit bending over for your corporate overlords, because your entire post reads like bootlicking to me.

Playstation has been growing more and more anti-consumer over the years, because they're running their marathon against Microsoft, which is the equivalent of competing against an obese kid with terminal cancer. No, I'm not going to kowtow to them, sucking their dick and thanking them for it like you seem to want me to, because what they actually need is to be taken out back and beaten until they remember who their masters are.

Economics 101
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Sony will be selling buildings and going the way of Sega by end of next year.

If you were to believe some of these completely blown out of proportion posts here about a standard showcase lol.

I mean I didn't see it but it couldn't have been that bad, remember the flute and Banjo?


You should have been concerned about the future when they shuttered Japan Studio, IMO. Jim has been great for the bottom line but terrible for a broad selection of first party games and genres at all budget levels. I used to be a Sony fanboy up until a few years ago when I started noticing the trend.


Yeah i mostly agree OP, although im willing to give the benefit of the doubt ONCE.

If the 2024 Showcase does not show more single player games than GaaS then we are fucked. This Showcase was a glimpse of the future they want for Playstation, that "60% investment on GaaS by 2025" future they want but seemingly noone on the core audience wants.

Can't believe they made a PS Showcase after almost 2 years with only ONE single player first party game we already knew about to begin with.

And i also think its time to stop and everyone to do some introspection about what we want from AAA games, its true that dev times are getting out of control and expectations on graphics are getting insane (i admit im one of them). My only hope to get those times down in the future are a combination of RTGI/Pathtracing/UE5 Lumen and Nanite helping on the time consuming light baking and LOD creating process combined with future Generative AI helping throughout all aspects of Art and Code creation.
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