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Assassin's Creed III: American Revolution setting confirmed [Game Informer/Box Art]

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I think there's a chance that we could see a number of revolutionary Americans painted in ill light, connected with templars. Not only that, but the people who really believe zany conspiracies about shit like this all believe the founding fathers were part of historic secret societies that ruled the world. I'd be shocked if prominent American revolutionaries, like Hamilton or Adams, weren't portrayed negatively -- either as partial antagonists or as like, the guys in your club who you just can't trust and ultimately end up serving the enemy.

At least one thing's for sure: The Catholic CHurch cannot be the all-powerful bad guys if it's revolutionary America.

There are some safe targets you go after. For example: Aaron Burr. Shot Hamilton in a duel, fled to the Ohio River Valley, tried to separate from the rest of the US, captured, and tried for Treason.

Mista Koo

This should be used as the box art with blue and red in the background.

FUn fact. I edited the description to a videogame years ago, an old Sega Genesis videogame, and wrote my friend in as one of the main characters, even photoshopping a screen of the game with him in it as a character. It stayed on Wikipedia for like 4 years, and was finally removed. Google still pulls it up and other-language versions of Wikipedia still display it as well. He was the lost 5th character. After removing it, someone else even went in there and edited the description to say that he was a main character in European versions of the game... Someone unrelated to me, my friends, etc., but people actually believed it to be true.

I am not mentioning the game or the article because somebody would go fix it.
You're a terrible person and you should be ashamed.


man. I just don't get this. There's probably going to be so much traveling between countryside in this Assassin's Creed, which has always been the worst part of AC games.

Realistically, since this IS the choice, I just hope they completely go wild and re-imagine that period of American history. I mean they already take so many liberties with the AC "history" that why not also go a little insane with the setting.

Because in order to make these cities at all interesting given the time period, they're going to need to quadruple the size of the cities and also just double the height of these cities.

Forget the cities, I want to jump off of mountain waterfalls and shit. The Gameinformer cover with the mountains in the back gives me hope.


man. I just don't get this. There's probably going to be so much traveling between countryside in this Assassin's Creed, which has always been the worst part of AC games.

Realistically, since this IS the choice, I just hope they completely go wild and re-imagine that period of American history. I mean they already take so many liberties with the AC "history" that why not also go a little insane with the setting.

Because in order to make these cities at all interesting given the time period, they're going to need to quadruple the size of the cities and also just double the height of these cities.

I want them to incorporate the use of tree tops and such. lemme run around the forests and shit and get my squirrel on when I feel the urge. Then I don't care how small the cities are. The AC cities get boring anyway.


Forget the cities, I want to jump off of mountain waterfalls and shit. The Gameinformer cover with the mountains in the back gives me hope.

man they had cliffs and stuff when traveling the countryside in other AC games. Did you really find this part of the games fun? I mean, they'll have to implement some type of better cliff climbing system since that always sucked in AC games.

But what an empty, boring world it will be... however at least in theory tree top surfing should be possible


man they had cliffs and stuff when traveling the countryside in other AC games. Did you really find this part of the games fun? I mean, they'll have to implement some type of better cliff climbing system since that always sucked in AC games.

But what an empty, boring world it will be... at least in theory tree top surfing should be possible

c'mon, no gameplay vids are released yet. don't fret.
Everyone threw a hissy fit when they showed Ezio for the first time as well. I think those complaints were much more extreme I believe... People just need to complain about something.


c'mon, no gameplay vids are released yet. don't fret.

It's not really necessary to wait for videos to understand how this time period will work based on history. If anything, although Assassin's Creed poorly follows history, they do tend to try to recreate cities with some degree of believability.

It's going to be impossible to make an American city during this time interesting to traverse around without complete reimagining of the time period. Which could be possible, I'm just speculating what they can do with this. Country traveling is the worst part of all AC games that have it.

Darknessbear said:
Everyone threw a hissy fit when they showed Ezio for the first time as well.

Who is 'everyone'? I certainly didn't.
of course it will be

the job for english people is to grin and bear it

[edit]anti-english, not british

The only way people could think this is if a) they haven't played much of the AC series to done the Subject 16 stuff or b) they believe Ubisoft is just going to drop all the cannon they've established.


man they had cliffs and stuff when traveling the countryside in other AC games. Did you really find this part of the games fun? I mean, they'll have to implement some type of better cliff climbing system since that always sucked in AC games.

But what an empty, boring world it will be... however at least in theory tree top surfing should be possible

But you couldn't really scale up the mountains in past AC games. I think that's more what he's getting at is actually being able to rock climb the shit out of those mountains. I think that could be interesting. Could it really be so terrible compared to climbing buildings in the same way for the 5th game in a row?


man they had cliffs and stuff when traveling the countryside in other AC games. Did you really find this part of the games fun? I mean, they'll have to implement some type of better cliff climbing system since that always sucked in AC games.

But what an empty, boring world it will be... however at least in theory tree top surfing should be possible

This a totally new game with 3 years of development, I am confident they can get wilderness/countryside stuff right if it is to become more of a focus. As the above poster said, I want to climb mountains, I have climbed enough buildings.


So I wonder where the platforming sidequests are going to be set? Not many massive churches or ancient dungeons around this time. Hope they aren't cut, I really enjoyed them in AC2 and AC:B


So I wonder where the platforming sidequests are going to be set? Not many massive churches or ancient dungeons around this time. Hope they aren't cut, I really enjoyed them in AC2 and AC:B

They could do a lot of underground stuff in this one too. Just look at National Treasure lol


It's not really necessary to wait for videos to understand how this time period will work based on history. If anything, although Assassin's Creed poorly follows history, they do tend to try to recreate cities with some degree of believability.

It's going to be impossible to make an American city during this time interesting to traverse around without complete reimagining of the time period. Which could be possible, I'm just speculating what they can do with this. Country traveling is the worst part of all AC games that have it.

i enjoyed the calm night time starry skies outside the city :3
Batman isn't really trying to blend in with crowds, is he?

Jesus fucking christ. The last four games the characters didn't really seem to blend into crowds too well either. In Assassin's Creed, the main protagonists wear hoods. Get use to it. So you don't like the Batman example... Still, the hood is ironic, meant to give a strong silhouette and represent the bird of prey theme they have used in all the games.

Everyone threw a hissy fit when they showed Ezio for the first time as well. I think those complaints were much more extreme I believe... People just need to complain about something.

Especially Gaf.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The only way people could think this is if a) they haven't played much of the AC series to done the Subject 16 stuff or b) they believe Ubisoft is just going to drop all the cannon they've established.

i haven't played all of revelations, is there something specifically in there?


Everyone threw a hissy fit when they showed Ezio for the first time as well. I think those complaints were much more extreme I believe... People just need to complain about something.

This thread really does have moments of hilarity. So much contempt over a hood. I'm cracking up.

It seems interesting enough, but until AC becomes somewhat of a STEALTH game, you know, incorporating that tactic that ASSASSINS generally employ in order to DO THEIR JOB, I'm probably going to be disappointed.

I mean, some wall-cover here and there wouldn't hurt, Ubi.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Who is 'everyone'? I certainly didn't.

i didn't either, i thought it was a perfect updating of altaïr's costume to the setting


It seems interesting enough, but until AC becomes somewhat of a STEALTH game, you know, incorporating that tactic that ASSASSINS generally employ in order to DO THEIR JOB, I'm probably going to be disappointed.

I mean, some wall-cover here and there wouldn't hurt, Ubi.
the principle of AC has been 'social stealth' since the very beginning

they made it very clear in the first ever video of AC that it was not a stealth game where you have to hide behind walls or inside cardboard boxes or whatever

it's a stealth game where you have to hide in crowds and create distractions


But you couldn't really scale up the mountains in past AC games. I think that's more what he's getting at is actually being able to rock climb the shit out of those mountains. I think that could be interesting. Could it really be so terrible compared to climbing buildings in the same way for the 5th game in a row?

Well, I'd think it'd be significantly less interesting. Just as a general rule, the American countryside during this time was sparsely populated and unless he's going to be taking out Native Americans or tiny little bandits, rather a poor spot for assassinations to boot. It's going to be endless traveling between bouts of nothingness punctuated occasionally by seeing a bear or something... if they're true to history.

Only Boston during this time is even remotely city worthy vs. old AC games. How can ANY American city during this period live up to Rome, Constantinople, Florence or Venice? We're talking about some of the most iconic cities in the world, huge places with hundreds of thousands of people and more most of the time. In most of the USA during the American Revolution, places were little more than villages and towns. I always hated the parts of AC 1 where I was journeying through vast nothingness before being able to climb again and get to a hub with quests.

I'm just speculating what they can do with this is all. If they tried to imagine the most challenging time period to insert Assassin's Creed gameplay and make it fun, this would be in the top five.

This a totally new game with 3 years of development, I am confident they can get wilderness/countryside stuff right if it is to become more of a focus. As the above poster said, I want to climb mountains, I have climbed enough buildings.

I don't understand the drive to replace tons of interesting somethings with lots of empty nothingness, but we'll see how it goes.

DLC, please!


I guarantee we'll see plenty of city gameplay as well as all sorts of wilderness gameplay. A healthy mix should satisfy everyone.

I can imagine snow will play a big part in it. Gives me MGS1 flashbacks.


It's always funny when something like this gets announced – brings out all of the history 'buffs' who want to flex a little internet muscle. It's science fiction history, fun and silly. I had sworn off the series after Revelations, but this has drawn me back in big time.

I don't see why people think the series needs a sprawling city like Rome. Give me something sparse from an early American city – it'll force the game designers to come up with some unique new ways for the character to get around the environment. It doesn't have to play exactly like the other games, and that's a good thing.

It seems interesting enough, but until AC becomes somewhat of a STEALTH game, you know, incorporating that tactic that ASSASSINS generally employ in order to DO THEIR JOB, I'm probably going to be disappointed.

I mean, some wall-cover here and there wouldn't hurt, Ubi.

I think they have always had the idea of it being more "social stealth" with the crowds and such. But yes, I do agree that they really should expand upon more way to eliminate targets other than just hidden blade kills.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
where did the apple that elizabeth i had go? perhaps the british take it to america to try and use it to subdue the revolutionaries, and that's where washington gets it.
It's going to be impossible to make an American city during this time interesting to traverse around without complete reimagining of the time period. Which could be possible, I'm just speculating what they can do with this. Country traveling is the worst part of all AC games that have it.
It all really depends on how they change the mechanics. The world in previous assassin's creed games looked nice but moving through it was super dull. Buildings didn't feel like buildings, they were just blocks that took you a couple of seconds to go up before you could continue on moving forward. Also, I think enemies could climb most buildings as well so the gameplay already feels fairly flat despite the terrain.
I just want Desmond's story already :( This entire series is starting to feel like filler, and it's pissing me off.

Desmond's story is the least interesting part of Assassin's Creed. By far. In fact the whole templar-assassin subplot has made me despise the series at this point.

Here's hoping for a return to AC2 godlike form.
It's not really necessary to wait for videos to understand how this time period will work based on history. If anything, although Assassin's Creed poorly follows history, they do tend to try to recreate cities with some degree of believability.

It's going to be impossible to make an American city during this time interesting to traverse around without complete reimagining of the time period. Which could be possible, I'm just speculating what they can do with this. Country traveling is the worst part of all AC games that have it.

Who is 'everyone'? I certainly didn't.

Dude, Colonial Philadelphia and New York are gonna be awesome. I can't wait to synchronize off the liberty bell


Jesus fucking christ. The last four games the characters didn't really seem to blend into crowds too well either. In Assassin's Creed, the main protagonists wear hoods. Get use to it. So you don't like the Batman example... Still, the hood is ironic, meant to give a strong silhouette and represent the bird of prey theme they have used in all the games.
Well at least you acknowledge that it's solely there for marketing purposes and not because it would make sense.
i haven't played all of revelations, is there something specifically in there?

No, it's just that the AC games across the board have been neutral when it comes to governments. There are Templars and friends of Assassin's on both sides of every conflict, whether it was the Muslims and Christians in AC, the Kings and Popes in AC2, or the various factions warring internally in Constantinople.

In AC2 and ACB, there was a ton of Subject 16 content that suggested overtly stated that prominent figures in American history, including politicians and generals, were actually working with the Templars. So the notion that the Americans are the 'good guys' despite templar influence, while the British will be 'bad guys' despite never having had prominent interaction with the Assassin's thus far, is a little silly.


It seems interesting enough, but until AC becomes somewhat of a STEALTH game, you know, incorporating that tactic that ASSASSINS generally employ in order to DO THEIR JOB, I'm probably going to be disappointed.

I mean, some wall-cover here and there wouldn't hurt, Ubi.

This would be truly terrible. There's already one Ubisoft series dedicated to that kind of stealth. AC is a completely different type of game, one where players hide in plain site, make use of athletics and distractions to get in and away unseen. The notion of spending ANY point of ANY mission in AC crouched behind a box is horrific.


I'm just speculating what they can do with this is all. If they tried to imagine the most challenging time period to insert Assassin's Creed gameplay and make it fun, this would be in the top five.

Hopefully they've made enough significant gameplay changes that it won't be an issue. Ultimately you're right, if they just take AC2-REV gameplay and copy/paste it into a setting like this, it probably won't work. I'm sure after 3 years of development though that this is something they've taken into consideration when changing up the gameplay.


Uh, why? New York City during the Revolution should be plenty interesting to traverse.

Because it was a tiny dusty little place with an entirely uninteresting layout and extremely small, unassuming buildings and a a bunch of completely limpdicked chapels and churches? The population was around 130,000 or something at the time or something, but the problem is the city itself. Read accounts of people describing NYC during the revolutionary war. It was not an exciting metropolis. The type of people who inhabited it might work fine populating the story of AC, but the city itself is a dreary place that would make awful use of the most interesting aspects of Assassin's Creed travel. And forget about height.

Also, considering the population of NYC was 14% slaves, and how complicated early American history is, it's going to be undoubtedly painful to see how they try to not "offend" people's sensibilities about this point in time.


It's always funny when something like this gets announced – brings out all of the history 'buffs' who want to flex a little internet muscle. It's science fiction history, fun and silly. I had sworn off the series after Revelations, but this has drawn me back in big time.

I don't see why people think the series needs a sprawling city like Rome. Give me something sparse from an early American city – it'll force the game designers to come up with some unique new ways for the character to get around the environment. It doesn't have to play exactly like the other games, and that's a good thing.

Agreed 100%. I hit the wall with Revelations as well, and also initially thought this was a bad idea until I realized that change is precisely what I needed to get me back into the series. Give me wilderness, cliffs and trees to stalk from and bows and hatchets to assassinate with like a frontiersman badass.

The series was simply getting stale as hell for many of us. I am totally on board with some new ideas, new gameplay and a radically different environment. Evolution of a series that has overplayed the same hand for too long is not at all bad thing. Let's just hope they nail it.
Because it was a tiny dusty little place with an entirely uninteresting layout and extremely small, unassuming buildings and a a bunch of completely limpdicked chapels and churches? The population was around 130,000 or something at the time or something, but the problem is the city itself. Read accounts of people describing NYC during the revolutionary war. It was not an exciting metropolis. The type of people who inhabited it might work fine populating the story of AC, but the city itself is a dreary place that would make awful use of the most interesting aspects of Assassin's Creed travel. And forget about height.

It's called "artistic license," man.
I'm not sold on the setting, and I am definitely not sold on the costume for the setting, but that is damn nice cover art.

I really would have preferred another setting though, but this may still turn out interesting.
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