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Assassin's Creed III: American Revolution setting confirmed [Game Informer/Box Art]

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Angry Fork

i want to believe this, but i don't

i'm pretty certain that they will cut it fairly evenly along america-good/england-bad lines

there might be a few english leaders that help you and a few americans that betray you

but everyone loves to jeer at the british during the revolutionary war, even british people, it's like our vietnam

Do you guys really feel that way? What are people's opinions of the revolutionary war there and what are you guys taught in school? I'm just interested.
I know that it is no gage of quality as the narative side of the media fuckin sucks, but would you agree that assassin's creed story is in the top tier of video game stories ? Like in the top 33% ?

If you say no, you think very differently than I do.
If you say yes, what exactly is your point ?
I think some people feel it should be more accurate and less sci-fi-y. I have no issue with the craziness. Love it.


I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.

But that's what'll be fucking awesome! (if they don't screw it up!) Why does every city have to be Rome or Constantinople for it to be enjoyable to travel around?

I think it would be pretty damn cool if we can get an approximation of what cities like Boston and New York were like during the time of the Revolution. Not only do we rarely ever get games set during the American Revolution, but as far as games where you can travel around a 3D environment in that setting? Non-existent, as far as I know. This should be quite a treat even if only in that regard.

The Revolutionary war should also give Ubi more of an opportunity to diversify the gameplay. They don't have to be so heavily city-focused as they were in past games. The fact that the cities of that time are less-established than the big ones from past games means that Ubi can ideally give us more of them and spruce up the wilderness portions as well.

Since they stopped the AC2 "sequels" and are finally going with an official 3rd game, I'm assuming we'll see some 'revolutions' - beh heh heh - in the gameplay, whether that comes with the combat, traversal, who knows. But it should be fairly different, probably, without losing what makes AC what it is.


Play a franchise other than Assassin's Creed if you want a title that "completely change everything about this game" and "shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games"?

What always amazes me is the people who suddenly want a game in a series they like to share no resemblance to what makes them like it. It's an Assassin's Creed game; I want an AC game.

I actually don't doubt this will feel like an AC game completely. I'm just concerned it'll feel like the most boring parts of the old AC games - countryside travel.

If I did that though, it wouldn't be AC that I was enjoying to the detriment of a fanbase of millions.

(Also, I thought it was pretty clear from the get-go who I was criticizing here considering I'm probably the biggest AC fan on GAF and really wouldn't change the formula up too much besides taking it back to its AC1 roots (which is my favorite in the series).)

rdrr gnr

If I did that though, it wouldn't be AC that I was enjoying to the detriment of a fanbase of millions.

(Also, I thought it was pretty clear from the get-go who I was criticizing here considering I'm probably the biggest AC fan on GAF and really wouldn't change the formula up too much besides taking it back to its AC1 roots (which is my favorite in the series).)
You really need that validation, don't you? Pro-tip: if you have to self-declare, it means no one else concurs.


You really need that validation, don't you? Pro-tip: if you have to self-declare, it means no one else concurs.

Totes, bro. Self-validation is key. I just think it's a sign of how shitty of a state most AC threads end up in that the comment would even be taken seriously in the first place. Also, finding posts around here that aren't calling the first game shit, garbage, trash, and the like is damn near impossible.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Do you guys really feel that way? What are people's opinions of the revolutionary war there and what are you guys taught in school? I'm just interested.

we aren't taught about it, by and large

as i said earlier in the thread, we don't actually learn any british history in britain (bearing in mind i've been out of compulsory education for a while)

but there's the dual whammy of schadenfreude given that the largest and best-trained military in the world was beaten by a bunch of yokels (albeit led by some of the finest military minds in history) and the fact that the revolutionaries were essentially fighting for the cause of self-determination

i dunno, i guess in general i have a pretty negative view of the empire, that might be colouring it
I hope they completely change everything about this game. I would like to for just once play an Assassin's Creed game that shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games. Please, Ubi, make a game completely different from AC, but make sure you make it the new AC anyway.

GAF always amazes.

Sounds like you want a new franchise.
what is he going to climb this game if it's in America during the revolutionary war?

Buildings, what else.

rdrr gnr

we aren't taught about it, by and large

as i said earlier in the thread, we don't actually learn any british history in britain (bearing in mind i've been out of compulsory education for a while)

but there's the dual whammy of schadenfreude given that the largest and best-trained military in the world was beaten by a bunch of yokels (albeit led by some of the finest military minds in history) and the fact that the revolutionaries were essentially fighting for the cause of self-determination

i dunno, i guess in general i have a pretty negative view of the empire, that might be colouring it
Asymmetrical warfare, my friend. It works.


This is the first Assassin's Creed where I have seen anyone actually bothered by the fact that the main character might be assassinating someone from his country that he likes (and I'm talking about U.S). And yet nobody ever got bothered when he was around killing all sorts of people in Italy or other countries...

Anyway, really looking forward to this and seeing how are they going to deliver the whole climbing buildings and stuff, seeing how during that era there really weren't all that many tall buildings.


But that's what'll be fucking awesome! (if they don't screw it up!) Why does every city have to be Rome or Constantinople for it to be enjoyable to travel around?

Because in an open world game, the world is a compact, iconic version of the real counterpart.
And those cities were more iconic than the American cities in the revolution era; same reason why modern games have recognizable iconic cities (New York, for example) instead of some random American city that most of the world would not recognize.
That said, i hope they know what they're doing, because so far, i think Amirox is right when he says that the country parts were incredibly dull in AC games.


But that's what'll be fucking awesome! (if they don't screw it up!) Why does every city have to be Rome or Constantinople for it to be enjoyable to travel around?

I think it would be pretty damn cool if we can get an approximation of what cities like Boston and New York were like during the time of the Revolution. Not only do we rarely ever get games set during the American Revolution, but as far as games where you can travel around a 3D environment in that setting? Non-existent, as far as I know. This should be quite a treat even if only in that regard.

The Revolutionary war should also give Ubi more of an opportunity to diversify the gameplay. They don't have to be so heavily city-focused as they were in past games. The fact that the cities of that time are less-established than the big ones from past games means that Ubi can ideally give us more of them and spruce up the wilderness portions as well.

Since they stopped the AC2 "sequels" and are finally going with an official 3rd game, I'm assuming we'll see some 'revolutions' - beh heh heh - in the gameplay, whether that comes with the combat, traversal, who knows. But it should be fairly different, probably, without losing what makes AC what it is.

I think the atmosphere might be cool, but here are my concerns. All of this is speculation; I am very interested to hear more about this game:

● It's not like the atmosphere alone is what counts. You need the atmosphere in conjunction with a 'playground' that makes good use of Assassin's Creeds iconic gameplay. This is what is challenging about the time period.
● The atmosphere is likely going to suffer because how daring exactly do you think Ubisoft is going to get with the very complicated early history of America? New York was 14% slaves at the time of the revolutionary war. How can they possibly cover American Revolutionary history without slavery? Other games go around such historical sore spots all the time, but it's more difficult because to me the appeal of these games is a convincing world based on these time periods. It's going to be less appealing if they're not honest about what went on.
● To me, the most boring parts of previous AC games were any time when I was outside of a city. just long segments of riding a horse tediously through fields of nothing, occasionally stopping to grab a flag or something. It was just so much nothing time between when gameplay that was interesting started again.

What!? Amir0x doesn't like something!? And is ARGUING about it!? Good gracious! What has this world come to!?

What!? Darknessbear making an empty, dismissive post completely ignoring the content of the commentary in question!? And he's being INDIGNANT about it? From his high horse, even!? What has this world come to!?

Not a fan of The Da Vinci Code, btw. Just used it as an example of something similar. Anyway, the story is not going to win any awards, but it is interesting enough to make for a fun gaming experience for me. I'm good with that, but to each their own, of course.

I can respect that. I don't know why anyone is calling me out on this. I was only stating my opinion, I wasn't attacking anyone else's ability to enjoy it. There are people out there who swear to me that Animal Crossing is a good game, even though it's clear to me that it's the worst game franchise ever created. You're not going to convince me otherwise... and my original post wasn't an attempt to convince someone else otherwise on the score of AC's story... so I'm unsure why they wanted to debate it here.

Everyone knows I love a good debate, and am willing to argue the finer points of the storyline if they like. I just don't understand why people start immediately getting upset before anything is even really said about their positions. I THINK the story blows... that doesn't mean people who like it blow. People need to stop taking this shit personally. It's about a videogame... if you can't take criticism of said videogame maybe DISCUSSION forums aren't for "you"... maybe they should start a blog or join echo chambers (not YOU, just in general talking about several posters ITT). Thinking the story sucks is not an affront on anyone lol.

Not really aiming this at you, just in general.

I know that it is no gage of quality as the narative side of the media fuckin sucks, but would you agree that assassin's creed story is in the top tier of video game stories ? Like in the top 33% ?

If you say no, you think very differently than I do.
If you say yes, what exactly is your point ?

Top 33%? I said it's one of the worst offenders in gaming today, so I don't think it's top 33%. But we are talking about a field that is so awful the rating starts pretty low indeed. Gaming stories are bad.

As to what my point is: My point is nothing. I'm not the one who actually wanted to discuss the story of Assassin's Creed. Of course people who have trouble reading in this topic will try to interpret it that way, but the comment that caused the response was actually about me complimenting the atmosphere of the game. It wasn't me wanting to make a point about the story. I was just saying "I don't like the story so here is what I do like":

Amir0x said:
The Assassin's Creed story is the worst anything ever probably, but what I found interesting was always the setting and how it made a decent job of providing that atmosphere of whatever moment in history it was covering. With American Revolution time period, there's going to be a lot more embellishment (imagine how they handle slavery?) and it's going to distract from that appeal for me I bet.


So will the game run on a new engine?

We should know more in a few days, when they officially announce it. Right now we have some fancy pictures and the info that the game is developed by the ACII and that the title has been in the works since the release of ACIII. A new engine is quite likely. 3 years is a lot of time for a team as big that.


What I'm interested in, is if they've been working on it for three years. That would mean that it's been in development before Brotherhood and Revelations.

How would it take into account the story bits learned from those games?

Unless I guess they worked on developing the core mechanics and graphical assets first.
I suppose there has to be a city, but the gameinformer cover leads me to believe the main hub is going to be the Appalachian Mountains. You can climb trees, mountains, hide in snowstorms, go to forts, intercept marching troops. They say they were trying to rethink and evolve the gameplay from what they have, I don't think it's just going to be climbing buildings again.


This is the first Assassin's Creed where I have seen anyone actually bothered by the fact that the main character might be assassinating someone from his country that he likes (and I'm talking about U.S). And yet nobody ever got bothered when he was around killing all sorts of people in Italy or other countries...

Anyway, really looking forward to this and seeing how are they going to deliver the whole climbing buildings and stuff, seeing how during that era there really weren't all that many tall buildings.

I don't see too many people bitching about assassinating Americans possibly. Most of it is about the setting, the hood apparently, and other stupid stuff before knowing how the game turns out. It's AC, everyone expects people to get killed and everyone should take it as a game. Hell, I loved the historical tie-ins in the other games and this will be even better for me since it's a unique time period where the game can have some great new mechanics and we get to witness the struggles of a new nation and the darker side of the war.

The frontier is like a whole new way to explore in AC. Instead of huge buildings, we have the chance to go out in the woods and explore smaller villages and I'm sure they'll have the wilderness present somehow with lots of hidden goodies there. I'm actually intrigued at how they'll handle Native Americans in this game.

A few months ago when the rumors came out, I made a long post about how excited I was at the idea of possibly sneaking through a huge battle with line infantry and all while you try to get behind the lines and assassinate your target. These huge battles could just be backdrops and I'd be amazed, but this is a good thing that they're shaking up the series.

Series that keep their identity while trying to give the gamers a fresh new experience is always welcome to me as long as the fundamentals are there. The exploring could be completely different but it could still be a big part of the game. You can keep a series fresh while sticking to its roots and I know I'm not the only one excited at this setting.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge history buff of ALL periods and nations, but this one is one I know best and I even worked on a mod dealing with this. Italy blew me away and was very unique, but this one can be unique in a whole new way. I just can't wait to see the history and the game intertwine. I still think Francis Marion should be an ally of the assassin as they have the same fighting styles in many ways...lol

I suppose there has to be a city, but the gameinformer cover leads me to believe the main hub is going to be the Appalachian Mountains. You can climb trees, mountains, hide in snowstorms, go to forts, intercept marching troops. They say they were trying to rethink and evolve the gameplay from what they have, I don't think it's just going to be climbing buildings again.

Exactly! This is a going to be a whole new experience with the same AC gameplay we love. We trusted them to make a better game with AC2 even though it was different and look how that turned out. Who says they can't do it again?

Also, is anyone replaying Empire: Total War due to this hype? lmao


sputum-flecked apoplexy
What I'm interested in, is if they've been working on it for three years. That would mean that it's been in development before Brotherhood and Revelations.

How would it take into account the story bits learned from those games?

Unless I guess they worked on developing the core mechanics and graphical assets first.

they've written the plot ahead of time?


● The atmosphere is likely going to suffer because how daring exactly do you think Ubisoft is going to get with the very complicated early history of America? New York was 14% slaves at the time of the revolutionary war. How can they possibly cover American Revolutionary history without slavery? Other games go around such historical sore spots all the time, but it's more difficult because to me the appeal of these games is a convincing world based on these time periods. It's going to be less appealing if they're not honest about what went on.

That's not that hard, we've had underdog characters in the series before, afterall oppression by the Templars, is one of the main point of the story, in AC games.
And you can bet your ass they'll do the main character interested in abolishing slavery or something like that; they've done culturally anachronistic stuff before, for the sake of painting the main character more progressive than it could've been at the time.


What I'm interested in, is if they've been working on it for three years. That would mean that it's been in development before Brotherhood and Revelations.

How would it take into account the story bits learned from those games?

Unless I guess they worked on developing the core mechanics and graphical assets first.

Hopefully a good chunk of time was spent making a kick ass new engine.
Rumors of it, Blimblim said he heard it was. I think that's the dude, the french guy who works for that awesome website that puts up 60fps videos.

It really doubt it's a brand new engine, it's probably a more modified version of the Anvil Engine used in the prior games.

I do hope I'm wrong though.


This is the first Assassin's Creed where I have seen anyone actually bothered by the fact that the main character might be assassinating someone from his country that he likes (and I'm talking about U.S). And yet nobody ever got bothered when he was around killing all sorts of people in Italy or other countries...

I don't think it's comparable. Other nations don't hold Al Mualim or the Borgias as founding fathers.
I'm sold!

Hopefully you aren't some super powered monster in this one. It'd be nice to have to actually escape from conflicts with too many enemies.


We should know more in a few days, when they officially announce it. Right now we have some fancy pictures and the info that the game is developed by the ACII and that the title has been in the works since the release of ACIII. A new engine is quite likely. 3 years is a lot of time for a team as big that.

Rumors of it, Blimblim said he heard it was. I think that's the dude, the french guy who works for that awesome website that puts up 60fps videos.

God i hope so.


I can respect that. I don't know why anyone is calling me out on this. I was only stating my opinion, I wasn't attacking anyone else's ability to enjoy it. There are people out there who swear to me that Animal Crossing is a good game, even though it's clear to me that it's the worst game franchise ever created. You're not going to convince me otherwise... and my original post wasn't an attempt to convince someone else otherwise on the score of AC's story... so I'm unsure why they wanted to debate it here.

Everyone knows I love a good debate, and am willing to argue the finer points of the storyline if they like. I just don't understand why people start immediately getting upset before anything is even really said about their positions. I THINK the story blows... that doesn't mean people who like it blow. People need to stop taking this shit personally. It's about a videogame... if you can't take criticism of said videogame maybe DISCUSSION forums aren't for "you"... maybe they should start a blog or join echo chambers (not YOU, just in general talking about several posters ITT). Thinking the story sucks is not an affront on anyone lol.

Not really aiming this at you, just in general.

It's all good. You know what you like and what you hate. I respect that as well and was not trying to call you out at all. I can also see why you enjoy this series more for the immersion in the environment, as that has definitely been one of it's strong points, if not the strongest.

At any rate, time will tell how they will handle this period and I also had my doubts at first. But the optimist in me is hoping for the best. As at least some change in this series is something I needed in order to get interested in it again.


Hopefully a good chunk of time was spent making a kick ass new engine.

I think Revelations is a pretty stunning looking game at times.


I just think some of the special effects, stability and other ancillary graphical features could be improved. I don't think it really needs a whole new engine.


Haha I just remembered if this game is taking place during the American Revolution proper it's a big missed opportunity for Benjamin Franklin to work on your tools and upgrades ala Leonardo Da Vinci... considering he was in Paris during this time trying to get France to shit up more money.

Hell in Paris Benjamin Franklin had Edward Bancroft - who was spying for the British - as secretary of the American commission in Paris, which would fit the theme of AC neatly.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I think Revelations is a pretty stunning looking game at times.


I just think some of the special effects, stability and other ancillary graphical features could be improved. I don't think it really needs a whole new engine.

one thing i noticed, was that they seemed remove SSAO from revelations, even though it was present in brohood
was i just imagining things?


I suppose there has to be a city, but the gameinformer cover leads me to believe the main hub is going to be the Appalachian Mountains. You can climb trees, mountains, hide in snowstorms, go to forts, intercept marching troops. They say they were trying to rethink and evolve the gameplay from what they have, I don't think it's just going to be climbing buildings again.

Doesn't sound like much of an AC game but that bolded part would be a cool mechanic in any game...
Haha I just remembered if this game is taking place during the American Revolution proper it's a big missed opportunity for Benjamin Franklin to work on your tools and upgrades ala Leonardo Da Vinci... considering he was in Paris during this time trying to get France to shit up more money. Plus in Paris Benjamin Franklin had Edward Bancroft - who was spying for the British - as secretary of the American commission in Paris, which would fit the theme of AC neatly.

I do hope Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere are used.
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