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Assassin's Creed III: American Revolution setting confirmed [Game Informer/Box Art]

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Man, as a fellow Best Buy associate, I feel sorry for the guy that leaked it to Kotaku, corporate got on that case fast.

Topic related, I am very interested, as a History buff. I Bought Revelations for the PS3 back in November when we had it on sale for $35, mainly bought it 'cause it also included the First Game as a download. I'm honestly struggling through it because its a little hard to get into with the way the combat and all that is panned out, I was also thrown off why Altair sounds American during this era...yeah...
Does the Gameplay and story get more intriguing in later games? I definitely want to play catch up if its worth it, but don't want to get burnt out and have franchise fatigue.



He appears to have a hidden blade on each arm on the box art, but not in any of the other pictures.


Because it was a tiny dusty little place with an entirely uninteresting layout and extremely small, unassuming buildings and a a bunch of completely limpdicked chapels and churches? The population was around 130,000 or something at the time or something, but the problem is the city itself. Read accounts of people describing NYC during the revolutionary war. It was not an exciting metropolis. The type of people who inhabited it might work fine populating the story of AC, but the city itself is a dreary place that would make awful use of the most interesting aspects of Assassin's Creed travel. And forget about height.

Also, considering the population of NYC was 14% slaves, and how complicated early American history is, it's going to be undoubtedly painful to see how they try to not "offend" people's sensibilities about this point in time.



By no means does it equate to the hundreds of years of building by European cities, but quite honestly it looks like a lot of the same building size and density I'm used to in Assassin's Creed.

Maybe it is not up to your standards for AC, but I think they can do some interesting stuff with some of the cities. These pictures don't look too bad IMO. Boston, not NY, but whatever.


It's called "artistic license," man.

well yea, that's kind of what I suggested earlier. You see with earlier AC games they had these amazing foundations for cities which were extremely interesting to travel around and they didn't have to embellish much at all. So there was a sort of weird authenticity to the cities themselves, even if everything else was absurd. To make an American City during the revolution interesting, they're going to just have to go wild with license. Which I hope they do... but it's a double edge sword.

The Assassin's Creed story is the worst anything ever probably, but what I found interesting was always the setting and how it made a decent job of providing that atmosphere of whatever moment in history it was covering. With American Revolution time period, there's going to be a lot more embellishment (imagine how they handle slavery?) and it's going to distract from that appeal for me I bet.

We'll see how it ends up. It's all speculation right now

ZZMitch said:
Maybe it is not up to your standards for AC, but I think they can do some interesting stuff with some of the cities. These pictures don't look too bad IMO. Boston, not NY, but whatever.

Well imo it has to be Boston. That's the only American city during the time that can even begin to be decently interesting to travel around. But it isn't up to the standards for AC. I don't think anyone can deny how much of a pale short fire these American cities were (in reality) versus the cities they chose for the Assassin's Creed games to date. We're talking about going from big fry, iconic cities to nothingness cities who wouldn't even stand as a top ten ranked city at the time.
AGITΩ;35631784 said:
Man, as a fellow Best Buy associate, I feel sorry for the guy that leaked it to Kotaku, corporate got on that case fast.

Topic related, I am very interested, as a History buff. I Bought Revelations for the PS3 back in November when we had it on sale for $35, mainly bought it 'cause it also included the First Game as a download. I'm honestly struggling through it because its a little hard to get into with the way the combat and all that is panned out, I was also thrown off why Altair sounds American during this era...yeah...
Does the Gameplay and story get more intriguing in later games? I definitely want to play catch up if its worth it, but don't want to get burnt out and have franchise fatigue.

How would they even know who did it? Im surprised Best Buy got the info/images so early anyways..

Best Buy employees, leak some Halo 4 info while you're at it?


Unconfirmed Member
where did the apple that elizabeth i had go? perhaps the british take it to america to try and use it to subdue the revolutionaries, and that's where washington gets it.

Ended up with Gandhi eventually.
well yea, that's kind of what I suggested earlier. You see with earlier AC games they had these amazing foundations for cities which were extremely interesting to travel around and they didn't have to embellish much at all. So there was a sort of weird authenticity to the cities themselves, even if everything else was absurd. To make an American City during the revolution interesting, they're going to just have to go wild with license. Which I hope they do... but it's a double edge sword.

The Assassin's Creed story is the worst anything ever probably, but what I found interesting was always the setting and how it made a decent job of providing that atmosphere of whatever moment in history it was covering. With American Revolution time period, there's going to be a lot more embellishment (imagine how they handle slavery?) and it's going to distract from that appeal for me I bet.

We'll see how it ends up. It's all speculation right now

Seriously? With as much shit as we get in this industry? Half the non-sensical shit that comes out of Japan is 100 times worse than even the most confusing, open-ended, or unresolved plot points in AC.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
No, it's just that the AC games across the board have been neutral when it comes to governments. There are Templars and friends of Assassin's on both sides of every conflict, whether it was the Muslims and Christians in AC, the Kings and Popes in AC2, or the various factions warring internally in Constantinople.

In AC2 and ACB, there was a ton of Subject 16 content that suggested overtly stated that prominent figures in American history, including politicians and generals, were actually working with the Templars. So the notion that the Americans are the 'good guys' despite templar influence, while the British will be 'bad guys' despite never having had prominent interaction with the Assassin's thus far, is a little silly.

i want to believe this, but i don't

i'm pretty certain that they will cut it fairly evenly along america-good/england-bad lines

there might be a few english leaders that help you and a few americans that betray you

but everyone loves to jeer at the british during the revolutionary war, even british people, it's like our vietnam


If you have Netflix streaming, check out the first two episodes of America: A history of us. It is done by the History Channel, so it's kind of over the top as much of there stuff is. It also glosses over the native american struggle imo, but it's still informative and pretty well done.

rdrr gnr

The Assassin's Creed story is the worst anything ever probably, but what I found interesting was always the setting and how it made a decent job of providing that atmosphere of whatever moment in history it was covering.
Give me a break. The nonstop iterations do dilute the main plotline, but the central story is competent and interesting enough.


Well imo it has to be Boston. That's the only American city during the time that can even begin to be decently interesting to travel around. But it isn't up to the standards for AC. I don't think anyone can deny how much of a pale short fire these American cities were (in reality) versus the cities they chose for the Assassin's Creed games to date. We're talking about going from big fry, iconic cities to nothingness cities who wouldn't even stand as a top ten ranked city at the time.

Can't argue with that! Either they are going to make the cities much bigger in the game then they were in reality or they are gunna deviate from the normal Assassin's Creed setting (large cities) and gameplay (climbing large buildings) in some way.


Can't argue with that! Either they are going to make the cities much bigger in the game then they were in reality or they are gunna deviate from the normal Assassin's Creed setting and gameplay in some way.

My bet is on the latter. AC3 is going to be as different from AC2 as that was from the original.
the principle of AC has been 'social stealth' since the very beginning

I think they have always had the idea of it being more "social stealth" with the crowds and such.

Sure, I get that. And I'm all for it... If it's done well and is somewhat deep/satisfying. It feels unbelievably weak in all of the AssCreed games, as if it were an after-thought chucked in at the last minute. The possibilities here are endless, yet they've hardly been explored.

And it needs something akin to - dare I say it - Uncharted's approach to stealth in terms of mechanics. You know, something as little as wall-cover > wall take-down. It's not that impactful of an addition, but I think it'd help. I hate having to strafe around a pillar like a nonce after having killed everyone in the exact same way.

I dunno. I just wish the games were a bit more "assassin-y", rather than chaos punctuated with a hidden-blade kill.


As an aside, here's how I think the game will actually work

Boston will be the main hub. There will be lots of emptiness in between, which you'll get about on your horse. You'll be able to visit a few secondary American towns, like New York City and perhaps Philadelphia, but the in between will be empty countryside. The countryside will likely be inhabited by Indian tribes - Iroquois Nation, Abenaki Nation, Wampanoag.

You'll encounter George Washington, Benedict Arnold, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams... they'll give you quests. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN will be the guy who upgrades your tools and whatnot, ala Leonardo Da Vinci.
Hey everyone Amirox wants to say something profound.

The Assassin's Creed story is the worst anything ever probably, but what I found interesting was always the setting and how it made a decent job of providing that atmosphere of whatever moment in history it was covering. With American Revolution time period, there's going to be a lot more embellishment (imagine how they handle slavery?) and it's going to distract from that appeal for me I bet.



Give me a break. The nonstop iterations do dilute the main plotline, but the central story is competent and interesting enough.

Seriously? With as much shit as we get in this industry? Half the non-sensical shit that comes out of Japan is 100 times worse than even the most confusing, open-ended, or unresolved plot points in AC.

Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised. It is, after all, why gaming stories are so horrendous: people actually like this trash. :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.


Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.

all i see are words of love. you love it but in your own way. :)


Sure, I get that. And I'm all for it... If it's done well and is somewhat deep/satisfying. It feels unbelievably weak in all of the AssCreed games, as if it were an after-thought chucked in at the last minute. The possibilities here are endless, yet they've hardly been explored.

And it needs something akin to - dare I say it - Uncharted's approach to stealth in terms of mechanics. You know, something as little as wall-cover > wall take-down. It's not that impactful of an addition, but I think it'd help. I hate having to strafe around a pillar like a nonce after having killed everyone in the exact same way.

I dunno. I just wish the games were a bit more "assassin-y", rather than chaos punctuated with a hidden-blade kill.

I agree with what you're saying but somehow I still enjoy the series.

AC1 was the best in the assassin department. Those assassinations actually felt sneaky and not the chaos punctuated with a hidden-blade kill like you mentioned.

This seems like what Ubi is going for just with Native American inspired trimmings and pants. Oh and that pesky hood. While I don't mind it, an eagle-beaked tricorn hat would have been golden (been saying it for years).

I realize that's a "no shit" statement. I meant it's easier to see the artistic details in that piece rather than the older art from history books posted.


all i see are words of love. you love it but in your own way. :)

I absolutely like the Assassin Creed games (except the first game and Revelations. Ok, so I like exactly half the AC games :p). I should say rather I like the Assassin's Creed concepts and it's a crapshoot whether the latest iteration will nail the elements that make the concept so attractive.

Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood were some of my favorite games in their respective years.

And of course as we all know, Assassin's Creed has some of the best soundtracks of all time (which, contrary to my statements shitting on the story, will have nobody condemning the hyperbole - because, as we all know from hypocriteGAF, they only complain about negativity, not positivity):

Listen and Weep (so amazing my god)


Quite the optimist. AC2 took a real two years of development, not this phony "we've had an internal team working on it for 3 years" BS.

Well I mean claims like that are verifiable so it wouldn't make much sense to outright lie about development time.

But I guess we'll find out in a couple weeks or so just how different they're shooting for.
Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised. It is, after all, why gaming stories are so horrendous: people actually like this trash. :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.

Uh, you didn't guess anything dude, they straight up TOLD US that there was a cataclysmic event happening in 2012 in the very first game.

In any case, I find all the conspiracy theories easy to follow, all the historical fiction entertaining, and all of the character drama surrounding the development of the main characters compelling (even though I hate that word). So I guess it's just different tastes.


How would they even know who did it? Im surprised Best Buy got the info/images so early anyways..

Best Buy employees, leak some Halo 4 info while you're at it?

We were apparently going to have some exclusive deal or whatnot, since Best Buy is trying to steer gaming into its own thing, so partnerships are trying to be formed. But because of the Leak they actually took down any and all traces of it from our personal news section. The Deal with Ubisoft probably got pulled as well once they caught wind of it.
The Guy probably sent Kotaku the hint using their best buy email(implying that they are in my position or higher in a store) so they would seem credible, and it got traced back by corporate.


Unconfirmed Member
Quite the optimist. AC2 took a real two years of development, not this phony "we've had an internal team working on it for 3 years" BS.

There have been rumours about the 3 year dev time for a while now. I think its a new engine too.

rdrr gnr

Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised. It is, after all, why gaming stories are so horrendous: people actually like this trash. :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.
Fine, make a detailed prediction about how the story will end then. Given its predictability, it should be incredibly easy, right? Tell me the plot and its conclusion.
I agree with what you're saying but somehow I still enjoy the series.

AC1 was the best in the assassin department. Those assassinations actually felt sneaky and not the chaos punctuated with a hidden-blade kill like you mentioned.

Yeah, they were still quite retardo, though.

Chillin' on a beam... Target below me... Now for the air-assassinat- oh, waitwaitwait. I've fallen off/jumped into a wall. Awesome. Repetitive swordfight commencing now.

The assassinations were basically like having a glorious 2 hour wank session, only to have your parents return home right before you're good to go.


Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised. It is, after all, why gaming stories are so horrendous: people actually like this trash. :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.

You seem to only be caring about the whole of the stories that include present day. Taken by itself Ezio's story is far from what you make the AC story out to be. I feel sorry for you if you can't find anything in AC story-wise to appreciate.

Also...I don't think there was ever a guess as to where the story was going. It's been pretty well laid out. Apparently in a way that you thought you "figured" it out rather than having had it presented to you on a silver platter.


Uh, you didn't guess anything dude, they straight up TOLD US that there was a cataclysmic event happening in 2012 in the very first game.

When did they say that? I never was able to bring myself to finish the first Assassin's Creed game because it bored me so much... but if they said it earlier, I just missed it. I finished all the rest of the AC games, but not the first one. You can check my achievements before you accuse me of being dishonest :p

It just seemed extremely obvious to me with talk of an ancient cataclysm that is magically coming again if people didn't wake up and do something, and then they list 2012... somewhere in the second game. It may have seemed obvious to you anyway, but I remember having discussions about the storyline after I beat AC2 and there were definitely a fair number of people who weren't on that page.

In any case, I find all the conspiracy theories easy to follow, all the historical fiction entertaining, and all of the character drama surrounding the development of the main characters compelling (even though I hate that word). So I guess it's just different tastes.

Right, that's the thing... I'm not even sure why you took issue with my statement. I obviously think it's a terrible story, I'm not speaking for you. If you freak out about me saying the story blows, I can pretty well assume it's because you somehow think differently than I do on the subject :p

I have no tolerance for shitty stories, it's true. I have a crusade against gaming stories because they're almost all uniformly terrible and Assassin's Creed story is simply one of the worst modern offenders to me.

AwShucks said:
You seem to only be caring about the whole of the stories that include present day. Taken by itself Ezio's story is far from what you make the AC story out to be. I feel sorry for you if you can't find anything in AC story-wise to appreciate.

Judging by the Assassin's Creed story topics that always spring up around the same time as the games proper, I'd say other people care about the story. I actually don't care about the story - if I did, I'd be too disgusted to actually finish the games. I stopped caring after the second one. I'm in it for the gameplay and the atmosphere of traveling around these time periods.


The overarching AC plot is ridiculous and kinda dumb. But it's still fun and sorta inventive in its ridiculousness.

My problem with the plotting of the games is the extended periods where I'm killing guys just because I'm told to. There's usually a pretty engaging revenge story at the outset that is kinda lost in a mess of assassinations and confusing alliances.


Sorry I didn't know there were actual Assassin's Creed story apologists. But I always learn every day on GAF that there are defenders of everything, so I should stop being surprised. It is, after all, why gaming stories are so horrendous: people actually like this trash. :p

Assassin's Creed story is a gargantuan, sloppy mess of conspiracy theorist garbage, awkwardly interspersed with maddening liberties with historical accuracy and at this point so easily predictable with where they're going (OMG MAYAN 2012 WORLD DESTRUCTION, which I guessed eighteen AC games ago) it's hard to even pretend to be engaged in the narrative they're painting.

I don't have any sympathy for these stories. What I like, what I appreciate, is the atmosphere of traveling around these cities during these time periods. That's what I focus on.

Not defending the story or anything, but the beauty and fun of fiction is that we can do anything. While the story may be a conspiracy spin on history, it works in providing an entertaining escape that is no worse than something like what you would see in a book or movie like The Da Vinci Code. It is entertainment and a game, it is not supposed to be based in reality or totally believable.


Yeah, they were still quite retardo, though.

Chillin' on a beam... Target below me... Now for the air-assassinat- oh, waitwaitwait. I've fallen off/jumped into a wall. Awesome. Repetitive swordfight commencing now.

The assassinations were basically like having a glorious 2 hour wank session, only to have your parents return home right before you're good to go.

Agreed completely. But that was a problem of mechanics not really design. They WANTED you to pull the kill off silently, just didn't give you the right tools (functional controls and whatnot) to do so. Or maybe I just really sucked at it.


I hope they completely change everything about this game. I would like to for just once play an Assassin's Creed game that shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games. Please, Ubi, make a game completely different from AC, but make sure you make it the new AC anyway.

GAF always amazes.


European pre-madonna
I haven't touched Revelations yet, does the story wrap up neatly? I found brotherhood's story kinda pointless


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't touched Revelations yet, does the story wrap up neatly? I found brotherhood's story kinda pointless

It wraps up Altairs story really well. The ending is quite touching.


I hope they completely change everything about this game. I would like to for just once play an Assassin's Creed game that shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games. Please, Ubi, make a game completely different from AC, but make sure you make it the new AC anyway.

GAF always amazes.

Play a franchise other than Assassin's Creed if you want a title that "completely change everything about this game" and "shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games"?

What always amazes me is the people who suddenly want a game in a series they like to share no resemblance to what makes them like it. It's an Assassin's Creed game; I want an AC game.

I actually don't doubt this will feel like an AC game completely. I'm just concerned it'll feel like the most boring parts of the old AC games - countryside travel.

I haven't touched Revelations yet, does the story wrap up neatly? I found brotherhood's story kinda pointless

It wraps up Ezio and Altair's story neatly, Desmond's story goes on and the 2012 cataclysm approaches. Waiting for inevitable discovery of ancient Adam/Eve technology/arc that will allow them to survive said cataclysm.

Not defending the story or anything, but the beauty and fun of fiction is that we can do anything. While the story may be a conspiracy spin on history, it works in providing an entertaining escape that is no worse than something like what you would see in a book or movie like The Da Vinci Code. It is entertainment and a game, it is not supposed to be based in reality or totally believable.

Da Vinci Code is abhorrent trash that is an insult to literature everywhere so that seems appropriate as a comparison. But I'm not insulting fiction. I love fiction. Many of my favorite books are fiction. I don't even mind good conspiracy theory books. I just mind terribly written stories, like AC.


I hope they completely change everything about this game. I would like to for just once play an Assassin's Creed game that shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games. Please, Ubi, make a game completely different from AC, but make sure you make it the new AC anyway.

GAF always amazes.

I don't want them to completely abandon everything and make a completely different game, but adding some fresh ideas and new gameplay mechanics to go along with the radically new environment is something I feel is a must in order to keep the series feeling both fresh and relevant. Based on what we know thus far, that sounds like what they are probably doing. Which I am more than happy with.
Agreed completely. But that was a problem of mechanics not really design. They WANTED you to pull the kill off silently, just didn't give you the right tools (functional controls and whatnot) to do so. Or maybe I just really sucked at it.

Nah, man. You're sweet. AC1 is a textbook example of the game sucking at ITSELF.


I hope they completely change everything about this game. I would like to for just once play an Assassin's Creed game that shares absolutely nothing in common with the other AC games. Please, Ubi, make a game completely different from AC, but make sure you make it the new AC anyway.
A similar jump like AC2 made from AC1 would be enough for me.


Da Vinci Code is abhorrent trash that is an insult to literature everywhere so that seems appropriate as a comparison. But I'm not insulting fiction. I love fiction. Many of my favorite books are fiction. I don't even mind good conspiracy theory books. I just mind terribly written stories, like AC.

Not a fan of The Da Vinci Code, btw. Just used it as an example of something similar. Anyway, the story is not going to win any awards, but it is interesting enough to make for a fun gaming experience for me. I'm good with that, but to each their own, of course.

rdrr gnr

The story is weak because it can be convoluted (and pretentious, but I love pretentiousness), but it's sound -- it's internally consistent and has immense draw. If you like the story, then you like the story for valid reasons. It's absolutely not an issue of quality, but simply an issue of taste. If you don't care for the narrative -- fine -- it isn't obtrusive; you can get your enjoyment other ways. But, if you do enjoy this type of tale, then story is immensely satisfying. I shit on game stories all the time because I believe those stories to be objectively unsound; those stories fail to meet even the most basic foundations of good non-fiction. I'd argue AC does a few things poorly, but it does many things well -- well enough to warrant some consideration. And, remember, it's a fucking ludo-narrative, there is no way the AC story/storytelling is some of the worst out there. Look at fucking Bayonetta, CoD, and Gears. For a household name, mainstream blockbuster title, AC does what it does well enough and I enjoy it immensely.


story sucks blah blah

I know that it is no gage of quality as the narative side of the media fuckin sucks, but would you agree that assassin's creed story is in the top tier of video game stories ? Like in the top 33% ?

If you say no, you think very differently than I do.
If you say yes, what exactly is your point ?
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