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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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Just got back from the morning shift of volunteers. We got sent to Graceville, and we wandered around aimlessly for a little while before cleaning up a kindergarten. They really, really needed more organizers on the ground to tell people what to do.

Oh sorry I should be talking about beer.


Gazunta said:
They really, really needed more organizers on the ground to tell people what to do.

Plainly, they saw you as a leadership figure and were silently baffled when you didn't take control.
trinest said:
I just want to say somehow I don't think a segment about "celeberaties in the flood" is in good spirit and crosses some sort of line into bad taste.

wow, they did that? As in like "B-list celebrities who's house got flooded"? ew. Who would watch that? And honestly, who cares? I don't mean to sound rude but what makes their house flooding anymore tragic that say, the little boy who died to save his brother?

There was a news article yesterday entitled "Queen and Pope join celebrity flood donaters". I don't know if you'd really call the Queen or the Pope a celebrity... And its nice that they are donating but I don't know if it really matters if the money came from the Pope, Bert Newton or Joe Bloggs as long as its getting to people.


it's 4th of July in my asshole

This picture sums it up nicely.

Theres a cow on ma ruff!


Look at these pricks using the floods as a press release for their fucking map service. And SMH going right along with it.
We managed to complete a 2cm [resolution] survey ... to put that into context, our rival, Google Maps, their content is 10cm.

Submitted to Mediawatch. Worst part is, my attention was drawn to this by a colleague who was reading the story and said "Hey, have you heard about Nearmap? Higher resolution than Google Maps."



Holy crap, thanks for that link. Being able to jump to different times and see a direct comparison between regular / flooded Brisbane with images taken yesterday is amazing.

Always annoyed me that you couldn't do that in Google Maps.

...glad it hasn't taken photos of my backyard when it was all messy.

Dead Man

Sew said:
Look at these pricks using the floods as a press release for their fucking map service. And SMH going right along with it.


Submitted to Mediawatch. Worst part is, my attention was drawn to this by a colleague who was reading the story and said "Hey, have you heard about Nearmap? Higher resolution than Google Maps."

Yeah, that might be in questionable taste, but it is a good way to demonstrate their feature set.


During the disaster, when emotions are still running high, it is very questionable. Should have waited a little longer, but I guess from a marketing stand point, it is clever.


You're not kidding about the mud. I hate to think what a friend's house in Toowong (in a very topographically depressed street) will be like.


wetwired said:
well I went out today to clean up at yeronga while the wife handed out food and drinks to all the volunteers. It went up into the 2nd floor of 2 story houses. Mud everywhere, 6 or more inches thick in places and it just kept on coming.


me in the blue
Top stuff! Jesus I forgot all about the mud. I ended up just putting all the clothes i was wearing today in the trash.

Dead Man

Zanken said:

My hometown Charlton in Victoria is one of the five towns that are completely submerged at the moment. This morning standing in the main street it's waist high.

Not to detract from the cleanup for the QLD floods, but Victoria certainly isn't feeling left out.
Hope you and yours are okay.

jambo said:
Pure awesome has been bottled, especially Pale, Sparkling and Vintage Ale.
Indeed it has.


There has been an amazing amount of volunteers out on the street helping. Someone even baked a chocolate slice and gave me some as I walked by. There's a lot of community spirit here.

My girlfriend and I have cleanup most of downstairs but the floor will need to be ripped out in the coming days. Still not sure if our two fridges and washing machine survived. I hope so, but I'll leave them to dry out.

The power is still out today and it will back on at the earliest on Tuesday. The main box out the front of the premises went under and has been destroyed so that needs replacing, then they need to check all the individual units before we can be hooked back up. That means no hot water too for us, so lots of very very cold showers. We're making do though. Got a friend nearby with power so I can get a hot meal and charge my phone and iPad every now and then.

It's my birthday tomorrow, I was meant to have a party yesterday but obviously that was called off. It sure is going to be an interesting birthday this year. I won't forget it!


Salazar said:
I doubt there'd be many places open.

Courier Mail is making Campbell Newman out as a Giuliani figure.

Flash to 2020 election:

"When I was the mayor during the 2011 Floods I did a lot of things during the 2011 Floods and everything changed during the 2011 Floods and I was around for the 2011 Floods and 2011 Floods 2011 Floods 2011 Floods 2011 Floods. Did I mention the floods?"


matt404au said:
because La Nina didn't exist before the industrial era, right?
La Nina is certain parts of the ocean warming up, so it's thought that global warming will cause more extreme episodes of La Nina. Also, the difference between the headline and the content is hilarious. They've obviously said "blames coal miners" to make people intrepret it as being about the workers, when Brown's actual quotes are about the industry and our reliance on it.


Fredescu said:
La Nina is certain parts of the ocean warming up, so it's thought that global warming will cause more extreme episodes of La Nina. Also, the difference between the headline and the content is hilarious. They've obviously said "blames coal miners" to make people intrepret it as being about the workers, when Brown's actual quotes are about the industry and our reliance on it.

Key word in bold.

It's thought, not proven, yet he says:

"It is costing billions of dollars, besides the pain, the anguish, the loss of life, the destruction and it should not be left to ordinary taxpayers to bear the full brunt of that."
Went into the city today. The buses are running free for the rest of the week :D Not much visible flood damage to the city (but all the mangroves under the motorway are gone?), southbank isn't fairing as well, but its looking alright ish. Cinemas back up and running, despite parts of southbank being sectioned off.

Jay Sosa

Because I'm an ignorant fool I didn't read all replies..are there really sharks in the streets?

EDIT: Yeah nuclear power! I bet ya'll didn't grow up when Tschernobyl happened, that was a fun time! And who cares about the waste? Just ship it to Africa!


There were sharks, crocs, snakes, frogs riding on snakes.

An expert said bull sharks were skittish and likely to flee loud noises or splashing, but we don't believe that. Everyone knows that is a macho shark.


Someone on another forum I frequent was part of a clean up crew and posted these shots

Before we started our assigned patch

The first of like 6 truckloads on this corner alone...

An after shot as we left

Flood line in St Lucia. That yard also had a giant pile of rubbish to start with from the units, flooded into the second floor.

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