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Avengers Endgame (SPOILER THREAD)


A lot of characters just flat out didnt get the payoffs and moments they should have had in Endgame. It's a shame really.

Because the stories are going to continue, and the Guardians are among them. Honestly, Drax's reasoning for killing Thanos never felt as strong as the other characters, Ronan was the real culprit at the end of the day in terms of Drax's grief.

Endgame was about wrapping up the original six Avengers' stories and naturally that's who it was focused on.


Are people really that up in arms about Valkyrie leading the Asgardians? It's not like there's that many left, I think she can manage that much, geezus. Besides, it means we'll likely get Hemsworth in at least one more movie with Guardians 3, so that's a win to me.

And as for Sif, why would you expect her to come back, Ragnarok practically gave the middle finger to all the characters in the first two Thor movies who weren't Thor, Loki, Heimdall, or Odin. As someone who "dared" to like Jane, Sif, and the Warriors 3 (like geezus, when Thor is telling Rocket his personal losses in IW, he calls Heimdall his "best friend" which was never suggested in the movies, and completely omits the Warriors 3 who actually seemed like his closest friends along with Sif) I've just accepted these characters will likely be never mentioned or shown again.


Are people really that up in arms about Valkyrie leading the Asgardians? It's not like there's that many left, I think she can manage that much, geezus. Besides, it means we'll likely get Hemsworth in at least one more movie with Guardians 3, so that's a win to me.

And as for Sif, why would you expect her to come back, Ragnarok practically gave the middle finger to all the characters in the first two Thor movies who weren't Thor, Loki, Heimdall, or Odin. As someone who "dared" to like Jane, Sif, and the Warriors 3 (like geezus, when Thor is telling Rocket his personal losses in IW, he calls Heimdall his "best friend" which was never suggested in the movies, and completely omits the Warriors 3 who actually seemed like his closest friends along with Sif) I've just accepted these characters will likely be never mentioned or shown again.
No one is really upset, just pointing out exactly what you are pointing out. The whole group got shafted in favor of diversity.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
No one is really upset, just pointing out exactly what you are pointing out. The whole group got shafted in favor of diversity.
I'm just happy there is a very clear and obvious clean break. No need to watch MCU for a while.

Dr. STrange 2 could maybe bring me back but that's about it.


Wow. Haven't seen it yet but after reading all these spoilers I know I'm going to be pissed. Filled with paradoxes and unexplained messes. Sad IW was so good, this sounds like bad writing all over the place. Fucking shame. Fucking time travel garbage. Whatever saving me some money.


Because the stories are going to continue, and the Guardians are among them. Honestly, Drax's reasoning for killing Thanos never felt as strong as the other characters, Ronan was the real culprit at the end of the day in terms of Drax's grief.

Endgame was about wrapping up the original six Avengers' stories and naturally that's who it was focused on.

Too bad it didnt really even do a good job of that aside from like Widow and even that was awkward. There were still very distinct things that should have been have been addressed in EG that either weren't or just done poorly.


LOL so based on your headcanon Sif abandoned Asgard so we all must agree she is not worthy of being Queen but Val who definitely abandoned it is good to go? Ha that's quite a leap there sir.

It's not headcannon, she literally was no where to be seen when Asgard was destroyed. I have no idea where she was but she wasn't with the Warriors 3 trying to fight Hela or defend Asgard.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Wow. Haven't seen it yet but after reading all these spoilers I know I'm going to be pissed. Filled with paradoxes and unexplained messes. Sad IW was so good, this sounds like bad writing all over the place. Fucking shame. Fucking time travel garbage. Whatever saving me some money.
You won't even be pissed honestly. You'll just be "meh."

Hour 1 is sad people. Hour 2 is literal repeats of previous MCU scenes. Hour 3 is a Disney kid-friendly battle that sucks.


°Temp. member
One advantage that Infinity War has over End Game is that there's not a dull moment in the entire movie. Things are constantly happening. End Game is good but the first half is slow.
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It's not headcannon, she literally was no where to be seen when Asgard was destroyed. I have no idea where she was but she wasn't with the Warriors 3 trying to fight Hela or defend Asgard.

Yeah no. Yeah....no.... Yeah...



Another thing I'm thinking about, why did the snap kill Tony? I mean Thanos was wiping out 50% of all life in the universe so I can see that taking an enormous amount of power but Tony was just snapping what was left of Thano's forces, who didn't even need to be snapped what with Marvel and Scarlet on the field, and Thanos himself. Should have been way less of a strain on him even with his human body. Furthermore, why does he even need to snap at all? He has all six stones and there are millions of other ways he could have eliminated Thanos without sacrificing himself in the process. I know he was inexplicably way stronger in Endgame than he was IW but still. If the excuse is Strange's BS about the one outcome than that's an even lazier cop out than it already was.

Also, Marvel flies at lightspeed doesn't she? How could she not got it the gauntlet to the van faster than everybody could think?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
One advantage that Infinity War has over End Game is that there's not a dull moment in the entire movie. Things are constantly happening. End Game is good but the first half is slow.
Huge chunks of time with Thanos are dull. Soul stone is dull. Reality stone fakery was dull.

Infinity War is basically a great NYC opening, and a battle ruined by Quill shitting the bed.


People clapped loud when Captain Marvel got her ass handed to her I was laughing lol.

As the father of four children who deeply loves my family I would give literally anything up for my family so the ending hit me super hard....


No one is really upset, just pointing out exactly what you are pointing out. The whole group got shafted in favor of diversity.

Kind of a stretch there considering said group consisted of two women (Jane and Sif) and one Asian guy (one of the Warriors 3).


I hated superman in JL, he made everyone else periphery, same thing with cm here, so its not a feminist thing. I even was rooting for wonderwoman, but she was nerf big in JL.

Back to EG, rewatching it, when ancient one was talking about needing the stones in each reality, she was really talking about her time stone, in her reality, which is needed to defend against domamu. So it's not a in universe law that you neee all stones.

That said, i love EG on second watch, really about payoff and callback, but also it has quite a good flow and effort put it. The only bit i got bored was too much hawkguy and their soul stone portion.
Decided not to see this after I heard the movie is 2 hours of boring and one good action sequence at the end. I don't even like superhero movies but Infinity War was pretty damn good. That movie wasted not time and was very fun to watch throughout the entire run time. Hard pass from me now.


Decided not to see this after I heard the movie is 2 hours of boring and one good action sequence at the end. I don't even like superhero movies but Infinity War was pretty damn good. That movie wasted not time and was very fun to watch throughout the entire run time. Hard pass from me now.

well, it's definitely NOT 2 hours of boring. Movie is incredible and deserves all the hype and success.


Peoples hate for Brie Larson here makes them do mental gymnastics just so they can complain about things in her film that they don't complain about in other films. Like in her film, complaints about how she is overpowered and she saves the day with no effort, because she is a Mary Sue woman blah blah. But in Justice Leage, well we all know how terrible that film is but there were no complaints about Superman rushing in at the end of the film to save the day effortlessly and how completely unearned it was, damn Billy Bob man! People here actually praised Superman in that film.

Where's the mental gymnastics?

Maybe I am wrong here but aren't there tons of people who, like myself, don't like Superman specifically because he is overpowered?

I definitely never much cared for Superman for pretty much the same reasons I didn't care for Captain Marvel in this movie. I didn't like Man of Steel, didn't like Batman v Superman and also didn't like Justice League. I did not like Superman at all in any of those movies (or any Superman movie tbh).

It seems a bit shitty to say that because someone else praised Superman than my criticism of Captain Marvel is therefore hypocritical.

I don't like this overpowered character, or overpowered characters in general. They are shallow and usually there is no payoff to the time invested engaging with the story because the character never really evolved or faces a decent challenge.

Ah, but someone who isn't me likes Superman so >> I << am doing mental gymnastics?

If you have a specific person in mind who praised Superman and also then complained about Captain Marvel then maybe you could take it up with them?

"You say that Captain Marvel is overpowered and saves the day too easily but this COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON praised Superman so you are a hypocrite".

What a load of shite.


Also, Marvel flies at lightspeed doesn't she? How could she not got it the gauntlet to the van faster than everybody could think?

It's the same basic problem with characters like Captain Marvel. Their powers need to be on a sliding scale depending on what is needed by the plot.

So, if she can fly right into Thanos' ship and completely destroy it then why not just fly into Thanos himself with the same force?
We know from IW that a hard enough hit from Tony is enough to make Thanos bleed and that Thor almost chopped him in half with his axe with the Infinity Stones and beheaded him without.

Yet the person who was shown 5 minutes ago flying at crazy speeds right through a ship and blowing it up can't fly faster than Thanos can throw his sword and can't just fly into Thanos himself and kill him BUT ALSO she can take a full Thanos headbutt without flinching.

This can only be a problem going forward as writers are left trying to create a story around a character that can fly at lightspeed, can just destroy a massive ship and/or fleet of ships on a whim, and can take a headbutt from the strongest villain we've seen without even reacting. What do you do with that?

The only real option is to introduce some kind of "kryptonite" MacGuffin that will remove the characters power until the final act of the movie and they can just go crazy. OR have the character lose their memory. I think they already did both in the Capt Marvel origin story?
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Nah, I see sol bad's point. Superman definitely didn't get really much criticism for his power level in the JL movie and beating Steppenwolf solo compared to Carol beating Thanos solo , oh wait, no she didn't, Thanos beat her and she only wrecked his ship (which Thor could have easily done as well really).

And Christ, the Russo Bros. gave people what Carol "apparently" needed by having her lose (let's ignore her getting captured in her movie or admitting she made a mistake with the Skrulls. I think female characters have to practically slip on a banana peel every 10 minutes to manage to avoid being labaled a Mary Sue by tons of people on the Internet who probably only have a vague understanding of the term) when Thanos beats her. Like, she is not OP when you've got the likes of Hulk, Thor, and Strange (notice how Strange had to be distracted in the final fight, yeah I think Thanos with no Infinity Stones would have gotten wrecked by him) and yet people have this weird dislike of her. If it's personality, okay fine, but in terms of her abilities even if she may be a bit more powerful than Hulk or Thor it's not by that much (and depending on the opponent, Dr. Strange is probably more effective, where's the hate boner for him?)

If there were actually people clapping in one theater when Thanos, a guy the audience should clearly be ready to see his smug face finally get wrecked, defeated her, that's just bizarre to me. Funny, people applauded when she wrecked his ship in my theater showing. And when the portals brought in all the heroes' allies. And when the camera focused on the Wakandians. And when it focused on the Guardians. And when Steve wielded the hammer. And, brace yourself people, when the women stood together (oh noez!). And when Tony snapped his fingers. And when Steve gave the shield to Sam. And finally as the credits began. Kick ass audience that I had.

Airbus Jr

My question is what does Thanos armor and weapons are made of ?

Seems strong as shit

Destroy capt America Vibranium shield and able to sustain so much damage from Hulk((Infinity War), Iron Man, Thor, Capt Marvel almost unscratched
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I think female characters have to practically slip on a banana peel every 10 minutes to manage to avoid being labaled a Mary Sue by tons of people on the Internet who probably only have a vague understanding of the term

I think this is demonstrably untrue.

People seemed to love Nebula in this movie. People seemed to love Black Widow and Gamora across the Marvel movies they've appeared in.

I think that people would have probably preferred to see Nebula and Gamora bringing down Thanos' ship because those characters earned the right to play a major role in defeating Thanos.

If anything you could argue that the two are great examples of feminist characters from their unconventional looks to their rebellious natures to the fact that they ultimately defy their father figure or patriarch or whatever to go their own way.

No way people are saying "Nebula is such a Mary Sue" even though she has a lot of good moments in the movie and has a strong influence on the plot.
No way people were saying "oh, god, Gamora is back she's just a Mary Sue cos she can easily beat up Quill *eyeroll*".

Yet, these facts are largely ignored.

The difference between Nebula and Captain Marvel should be obvious to even a casual observer.
I would say that after Endgame one has been written into a position where most audience members will see her as a firm favorite and the other feels kind of forced upon the audience rather than growing in an organic fashion.

People tend to pick and choose when it comes to this argument. If Female Character A is criticized as being a bad character then it gets labelled as "sexism". If Female Character B is largely liked or loved by the audience then it tends to just be ignored.


And when it comes to Carols personality, it's within universe that she is a bit of a dick and cocky, all the Avengers comment on it, it's how she was written. And Endgame was written and filmed before Captain Marvel.

People don't hate her character, people hate Brie Larson and they are extending that to the character Captain Marvel. It's a small minority that are vocally hating Brie. A substantial number of people on this forum are part of that minority. If mostly everyone hated her character and film there is no way the it would have made over 1.1 billion dollars.


And when it comes to Carols personality, it's within universe that she is a bit of a dick and cocky, all the Avengers comment on it, it's how she was written. And Endgame was written and filmed before Captain Marvel.

People don't hate her character, people hate Brie Larson and they are extending that to the character Captain Marvel. It's a small minority that are vocally hating Brie. A substantial number of people on this forum are part of that minority. If mostly everyone hated her character and film there is no way the it would have made over 1.1 billion dollars.
Empty seats have no voice.


Nebula, BW, and Gamora are nowhere near Thor, Hulk, or Strange's capabilities. I'm talking generally when a female character is more powerful than most of the other characters with only a few others around her level she often seems to be placed under more scrutiny than the male characters by some people.

Again, I flat out said this is only talking about her powers. If people don't like her personality, that's fine but I'm not going to act like I don't feel there's a double standard going on here.

I mean, you say "sexism" but I think it's more of some of the anti-SJW crowd having the uncontrollable desire to find as much SJW stuff in a fiction as they can find and complaining about it. I guarantee you if the MCU had started 9 years later and Iron Man 2 came out today, quite a few people would see that scene where Natasha owns a ton of guards and Happy only manages to beat one and be all like, "oh sure, shove that feminism BS in our face!" If a modern female character does well against a primary villain, the Internet finds the need to completely over-analyze it. Meanwhile, Hulk can curbstomp Loki and even throw ULTRON like he's nothing without anyone batting an eye.

And what is Hulk's weakness again? Oh, he sometimes has trouble going back to his non-powered human self. That, err, qualifies as a weakness apparently. Carol has similarly no weaknesses yet is "clearly" OP for......reasons.


People were absolutely criticizing how useless Superman made the rest of the league in JL and Hulk isnt nearly as overpowered as CM is. Thor can handle him just fine, Thanos schooled him, and he's been shown to be overwhelmed by mooks too on occasion. He blindsided Loki who is more of a finesse fighter and tossed a damaged, escaping Ultron who was busy flying the quinjet. CM on the other hand is on a completely other level compared to everyone else in the MCU. People arent just looking for this stuff it's being screamed from the mountain tops by the films and studio itself.

Could CM work in the MCU with her current power level? Sure, but they need to put a hell of a lot more work into than they have up to this point.

Every other MCU hero has been made considerably weaker than their comicbook counterpart except for Carol so it isnt at all strange that she's inviting more examination than the rest.


But those people must not know DC very well because Superman wasn't OP but rather Wonder Woman was nerfed some (Aquaman and Cyborg though, yeah they're not on Supes' strength level). Steppenwolf should not ultimately be much of a threat to Superman, at least not in any of the comics I've read. So Superman isn't OP so much as another character was made not as strong and the villain was just flat out poorly chosen to be a real threat to the heroes.

Strange seems more like he'll be more of an issue balancing compared to Carol for the next team-up film. As I said, notice how they made sure Thanos didn't have to fight him here, it's like they knew Strange would have little problem taking on a Thanos with no access to the Infinity Stones.

Carol did not beat Thanos at the end of the day, Hulk on the other hand did get to defeat Loki (yes, Loki's weaker than Hulk but it's still a hero who gets to curbstomp the villain who had given Steve, Tony, and Thor all trouble fighting) and even humiliate Ultron who is super powerful and had taken way less hits compared to Thanos against Steve and Thor before Carol showed up to fight. She is definitely not miles ahead of Thor, Hulk, or Strange.

I dunno, Thor from Ragnarok on seemed pretty spot on compared to the comics, as well as Cap from Winter Soldier on. Also, I've not read that many GOTG comics, did Peter ever become as powerful there as he did in 2? Sure, it was only temporarily, but still.


Another thing I'm thinking about, why did the snap kill Tony? I mean Thanos was wiping out 50% of all life in the universe so I can see that taking an enormous amount of power but Tony was just snapping what was left of Thano's forces, who didn't even need to be snapped what with Marvel and Scarlet on the field, and Thanos himself. Should have been way less of a strain on him even with his human body. Furthermore, why does he even need to snap at all? He has all six stones and there are millions of other ways he could have eliminated Thanos without sacrificing himself in the process. I know he was inexplicably way stronger in Endgame than he was IW but still. If the excuse is Strange's BS about the one outcome than that's an even lazier cop out than it already was.

Also, Marvel flies at lightspeed doesn't she? How could she not got it the gauntlet to the van faster than everybody could think?

Because bad writing and RDJ's contract end meant that he had to somehow die in this one.
Anyways there's enough plot holes in EG to fill a book. It's probably even worse than TLJ. I've given up trying to analyze it, I'll just accept the fact that it's a big, dumb movie you're not supposed to think about too much. Which is a shame because the other great MCU movies like Winter Soldier are not like that.

It's also a bit annoying that in the previous MCU movies before IW/EG, it's usually the villain seemed undefeatable and the heroes had to exceed their potential to defeat them, but now you have heroes fucking up totally winnable fights, because they do dumb things and self-sabotage themselves.
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It's also a bit annoying that in the previous MCU movies before IW/EG, it's usually the villain seemed undefeatable and the heroes had to exceed their potential to defeat them, but now you have heroes fucking up totally winnable fights, because they do dumb things and self-sabotage themselves.

When did they ever do anything that dumb? Only moment is Peter Quill hitting Thanos after finding out he killed Gamora which is perfectly in character for him, he didn't hesitate at all in shooting Ego when he revealed he had killed Peter's mother. He at least tried hard to control himself before giving in, but that's just smart writing showing a character's emotional strength (no tolerance for a person who has hurt someone they care about) being twisted into a weakness based on the situation.

Also, in terms of kunonabi's post, the fate of the universe is on the line and you think Tony is going to risk continuing the fight no matter how improved their odds are now? No way. Plus, I never thought it was the amount of people that was being targeted that caused such massive strain but rather using all six stones simultaneously.


When did they ever do anything that dumb? Only moment is Peter Quill hitting Thanos after finding out he killed Gamora which is perfectly in character for him, he didn't hesitate at all in shooting Ego when he revealed he had killed Peter's mother. He at least tried hard to control himself before giving in, but that's just smart writing showing a character's emotional strength (no tolerance for a person who has hurt someone they care about) being twisted into a weakness based on the situation.

Also, in terms of kunonabi's post, the fate of the universe is on the line and you think Tony is going to risk continuing the fight no matter how improved their odds are now? No way. Plus, I never thought it was the amount of people that was being targeted that caused such massive strain but rather using all six stones simultaneously.

The universe was on the line and he wasn't willing to lose his daughter to save it before so yeah I could totally see him finding another way to stop Thanos that doesn't result in him never seeing his daughter again and leaving her without a father. Especially since Tony knew what it was like to lose his own parents without saying goodbye. Let's not also forget that they were still sitting on six stones and could have easily brought Tony back from the dead after the battle anyway.


Another thing I'm thinking about, why did the snap kill Tony? I mean Thanos was wiping out 50% of all life in the universe so I can see that taking an enormous amount of power but Tony was just snapping what was left of Thano's forces, who didn't even need to be snapped what with Marvel and Scarlet on the field, and Thanos himself. Should have been way less of a strain on him even with his human body. Furthermore, why does he even need to snap at all? He has all six stones and there are millions of other ways he could have eliminated Thanos without sacrificing himself in the process. I know he was inexplicably way stronger in Endgame than he was IW but still. If the excuse is Strange's BS about the one outcome than that's an even lazier cop out than it already was.

Also, Marvel flies at lightspeed doesn't she? How could she not got it the gauntlet to the van faster than everybody could think?

Why wouldn't it? Consider Thanos' two snaps and how much damage it did to him despite how strong the guy is. Even scaling back the damage a smaller scale snap would do, it's pretty much guaranteed Tony would die since the damage is done directly to the user and he's just human. The snap that brought everyone back actually took the Hulk's arm out and we know how durable that guy is. As for using the stones, the user would still be constrained by usual human limitations if they wanted to defeat the army without a snap. The user would need to focus on attacking certain groups leaving a possibility they'd get ganged up on from directions they aren't looking. The user could AOE attack but then they'd run the risk of hurting allies, etc. Despite not doing much damage to him in IW, the heroes were able to get hits on Thanos when his attention was turned. That'd happen to other folks but without the strength of Thanos to back them up.

CM and Scarlet could probably do a ton of damage to the armies but dunno if Scarlet has the stamina for that long of a fight and we've seen her get pushed back before. CM would probably the wild card there because we haven't seen her do anything but look miffed for 1.05x movies


I still don't see how Thanos was fine with the first snap and was burned by using it again. Was it the gauntlet?

Yes. The gauntlet looks like it protected him quite a bit during the first snap then it lost all of its protection. When he did it a second time, he took the full force of the snap himself. Tony's gauntlet didn't do much which is why when Hulk snapped, the gauntlet burned out and Hulk took most of the damage from it.

If you go back and watch the final scene in Infinity War when Thanos sits down, you'll notice he's hobbling a bit as he walks out and that his left arm has burn marks on it that aren't on his right arm.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
One of the biggest comic book youtubers loved the movie and explains why. So some people dig it. He also explains why Steve Rogers screwed everything up by staying in the past.

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One of the biggest comic book youtubers loved the movie and explains why. So some people dig it. He also explains why Steve Rogers screwed everything up by staying in the past.

This guy talked way over my head and way fast so I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure this is 100% incorrect. If he's saying that Cap changed the main timeline of the movie with his actions at the end, that notion is contradicted by the directors' explanation. Comic Book Guy said Cap "changed everything," but he only changed everything in the alternate timeline he created when he went back and stayed. Saying Cap wouldn't have children to not screw up the timeline too much doesn't make any sense. And the directors specifically shoot down the idea of the "time loop."

From here: https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/avengers-endgame-director-explains-big-plot-hole-caps/

“To me, CA’s action in the end wasn’t the fact he wanted to change anything, it’s more like he has made a choice. He chose to go back to past and lived with the one he loved for the rest of his life. The time travel in this movie created an alternate reality. He lived a completely different life in that world. We don’t know how exactly his life turned out, but I’d like to believe he still helped many others when they were needed in that world.

Yes, there were two CA in that reality, it’s just like what Hulk said, what happened in the past has already happened. If you go back to past, you simply created a new reality. The characters in this movie created new timeline when they went back to the past, but it had no effect to the prime universe. What happened in the past 22 movies was still canon.”

Nope, not a time loop. Both Ancient One and Hulk were right. You can’t change the future by simply going back to past. But it’s possible to create a different alternate future. It’s not butterfly effect. Every decision you made in the past could potentially create a new timeline. For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.

The remaining question at this point of course is why they don't go back in time and swipe every character that died right before their end and bring them back to the present. Sure it would eff up those other realities but who cares about them? :messenger_winking:
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Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
One of the biggest comic book youtubers loved the movie and explains why. So some people dig it. He also explains why Steve Rogers screwed everything up by staying in the past.

Bunch of alternate timeline time paradox BS nonsense. Don't waste your time people.


It's the same basic problem with characters like Captain Marvel. Their powers need to be on a sliding scale depending on what is needed by the plot.

So, if she can fly right into Thanos' ship and completely destroy it then why not just fly into Thanos himself with the same force?
We know from IW that a hard enough hit from Tony is enough to make Thanos bleed and that Thor almost chopped him in half with his axe with the Infinity Stones and beheaded him without.

Yet the person who was shown 5 minutes ago flying at crazy speeds right through a ship and blowing it up can't fly faster than Thanos can throw his sword and can't just fly into Thanos himself and kill him BUT ALSO she can take a full Thanos headbutt without flinching.

This can only be a problem going forward as writers are left trying to create a story around a character that can fly at lightspeed, can just destroy a massive ship and/or fleet of ships on a whim, and can take a headbutt from the strongest villain we've seen without even reacting. What do you do with that?

The only real option is to introduce some kind of "kryptonite" MacGuffin that will remove the characters power until the final act of the movie and they can just go crazy. OR have the character lose their memory. I think they already did both in the Capt Marvel origin story?
The Russo brothers have said that Thanos' skin is almost indestructible. In IW, Iron Man is able to scratch him with his nanotech, and Stormbreaker is able to cut through him, essentially because it is "magical". In the same way that it wasn't affected by a blast from all of the infinity stones.

But apart from a slight vulnerability to being cut, Thanos can pretty much tank any kind of energy blast or blunt force trauma. In IW, Iron Man drops a spaceship on him, and it doesn't make a mark. While In Endgame he tanks everything Iron Man and Thor can throw at him. And if you think about it, when he destroys the infinity stones, he survives an energy blast so powerful it is felt across the galaxy. I doubt that Captain Marvel's energy output would be comparable to that.

And the point about taking a full force headbutt from Thanos, is that Captain Marvel was absorbing the full energy of the infinity stones at the time. So she was as powerful as she can possibly be, given that her ability is to absorb and redirect energy. In future movies, I imagine she will face enemies that won't constantly feed her with energy, and will be able to drain her energy reserves.


Of all the interesting, deep, complex female superheroes available, Marvel chose probably one of the least interesting and popular ones, despite her being powerful, as the one to "lead" the MCU going forward. When they announced the Captain Marvel movie a few years ago I had a huge Huh? on my face and it still puzzles me now. I mean Captain Marvel's main claim to fame in the comics was as the chick who Rogue stole her powers from.


Of all the interesting, deep, complex female superheroes available, Marvel chose probably one of the least interesting and popular ones, despite her being powerful, as the one to "lead" the MCU going forward. When they announced the Captain Marvel movie a few years ago I had a huge Huh? on my face and it still puzzles me now. I mean Captain Marvel's main claim to fame in the comics was as the chick who Rogue stole her powers from.

Carol was actually plenty interesting back when she was Ms. Marvel it's just they don't want to write the MCU version with the vulnerability, self-esteem issues, and moments of pure existential crisis that she dealt with prior to the Captain reboot. They want her to be a symbol and not a character. It sucks because Ms. Marvel is one of my favorite comic characters but they've completely botched her film version.
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Rodent Whores
Did anyone else feel like they aged Cap a little too much? He's got dat super serum in his balls, he should be a little more age resistant than the average human.


It just seemed weird and forced. "You've shown leadership" <- when did this happen? When she spent 500 years slave trading on Sakaar?

During the 5 year gap?

The remaining question at this point of course is why they don't go back in time and swipe every character that died right before their end and bring them back to the present. Sure it would eff up those other realities but who cares about them? :messenger_winking:

My understanding is that they can't return to the exact same point in the alternate reality.
Just like they can't change current mainline present/future they can't return to the past/alternate reality to change things.
If they return to the exact same moment it will actually be another reality again.

It wouldn't make sense if you couldn't affect the present by time travel but you could readjust the past by time travel.


Did anyone else feel like they aged Cap a little too much? He's got dat super serum in his balls, he should be a little more age resistant than the average human.
Yeah, I felt that too. Maybe Cap removed whatever made him young? Or going back in time made him prevent from getting this young age forever injection? I don’t know, but he sure felt way old.
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