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Battlefield 6 will be "heavily influenced by Battlefield 3"; also coming to PS4 and Xbox One


What's the timeline on this? Having cross-gen games potentially so far after the launch of next gen consoles, seems sketchy.
I could kinda see a lastgen version now. The issue is you still cant buy a SeriesX or PS5 anywhere. At least here in Germany its impossible. And neither MS or Sony are giving an update about the stock situation.
I can understand publishers still releasing crossgen games a year or even two years after this new consoles came out.
I could kinda see a lastgen version now. The issue is you still cant buy a SeriesX or PS5 anywhere. At least here in Germany its impossible. And neither MS or Sony are giving an update about the stock situation.
I can understand publishers still releasing crossgen games a year or even two years after this new consoles came out.
I know what you mean, i cycle back to the thinking of, we should have delayed the next gen 🤷‍♂️

Get stock numbers up, get more games primed and have everyone ready to migrate. At this rate (of production) we won't see consoles in the hands of the hardcore and gaming enthusiasts for maybe another 12 months.

Or, this game, like many others, will be sold as the 'cross-gen' version, with some hook to rebuy the same game a year or two later. It'll be Next gen+ and loads of DLC. I think the GTA 5 model will be used more widely


Cool. I enjoyed 3 a lot, hopefully it will also have a nice sp, the hardline story mode was really cool, while the latest ones were really boring to me.


  • Heavily influenced by BF3


  • Large maps, up to 128 players


  • Coming to PS4 and Xbox too (graphical downgrade, toned down destruction and will have only 32vs32 player modes)


  • Two studios working on last-gen and current-gen versions


  • Battle-Royale in development (EA impressed by Warzone success)


It sucks that it's crossgen, but that turned out okay for BF4. With different player counts and destruction, I don't really see how it can support cross play across generations (hopefully it doesn't if the destruction affects game play).


Of course EA would get impressed by something that rewards them with big fat sacks of cash

I'll believe it.

Hopefully taking inspiration from BF3 will bring them back in track. I can forgive them for BFV if 6 turns out to be rad. BF3 had the best jet fighter game play
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always chasing the next thrill
i rather have a new game but


kay? i guess?

not really? maybe yes


Didn’t EA specifically say they didn’t release a bf in 2020 because they were going to focus on a next gen only version.

their battle Royle was awful.


Thanks for the summary! Tired of watching 15 minute long videos that just drag out with meaningless filler drivel that could’ve been 3-5 if not for YouTube monetisation.

Battlefield 3 as inspiration sounds good (BF2 even better but dreaming here) and I don’t mind cross gen as I expected that anyhow. The install base is too small for only next gen for such a big title. Graphics on par with the latest games (BF1 and V) is fine with me with a res and FPS bump.
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also coming to PS4 and Xbox One​



i'm up for that as long as the last gen versions are developed separately so that current gen/PC isn't held back.


Meh, hit me up when they decide to make BC3, or at very least a BF inspired by the series. The more players the worse it gets IMO, unless it's BR mode where the map constantly shrinks and the players are forced to eventually meet and fight, otherwise there's waaay more running than actual gunning, I look at the 128 number and I cannot imagine what a snorefest it will be.


Happy it's influenced by Battlefield 3. I dunno how I feel about 128 players tho and i'm not too fond of them going back to trying Battle Royale again.


What's the timeline on this? Having cross-gen games potentially so far after the launch of next gen consoles, seems sketchy.

Metal Gear V Phantom Pain was released in fall 2015, and Persona 5 was pretty much the PS3 swansong title and they bothered to release it worldwide too as by that point most studios dropped the console on the western releases.

Even Battlefield Hardline, a game from early 2015, had a crossgen version.


Everything is great apart from last gen versions. I'd hope holiday 2021 or if delayed sometime in 2022 was late enough to not have a last gen version. But I understand the new consoles are in such short supply all Battlefield fans might not be able to play it otherwise. Last gen version sounds very watered down though and you'd have to wonder will it even sell well.


Gold Member
Just glad we're moving on from WW1/2, so sick of trench warfare now, hopefully they deliver the goods!
I can understand being tired of that. However, on that note, I'm pretty over modern warfare as well, lmao. But if it's good, it's good! I'm honestly hoping for the best BF experience in awhile. I miss BF a great deal. :(

I really can't wait for consoles to breakaway from last gen.



I fail to see how this is an issue. If they aren't just toning down graphics but also destructibility of environments for last gen consoles it means that they are actually optimising past lowering textures and decreasing framerate (possibly).

This is a good thing.

It means that the "next gen" version will be what they want it to be, where old hardware will have gameplay limitations put in place so that the next gen version vision isn't hindered.


Most of you guys dont seem to remember that BF3 was a cross gen game as well. At least sort of. The console version was gimped as hell and had nothing on the PC version. Even BF4 on PS4 and Xone didn‘t look as good as BF3 with ultra settings on PC.

It‘ll be fine if it’s two versions by two teams. If EA doesnt fuck it up otherwise that is.
Of course it’s coming to last gen when barely anyone can get a hand on next gen. Even by the end of the year, there is a lot of uncertainty about how this gen will pan out. What, you want them to bomb and sell 2M to a small user base. No way.

Glad it’s becoming modern again, BF3 and 4 were best FPSs ever until Modern Warfare came out. Just hope they got burned enough with virtue signaling and go back to being normal and selling 15M+ per game like they used to.


Am I the only one that felt like Battlefield 4 was the best one. I loved 3 but 4 was great.
BF4 was very good. But for some reason the movement and the overall feel of BF3 made it better for me.

BF1 (WW1)

I never played much of the other games.
BF3 was the best. I remember being so disappointed at the time because BF3 got so much hate from certain groups in the BF community.

I loved the details, the gunplay. Hell, I even enjoyed the suppression mechanic.
No objective person could possibly hate BF3. It was Battlefield’s CoD 4: Modern Warfare (2007) moment. A game changer. Some people will always continue living in the past like those who still scream ”Bad Company!”. Don’t mind them, they are relics of the bygone era.

Battle Royal doesn’t bother me if it’s a separate thing like with Warzone, it’s good to give people a chance to try slice of a game for free and if they end up liking it, spending money on mtx, good. But it’s like a children’s playground compared to what real mp offers. At least, that’s how I feel about MW/Warzone relation.


Yeah, it makes sense. Can't even be mad considering how low the next-gen console production is. You can't sell a blockbuster franchise game like BF to a tiny market. Probably the same reason GTA VI isn't rushed and will be a 2023+ title.
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