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BioShock - Official Thread of horror and awesome and draconian DRM for PC gamers


butthole fishhooking yes
kbear said:
Hey, I just got Bioshock for 360. I'm about to start my epic underwater adventure but I need to know which difficulty setting will give the best overall experience; medium or hard? If someone could respond within a few mins I'd appreciate it cause I'm at the select screen right now..

Go with the harder difficulty. There are autosaves everywhere.


My mouth has been literally agape for the past hour. I'm absolutely blown away by the atmosphere and detail in this game. I can't even imagine the wonders I'm in store for in the world of Rapture.


kbear said:
My mouth has been literally agape for the past hour. I'm absolutely blown away by the atmosphere and detail in this game. I can't even imagine the wonders I'm in store for in the world of Rapture.

Oh man you just started this gem? Oh you are in for a good time.
kbear said:
My mouth has been literally agape for the past hour. I'm absolutely blown away by the atmosphere and detail in this game. I can't even imagine the wonders I'm in store for in the world of Rapture.
Yeah, GOTYs tend to be like that. :D

And I do envy you right now.


kbear said:
My mouth has been literally agape for the past hour. I'm absolutely blown away by the atmosphere and detail in this game. I can't even imagine the wonders I'm in store for in the world of Rapture.

I wish I could play through Bioshock for the first time again. You're in for quite a treat, dude -- what happens in the story will absolutely blow you away. (That is, of course, considering it hasn't already been spoiled for you over the last several months.)


Thermite said:
I wish I could play through Bioshock for the first time again. You're in for quite a treat, dude -- what happens in the story will absolutely blow you away. (That is, of course, considering it hasn't already been spoiled for you over the last several months.)
Fortunately, I know absolutely nothing about the story. I just knew it took place in an underwater city called Rapture.

Wow, the atmosphere is unbelievable. The detail, lighting, water, sound effects, music, everything. My goodness... I'm gonna cherish every moment and search every nook & cranny. I'm yours, Rapture.


I'm dying like all the time... every major encounter I die several times. I think I should've put it on normal, maybe even easy. I fucking suck at games


kbear said:
I'm dying like all the time... every major encounter I die several times. I think I should've put it on normal, maybe even easy. I fucking suck at games

You need to get used to the mechanics of the game before you can assume the role of a total badass splicer.


Dr_Cogent said:
You need to get used to the mechanics of the game before you can assume the role of a total badass splicer.
Does it get easier when you get better weapons? I'm still at the beginning... in Dr. Steinman's surgery room trying to find him and I've died like 10 times in this area trying to kill all the splicers. My pistol is low on ammo, my machine gun is out of bullets, and I don't have any first aid kits or the money to buy them. I'm getting slaughtered out there, Dr. Cogent.


I bought this game off Steam last week and I think I'm getting near the end. This game is unbelievably awesome.

I'm having a somewhat technical problem with it. Occasionally, when I exit the game to Windows, I get nothing but a black screen. I have to open up task manager and manually close the program and Vista gives me an error that the program has stopped working. I can close it out this way, but if I do that, it wipes out my desktop image and it leaves me nothing but a black screen with my icons on it. I can't get it back either unless I do a reboot. Its really annoying and it seems to happen about 3/4ths of the time.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I just got a 360 last weekend and the first game I bought was Bioshock.

I just got the
plasmid in the medical center and I can already safely say that this is the best FPS experience I've had since Half-Life. The pacing of the story is top notch, graphics and atmosphere leave me stunned constantly and playing with my triport headphones CREEPS ME THE FUCK OUT.

I <3 Bioshock!

EDIT: Oh, yea... I'm not huge on FPS games usually so I started on "Normal" difficulty and it's perfect. I don't get merked constantly, but it's still a real challenge when mad splicers show up. Man, I want to go home and play this game....


kbear said:
Does it get easier when you get better weapons? I'm still at the beginning... in Dr. Steinman's surgery room trying to find him and I've died like 10 times in this area trying to kill all the splicers. My pistol is low on ammo, my machine gun is out of bullets, and I don't have any first aid kits or the money to buy them. I'm getting slaughtered out there, Dr. Cogent.

The game actually gets harder. The Big Daddies become easier to kill over time, but the Splicers get stronger as the game progresses.

I never ran out of ammo (even on hard) simply because I focused on using my wrench, and powered myself up accordingly.


OnBackOrder said:
There's plenty of challenge on normal difficulty. I played on Normal and had a blast. Just change it to that.
Yeah, I dropped down to normal. Dying so much took me out of the game... you lose immersion. This is much better. I have no shame about it lol

Larsen B

On a second playthrough 8 months or so after release, I've found the final third isn't as much of a drop in quality as I remembered/has been built up.

It's still really solid
breaking free of the mind control and becoming a Big Daddy
, right until you finish that latter quest, whereupon it goes pretty lacklustre.


Big Daddies are absolutely adorable. I felt bad killing them... well I killed one so far. Passed a couple others but haven't killed them yet. What an awesome enemy... the art, interaction, noises it makes, everything. I want the action figure that came with the collector's edition!
Well, since this thing got bumped for who knows why. While we're here. Should we update this thing to add the PS3 version announcement with additional content or should there be a new thread later on this year?
Might as well join in the fun...(btw, this is my first post, just been approved a few days ago)

Even though I bought it last year, I finally started up the PC version a few weeks ago, thinking I should finally see what all the fuss is about. I just got to Arcadia.

And damn, this game is dense. In the good way. The level of detail, the art direction, the sound design, all the creepy things splicers mutter to themselves, the simultaneously cheery yet ominous nature of all the plasmid training videos...they did a pretty good job making Rapture a pretty uncomfortable place to be in. It's not exactly survival horror, but it's pretty close.

In fact (and this is just my personal reaction), I sometimes feel like it's too detailed. This sort of goes to a problem I'm having in general with this generation of games, but I find that when a world is this detailed and has so many different moving parts--water rippling, sparks flying, lights flashing, steam hissing, walls creaking, and all the other little things they put in to make the world detailed and interesting--I find it difficult to "lose myself" in it, and feel kind of overwhelmed. and distracted by everything. It gets worse in some battles, if three splicers are all taunting at once, plus all the other sound effects going on, I find it difficult to formulate a plan of attack. Again, that's probably somewhat intentional--Rapture is not supposed to be a pleasant place to relax (at least, not anymore). But the more detailed and high-res game environments get, I feel like this sensory overload might get worse with me. Oh well.

I'm still digging the hell out of the story (and I've thankfully avoided all spoilers as to what lies ahead). I genuinely want to find out what actually happened to this twisted hellhole. Not many game locales do that for me.
Having just played the PC demo and seeing how beautiful it runs on my computer compared to the 360 version, I am feeling like buying it again (and maybe again for PS3), but did they get rid of the DRM shit yet?


kbear said:
Does it get easier when you get better weapons? I'm still at the beginning... in Dr. Steinman's surgery room trying to find him and I've died like 10 times in this area trying to kill all the splicers. My pistol is low on ammo, my machine gun is out of bullets, and I don't have any first aid kits or the money to buy them. I'm getting slaughtered out there, Dr. Cogent.

The key to Bioshock is research. Research, research research. Be diverse too. Hacking can do you real good. Using the AI against itself works well. Hack Health Stations and then when they go to use them, it kills them off (that's how I got Steinmen the second time).

My third time through I skipped killing the first Big Daddy to first get the camera on the following level. Research makes all the difference in the world - and practice. :)

I started out on Normal. I didn't progress to Hard until after my first run through.


Dr_Cogent said:
The key to Bioshock is research. Research, research research.
I took your advice, Doc. Although I'm gonna stay on normal diff (still quite challenging), I've been taking pictures and researching shit like mad. It's really fun and addicting. Rapture has completely owned me. I'm totally immersed into this world.


Need Help!

I purchased some 5.1 headphones (AX51's) and they seem to work correctly in Half Life 2 but for some reason I can't get them to work right in Bioshock. I think I've tried every audio option in the game (5.1, surround, pro logic) and nothing works. My weapons don't make any noise, the enemies don't make any noise, but the dialog from the enemies and the sounds from my reload animations are perfectly clear. Any help would be appreciated.
:D finished this game recently for the first time. Hard difficulty + Rescue, don't know how much Adam is recieved from harvesting but i made out pretty good without the extra..excellent game, the last part seemed a little rushed.


Gold Member
I didn't see this posted


Activation limits removed on BioShock for the PC

2K Elizabeth 2K Elizabeth is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Novato, CA
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Exclamation Activation limits removed on BioShock for the PC
Good news! As promised, all activation restrictions, including install limits, have been removed from BioShock PC as of today. You don’t have to patch or install anything for this to go into effect for your copy of BioShock – it’s already done!

Enjoy your time in Rapture, and thank you for supporting BioShock and the 2K teams.

good news :)
"Activation limits removed on BioShock for the PC

2K Elizabeth 2K Elizabeth is offline
2K Community Manager

Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Novato, CA
Posts: 1,423
Exclamation Activation limits removed on BioShock for the PC
Good news! As promised, all activation restrictions, including install limits, have been removed from BioShock PC as of today. You don&#8217;t have to patch or install anything for this to go into effect for your copy of BioShock &#8211; it&#8217;s already done!

Enjoy your time in Rapture, and thank you for supporting BioShock and the 2K teams."

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you pc devs have to use DRM follow 2k's lead. This isn't a bad way to do DRM at all considering some of the other god awful alternatives. If they follow through like this it is fair.
AmMortal said:
So, should I buy this on PS3?

I mean, we get extra's right?

Or should I just 360 this one?

If you want to play it right away it's obvious, but as long as you eventually play it it probably won't matter what system you play it on. It think it will be a high profile port so I'd be fairly confident it won't be shit on the PS3.


I played this through on the 360 not long ago, it was a boatload of fun... Highly recommended. Guess I better do some research as to what extras are on the PS3 version, may be worth a rent.
domokunrox said:
Well, since this thing got bumped for who knows why. While we're here. Should we update this thing to add the PS3 version announcement with additional content or should there be a new thread later on this year?

From what I understood of the EGM article, it seems like the content being prepared for the PS3 version of Bioshock is Home related, and the game itself will be identical, but with the 360 patches included on the disc.
Since I just finished GTA IV, I'm just playing this right now, and holy shit is it amazing. I'm actually finding myself just meandering through Fort Frolic, taking pictures of "grunt" enemies, and killing them with the electric plasmid and the wrench so that I could loot their money and supplies. It's so fun. Although, I'm getting killed a bit too often. I'm guessing I wouldn't be if I had been researching since I first got the camera. But I didn't really even realize that it could be used for that purpose until later on, for some reason.

I'm beginning to become unpleased with 2K Boston's method of storytelling though. Initially, I was enthralled by the lack of cutscenes, but I'm beginning to dislike that you miss massive amounts of backstory if you don't listen to the recordings, which reveal the history of Rapture in little bits and pieces. It doesn't work too well for me, to be honest. I like that events are shown in real time, and that I'm always active, but listening to recordings, to me, is even more disengaging than watching cutscenes. I'm hoping that this is changed in the sequels.

By the way, what does everyone want to see in the sequels? I think there should be a new thread dedicated to speculation regarding them.


I started going through this game again recently and man I love it. One of my favorite games of this generation. I still don't get why GAF is giving this game such a backlash. But guess this is GAF
My favorite game of all time most definitely. I loved everything about the game: the gameplay, the atmosphere, the story, the characters, the levels, all of it!


I never made it past
When you are making an escape in the pod and they splicers break it.
The computer I played on sucked so much it was almost unplayable. Is it worth to try it again?
rezuth said:
I never made it past
When you are making an escape in the pod and they splicers break it.
The computer I played on sucked so much it was almost unplayable. Is it worth to try it again?

This game is incredible, and definitely worth playing if at all possible. Do you own a 360 or a PS3? If so, I'd just play it on one of those, although you'd have to wait a bit for the PS3 version, and we don't know if it'll be sold at a budget price or not, or what the extra content involves.
Speaking of the extra content, do you think if anything game play related comes out of the work between Sony and 2K Marin (right now it just seems like it'll be Home or maybe even Little Big Planet related... who knows...) it will be released for 360 somehow, maybe in the form of a special edition, or DLC?
bigmakstudios said:
This game is incredible, and definitely worth playing if at all possible. Do you own a 360 or a PS3? If so, I'd just play it on one of those, although you'd have to wait a bit for the PS3 version, and we don't know if it'll be sold at a budget price or not, or what the extra content involves.
Speaking of the extra content, do you think if anything game play related comes out of the work between Sony and 2K Marin (right now it just seems like it'll be Home or maybe even Little Big Planet related... who knows...) it will be released for 360 somehow, maybe in the form of a special edition, or DLC?
I hope that whatever extra content the PS3 version is getting comes to the 360 as well; I don't want to buy another version just to play the extra content. If the extra content does come to the 360, I think it will come in the form of DLC.


y'all should be ashamed
Dax01 said:
I hope that whatever extra content the PS3 version is getting comes to the 360 as well; I don't want to buy another version just to play the extra content. If the extra content does come to the 360, I think it will come in the form of DLC.

It wont be; this is content exclusive to the PS3 (much like the GTA DLC will be to the 360).

The devs made it clear that this new content will (paraphrasing here) "hopefully encourage fans of the game to pick up this version as well."
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