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Breaking: Microsoft to acquire Activision-Blizzard in near 70$ billion deal


MS want Game Pass on Sony and Nintendo hardware. In the end they will buy as many third party studios as it takes to reach that goal. In my opinion, Sony will probably relent soon if they can reach a fair financial agreement.
I don't see any other way that Sony can compete. If the rumours are true about a Sony ganepass alternative then maybe they can put have them on both platforms. COD sells way more on playstation and that alone hurts Sony massively. I'm a little concerned that we're heading towards a monopoly that isn't good for the consumer and creates a we can do what we want mentality.
It's going to be interesting over the next few years.



That is huge. As a gamer who plays on Xbox first, this is great news! However, I do begin to question if these deals will only be good for the short term. Like if you are only buying for the IPs, as the studio talent can change, it is only a good deal for as long as the IP is popular. Every IP is one or two bad releases away from being no longer wanted.

However, DAMN. MS is not playing around.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Should have been SEGA.

Xaero Gravity

Jesus Christ Microsoft

Edit: Aww man i really wanted to play Diablo IV on PS5. Fucks sake. Guess i'll have to get an XBox sooner than i thought...
I'm sure Diablo IV on PS5 is still happening. They'll own Activision, but they'll still have contractual obligations. Anything after said obligations have been met though is anyone's guess.

I'm thinking we'll for sure see COD 2022, maybe even 2023, remain multiplatform along with Warzone still being supported. But anything after that I feel is less likely.


Game Pass on Playstation. You guys have some wild imaginations.

You don't think Ms would want that? I've thought for a long time that it could happen, and this is exactly the sort of thing to make it happen.

Sony need to wake up. They're not going to be making the same sort of money from PlayStation from now on. It could be a case of either lose a huge chunk of their playerbase, or accept smaller margins via GP on their system. Which is worse?
You guys need to stop with this multi platform talk all these investments are for gamepass. You’re going to have to subscribe to play these games when the deal closes and that’s just what they want or you buy them. I don’t know why people think they need PlayStation they don’t want they want is PlayStation users coming to Xbox ecosystem. Buying consoles and subs. Also the people screaming monopoly they could buy 4 more publishers and still not even be close to being a monopoly. That’s stupid talk.


I totally agree, they simply can't compete. My biggest problem is how they raised prices just because while MS is increasing the value of their subscription service.

Sony is being fucked and are too slow at responding. Not exactly saying they should respond with buying studios, nothing like that, but start creating new IPs, expand your studios even more or create some, create games that cover all genres. Basically, become another powerhouse of gaming like Xbox is becoming. But no. They get temporary exclusives, indies, and raise their prices, while going all in on the Marvel universe (you can see they are really looking into it to become the Marvel gaming machine).

They're incredibly slow.

Sony will make quality games like they always have done. They are the new Nintendo in terms of brand. Microsoft's brand is still not great and their brand isn't synonymous with quality.
I wonder how much of the industry Microsoft will be allowed to buy before they trick some antitrust law. I mean, with Activision onboard, I don't know if Playstation can even compete on USA, COD is still huge, now Sony might have to compete with Xbox + "free" COD on Gamepass against paid COD in their platform or worst, without access to COD at all going forward.

The good news is that without COD, Sony will have the incentive to produce a true competitor to fill the space, but truly, I fear a future where Microsoft bought their way to success and all we have is gamepass and no real competition.

Fear not, competition is going nowhere. Sony will be fine, but Microsoft just threw down a monstrous fucking gauntlet. Microsoft just made Xbox nothing to play with in gaming. Imagine a next gen MMO out of Blizzard under Microsoft and Xbox... imagine Warzone money and new Call of Duty games now going into Xbox/Microsoft pockets? All new franchises in game pass, what this means for Microsoft Azure. There will never be a purchase that tops this one in gaming, ever.


Just came home and booted my PC and see this.


I did this meme back when they bought Bethesda, now we know who's gonna play C18 role:

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That’s like saying how difficult would it be for MS to make a game like The Last of Us or Nintendo to make a game like Bloodborne.

Is it though?

The last of us is a highly narrative driven cinematic single player experience. Bloodborne is obviously one of the most unique games there is in terms of writing, atmosphere and mechanics.
Both of those games seem heavily driven by the individual ideas and creativity of the producers.

COD has none of that, let's be real - the single player elements are kind of moot. Multiplayer is where it's at. And for that, arguably the only thing that really matters are the game mechanics.
That seems a whole lot more formulaic and replicable to me. Am I missing anything - can you think of any particular COD feature that you'd think an (arbitrary) competent team of developers couldn't clone easily?
Call of Duty is huge even if it's seeing some troubled times. It's still a huge name and will continue to be a big deal. I'm really curious to see if Microsoft will continue to have multiple studios work on the franchise or if they will finally allow them to do something else.

But the Blizzard part? Not so much. Microsoft basically bought IP with that one and it's IP that have taken big hits over the last few years. That company is a husk of what it used to be. Most of the talent that made it what it was has already left.
true about Blizzard but getting Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch is huge. I'm excited to see what MS do with them. This is effectively a clean slate for them. Blizzard was never gonna turn itself around but with MS there is some hope that they can go back to making great games.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I mean...they didn't lie...they did re-evaluate their relationship. They bought them, lmao.

As a Playstation user this is me right now:

Not because i care about these franchises...but imagine the day MS turns to Square-Enix, Sega, etc...after a 70 billion dollar acquisition the sky is the limit.

Also, with this acquisition, this means Sony loses Call of Duty, and 2 franchises that are connected to them since the beginning: Crash Bandicoot and Spyro.

This is a good point. There's really nothing stopping MS at this point spending an extra $100 billion to buy Square-Enix and Take Two.
They don't need to do anything. Its not like the absence of Activision support has ever hindered Nintendo.
It's more a question of how do you compete with such a robust offering of IP.

Microsoft was never blessed so many good IP's and their recent acquisition spree has only made them go from strength to strength.

Sony can only go so far with Uncharted, God of War, TLOU and their other big hitters. MS now literally have world-renowned names for every major genre bar maybe sports games. I know Sony and Nintendo will likely be "fine" but this is such an insane move that I don't know what Sony do if MS gobble up the entire casual market with exclusive after exclusive.


70 billion? With a b?

Does the math work out? This can't be about consoles, right? Not when there's this much money flying about.

Pc market is huge for blizzard games, then you have got king probably making billions on mobile.


Gay porn is where it's at.
They don't need to do anything. Its not like the absence of Activision support has ever hindered Nintendo.
I'm not sure sony IPs even remotely hold the same wieght as nintendo's Tho, spiderman and marvel shit could keep the boat floating
But this will undoubtedly major MAJOR blow for them


Wow, amazing acquisition.
Hopefully MS can straighten out AB after all of the stuff that has happened there.

I’ve been avoiding AB lately, but this will make me start playing their games again.


This is huge combined with what they already have. MS isn't playing around this gen. This also forces Sony to have their own gamepass with day and date 1st party games, so that part could be good.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I don't think Sony could afford Take Two, but perhaps Ubisoft (market cap 6.5 billion) or Square Enix (5.6 billion).
Either of which would have been much better purchases for MS than this. Take Two especially would be a much better fit for a first party studio because of their focus on a small stable of huge blockbusters.
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Really big move by MS.
It doesn't impact me outside of Diablo, but the 'potential problem' is if Sony goes the same way and goes in a shopping spree (all Japan) and creates a duopoly that may force you to buy/subscribe to things that you don't want to, just like movie stream market today that you have to subscribe to a lot of services to get access to content that you could with only a device/service.
Dark times ahead...

Its the only way Playstation or Nintendo will survive, otherwise MS will just buy all the best IP’s year after year lol


Guys, Microsoft is a business and so is Sony. Those acquisitions are investments. And we (the gamers) will pay for them.
Only if you want to my man. The consumer has all the power. MS try to increase the price of Game Pass from £7.99 to £19.99 (will never happen) - stop your sub. Buy the games, wait for them on sale on Steam - whatever you want. Or just forsake the games and play using the traditional console makers Sony and Nintendo.


If Sony are smart they stay far away from the subscription business and anything Xbox are getting heavily involved in. It's not an arena they can compete in now that the knifes are out (aka money).

They need to double down on a business model built around their IP, very much like what Nintendo have done for the last decade.
Sony isn't Nintendo though, their IP doesn't have the evergreen power nor the age range.
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