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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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I really hope that since this will be yet another Xavier/Mags team up flick that Magneto gets a real chance to cut loose at least. I feel like they've yet to really show how OP a character like that should be.

Dude should be creating giant metal tornadoes and shredding motherfuckers to death. But the most creative thing they can think of is making him lift really heavy shit... He'll probably hold up a building or something in the next one lol. Coolest thing he's done so far is still the gun thing from X1 followed by the missile reversal in FC.




Hmmm, a lot of good choices for Kitty Pryde wonder who they will pick

Edit: Surely they won't be using Halle Berry as Storm riiiight?
I think Mr Sinister will be hinted at in Apocalypse.

Anyway I'd like to see these actors in this:

Apocalypse: Joaquin Phoenix easily. He'd nail it. If not then Tilda Swinton.

Jean Grey: Saorise Ronan. If not then Kaya Scolderio.

Scarlet Witch: Juno Temple. She'd be perfect.

I'd love this because she's awesome in everything and I think she'd genuinely pull it off plus the nerd rage that would ensue would be hilarious.
I have a question about the new timeline:

If future/present Wolverine in the body of past Wolverine travelled back to his future/present body, how past Wolverine will know Xavier, Magneto & cie or remember them?

Will past Wolverine have to meet them again, like it is the first for him?
I have a question about the new timeline:

If future/present Wolverine in the body of past Wolverine travelled back to his future/present body, how past Wolverine will know Xavier, Magneto & cie or remember them?

Will past Wolverine have to meet them again, like it is the first for him?



Unconfirmed Member
I have a question about the new timeline:

If future/present Wolverine in the body of past Wolverine travelled back to his future/present body, how past Wolverine will know Xavier, Magneto & cie or remember them?

Will past Wolverine have to meet them again, like it is the first for him?
Yes. 70's Wolverine that was found at the bottom of the lake by Mystique/Styker will probably go through the Weapon X program and have his mind wiped. Now, Xavier should still know about him, but Logan will have forgotten everything which is where we started in X-Men 1.

EDIT - I should clarify that this does not take X-Men: Apocalypse into account. If Wolverine is going to be in that movie, then they'll be meeting in the 80's instead of the early 2000's. But will Logan have gone through the Weapon X program by this time to get his adamantium back or will they skip the entire Weapon X thing and have Apocalypse give it to him as part of making him a horseman?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I actually liked Longshot. I had this Excalibur comic growing up that featured the X-Babies. Anyway this badass looking dude was hunting them down, and baby Longshot was the only to not get got (I think baby Storm kind of made it too, but was injured and knocked out).

I still have a copy. (not my picture)

So Blink being the first asian mutant in the series is factually incorrect.

Lady Deathstrike isn't a mutant, or at least wasn't in the comics. The others are, though.

Son Of D

wait so the
reunion at the end of DOFP
was pointless? WTF?!?!

It's possible that it opens with
the original cast in the school and Xavier talking to Wolverine about things that have happened since the past events of DofP which will lead into him telling Wolverine about the events of Apocalypse.

Although I feel that
the reunion with the original cast was more of a thing for the fans to enjoy.
Nightcrawler was my favorite part of X2, him and Gambit would be perfect for me. Are they going to use the same Apocalypse from the end credits of DOFP?


I really hope that since this will be yet another Xavier/Mags team up flick that Magneto gets a real chance to cut loose at least. I feel like they've yet to really show how OP a character like that should be.

Dude should be creating giant metal tornadoes and shredding motherfuckers to death. But the most creative thing they can think of is making him lift really heavy shit... He'll probably hold up a building or something in the next one lol. Coolest thing he's done so far is still the gun thing from X1 followed by the missile reversal in FC.

He lifted a football stadium AND controlled a flock of Sentinels, with barely any effort exerted, and then shrugged off a bullet to the neck.

The guy is already absurdly overpowered. In the best possible way.
Tom Hardy up for Apocalypse

The Wrap said:
Tom Hardy was once rumored to be in contention for “Doctor Strange,” though he has recently been courted for WB's “Suicide Squad” and the title role in “X-Men: Apocalypse,” so don't expect to see him join the MCU anytime soon.

Wow that'd be a great choice I can imagine the intensity he'd bring to the role.
Father and son I think.

On the one hand...ehhhh...

On the other hand, I'm sure that at the time, the idea of Corsair & the Starjammers being a legitimate option to pursue was ludicrous.

Although now, post Guardians of the Galaxy, I wouldn't be surprised if there were people at Fox right now like GODDAMMIT. UGH. We fucked that up.


On the one hand...ehhhh...

On the other hand, I'm sure that at the time, the idea of Corsair & the Starjammers being a legitimate option to pursue was ludicrous.

Although now, post Guardians of the Galaxy, I wouldn't be surprised if there were people at Fox right now like GODDAMMIT. UGH. We fucked that up.

Be right Back imagining Zoe Saladana in Hephzibah makeup.


at last, for christ's sake
Apocalypse is egyptian. They really should cast in line with that for my money.

Also I'm sick of Tom Hardy, and I'm sick of actors playing two different comic characters.

mate pls
Colossus is American and noone complained :(


Aftershock LA
I'm really excited to see Storm, Cyclops, and Jean in this new one. After the end of Days of Future Past, I just wanted to see another X-Men movie with the original cast, battling as a team for a change, and in more comic book styled costumes.

I'll take this, however.


Online Ho Champ
They killed a dude who's only power is to survive anything. They clearly don't care.

i will never get that sequence in X2..., wolverine and colossus were unstoppable

"lets get the fuck outta here!"

wouldn't have made more sense to bust up the chopper to stop them from taking all the children. They were gnats to colossus...i was so pumped in the theater when i saw him change.


An X-men movie that was actually like the comics would CRUSH the avengers
None of the Marvel movies have been completely faithful to continuity either, but comic fans still freak out when comic continuity is breached. We really should be used to it by now, but some comic fans' obsession with continuity is a powerful thing.


Online Ho Champ
None of the Marvel movies have been completely faithful to continuity either, but comic fans still freak out when comic continuity is breached. We really should be used to it by now, but some comic fans' obsession with continuity is a powerful thing.

he said like the comics, and avengers was basically a blend of the ultimates first arch and the avengers vol 1 issue one arch in which Loki tried to use the hulk to destroy Thor. Wasn't panel for panel but it was definitely Avengers/ Ultimates in essence. Many people don't see the Xmen films as capturing the essence of the books or the characters. Then of course people talk about costumes and stuff but thats not whats missing when people are looking for a film to capture the essence of the comics.

I tend to agree with him though if they did a movie that felt like xmen from 75- 93 .... I think that would out perform everyone even get close to avatar numbers.


Yeah MCU capture the heart of the characters and people respond to that. Movie xmen checks of character lists and basic wiki info. And that's OK but it never felt like the real x men.
Would Nightcrawler even be part of the new timeline since
DOFP revealed Azrael was killed and experimented on by trask in the early 70s


Since this is going to be the last of a trilogy, where it goes next is wide open. Totally new actors, completely different focus. Anybody's guess.
I really hope that since this will be yet another Xavier/Mags team up flick that Magneto gets a real chance to cut loose at least. I feel like they've yet to really show how OP a character like that should be.

Dude should be creating giant metal tornadoes and shredding motherfuckers to death. But the most creative thing they can think of is making him lift really heavy shit... He'll probably hold up a building or something in the next one lol. Coolest thing he's done so far is still the gun thing from X1 followed by the missile reversal in FC.

I think it was the producer who recently said something like "these movies, starting with First Class are about 4 people: Xavier, Hank, Mystique and Magneto" and the conflicts between them. Apacolypse will carry that on". So yeah, Xaver and Mags definitely in. I hope this movie along with Age of Ultron are real show cases of what these teams can do. Ultron is supposed to start with the heroes tired of saving the world all the time so Iron Man makes robots to do their work (and of course they go bad). I hope the opening is montage of non-stop ass kicking leading to team fatigue. Same for Xmen: A. I hope since the tease at the end of DOFP showed Apacolypse doing crazy stuff that we get to see the XMEN go all out. Having Quicksilver confirmed from the start makes me hopeful, Singer saying it'll be a "giant disaster movie" makes me hopeful too.


I'm not sure where we actually stand with X-Men films now. Simon Kinberg has said that X-Men: Apocalypse will end the First Class trilogy, but then again after DOFP the timeline had started 'anew'.

So will the next film be the last for Fassbender and McAvoy or could Fox and Singer press ahead with their X team with a recast Cyclops and Storm etc? I could see McAvoy sign up for more 'X' films but I think that Fassbender and J-Law would probably move on once their deals are up.

What's the current school of thought?

Not a confirmation of anything, especially since he's also apparently close to signing on Suicide Squad, but apparently Tom Hardy is eyeing to play Apocalypse

This feels like a real long shot. Just like Marvel's 'wish list' including Cumberbatch etc it's nothing more than who they'd ideally like to get..., not who they actually might get.


I'm not sure where we actually stand with X-Men films now. Simon Kinberg has said that X-Men: Apocalypse will end the First Class trilogy, but then again after DOFP the timeline had started 'anew'.

So will the next film be the last for Fassbender and McAvoy or could Fox and Singer press ahead with their X team with a recast Cyclops and Storm etc? I could see McAvoy sign up for more 'X' films but I think that Fassbender and J-Law would probably move on once their deals are up.

What's the current school of thought?

Lawrence will probably get the fuck right out of there, partly because she already looks plenty bored in the actual movies, but I'm sure between finishing 5 years of X-Men and Hunger Games she'll be relieved at clearing her plate of blockbusters for a while.

I agree about McAvoy, he does seem to enjoy the role and had said during the DOFP press junket that he has fun making the movies and doesn't feel obligated about signing up for multiple sequels.

Fassbender could probably go either way, but he seems to like it, especially when acting opposite McAvoy, and since it's the only major franchise he has he might stick with it just to keep paying for his artier McQueen, Malick, etc. films.
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