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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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Mystique was better in dofp than first class. We went from mutant and proud with no fighting to some goofy atempts at looking badass and seductive with classic mystique style fighting.

Might be a trend.

So damn corny.

J-Law is a great actor but she is not fit for Mystique at all.
The best thing about Mystique they will never ever show in the movies. Her relationship with Destiny.

To me the Xmen movies have been utter fails. It's like they just throw shit on the screen and its Xmen.

Poor characterization. Ages wildly out of whack. Relationships forced. Only the first one had any sense of a history with the exception of Bobby being a kid.

Singer knows nothing about these characters. Oooh that power is cool lets put that in the movie.
Mystique was the weakest part of DoFP so it was definitely disappointing to hear this. But aside from Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence is the biggest name on this thing so I guess it was inevitable. I do have faith in Singer so hopefully it turns out good. I also don't really like that they're finally shoehorning in Gambit, but maybe that'll turn out alright too.



My god this is the best cosplay

Holy shit that looks just like Jackman!


To me the Xmen movies have been utter fails. It's like they just throw shit on the screen and its Xmen.

Poor characterization. Ages wildly out of whack. Relationships forced. Only the first one had any sense of a history with the exception of Bobby being a kid.

Singer knows nothing about these characters. Oooh that power is cool lets put that in the movie.
Yeah unless you are one of the 3 you are pretty much just a cameo. Annoys me at the waste, fuck fox for Darwin.
I don't really think Xmen can do anything on that box office scale. The hype for Avengers 2 is gonna be ridiculous. The best Xmen can hope for is competing with the solo films. Last I checked, Days of Future Past outdid Winter Soldier, Amazing Spiderman 2, and GotG worldwide.

An X-men movie that was actually like the comics would CRUSH the avengers, just like X-men comics used to outsell every Marvel comic in their heyday. But Singer and Fox hate the comic aesthetic, so that'll never happen.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
An X-men movie that was actually like the comics would CRUSH the avengers, just like X-men comics used to outsell every Marvel comic in their heyday. But Singer and Fox hate the comic aesthetic, so that'll never happen.

I'm kind of glad for that. I enjoy watching the MCU flicks 9 times out of 10 but I also like the different take the Xmen franchise has. It's like a middleground between the comic faithful MCU adaptations and the super srs business Nolan movies. Plus I love that the continuity has lasted so long. I HATE it when actors get changed around without a good reason but here we are 14 years later with the same old folks I and many others saw in theatres as a kid. I wonder if the same will hold true for the kids watching the MCU movies?


I'm kind of glad for that. I enjoy watching the MCU flicks 9 times out of 10 but I also like the different take the Xmen franchise has. It's like a middleground between the comic faithful MCU adaptations and the super srs business Nolan movies. Plus I love that the continuity has lasted so long. I HATE it when actors get changed around without a good reason but here we are 14 years later with the same old folks I and many others saw in theatres as a kid. I wonder if the same will hold true for the kids watching the MCU movies?

The Marvel film adaptions aren't all that faithful either. Some Plotlines are completely jumbled around or don't exist at all.

I have to agree with earlier posters about the X-men films though. Not one of them are anywhere close to the tone of the comics. They're supposed to be an ensemble and so many great characters are ruined in the film for the sake of cameos. I still don't get why they had mystique grow up with Xavier. Shes supposed to be over 100 years old. Its nearly a completely different character.


I'm kind of glad for that. I enjoy watching the MCU flicks 9 times out of 10 but I also like the different take the Xmen franchise has. It's like a middleground between the comic faithful MCU adaptations and the super srs business Nolan movies. Plus I love that the continuity has lasted so long. I HATE it when actors get changed around without a good reason but here we are 14 years later with the same old folks I and many others saw in theatres as a kid. I wonder if the same will hold true for the kids watching the MCU movies?

We already got 2 different Bruce Banner and War Machine.
DoFP should have completely ended the Singerverse continuity and set up a full reboot for the franchise, but instead we're stuck with an 80s period piece starring characters who have mysteriously aged only five years over the span of two full decades. Sigh.

And it's nice that the newer films are at least trying to elevate JLaw's Mystique to Magneto/Xavier/Wolverine levels of importance in the franchise - not properly developing characters beyond those three is the Singerverse's biggest failing - but it's just not happening.


This movie is going to be a lot of fun. I liked DoFP a lot more than MCU's phase 2, Quicksilver and his Final Fantasy costume proved me wrong
The Marvel film adaptions aren't all that faithful either. Some Plotlines are completely jumbled around or don't exist at all

I would agree that the MCU is far more faithful to the comics than the Singerverse is, but yes, that's much more a matter of fidelity to the spirit of the source material (tone, characterization) than to the letter thereof. Though certain films, particularly GotG, took more liberties in that regard than others.


I just saw DOFP yesterday and I got a little teary when at the end, Wolvie finds Phoenix and Cyclops alive.

Cant wait for this one!!!!!
DoFP should have completely ended the Singerverse continuity and set up a full reboot for the franchise, but instead we're stuck with an 80s period piece starring characters who have mysteriously aged only five years over the span of two full decades. Sigh.

And it's nice that the newer films are at least trying to elevate JLaw's Mystique to Magneto/Xavier/Wolverine levels of importance in the franchise - not properly developing characters beyond those three is the Singerverse's biggest failing - but it's just not happening.

Why do people keep assuming that Singer won't try to portray Xavier and Magneto as middle-aged in Apocalypse? It's not like makeup isn't a thing. They managed to make Jackman look older and chubby in the future scenes in DOFP.
Even with this unsettling mystique news this still has a chance at being GOAT moreso than anything else in the genre in the next few years

Still stand by singer-verse being the best comic book universe on film by far

Far superior acting and plot over the marvel movies, better action than nolan and other dc movies, probably the best cast in a comic book movie too (maybe TDK could be up there).

I was really glad to see Ian Mckellen and Patrick Stewart again. And never would I have imagined there would be a scene between McAvoy and Stewart in this franchise. Shit was one of the best scenes of the year. And ottman back on the soundtrack. One of the most memorable theater moments in recent memory was hearing that xmen theme in the opening credits.

bless up


Not a confirmation of anything, especially since he's also apparently close to signing on Suicide Squad, but apparently Tom Hardy is eyeing to play Apocalypse

Tom Hardy was once rumored to be in contention for “Doctor Strange,” though he has recently been courted for WB's “Suicide Squad” and the title role in “X-Men: Apocalypse,” so don't expect to see him join the MCU anytime soon.


Can't wait to see which mutants they pick for the horseman. Hope they pick some iconic mutants like Wolverine or Angel.

Also, they need to stop putting Magneto and Mystique in every movie. There are other X-men villains. Let's see the Morlocks, lets see the FoH, let's see Omega Red. It's pretty sad that they're doing Apocalypse with no Cable or Mr. Sinister in sight.


Can't wait to see which mutants they pick for the horseman. Hope they pick some iconic mutants like Wolverine or Angel.

Also, they need to stop putting Magneto and Mystique in every movie. There are other X-men villains. Let's see the Morlocks, lets see the FoH, let's see Omega Red. It's pretty sad that they're doing Apocalypse with no Cable or Mr. Sinister in sight.

I think Mr Sinister will be hinted at in Apocalypse.

Anyway I'd like to see these actors in this:

Apocalypse: Joaquin Phoenix easily. He'd nail it. If not then Tilda Swinton.

Jean Grey: Saorise Ronan. If not then Kaya Scolderio.

Scarlet Witch: Juno Temple. She'd be perfect.
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