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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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I went to school with x1 Jubliee.

But yeah, I wouldn't mind having Psylocke, but I think she'd end up in one of the Wolverine movies instead.



My god this is the best cosplay


At least it's not wolverine again

The only Mystique to her character in the current films is why she is constantly a wet blanket. I'd rather watch Wolverine and friends for the 4th time than suffer through a film dedicated to her performance.

They should be sidelining everyone but Magneto and Charles for Cyclops and co. :(
So Kinberg has said that the film will revolve a lot around Mystique as the central character.


Fucking Kinberg.

yo wtf. kinberg's a fucking prick. this could be the GOAT comic book movie and this clown wants to shove jennifer lawrence all up in it.

i swear. every xmen movie except 2 had some fox fuckery to it. even dofp, which was fantastic, had some jennifer lawrence meddling in it from kinberg and co.

it should be xavier/magneto/cyclops/storm/jean and wolverine as a central villain (let jackman da gawd go out with a bang)

and some scene steals from gambit and quicksilver.

edit: dofp was so good though that i didn't even mind the mystique shit that much. her performance was less awful than first class because of the quality of everything else.
Maybe when they say it revolves around mystique, what they mean is that mystique gets sucked into a black hole in the first 5 mins of the movie and Milky Way is orbiting around it.


Maybe when they say it revolves around mystique, what they mean is that mystique gets sucked into a black hole in the first 5 mins of the movie and Milky Way is orbiting around it.

I'd guess it'll have a similar structure to DOFP.

It starts with Wolverine (maybe Xavier telling him what happened), then goes to Mystique and Wolverine in the past. For reasons they bring in Xavier and co. Stuff happens, Magneto ensues. Then it ends with Wolverine and Xavier in the present.

WOLVERINE: He threw a pyramid at you.
WOLVERINE: What'd you do?
MAGNETO: I threw a skyscraper at him.
WOLVERINE: ... go fuck yourself.

Everyone laughs. Freeze frame on Wolverine as he winks for the camera.
I'd guess it'll have a similar structure to DOFP.

It starts with Wolverine (maybe Xavier telling him what happened), then goes to Mystique and Wolverine in the past. For reasons they bring in Xavier and co. Stuff happens, Magneto ensues. Then it ends with Wolverine and Xavier in the present.

WOLVERINE: He threw a pyramid at you.
WOLVERINE: What'd you do?
MAGNETO: I threw a skyscraper at him.
WOLVERINE: ... go fuck yourself.

Everyone laughs. Freeze frame on Wolverine as he winks for the camera.

i'll cry in theaters if that happens, tears of bliss. hugh jackman's last xmen movie. the GOAT needs to go out with a bang. i'd also be cool with a blooper reel during the credits of him saying go fuck yourself every scene.


i'll cry in theaters if that happens, tears of bliss. hugh jackman's last xmen movie. the GOAT needs to go out with a bang. i'd also be cool with a blooper reel during the credits of him saying go fuck yourself every scene.

This has to be his penultimate scene.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The Mystique/Magneto/Xavier relationship is the best thing about the past few movies, so I'm fine with this.


Saw DOFP yesterday and I loved it.

So Kinberg has said that the film will revolve a lot around Mystique as the central character.


Fucking Kinberg.

I don't really like that. I found Mystique not that interesting in DOFP even though she's the reason for all the future stuff. It's been a (long) while since I watched the first 3 movies but from what I can recall that Mystique was way better than Lawrence.

I just hope Fassbender gets a good chunk of screen time, dude is awesome.
Simon Kinberg, who returns to co-write and co-produce the latest movie in the mega-successful franchise, told Collider that the film will more closely explore the relationship between Lawrence’s blue mutant Mystique and Nicholas Hoult’s Beast. It will also focus on the impact that Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) have each had on Mystique, as well as the friendship between Charles and Erik.

Although it doesn’t rule them out of future movies, Kinberg said that “Apocalypse” will close the trilogy for the aforementioned “First Class” characters.

“The relationship between Beast and Mystique is a really interesting one that we didn’t have a lot of time to explore in ‘Days of Future Past’ so we’ll have an opportunity to do more of that in ‘Apocalypse,'” Kinberg said.

Kinberg didn’t disclose whether the film would single out a single character, as the previous two have, but did say that “Apocalypse” examines how both Erik and Charles has impacted Mystique.

“Part of what’s really interesting about Mystique’s character is that she is, in some ways, the child of both Erik and Charles,” he told the site. “She grew up with Charles and then she sort of became a woman with Erik, so her being the cross-pollination, if you will, of those two philosophies and those two men is something we can explore in the movie, too.”

Why couldn't they fucking get rid of Kinberg. Keep him as producer if you must, but when you have Dougherty and Harris, why hedge your bets on the writer behind X3?

And you just know that this is the end of this particular trilogy because JLaw and Co's contracts will be up - hence squeezing the screentime out of her bored self for the last entry.


So Kinberg has said that the film will revolve a lot around Mystique as the central character.


Fucking Kinberg.

I guess they want to use JLaw as much as possible until her contract expires and they have to start paying her Hunger Games money. I wouldn't mind it so much if she wasn't so bad in DOFP. The only negative in an otherwise fantastic comic book flick.


I wish Lawrence wasn't so damn boring in this role because otherwise I'd love the character being so central.

Can they at least fix her hair and give her some damn clothes to a) bring her closer to this


and b) save time on makeup
I wish Lawrence wasn't so damn boring in this role because otherwise I'd love the character being so central.

Can they at least fix her hair and give her some damn clothes to a) bring her closer to this


and b) save time on makeup

Hell no! The first and only time the movies have been ballsier than the comics is having a constantly naked character with justification that she can mimic clothing
Seriously though, who gives an actual fuck about the relationship between Mystique and Beast? The was perhaps the worst part of a film already filled with plenty of bad parts in First Class.


Seriously though, who gives an actual fuck about the relationship between Mystique and Beast? The was perhaps the worst part of a film already filled with plenty of bad parts in First Class.

Beast is shit in all forms of media. Even in current Marvel he's an unlikeable cunt. I half expect him to get her preggers in the film and it to have a post credit scene where she gives birth to Kurt in a castle with monks somewhere in Europe.


Beast is shit in all forms of media. Even in current Marvel he's an unlikeable cunt. I half expect him to get her preggers in the film and it to have a post credit scene where she gives birth to Kurt in a castle with monks somewhere in Europe.


Best Beast. Should've been how they played him in X-Men 3. Just a chilled out guy who, when arrested, hangs from the ceiling by his feet reading literature. Gets mad very rarely, just chills out 99% of the time. Like 'yes I'm blue and furry, but I'm also awesome.'

Basically The Dude meets Keanu Reeves.


I wish Lawrence wasn't so damn boring in this role because otherwise I'd love the character being so central.

Can they at least fix her hair and give her some damn clothes to a) bring her closer to this


and b) save time on makeup

They want to sell tickets, not chase people away


Nothing against Jennifer Lawrence, but It's not even X-Men anymore. It's just "Let's see whose character or actor star power becomes really popular and go overboard with it in the next film." And that's how they're written. Jennifer Lawrence is probably burnt/already burnt out by the franchise and the studio knows she's only under contract for 1 more so they might as well squeeze every screen time they can promote from her.

I do like the idea of First Class ending. REBOOT SOON PLZ. Just displace young Cyclops/Jean Grey/Storm/etc. in an alternate timeline or somewhere in the future... present... again?


They want to sell tickets, not chase people away

If people want to see Jlaw in the nude they don't have to go to the cinema anymore and watch her flail around like a blue painted magikarp, all they need to do is Google.
The Mystique/Magneto/Xavier relationship is the best thing about the past few movies, so I'm fine with this.

I don't think anything will top the exchange between Picard and Gandolf at the Senate hearing in X1. Not one line of dialogue is wasted between them. Each line reveals something about each character and clearly defines their stance in the movie.

Magneto: Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?

Xavier: I'm looking for hope.

Magneto: I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way. We are the future, Charles, not them. They no longer matter.


at last, for christ's sake
fuck fucking Mystique, jesus christ. I had fucking enough of her since the Sabretooth miniserie, and Lawrence's perpetual pouting face kills me. fuck this shit you runied Colossus now you'll ruin Apocalypse, Synger, you fuck


fuck fucking Mystique, jesus christ. I had fucking enough of her since the Sabretooth miniserie, and Lawrence's perpetual pouting face kills me. fuck this shit you runied Colossus now you'll ruin Apocalypse, Synger, you fuck

Whats ruined about colossus? he's barely used in the films which I'd argue is a good thing for this particular franchise.


Not looking forward to a Mystique-centric movie either but why is Kingberg getting sole blame for it? There were three other guys involved in breaking that story.

Seriously though, who gives an actual fuck about the relationship between Mystique and Beast? The was perhaps the worst part of a film already filled with plenty of bad parts in First Class.

Singer, apparently.


at last, for christ's sake
Whats ruined about colossus? he's barely used in the films which I'd argue is a good thing for this particular franchise.

because Colossus is the muscle of the team and also an awesome character, i wanted to see a giant imposing russian dude with a steel skin smashing through obstacles and sending enemies flying across the town with a punch, not this tiny guy doing absolutely nothing. what's the point of putting Colossus in it at all?



I don't think anything will top the exchange between Picard and Gandolf at the Senate hearing in X1. Not one line of dialogue is wasted between them. Each line reveals something about each character and clearly defines their stance in the movie.

Magneto: Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?

Xavier: I'm looking for hope.

Magneto: I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way. We are the future, Charles, not them. They no longer matter.

Recently gave X1 a rewatch and yeah that film does a fantastic job at establishing/introducing Magneto, Xavier and Wolverine in the beginning.
I think Mystique's role ran its course in DOFP. I can't imagine a scenario where it makes sense to make her a central character in Apocalypse.


because Colossus is the muscle of the team and also an awesome character, i wanted to see a giant imposing russian dude with a steel skin smashing through obstacles and sending enemies flying across the town with a punch, not this tiny guy doing absolutely nothing. what's the point of putting Colossus in it at all?


Be fair Colossus in the comics jumps up only to get beat down. His best scene was years ago



wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Mystique was better in dofp than first class. We went from mutant and proud with no fighting to some goofy atempts at looking badass and seductive with classic mystique style fighting.

Might be a trend.
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