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Bungie's Next Project - 'New Halo 3 Campaign Experience'


Mr Vociferous said:
The admiral's name, I'd assume. Part of it at least.

No... DARE is the ONI part of the transmission. DARE.V.500341(S1) where S1 we're assuming refers to Section One.

The Admiral is referred to as SMN.ACTUAL.

I was wondering if DARE refers to something someone might have read in one of the Halo novels in relation to Section One of ONI.

I wonder - if Don Mattrick hadn't blow the secret that this was a Halo game, would they be running these snippets about the Halo universe?

Yeah, I wonder this as well.


Falagard said:
The Admiral is referred to as SMN.ACTUAL.

IIRC, Actual in navy lingo means unit commander (or something like that), so SMN might be acronym of the ship's name or something similar.

Edit: at least that's how I remember it from Galactica and some googling.


Uncle said:
IIRC, Actual in navy lingo means unit commander (or something like that), so SMN might be acronym of the ship's name or something similar.

Uh yeah. I watch Battlestar Galactica ;-)
SMN is the ship's name, "Say My Name".


Comics, serious business!
Falagard said:
Uh yeah. I watch Battlestar Galactica ;-)
SMN is the ship's name, "Say My Name".

lol, my wife and I watched the Generation Kill miniseries. I had to be a real time translator for her for all the military lingo. The funny thing is... I know all the lingo from over 20 years of video game playing :lol
Falagard said:
No... DARE is the ONI part of the transmission. DARE.V.500341(S1) where S1 we're assuming refers to Section One.
Yeah, you're right. For some reason, I managed to confuse them between last night and this morning - even though I had conversations with people about this very name. Yeah, I'd imagine that's the ONI operative, the spook. Probably not his real name, although it's not completely unlikely, given what we've seen of Colonel James Ackerson of S3, and how his name has been openly used in the past.

I don't remember the name ever appearing in any of the novels, but I can easily do a search for it when I get home. If it has, I'll post it.


Mr Vociferous said:
Yeah, you're right. For some reason, I managed to confuse them between last night and this morning - even though I had conversations with people about this very name. Yeah, I'd imagine that's the ONI operative, the spook. Probably not his real name, although it's not completely unlikely, given what we've seen of Colonel James Ackerson of S3, and how his name has been openly used in the past.

I don't remember the name ever appearing in any of the novels, but I can easily do a search for it when I get home. If it has, I'll post it.

i saw the first episode and found it drearily boring - too bad, b/c the book was incredibel - i could net put it down - read it in 4 days (on vacation in hawaii at that!!)


clashfan said:
I'm really surprise we haven't heard anything more concrete about this rumored game...

We will in the next couple days I'm sure. Microsoft blocked the previous announcement, so Bungie has laid low for almost two months and hasn't even teased new info until the last couple days.
Falagard said:
We will in the next couple days I'm sure. Microsoft blocked the previous announcement, so Bungie has laid low for almost two months and hasn't even teased new info until the last couple days.
Well they did tease that Halo 4 thing in a vid, can't remember what that was for though.
I really hope this turns out to be what we think it's going to be. It's funny, this has to be the first time I've openly wished for a specific game and it could actually come true. This was from an old locked Halo 3 thread (dated 08/03/07):

The Nature Roy said:
A tactical squad-based ODST shooter where you're elite but not superheroic could be very cool.

They could give the game a grittier, somewhat more realistic vibe (not overboard) and show you the Halo Universe from a whole new perspective.

One thing I'll say -- if it's a gritty, 3rd person shooter set in an urban environment, it better be very pretty, because there will be no stopping the Gears of War comparisons.

And I wonder if they'll introduce new enemies or at least re-imagine some of the existing ones. I'm having a hard time imagining brightly colored grunts fitting into such a title, at least how I'm picturing it in my head.

Anyway, I can't wait to get some real details.


Neo Member
I really want to see the Elites from a human perspective. In Halo 2, they were really easy to kill, even on the harder difficulties. The only problems arose when there were a lot of them.

The Elites from the CGI Halo Wars trailer are much better. They seemed a lot beefier and taller than in the Halo games (they're still cannon fodder in Halo Wars, but still). The fact that they're 2 feet taller than the average human isn't conveyed very well from a Spartan's perspective.

And I really think the rumor is coming true. Looks like the game is a tactical shooter featuring some ODSTs or whoever, and they're serving the ONI.
“Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”
“And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”
Weird thing is, though, it looks like the antagonist is a rampant AI (human-built), not the Flood or the Covenant.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Chowfahn said:
And I really think the rumor is coming true. Looks like the game is a tactical shooter featuring some ODSTs or whoever, and they're serving the ONI.
“Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”
“And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”
Weird thing is, though, it looks like the antagonist is a rampant AI (human-built), not the Flood or the Covenant.
I don't think that the AI is the antagonist. In that transmission, the human continued to talk to the AI as if they were on friendly terms. He told him to route comm through him until the team gets there. He wouldn't be telling the AI that if the AI was the one that the team was going to take out.


Cocopjojo said:
I don't think that the AI is the antagonist. In that transmission, the human continued to talk to the AI as if they were on friendly terms. He told him to route comm through him until the team gets there. He wouldn't be telling the AI that if the AI was the one that the team was going to take out.

Maybe. At the very least it's obvious the AI is acting strangely. I'm guessing that the AI isn't the primary antagonist and that something else (Covenant, Forerunner?) caused it to go haywire, but I'm betting that the AI - if it appears in the game at all - will be hostile in some way.


dresses business casual
Falagard said:
Maybe. At the very least it's obvious the AI is acting strangely. I'm guessing that the AI isn't the primary antagonist and that something else (Covenant, Forerunner?) caused it to go haywire, but I'm betting that the AI - if it appears in the game at all - will be hostile in some way.

Maybe the AI will fill the role of unpredictable/chaotic 3rd party. Kind of similar to the Flood, so that there will be 3-way battles and craziness.
GhaleonEB said:
Ah, but what to call it?

Halo: Helljumpers has a nice ring to it.

I don't think it will have "Halo" in the title since that's pretty much Master Chief's story. Maybe something like "Bawld Space Marines: RAAARG!" It's catchy, let's you know what you're in for, huh... huh?


clashfan said:
Do you know something we don't?
Nope. Just running even further with the speculation that this is a squad-based shooter, and that the squad is ODST based. It's probably going to be a platformer featuring that wacky Superintendent guy.


formerly cjelly
Russian Steve said:
I don't think it will have "Halo" in the title since that's pretty much Master Chief's story. Maybe something like "Bawld Space Marines: RAAARG!" It's catchy, let's you know what you're in for, huh... huh?
A game in the Halo universe without Halo in the title?

Not from this Microsoft, I'm afraid.
GhaleonEB said:
It's probably going to be a platformer featuring that wacky Superintendent guy.

This would make me much happier than the announcement of another shooter. I loved Halo 3, but I played that last year. I loved Gears of War, but I'll be playing that again this year. Let's see if Bungie can do something I haven't played yet. Or just do a Mario Galaxy clone. Anything but a shooter.


Chowfahn said:
I really want to see the Elites from a human perspective. In Halo 2, they were really easy to kill, even on the harder difficulties. The only problems arose when there were a lot of them.

The Elites from the CGI Halo Wars trailer are much better. They seemed a lot beefier and taller than in the Halo games (they're still cannon fodder in Halo Wars, but still). The fact that they're 2 feet taller than the average human isn't conveyed very well from a Spartan's perspective.

And I really think the rumor is coming true. Looks like the game is a tactical shooter featuring some ODSTs or whoever, and they're serving the ONI.
“Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”
“And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”
Weird thing is, though, it looks like the antagonist is a rampant AI (human-built), not the Flood or the Covenant.

Whats going to be really cool, the elites are like roughly 2-3 ft taller then the average human. Same with the brutes. Those suckers are going to be intimidating.


Let's hope Bungie makes exactly the game they want to make themselves. Be that a platformer or whatever. As long as they will be passionate about it - it will be awesome.
Russian Steve said:
I don't think it will have "Halo" in the title since that's pretty much Master Chief's story. Maybe something like "Bawld Space Marines: RAAARG!" It's catchy, let's you know what you're in for, huh... huh?
I don't believe Master Chief is going to be in Halo Wars either.
Russian Steve said:
I don't think it will have "Halo" in the title since that's pretty much Master Chief's story. Maybe something like "Bawld Space Marines: RAAARG!" It's catchy, let's you know what you're in for, huh... huh?

Do you really think Microsoft is stupid enough not to include "Halo" in any halo game title :lol :lol :lol

The name itself will sale two million copies.


Dirtbag 504 said:
Whats going to be really cool, the elites are like roughly 2-3 ft taller then the average human. Same with the brutes. Those suckers are going to be intimidating.

Halo is one of the few games that actually uses height. You can tell the Chief is 7ft tall when playing.

Personally I'd love an ODST game.
SupahBlah said:
Halo is one of the few games that actually uses height. You can tell the Chief is 7ft tall when playing.

Personally I'd love an ODST game.

I was thinking about the height issue yesterday. It would definitely be somewhat of an eye-opener to play in the Halo universe as someone who isn't a 7 foot tall cyborg who towers over everything around him. It might be more disconcerting than people realise to start playing a 5'10" soldier suddenly faced by these giant Brutes and/or Elites bearing down on them.

Heck, even Grunts might start to pose a challenge! :lol

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Falagard said:
No... DARE is the ONI part of the transmission. DARE.V.500341(S1) where S1 we're assuming refers to Section One.

The Admiral is referred to as SMN.ACTUAL.

I was wondering if DARE refers to something someone might have read in one of the Halo novels in relation to Section One of ONI.

Yeah, I wonder this as well.
I don't think that DARE has ever been mentioned in any of the novels. I'm pretty positive.
Dirtbag 504 said:
Whats going to be really cool, the elites are like roughly 2-3 ft taller then the average human. Same with the brutes. Those suckers are going to be intimidating.
Humans are about six feet tall, Spartans are about seven, Elites are at eight feet tall and the Brutes are about nine feet. Which really begs the questions:
  • When does this battle take place?
  • What types of Covenant (if that is the enemy) are going to be participating?
  • What environments can we expect to see?
I've got a longer list of more granular questions in my mind, but if I start listing those off here I'd be building my expectations up, as well as others, and I don't want to go down that path. lol.


If this is some badass, Graw like, story driven, gritty halo, and looks amazing, then damn.

sionyboy said:
I was thinking about the height issue yesterday. It would definitely be somewhat of an eye-opener to play in the Halo universe as someone who isn't a 7 foot tall cyborg who towers over everything around him. It might be more disconcerting than people realise to start playing a 5'10" soldier suddenly faced by these giant Brutes and/or Elites bearing down on them.

Heck, even Grunts might start to pose a challenge! :lol

I would be really awesome. Master Chief is all about feeling like a super soldier, a super hero. A big ass mofo.

Playing as a standard soldier will definitely allow for more tension and sense of being overwhelmed.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Revelations said:
Maybe DARE is in the new Halo Book thats coming out. Harvest something.
The new Halo book is called "The Cole Protocol." I don't think DARE means anything. It was just the codename of the guy speaking.


clashfan said:
The 25th is only a couple of days away. I would think we should have already heard about any special MS event...
It's a secret european event supposedly. Only those who were invited know about it.


Comics, serious business!
Cocopjojo said:
The new Halo book is called "The Cole Protocol." I don't think DARE means anything. It was just the codename of the guy speaking.

Cole Train? Gritty 3rd person shooter confirmed.


Kibbles said:
It's a secret european event supposedly. Only those who were invited know about it.

I really hope the public gets to see as much of the game as the european press. Or maybe jeaux france can just leak some video footage as usual. I just really hope that we get a little bit more than a 1-2 minute teaser trailer. Who knows.

A secret event seems to imply a hands-on or a bungie walk-through demo. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Mr Vociferous said:
Humans are about six feet tall, Spartans are about seven, Elites are at eight feet tall and the Brutes are about nine feet. Which really begs the questions:
  • When does this battle take place?
  • What types of Covenant (if that is the enemy) are going to be participating?
  • What environments can we expect to see?
I've got a longer list of more granular questions in my mind, but if I start listing those off here I'd be building my expectations up, as well as others, and I don't want to go down that path. lol.
Voc's trivia knowledge FTW!


Kibbles said:
It's a secret european event supposedly. Only those who were invited know about it.

I didn't realize that it's a rumored private event. I guess we will just have to wait. Where is Blimblim?
Dirtbag 504 said:
I really hope the public gets to see as much of the game as the european press. Or maybe *********** can just leak some video footage as usual. I just really hope that we get a little bit more than a 1-2 minute teaser trailer. Who knows.

A secret even seems to imply a hands-on or a bungie walk-through demo. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Wasn't the rumor that Bungie was ready to put controllers in journalists' hands at E3 before the announcement was pulled? If that's actually true, the game must be pretty far along.

However, that might not have been the case (and maybe I'm just remembering the rumor wrong).
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