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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Gameplay (Gameplay captured on Playstation 5)


So you need to go to Ophthalmologist... take care before it got worst.


Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Campaign looks great. The game looks great graphically, especially for crossgen. Raven being the developer on the campaign side is exciting. Setting, characters, locales, etc all look fantastic.

Not sold on the Multiplayer. While I loved Black Ops 1 MP, I am not a fan of the more arcade like Black Ops 2/3/4 gameplay. Will see what it's really like on September 9th.

Interested to see how they integrate this with Warzone's existing MW 2019 foundation. Hopefully not two separate Battle Passes. Hoping we get some Cold War era weapons and a new map added into Warzone.
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Old Retro

I've always said COD should be set in the 80s having to do with the Contras or Grenada, maybe Afghanistan! Game looks good, hopefully MP gameplay is better than shitty BLOPS4. Need to play beta before any buying or preorder.
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From where I'm sitting it doesn't look much different to the last game running on PC.
Do you mean PC maxed? Well I have a news to you... not sure if you like or not but anyway that is what next-gen console is... except for the new tech being used by devs to increase graphic fidelity the hardware is a high-end PC after all.
PC will benefice by the new techs too and require SSD as recommended.

Said that the graphics showed including the models are better than last CoD on PC maxed.
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Without sounding racist. But how big are the chances us secret agencies send out black people during that Era? Yeah they send them as soldiers. But special agents? Just curious.

Graphics didn't wow'd me. Yeah cross gen game here and there. Still looks underwhelming.
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Do you mean PC maxed? Well I have a news to you... not sure if you like or not but anyway that is what next-gen console is... except for the new tech being used by devs to increase graphic fidelity the hardware is a high-end PC after all.
PC will benefice by the new techs too and require SSD as recommended.

Said that the graphics showed including the models are better than last CoD on PC maxed.

Yeh max settings on PC.

I get that it's a cross gen game but I'd have hoped they would have stepped things up a bit at least.

Same old engine though so what we are seeing makes sense.

Honestly this franchise would have benefitted from skipping a year. MW is still going strong.
Without sounding racist. But how big are the chances us secret agencies send out black people during that Era? Just curious.

Graphics didn't wow'd me. Yeah cross gen game here and there. Still looks underwhelming.
Gameplay is Xbox 360...The rare thing would be they to wow you...


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Without sounding racist. But how big are the chances us secret agencies send out black people during that Era? Yeah they send them as soldiers. But special agents? Just curious.

By 1981 our intelligence agencies were using every single race under the sun. Its like the one job where diversity hiring makes perfect sense, you need operators on every corner of the globe, to blend into any population.


Not that it looks bad by any means, mind you.
It's a cross-gen game, should run perfectly on next-gen consoles.

Agree. It doesn’t look bat all but it’s clearly a cross-gen game. I expect next years COD to looks significantly better (by better I mean next-gen).

The difference between Ghosts (cross-gen) and Advanced Warfare (next-gen) is pretty staggering.


Disclaimer: This COD has heavy SBMM, supposedly heavier than MW, which makes the multiplayer trash for people who dislike that.

Yea people like stomping because it boosts their sad egos, where as equal challenge doesn't give them the same rush, it challenges what they understand(that they're FUCKING AWESOME THE BEST) to be true in a deeper part of their psyche.

Stomping is so cool, makes the best Youtube clips and gives you such amazing bragging rights(who the fuck brags about this shit?).

People are still going to smurf though.


Nothing about the game screams next gen, it looks slightly sharper than last year's Modern Warfare and that's about it. Here's an extract from Eurogamer's article (which I agree with) that OP posted:

"In terms of the actual look of the game, although the footage is from the PlayStation 5, there's not anything that stands out as being obviously next-gen - if the same footage had the words 'PC' or even 'Xbox One X' next to it, I'd be a little more impressed but I'd still believe it."
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Yea people like stomping because it boosts their sad egos, where as equal challenge doesn't give them the same rush, it challenges what they understand(that they're FUCKING AWESOME THE BEST) to be true in a deeper part of their psyche.

Stomping is so cool, makes the best Youtube clips and gives you such amazing bragging rights(who the fuck brags about this shit?).

People are still going to smurf though.
Not everyone who dislikes SBMM does so just because he wants to curbstomp noobs. I know below average players who dislike SBMM too. It's just a preference. I don't want every single opponent to be as skilled as I am.

I want those who are better than me. Those who are worse than me.

The best, the worst, everything in between.

So just stop implying that every single person who dislikes SBMM in any capacity wants to stomp noobs. Just like I don't imply that the only reason you like SBMM is because you don't want to get stomped yourself. That would be the natural inversion of your statement. A shitty non-argument that makes people with legitimate preferences cringe.

I have thousand of hours in various Battlefield titles and not ONCE did I think to myself "oh jeez I wish every player on this server was equally good".

I remember I often played with meme loadouts just for the challenge. If I did that with heavy SBMM I'd have 0 kills.

Plus players of different skill levels don't have fun playing together when sbmm is on.
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MW had extremely limited (narrow) level design IMO. Maybe this one has larger environments?
True. Let's hope so.

BTW am I the only one frustrated that nowadays companies call these trailers "gameplay"? Not long ago gameplay meant an uncut footage of someone playing the game. This is a trailer, period.


That’s COD all right. I’d like to run through the story but definitely not getting sucked into the multiplayer again.


Writes a lot, says very little
Sounds like a day 1 to me.



incoming "don't want meh gamez wit da politicz SHOVED DOWN MEH THROAT"

Coulomb_Barrier Coulomb_Barrier well based on how they did Call Of Duty Ghost, no one should be surprised. I'm actually hoping we get a fully next gen Call Of Duty sooner then later as I don't think they should have waited til 2019 to make a new engine like we saw with Call Of Duty MW reboot. That should have been done at the very very least 2016 vs 2019. So I'm hoping they have a new next gen only engine ready for us by 2023 as we can expect cross gen Call Of Duty for a few years if last gen was anything to go by.
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This is one time that I have to agree with him. It is clearly a cross gen game. Still looks good though.
The fact it looks on pair or better than previous CoD on PC Ultra always shows it is next-gen.
Last-gen hardware can't do anything close to that.

Now if you expect games on PS5 / NextXbox looks better than what PC Ultra can run? Well I have bad news to you because Ultra Hardware on PC is better than what we will got on next-gen consoles.
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