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China proposes high speed rail from China to the US

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People may scoff now but investing in electric powered international travel isn't a bad idea.

Pretty sure I'd be terrified of traveling in a tunnel under the pacific for that long. I'll stick to airplanes.
The Bering Strait is only 100km wide, you'd only be down there for half an hour at most. The reason it takes so long is because it goes a long way up and back down while on the mainlands.
I'm no expert, but it seems awfully dangerous to have a lengthy underwater tunnel in such a geologically volatile region. Any engineers on GAF have a take on this?
Being in a tunnel for many hours terrifies me. I think I'd rather fly.

I wish we were aiming higher as far as speed go, 2 days is a bit much, but I love trains, the more the merrier.

Research has proven that any speed over 300 Mph results in people having their skin pulled off by gravity.
I always thought that all the major countries will be tied together by rail in the future. Always imagined the rail to be above ground though.


How many trains can travel the through the tunnel at once?

Euro tunnel runs up to 4 departures per hour, on a journey time of 35 minutes, and they share the track with passenger trains too. So I'd think with modern signalling, a lot, considering this would be a considerably longer tunnel..
Technology for this has existed for probably a decade or two. Well the underwater tunnel part might be based on newer tech I guess

It was always the cost and bureaucracy that killed any plans in their inception

China is about the only country I imagine that could spearhead something like this as they have the drive and money. Unfortunately I doubt Russia and the US would be too happy to oblige them. Maybe not though
I actually had a dream that I was in the future where all major cities were interconnected by rail

e.g. London, Paris, Munich, New York, New Dehli

I think it took me 3 hours to go from London to New York in my dream.

it would be easier and faster to just build faster airplanes...lol
I thought the best way to connect Asia to the Americas would be a ferry that would take passenger cars across the Bering strait. But I guess a multi billion dollar high speed rail would do.
High speed rails are really only effective in small to medium distances. I can't imagine this ever happening or working.

Dai Kaiju

People may scoff now but investing in electric powered international travel isn't a bad idea.

The Bering Strait is only 100km wide, you'd only be down there for half an hour at most. The reason it takes so long is because it goes a long way up and back down while on the mainlands.

I'm pretty sure china is hoping investors share that logic and fall for this trap.

Regarding the Bering Straight being 100km wide though...are you sure? I'm not saying you're wrong, because I honestly don't know, but the article says the underwater portion would be 200km long.


I would rather fly a plane out of Seattle than fly up to Alaska and go to some remote train station to get to Siberia.


Sounds like a good set-piece for the next James Bond movie. No Mr. Bond, I want you to ride!...and then die

But will Japan be neglected considering their relations with China? I wouldn't mind a pitstop over there. Speaking of Japan maybe this could be a way to get their immigration and population on the plus side but it will take decades for the rail to be made


Would the US contribute to this financially? We can't even build public support for high speed rail domestically let alone internationally. I like the idea though.


On the one hand, I love seeing mega-engineering projects like this and want to see it happen.

On the other hand, What could possible go wrong with a 200 km undersea tunnel in one of the most geologically active areas on the planet?



Actually that would be cool. There should be one that goes to the European continent too. Now paying for it? Well that another issue altogether.
I'm sure working with China and Russia on something like this would be delightful.

And make it easier for the commies to come to america? I don't think so.

Its a trap. Its really a tunnel for their invading army.

This would be a terrorist dream and a security nightmare

This is how the Chinese invade Alaska.


I don't think people understand the ramifications of having a cheap rail line between China and the US on freight shipping

There is a very real economic incentive to have a rail line like this and "lol build faster planes" in no way solves that glaring issue that the current global economy has


I don't think people understand the ramifications of having a cheap rail line between China and the US on freight shipping

There is a very real economic incentive to have a rail line like this and "lol build faster planes" in no way solves that glaring issue that the current global economy has


Do you realise how much it would cost to build and maintain that rail line? It would probably take 100+ years for it to make a profit, if it ever does.


I would rather risk death in a Chinese tunnel for two days rather than suffer 20+ hours in a compressed tube, with not enough leg room for my sexy long legs.

-If this ends up being cheaper than those fly bedrooms.

--In all likely hood this would be a freight line!



Do you realise how much it would cost to build and maintain that rail line? It would probably take 100+ years for it to make a profit, if it ever does.

It took until 2012 for the Channel Tunnel to start turning a profit, a considerably cheaper engineering project by comparison, and was also a project with real demand. So you hit the nail on the head there. I guess it could be "cheap" if its subsidized by government..

Would be fun to see the US/Russia equivalent of this though:

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