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COMICS! |OT| December 2013. Spiking the eggnog, and not telling Stark about it.

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Battle of the Atom #10: So long and thanks for all the fish? What a terrible event, i think i'm never going to be happy with comic events again. I either get stories i'm interested in like Infinity coupled with some of the worst art layouts imaginable or i get dumb as rocks Bendis stories with art i like. I'm about to read Forever Evil #3 in hopes that DC can put together a happy middle ground.


We've got two issues of Action and six issues of Bats/Supes to judge him on. I've definitely enjoyed his Supes more than Synder's. Not a knock on Synder, of course, as his Superman is good too.

Ah, right. I've only read 2 issues of Batman-Superman, stopped because they were both being enormous dicks for no real reason. Maybe that changed? I'll have to catch up.
Was the DC new 52 reboot permanent? Like is this the continuity now going forward and everything before that has been shelved? I always thought they would revert back at some stage.
Was the DC new 52 reboot permanent? Like is this the continuity now going forward and everything before that has been shelved? I always thought they would revert back at some stage.

Seems that way. But I fully expect them to pull out the Pandora card at some point in the future when they feel like the need to create some buzz, and revert everything to the old DCU. It'll be like the New Old 52.
Seems that way. But I fully expect them to pull out the Pandora card at some point in the future when they feel like the need to create some buzz, and revert everything to the old DCU. It'll be like the New Old 52.

I'm still amazed Marvel has managed to avoid a total reboot. And they're so much better off for it. Some time after Infinite Crisis I just stopped trying to make sense of the DCU timelines and how the various crises fit in.


Should I bother with Batman The Dark Knight and Batman & Robin (well more like Batman & Random Character)

need some new trades to read.
Was the DC new 52 reboot permanent? Like is this the continuity now going forward and everything before that has been shelved? I always thought they would revert back at some stage.

I doubt that they have any such plans - we're over two years in, and there's been no reference I know of to the pre-New 52 continuity even existing, aside from the Pandora story in Justice League #6 that DC clearly has no intention of ever following up on.

That said, it's inevitable that we'll see some of the New 52 continuity changes reversed, or at least that we'll get a multiverse Earth where pre-New 52 continuity continued, because that's just how DC rolls. It might take a change in the editorial regime before either happens, though.
Battle of the Atom #10: So long and thanks for all the fish? What a terrible event, i think i'm never going to be happy with comic events again. I either get stories i'm interested in like Infinity coupled with some of the worst art layouts imaginable or i get dumb as rocks Bendis stories with art i like. I'm about to read Forever Evil #3 in hopes that DC can put together a happy middle ground.

Infinity, Opena, Weaver, worst layouts? Whaaaat?


Infinity, Opena, Weaver, worst layouts? Whaaaat?

Just about every moment of grandeur was shrunk into 1/4th of a page or less because Hickman just wanted to jump from one area to the next, never giving anything weight. The only decently executed moments were
thor's hammer throw to kill a builder, and thor attacking thanos once

When you unleash an annihlation wave to attack the builders fleet, i expect a spectacle when i turn to that page. Instead just about everything is a matter-of-fact cold experience. And an annhilation wave was unleashed , and the avengers fought, and the tide is turning, and planets are rebelling, and we are moving on to earth, and thanos is there, and we will fight him.
It's just bouncing from moment to moment without making any particular one of them special.
X-factor #1preview




I doubt that they have any such plans - we're over two years in, and there's been no reference I know of to the pre-New 52 continuity even existing, aside from the Pandora story in Justice League #6 that DC clearly has no intention of ever following up on.

That said, it's inevitable that we'll see some of the New 52 continuity changes reversed, or at least that we'll get a multiverse Earth where pre-New 52 continuity continued, because that's just how DC rolls. It might take a change in the editorial regime before either happens, though.

Ray Fawkes said he plans to address Pandora creating the N52verse and Flashpoint in her solo series. Of course it'll probably be cancelled before then, but it's something he wants to cover.


Secret Avengers #12
'Accelerate the dung'.
What's Taskmaster doing with AIM? When did he join? Or did Kot just add him to the story like that? I LOVED his panels in this issue

Deadpool #20
I liked it. I didn't read the arc before this one, but the story really felt like a 60s issues.
Next one's set in the 90s, wonder what ridiculousness DP's gonna go through.

Transformers MTMTE 24
GAF, I have seen the Rod Pod.
Secret Avengers #12
'Accelerate the dung'.
What's Taskmaster doing with AIM? When did he join? Or did Kot just add him to the story like that? I LOVED his panels in this issue
It happened during Spencer's run. I read 'till the third one before dropping it, I'm pretty sure that happened during one of those.

Transformers MTMTE 24
GAF, I have seen the Rod Pod.
"And this guy is your leader."
Ray Fawkes said he plans to address Pandora creating the N52verse and Flashpoint in her solo series. Of course it'll probably be cancelled before then, but it's something he wants to cover.

Source? All I've seen is a Newsarama interview where he gave some transparently bullshit excuse about how the Pandora he's writing might not remember creating the New 52 timeline, because we only saw the pre-New 52 Pandora in Flashpoint... which directly contradicts the JL #6 backup I mentioned.

There was a throwaway line from Vandal Savage in Pandora #1, about how "legend says that Pandora created the world," but I'm doubtful we'll get more than that. Until proven otherwise, if DC still had any intention of actually explaining the Pandora scene in Flashpoint, I'm pretty sure it would have happened by now.


Source? All I've seen is a Newsarama interview where he gave some transparently bullshit excuse about how the Pandora he's writing might not remember creating the New 52 timeline, because we only saw the pre-New 52 Pandora in Flashpoint... which directly contradicts the JL #6 backup I mentioned.

There was a throwaway line from Vandal Savage in Pandora #1, about how "legend says that Pandora created the world," but I'm doubtful we'll get more than that. Until proven otherwise, if DC still had any intention of actually explaining the Pandora scene in Flashpoint, I'm pretty sure it would have happened by now.

I have no idea how to link to a Twitter conversation on my phone, but I asked him "is Pandora's role in creating the N52verse going to be addressed or has it been quietly swept under the rug?" He replied with "The plan is to address it."

I'm @Librariman and he's @rayfawkes if you want to look it up. The exchange was on Nov 20th.
Still making my way through the Valiant comixology bundle, read the four issues of Archer & Armstrong that came with it. What a fun little series. I think I'll have to add it to the list. Van Lente writes a really funny odd couple story.

Valiant are slowly becoming one of my favourite publishers.
Just about every moment of grandeur was shrunk into 1/4th of a page or less because Hickman just wanted to jump from one area to the next, never giving anything weight. The only decently executed moments were
thor's hammer throw to kill a builder, and thor attacking thanos once

When you unleash an annihlation wave to attack the builders fleet, i expect a spectacle when i turn to that page. Instead just about everything is a matter-of-fact cold experience. And an annhilation wave was unleashed , and the avengers fought, and the tide is turning, and planets are rebelling, and we are moving on to earth, and thanos is there, and we will fight him.
It's just bouncing from moment to moment without making any particular one of them special.

Gotta disagree. Starbrand destroying the fleet, everyone watching in awe of Gladiators power. The Thanos stuff on Atillian. Hickman was on Word Balloon a while ago saying writes with digital in mind now, rarely doing 2 page spreads anymore.

I'd rather see a page quartered up into awesome moments then an annihilation wave spread. The Annihilation wave didn't even work so why waste space trying to play it up as something bigger than it was?
I have no idea how to link to a Twitter conversation on my phone, but I asked him "is Pandora's role in creating the N52verse going to be addressed or has it been quietly swept under the rug?" He replied with "The plan is to address it."

I'm @Librariman and he's @rayfawkes if you want to look it up. The exchange was on Nov 20th.

Oh, hmm, interesting. Thanks.
Preview artwork from Ms. Marvel, Ghost Rider, She-Hulk, Black Widow, Fantastic Four, Punisher, and Invaders in this week's Axel-In-Charge segment (CBR)

And for Rafa:

Kiel Phegley: Axel, as last week was wrapping up, Marvel announced a several month delay for Matt Fraction and Joe Madureira's "Inhuman." What can you tell us about the nature of this delay? Given how "Inhumanity!" is structured, does this delay impact the rest of the line as a whole?

Alonso: The delay won't affect anything. The story told in "Inhuman" -- while super-important to the future of the Marvel Universe -- is not time-sensitive. Our plans for the Inhumans are long-term and far-reaching. They are extremely strong characters with a rich mythology that we intend to mine for decades to come, so we're in no rush to tell any one aspect of that story. The stories told in "Inhumanity #1" and #2 are prelude to the road ahead, but the ripple effects of the Terrigen bomb will be felt across the Marvel Universe in coming months.


Oh wow, there are some amazing pages in that preview. Ghost Driver (love the speedometer intercut with the changing gears etc), Punisher (pink! Orange!) and Black Widow (Phil Noto is too much) in particular look fantastic. Ms Marvel looks great too.

That bit about mining the Inhumans for decades to come basically confirms that they're going to become the new X-Men, right?


Gotta disagree. Starbrand destroying the fleet, everyone watching in awe of Gladiators power. The Thanos stuff on Atillian. Hickman was on Word Balloon a while ago saying writes with digital in mind now, rarely doing 2 page spreads anymore.

I'd rather see a page quartered up into awesome moments then an annihilation wave spread. The Annihilation wave didn't even work so why waste space trying to play it up as something bigger than it was?

I didn't know Hickman talked about writing for digital, but it was easy to tell from reading his work :( Johns and Bendis care not for digital pages.
She-Hulk is probably gonna be my favorite of those, I can already tell. I really wanna see what the heck Wells/Del Mundo Elektra is going to be like, because he's pretty much the only non-Frank Miller writer who seems to get that character.


She-Hulk is probably gonna be my favorite of those, I can already tell. I really wanna see what the heck Wells/Del Mundo Elektra is going to be like, because he's pretty much the only non-Frank Miller writer who seems to get that character.

I was really hoping we'd see something from Elektra. I think that's now the series we know the least about?


I was really hoping we'd see something from Elektra. I think that's now the series we know the least about?

I think Elektra is still a few months away which might explain things (March maybe?) but Wells says he's gonna try to do something a bit forward-moving for her, which I'm excited for. People have tried it before, obviously, but Zeb Wells is actually good at writing her instead of terrible.

Digging Pulido's She-Hulk and Ghost Driver as well.


Man, Uncanny X-men #14 kind of annoyed me. I mean, it was obvious that they were going to have to do SOMETHING with the character because he was blatantly useless in any situation. But...
they came up with him half-shifting and apparently using pheromones or something that override people noticing that he's changing right in front of them? Or something?
It's just... nonsense. He still can't do crap in battle far as I can tell, and it seems like even in the purpose they gave him he's just a kind of off-brand, weird Mystique. Kind of hoping they still pull out a "he can also copy powers" or something to give him some sort of purpose.

Also, the biggest disappointment for me in BotA is that... it just felt like nothing happened. It was pretty much ENTIRELY build-up and "reveals." Bleh. Couldn't even send the original X-men back. They were a neat idea at first, but keeping them around as actual characters is pretty lame. They're at least supposed to be sent out away from the Uncanny team soon, right?

So I got all four Green Lanternverse 21s. When they swapped in the new teams. First off, GL might be mildly interesting but god damn worst art ever. Really a shame.

That said; Corps, New Guardians (?!?!), and Redz were all really solid/great reads. Totally the crazy galactic DC I love. Do they ever get a good artist on mainline GL? It's a shanda to have that trash on the flagship book. A book that Mahnke once drew damn it!!!


Sidekick #1 was surprisingly decent from JMS, not sure if i'll continue because i tend to not like watching characters go down a path of ruin, but it might be worthwhile.
Read Abe Sapien #1 today and really liked it. Sometimes I think I should just quit the monthly game and dedicate myself to reading through Hellboy, BPRD and the rest.


Read Abe Sapien #1 today and really liked it. Sometimes I think I should just quit the monthly game and dedicate myself to reading through Hellboy, BPRD and the rest.

Not worth it, you'll never live long enough to read all of BPRD no matter what age you start.
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