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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse


It's pretty interesting see the rebirth mystery being dished out timely. I know most of us assumed it would have been forgotten about,

Super Man reborn and its aftermath is dealing with Mr. Oz and what's the deal with Superman.

The button crossover dealing with well the button.

The Legion story is going to be told in part in upcoming issues of Supergirl.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
This week I decided to resume my cosmic Marvel read-thru. So far I've read Nova 13-22 and Guardians 1-12 in preparation for War of Kings. Next up is Secret Invasion: Inhumans. This will be my first experience with the Inhumans. Only other thing I've read about them was their Secret Wars tie-in. I hope they don't suck too bad. 😁

These cosmic events and titles are so much fun. I wish there was something in current Marvel that find even half as interesting or entertaining as the stuff I'm currently reading.


This week I decided to resume my cosmic Marvel read-thru. So far I've read Nova 13-22 and Guardians 1-12 in preparation for War of Kings. Next up is Secret Invasion: Inhumans. This will be my first experience with the Inhumans. Only other thing I've read about them was their Secret Wars tie-in. I hope they don't suck too bad. 😁

These cosmic events and titles are so much fun. I wish there was something in current Marvel that find even half as interesting or entertaining as the stuff I'm currently reading.

Have you tried Guardians of the galaxy. Right now they're on the most cosmic place of all....earth.
Is War of Kings the best part of that whole saga? I think it might be my personal favorite

There really is nothing else like DnA cosmic Marvel, before or since. They captured this really fun spirit of adventure in a setting that felt incredibly vast and "lived in" and told a terrific, massive story in it

I think i will read it again soon

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Thanos is dead you guys. Drax killed him. There is no coming back from that....unless your name is Quasar or Moondragon of course.


So, this is going to be a thing.

Thinking now, I'm surprised no one's tried doing a western Pokemon ongoing comic.

Yeah, Pokemon would sell like crazy. The Pokemon Company is pretty protective of the IP though so I doubt it will ever happen. I would love an ongoing run.


I'm starting to get a bit more into comics lately. I just read Locke & Key and I'm getting caught up with Saga. A friend lent me all of Sandman. I read Fraction's Hawkeye run a while ago, and I've picked up some of the Sex Criminals trades.

I'm thinking about going to my local comic shop and getting some subscriptions, mostly to keep up with Saga, but I feel like I should grab a couple. What else should I get into that's currently running? I lean more towards the independent and self-contained stuff rather than the DC/Marvel big cross-over arc stuff. Though, I've heard Ms. Marvel is good.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I'm starting to get a bit more into comics lately. I just read Locke & Key and I'm getting caught up with Saga. A friend lent me all of Sandman. I read Fraction's Hawkeye run a while ago, and I've picked up some of the Sex Criminals trades.

I'm thinking about going to my local comic shop and getting some subscriptions, mostly to keep up with Saga, but I feel like I should grab a couple. What else should I get into that's currently running? I lean more towards the independent and self-contained stuff rather than the DC/Marvel big cross-over arc stuff. Though, I've heard Ms. Marvel is good.

Manifest Destiny of course. It's about what REALLY happened on Lewis and Clark's famous expedition.


I'm confused how JL and JLA can both have Batman but Wolverine...

Also, just got Hulk, DoomMan and Moon Girl as well as the Killer Frost mini

Hulk is more Jen than Hulk which is good
Infamous Doom is just dope
MG continues to be both enjoyable yet confusing but it did clear up one thing.
I'm starting to get a bit more into comics lately. I just read Locke & Key and I'm getting caught up with Saga. A friend lent me all of Sandman. I read Fraction's Hawkeye run a while ago, and I've picked up some of the Sex Criminals trades.

I'm thinking about going to my local comic shop and getting some subscriptions, mostly to keep up with Saga, but I feel like I should grab a couple. What else should I get into that's currently running? I lean more towards the independent and self-contained stuff rather than the DC/Marvel big cross-over arc stuff. Though, I've heard Ms. Marvel is good.

My current indie (and imprint) top tier with four issues or less to catch up on:
4 Kids Walk Into a Bank
The Black Monday Murders
Curse Words (just started)
Doom Patrol
Motor Girl
Seven to Eternity
Shade: the Changing Girl

There is so much good non-cape stuff right now it's kinda ridiculous. I don't think there has EVER been this many great non-cape books at once before. Just roll through that list, read the synopses and pick out a few to try, I think you'll have a pretty good time with any of those.

If you want something that already has some meat on its bones (5+ issues) and is still a magnificent time, look into any of these:
Backstagers (limited, ending soon)
Deadly Class
East of West
The Flintstones (yes, really, the Flintstones is easily one of the best books anyone is publishing right now)
Lazarus (really good but recently beset with some frustrating delays, fair warning)
Southern Bastards

All of those books are great.

And then there's all the complete stuff that you could try! If you dig Saga you should check out Vaughan's other work, especially Y: the Last Man.


I want to catch up on Jem since it's ending (kinda) but the art is butts.

Also, got TAHulk and Spider Woman since another good female lead book is ending because BLAH


Kelly Thompson is saying Jem isn't going away for long. Ends in April, may nothing and whatever new Jem stuff is happening starts in June.


Yeah, Pokemon would sell like crazy. The Pokemon Company is pretty protective of the IP though so I doubt it will ever happen. I would love an ongoing run.

Imagine all the variant covers someone like Boom Studios could put out. The spinoff miniseries ideas are practically endless.


I'm starting to get a bit more into comics lately. I just read Locke & Key and I'm getting caught up with Saga. A friend lent me all of Sandman. I read Fraction's Hawkeye run a while ago, and I've picked up some of the Sex Criminals trades.

I'm thinking about going to my local comic shop and getting some subscriptions, mostly to keep up with Saga, but I feel like I should grab a couple. What else should I get into that's currently running? I lean more towards the independent and self-contained stuff rather than the DC/Marvel big cross-over arc stuff. Though, I've heard Ms. Marvel is good.

Don't let the big names fool you. tons of great stuff that don't require additional reading and isn't filled with cross overs.


I'm impressed with how long Silk has lasted rather than going the way of Alpha, though she is a much better character.

Oh yeah alpha the hell happened to him he was suppose this big sidekick and completely disappeared i mean Gravity had his moments and i assume people that liked him in stuff i assume but the hell happened to alpha.


Oh yeah alpha the hell happened to him he was suppose this big sidekick and completely disappeared i mean Gravity had his moments and i assume people that liked him in stuff i assume but the hell happened to alpha.

He actually got a book that was good, but people hated him based on how he was portrayed in ASM.


He actually got a book that was good, but people hated him based on how he was portrayed in ASM.

Kinda baffling that Marvel would give Peter a kid sidekick. I mean, the whole reason One More Day happened was because he was getting "too old". :p


life happened so I had to spend money on other things besides comics today.

I managed to buy Doom patrol and saga though.Those will always be day one.

Kamandi challenge, killer frost, and ether will have to wait till this weekend.


life happened so I had to spend money on other things besides comics today.

I managed to buy Doom patrol and saga though.Those will always be day one.

Kamandi challenge, killer frost, and ether will have to wait till this weekend.

want me to make that background transparent?


fuckkk double post

Saga #42

Ok Only read this if you have read this issue and most if not all of the other issues
Ok the miscarriage was kinda predictable, but the way it happened was way more mundane than I saw coming. The will is still bugging, but now he has to face physical demon. The worst part is all the people dying on Phang that was horrible. I wonder where he will go next. time skip?

Overall I can't even predict where this next arc is going. Good news is the worst is over for Hazel.

Doom Patrol #4
My mind was fucking blown. so much craziness. I love the development with negative man, but Danny stole the show. The backup pages are indeed funny. There is a lot to love about this book. Sure it might be weird at times but that is doom patrol for yah. I won't mention surprise appearance. But OG fans will be happy.


I would love it if you could


got ya covered


fuckkk double post

Saga #42

Ok Only read this if you have read this issue and most if not all of the other issues
Ok the miscarriage was kinda predictable, but the way it happened was way more mundane than I saw coming. The will is still bugging, but now he has to face physical demon. The worst part is all the people dying on Phang that was horrible. I wonder where he will go next. time skip?

Overall I can't even predict where this next arc is going. Good news is the worst is over for Hazel.

Knowing BKV this probably isn't true because he's crazy.

I was kinda expecting the baby to die at birth revealing that the two groups really aren't supposed to be reproducing with each other and Hazel was just a miracle or something.
Uh, did you read the link? Didn't look like "dog" "shit". Just a shading issue.

But sure...people making cool things are dumb and stupid and pull constant choke jobs?

Seems like a dope attitude for 2017 in America.
We live in a great era as far as artistry and technology go, and people still bitch about every little thing with reckless abandon. It's pretty shitty.
It's a close second for me

I think the
Vulcan-led Shi'ar
are better antagonists than the

And the Darkhawk stuff was fucking rad

I really want Nova to bring back Darkhawk
That's because
the Cancerverse is more of a force of nature, with several heroes and villains effectively being minions, with the only real big bad being Mar-Vell, who was the originator of the Many-Angled Ones invasion. The Shi'ar, on the other hand, are a direct foil to the Inhumans, providing a singular and direct conflict with Vulcan being the big bad. It's not as much of a force of nature, because there's actually a group with limited numbers. The latter allows Vulcan and a key few characters (Gladiator and the rest of the Royal Guard and advisors) to actually develop. No one on the Cancerverse side develops at all. They don't go through an arc, because they are all full blown gone already. Adam Magus is his own side, so he doesn't really count in this.

In short, I agree with you. Cancerverse has the Galactus Engine though. And I do like Thanos Imperative more because it's a "race against the clock" type of threat, rather than a one on one war.
I'm starting to get a bit more into comics lately. I just read Locke & Key and I'm getting caught up with Saga. A friend lent me all of Sandman. I read Fraction's Hawkeye run a while ago, and I've picked up some of the Sex Criminals trades.

I'm thinking about going to my local comic shop and getting some subscriptions, mostly to keep up with Saga, but I feel like I should grab a couple. What else should I get into that's currently running? I lean more towards the independent and self-contained stuff rather than the DC/Marvel big cross-over arc stuff. Though, I've heard Ms. Marvel is good.

Rom is the only book you'll ever need. I'd give you a list of other books, but I'm very behind.


Black Panther #10

Shuri and T'Challa managed to do the impossible and bring everyone together for the greater good of Wakanda. Shuri laid down the verbal smack down of the century. Even T'challa had to admit she is wiser than him.For people who have been waiting for action. don't miss the next issue.

when it comes to political and social analogies BP does it the best.


While Civil war 2 was dissappointing and a shit show after reading both Captain America books and The oath i'm excited for Secret Empire. While it is another event it's a event by Nick Spencer so i have more hope and enjoying the buildup and Hydra cap
While Civil war 2 was dissappointing and a shit show after reading both Captain America books and The oath i'm excited for Secret Empire. While it is another event it's a event by Nick Spencer so i have more hope and enjoying the buildup and Hydra cap

We don't know who is actually writing Secret Empire. The guess is that it's either Spencer or Bendis. We also don't know who is on the rest of the creative squad (artists, colorists, inkers, etc.).
Ghost Rider #3:

Robbie still barely a supporting character in his own comic. Art is fucking awful too holy shit. Ugliest comic out right now.

I really hope this comic improves after this arc.

Ghost Rider tanking Hulk punches was cool though


We don't know who is actually writing Secret Empire. The guess is that it's either Spencer or Bendis. We also don't know who is on the rest of the creative squad (artists, colorists, inkers, etc.).
The event could possibly have multiple writers on it and in that case Duggan and Zub would probably be the most likely candidates alongside Spencer.

On the one hand, Bendis is the big event guy. He's probably done the most Marvel events of any writer. On the other, this book does appear to be the culmination of the Captain America line, which Spencer has been responsible for.
Bendis does big events often, but not back to back like that.
The event could possibly have multiple writers on it and in that case Duggan and Zub would probably be the most likely candidates alongside Spencer.

Bendis does big events often, but not back to back like that.

Siege and Secret Invasion were pretty close, weren't they?
This week I decided to resume my cosmic Marvel read-thru. So far I've read Nova 13-22 and Guardians 1-12 in preparation for War of Kings. Next up is Secret Invasion: Inhumans. This will be my first experience with the Inhumans. Only other thing I've read about them was their Secret Wars tie-in. I hope they don't suck too bad. 😁

These cosmic events and titles are so much fun. I wish there was something in current Marvel that find even half as interesting or entertaining as the stuff I'm currently reading.
Same thing for me with the Inhumans. Had never read a book with them before.

Siege and Secret Invasion were pretty close, weren't they?

Bendis did some Ultimate events at the same time, right? Think Ultimate Power and some others.

Edit: Welp.
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