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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations



Tentatively, the accusations seem to be primarily coming from Dani Porter Bridges:

Edit: There's an argument to be made that "cancelled" is the wrong term since Ismail's termination of employment so far seems to be voluntary. I accept the correction.

Edit: replaced deleted tweet with screenshot.
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Gosh. Dude cheated and now his wife, job, and maybe kids are gone. Cheating is bad, but this feels like it could be a case of public shaming in order for a streamer to gain some followers. She clearly said he never assaulted her. Also, the fact that she posted his private DM asking to talk things over says a lot about her character.


So cheating on your wife now gets you fired at work too? WHAT?

Clearly there's no going on. He wouldn't step down so fast, if it was only him cheating on his wife.

Where are the days where your personal problems, were your personal problems? Cheating on your wife and twitter court fires you from your job? Pathetic man.

There's no such thing as a Twitter court. Stop being silly.
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Neo Member
So, this guy lied on a relationship, because is a married person... neither assaulted nor abused anyone..

.. and he deserved to be cancelled from this job?

So, what about women which are on multiple relationships without the other partner/man to know about it? Do they deserve same treatment or what?

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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I don't think that rises to the level of cancellation... unless I'm missing something.

Edit: Better question - what does cancelled even mean anymore? I honestly don't know.
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So cheating on your wife now gets you fired at work too? WHAT?

This is a bit different from other #metoo cancellations for this reason. There's no accusations of harassment, just adultery and concomitant deception. I'm torn here between my usual disgust at trial-by-Twitter and also thinking the guy probably needs to face some consequences.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
So cheating on your wife now gets you fired at work too? WHAT?

It sounds like he's intentionally stepping down, since his family life is ruined right now. Not so much that some Ubisoft executive was like "hey buddy, sorry but you gotta go".


Gold Member
Dude cheats on his wife?

Not a good look for him and I'm sure his wife ain't too pleased, but wtf has this got to do with his job or this game?
It might be a precautionary step taken by Ubisoft marketing. He's closely associated with the AC franchise (since he's a director) and they probably want to avoid any negativity associated with AC.
Gotta say, dude played himself when he lied about being married. But it's still shitty to make this public on Twitter because she knows that this will inevitably invite the mob.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is why you always have a mistress who knows you're in a relationship and just wants something on the side. I guess he just expected her to lie for him at work after he lied to her?

Either way, this sounds stupid.


He wasn't fired. He stepped down, likely to focus on his family and the fallout that's coming from his wife finding out he's been cheating on her. I don't see this as being "cancelled".
Doesn't sound like he was cancelled. Looks like he is stepping down to deal with family issues.

These are fair points and I accept the correction.

Edit: I've reported my own thread for a title adjustment.
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So, this guy lied on a relationship, because is a married person... neither assaulted nor abused anyone..

.. and he deserved to be cancelled from this job?

So, what about women which are on multiple relationships without the other partner/man to know about it? Do they deserve same treatment or what?


I think you're overreacting to the story. Did you read his own Tweet? He got caught cheating and now his personal life is in shambles so he stepped down to focus on his family.
As someone who’s been cheated on multiple times the LAST thing I want to see is more of your face. Dude just gave up his job only to probably get divorced, so now he’s gonna be broke and single. 🤦🏾‍♂️
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This is a bit different from other #metoo cancellations for this reason. There's no accusations of harassment, just adultery and concomitant deception. I'm torn here between my usual disgust at trial-by-Twitter and also thinking the guy probably needs to face some consequences.

I'm sorry, what?

The consequences he might need to face will be determined by the parties involved: him, his wife and his mistress, consequences restricted to the private lives of all of them. It's nobody else's business.

Please name the good reasons for this throwback to Victorian Puritanism, hey? Is this going to be the new requirement, directors can't be adulterous?

What a year.


This is a bit different from other #metoo cancellations for this reason. There's no accusations of harassment, just adultery and concomitant deception. I'm torn here between my usual disgust at trial-by-Twitter and also thinking the guy probably needs to face some consequences.

The issue is that the end result is the same.

Trial by twitter, negative impact on the guys career, shattered families, etc.

And all of that before the other party has the opportunity to give their side of the story. If she really cared about his wife/family and them potentially being hurt she has 2 rational options:

A) end it with him immediately and cut all ties.


B) call or meet his wife to inform her of what's been going on.

Instead she wants to do this in a way that puts her in the spotlight. Don't get it twisted, she doesn't care about anyone else, she doesn't care about his family, she's doing this so that she can get attention now that she's bored of his dick.

It's disgusting and these people know what they are doing. They are hurt because the relationship didn't (or was never going to) work out and this is their way of lashing out.

The only upside to this is the fact that in the process these women are inadvertently outing themselves. Any sensible guy now knows to stay away.
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