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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I wonder what the overlap is between people cheering this woman on and people who think Trump is about to impose a Handmaid's Tale style theocracy.

Maybe they could let him stick around and just wear a giant A on his shirt....


Now I'm not condoning cheating, but why is she posting this? I'm legit confused. She's reporting that he didn't sexually harass her, It sounds like he was cheating with someone else (yes I know it was with her but she explains it like it was someone other than her), she found out and went to twitter about it. Also, if his wife doesn't have a facebook account, why assume she has a twitter?

Honestly, he isn't doing anything that concerns anyone else other than him and his wife. Also, warning other women? Other women will either just leave him when they find out, or not care and continue anyway. This SCREAMS I want attention in the call out frenzy.

However, with people like Joe lawyering up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't go their way.
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Can someone who cheats not be a good father and husband too? Or is it more of a desire,for,cosmic justice at him having broken his vow of monogamy?

Divorce is brutal on young children, even if mommy and daddy explain that they both still love little tommy and sarah because it rocks the foundation of their world by sundering the family unit. that is bad.

I like to think he can still be a good father and even a good husband, following a period of reconciliation. And yes, I think it's better to keep the marriage intact if possible even in such a case. So, yes; I agree this would have been better handled off Twitter. To be absolutely fair to the accuser, she claims she attempted to find the wife.


Now I'm not condoning cheating, but why is she posting this? I'm legit confused. She's reporting that he didn't sexually harass her, It sounds like he was cheating with someone else (yes I know it was with her but she explains it like it was someone other than her), she found out and went to twitter about it. Also, if his wife doesn't have a facebook account, why assume she has a twitter?

Honestly, he isn't doing anything that concerns anyone else other than him and his wife. Also, warning other women? Other women will either just leave him when they find out, or not care and continue anyway. This SCREAMS I want attention in the call out frenzy.

However, with people like Joe lawyering up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't go their way.
Attention. Of course shes claiming so he doesnt do it to anyone else...yeah because the entire female population saw this and added it to a little notebook...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
And what if only half of it is true?
To give an example... If someone goes all over the internet saying that person X slept with person Y, but it turns out to be a single kiss... In both cases it's cheating, but, what was said was not the truth... Would it be considered defamation?

Depends on local laws. You’d likely need to prove that the exaggerated components of the story specifically inflicted tangible financial losses from the reputational damage, distinct from the damage the truthful bits did. Not a lawyer tho.
I can't stand cancel culture but I don't condone what this asshole did either. He gambled for a piece of ass and it caught up with him.

Fuck em' both.

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Watch he cut it off and this is the swift kick in the ass.

More than likely the coronavirus situation meant he was locked down with his family and couldn't/wouldn't see her.

She got lonely and it finally dawned on her that she was just his piece on the side and he doesn't actually care about her.

2020 is ROUGH for dude's with side chicks

Also rough for the side chicks who have to face up to the reality that they were just there to serve a purpose.


Going to go against the flow of GAF here. She is very right to take this to Twitter and go public. This guy lied to her about being married. She asked him if he was married. He said no. She later saw him in a public photo sporting a wedding band and asked him again. Dude made up a total pack of lies to cover up. She was suspicious. She had had been seeing him for more than a year, GAF, and it took a lot of work and confirmation for her to come to terms with the fact that he was lying the whole time.

She found out he was doing the same with other women. This kinda chronic cheater and liar deserves to have a huge hazard sign placed on him for the decent folk who don't want to be involved in extra marital affairs. It would be one thing if she was complicit in screwing married men, but she was invested in this relationship and what a waste it has been for her. That's her loss, and it's fair for her to try to flag down and signal other ladies nearby to watch out so as to not suffer the same loss.

Should it be made public? Absolutely.

Should he lose his job? That depends on how much upheaval this brings to the team. They worked together. I imagine there are other women in the company he's lying to, too. As it is, he chose to step down anyway.

Is this about #cancelling? No.

Should his life be ruined? No... but he needs to stop lying, or else stop crying when the victims start to shout it from the roof tops what a selfsh liar he is.
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Clearly there's no going on. He wouldn't step down so fast, if it was only him cheating on his wife.

There's no such thing as a Twitter court. Stop being silly.

Not a literal court no, but more of a lynch mob. They band together and start making enough demands to make things happen, even when these things need to take place in a court of law. Look at what is happening with angry joe among other streamers, the are dog piling the hell out of him and when he stands up by getting a lawyer, they start making some sort of group to fight against him defending himself that way too. There is might in numbers and twitter groups have those numbers. It's foolish to ignore that.


Gold Member
This danger hair is full of shit. The fact that he cheated is on him. However, she definitely knew he was married and still elected to engage is this behavior with him. She claims she's not chasing clout but this is clearly a power move by her.

"Just to warn other women in the industry" my ass. Just another example of how deranged these people are.

The guy is a fuck-up sure but that that woman putting screenshots of him begging on twitter...

lol, cuz it's just the season so why not

"Not chasing clout". This makes her look even more of a hypocrite.
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He did it to himself and his lies caught up with him.

Although he his family didn't deserve for this to be made public in this way - we are in the age of social media and everyone has a platform; a lot of people have no problems voicing what's happening in their lives, including the other woman involved.

It very much seems like (without knowing all the details,) the entire situation was caused by A.Ismail so he'll have to live with it.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
All the Men who have been wronged in their lives should come out and post it all on Twitter. This way, we can start a new hashtag #BelieveMen because well, why not?

Ashraf Ismail is an asshole for cheating on his wife but the woman should have just said goodbye and told him to fuck off and that's it. Whenever I see women going on Twitter like a child, I can't help but think and believe that they just want their 15 minutes of fame and in most cases, a payday.

And like someone else said, I would love to know how many times she fucked him AFTER knowing he was married.
I fucking hate these people. Why did she have to out the guy on social media like that? As if she gives a shit about his wife, just wanted to be the center of attention on the internet.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
My crazy-o-meter is showing extremely high values on this chick.
And also on coward-o-meter. I mean imagine learning from social media, you have been cheated on. This is not really way to do that and if anything it will put a straing on the wife. But guess stonks™


Flashless at the Golden Globes
My crazy-o-meter is showing extremely high values on this chick.
are there any sane ones on twitter? everyone jumped on that stinkles accuser being autistic, but i see some severe red flags in the girl who accused insomniac of covering shit up and angry joe's accuser. i feel bad for the autistic girl because she cant help it, but these other girls seem super vindictive.


this is bizarre. why is she taking pictures of the hotel rooms with polaroids? was she planning on submitting them as evidence? was this planned blackmail?

Yeah, some more recent parts of her story are making me suspicious. She says he was gaslighting her the whole time so she began taking Polaroids. That seems like something a person does in case they decide to go public.

Basically, I'm starting to think that she mostly knew he was really married, but as long as he continued to deny it she would at least have those photos as evidence of their affair. For what end, I don't know. The texts and his resignation are proof enough.

It still doesn't change that he was cheating on his wife with more than one woman, and was carrying on like this with different women and lying to all of them.


Going by that pic she was taking screenshots while actually in the middle of texting. She had to have been plotting this shit or at least preparing for it. She was probably doing the same thing with other guys and this is the one where were goals panned out.

She was asked about this on twitter and said something like: "I screen shotted the address so I could keep it and send him things" (didn't mention why she did the other screen grab) and my immediate thought was "Why would the message disappear? Why would you need to do that?"

I don't think it was a service where messages expire (I'm an old man and dont use stuff like that so maybe it is) but even if it was I dont know what the value of screenshotting it is because how would you find that random screenshot later on? It would be faster to search the conversation for part of the address, I'm sure she could remember the city or something from it at least.

Maybe I'm over thinking it but that stood out as weird to me.


She was asked about this on twitter and said something like: "I screen shotted the address so I could keep it and send him things" (didn't mention why she did the other screen grab) and my immediate thought was "Why would the message disappear? Why would you need to do that?"

I don't think it was a service where messages expire (I'm an old man and dont use stuff like that so maybe it is) but even if it was I dont know what the value of screenshotting it is because how would you find that random screenshot later on? It would be faster to search the conversation for part of the address, I'm sure she could remember the city or something from it at least.

Maybe I'm over thinking it but that stood out as weird to me.
It is weird. The screenshots I quoted were taken while Ashraf was in the middle of typing (notice the three dots in the lower lefthand side of the iMessage screen). Who takes screenshots DURING a texting conversation? You can always go back and retrieve them later. She was premeditating something.


If they made a nature documentary about humans:

"Here we see a female specimen with painted hair. She uses her colourful appearance to lure males by making them think she is quirky and fun. When the male falls for this trap, in not too long she will show her true crazy self and ruin the males life. Look at her feast. Once the male is completely broken down and the female is fed, the colourful predator moves on to her next victim."
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
The guy is a fuck-up sure but that that woman putting screenshots of him begging on twitter...

lol, cuz it's just the season so why not

Translation: I saw a bunch of other attention whores getting lots of sympathy & attention for publically airing bad dates & relationships gone wrong and I wanted some too.

For the record: I think a guy that has a wife and kids and cheats on the wife is a total scumbag, but that is not a reason to humiliate the wife and children by airing his failings all over social media


Side piece got mad and is probably jaded because he didn't leave his wife for her, so she out to ruin a dudes career that is some foul shit.

Most hilarious thing though is that she is some how the victim and plays like she was completely oblivious that he has a family and acting like she isn't responsible at all and ignoring the reality that she was a homewrecker.

Ignorance is bliss.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, some more recent parts of her story are making me suspicious. She says he was gaslighting her the whole time so she began taking Polaroids. That seems like something a person does in case they decide to go public.

Basically, I'm starting to think that she mostly knew he was really married, but as long as he continued to deny it she would at least have those photos as evidence of their affair. For what end, I don't know. The texts and his resignation are proof enough.

It still doesn't change that he was cheating on his wife with more than one woman, and was carrying on like this with different women and lying to all of them.
Lots of talented people cheat. I can list dozens of athletes and movie stars and directors who were caught cheating and had affairs in real life, and they still managed to produce some killer movies and do some amazing things on the field.

whatever they do in the private life doesnt impact us at all. pretty sure Spielberg married an actress he once directed and likely started the affair while he was still married. Harrison Ford was fucking a 19 year old Carrie Fisher while married. Mel Gibson is a racist pos and Christian Bale is a raging maniac but both guys are extremely good at their craft. Gibson has sadly already been cancelled despite directing four incredibly atmospheric and engrossing movies. If we went around cancelling these guys, we wouldnt have gotten some of the best movies ever made. its like cancelling Marlon Brando for fucking Richard Pryor while he was married (according to Pryor's wife anyway). are we going to cancel the best actor of all time because he had an affair?

this director is literally keeping this franchise alive. Black Flag saved the franchise after a dismal AC3. And then reinvented it with Origins. Valhalla looks amazing. Now hes gone. and we are worse for it.

Any suggestions?
i got one you can remove. ;p the laughing emoji. its being abused by passive aggressive cunts posting laughing emojis instead of actually posting rebuttals. its made posting in the next gen threads almost unbearable.
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