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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations

Once again we see this weird hypocrisy.

We demand workers' rights!

He cheated on his wife, FIRE HIM!

What hypocrisy are you referring to?

Internal investigations are just that, internal, it's unlikely what was discovered/uncovered during the investigation will be made public; it's a massive assumption to think his firing was related to him being unfaithful to his wife.

If you work for a company you're contractually bound to their terms and conditions, if Ashraf thinks he's been treated unfairly I'm sure he can take Ubisoft to court.
I hope next time a woman who cheats on her husband, while working at Ubisoft, also gets fired and dragged through social media courtesy by yours truly, Jason The Rat Schreirer.
Never gonna happen and you know it. Women are allowed to make mistakes.

Imagine being a man and earning your living through gossip, rumormongering, and smearing people.

Fuck this bullshit drama. Whatever happens inside companies shouldn’t be revealed to the world. Sadly Twitter makes this too easy. Gotta milk clicks for ad money.


I'd like to think years from now, the pendulum will swing the other way and we'll find a moderate center. A consensual affair is morally wrong but to cost a man his whole career? How can anyone advocate for this?
I don't advocate for it but from what I got it wasn't exactly "consensual", since he hid the fact that he was married, and maybe she wouldn't be interested in engaging with him for 1 year if she knew. Just some food for thought.


So he ended up staying and then got fired in the end?

What a fucking joke. This shit is happening everywhere at pretty much every company out there. Is everyone getting fired? No.

I really don't understand the gaming industry and how it's so susceptible to being run and dictated to by twitter twats.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
What he did is something he and his wife should sit down and talk about, other then that it's NOBODY'S FUCKING BUSINESS.
Especially the company he works for.
In fact I'm sure that would fall under unfair dismissal
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Hey I didn't follow this story much but is the following statement true:
He got fired from Ubi because he cheated on his wife.

If so, what the fuck, that's his private concern. Putin please nuke this whole hemisphere mate it's ogre.


Hey I didn't follow this story much but is the following statement true:
He got fired from Ubi because he cheated on his wife.

If so, what the fuck, that's his private concern. Putin please nuke this whole hemisphere mate it's ogre.
That's certainly the conclusion that's been jumped to by those who are as reactionary as the Twitter lot.

Ubisoft is a shit company, but it remains a private entity with regards to what happens behind closed doors. If he was unfairly terminated I'm sure it will come to light in due course, but until then this whole thread is yet more gossip column nonsense.


Sort of on-topic here: at my place of work, an 18-year-old who just graduated from high school, and has been with us for only two months, complained to HR that her boss (a lady who’s been with the company for fifteen years, and started at the very bottom) made her feel ‘uncomfortable’ and was subsequently ‘traumatized‘.

I happen to know exactly what happened, and if it had happened 30 years ago nobody would’ve batted an eye. I just don’t see how any sane person could’ve been ‘traumatized’ by what happened. Unfortunately we were told yesterday that the lady in question was fired.

This is the first time I’ve personally witnessed something like this happen, and it’s pretty sickening. An 18-year-old getting a senior member of the team fired over some weird generational thing - just terrible. The 18-year-old, btw, was extremely pleased with herself yesterday... walking around with a big smile on her face... and I actually had to restrain an agitated male colleague from going over and offering her a few choice words.

But I guess this is the world we live in now.


Gold Member
Probably something technical that was related to it. Like company expenses on lunch/night away im guessing which would go under fraud.

It won't just be because he had an affair. Could even be something like bullying etc. Myriad of ways to get someone fired these days.


Sort of on-topic here: at my place of work, an 18-year-old who just graduated from high school, and has been with us for only two months, complained to HR that her boss (a lady who’s been with the company for fifteen years, and started at the very bottom) made her feel ‘uncomfortable’ and was subsequently ‘traumatized‘.

I happen to know exactly what happened, and if it had happened 30 years ago nobody would’ve batted an eye. I just don’t see how any sane person could’ve been ‘traumatized’ by what happened. Unfortunately we were told yesterday that the lady in question was fired.

This is the first time I’ve personally witnessed something like this happen, and it’s pretty sickening. An 18-year-old getting a senior member of the team fired over some weird generational thing - just terrible. The 18-year-old, btw, was extremely pleased with herself yesterday... walking around with a big smile on her face... and I actually had to restrain an agitated male colleague from going over and offering her a few choice words.

But I guess this is the world we live in now.
Why restrain him, let him go and grab a box of popcorn to enjoy the show


I think the issue for Ubisoft is not that he cheated on his wife but the fact that he did with another employee while holding a position of power. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Ubisoft is managing risks, not being a moral compass.

Most companies have policy regarding that and some of them even require the relationship to be officially recognized by HR. That wouldn't be the case here, of course, given that HR for sure knew this guy was married and would let the other woman know about it.

I hate companies getting involved in people's private lives but at the same time I understand the need to manage risk. Specially in countries where sexual harassment laws are tough.

These are Ubisoft's published company values:

  • Play Fair
  • Build A Winning Spirit
  • Challenge Yourself
  • Initiate
  • Share
  • Drive Consumer Satisfaction

If I was a suit at Ubisoft I'd say Ashraf didn't live up to at least one of them.


This is going haywire. I'm mean it has been for a long time, but this is pure hypocritical puritanical tyranny.

He cheated (like many men and women), which is a personal affair, but now you get metooed/cancelled (same process) and fired for that?

Holly shit...


The guy didnt deserve to lose his job if it was just a simple affair. He must have done something beyond that for Ubisoft to take that kind of action. Still I'm a gamer I dont care about anything other than if the game he worked on was good.


He was fired purely to preserve Ubisoft's image.

If Ashraf put his career into a coffin, Ubisoft just put the last nail.

Thinking about it just in a professional field, that's unfortunate, his games had a lot of passion

Oh well...


Why restrain him, let him go and grab a box of popcorn to enjoy the show

He’s 71 and still needs the job.

He’s also an incredibly nice guy who was looked over by all his previous employers - now he’s finally found a home, where he’s liked and respected.

The weird thing is that he himself has said things that could’ve gotten him fired (he just doesn’t harmonize with the younger generations), but the lady who did get fired understood him and protected him.

In my day, if someone had really brushed me the wrong way, I would’ve gone to that person and worked it out personally - but we, as a society, have decided to empower young people, who quite frankly have not earned that power.
I'm guessing he was let go because this was all made public at a time when the company kept getting hammered. I don't think he should have been fired for this, not unless it can be proven he did something like used his position to "force" and employee who was under him to do something she didn't want to do. The woman who went public as far as I know never worked under him, I don't think she even worked at Ubisoft. She was also full of shit, you don't stay with a guy for a year and not know he's married when you can't go to his house, call him at home or even facetime him.

I do believe he was hitting on people girls while he was out doing press for his projects so that could be another issue, if he's on a company trip and he's hitting on the women that he meets because of that interaction that could be an issue I guess. I just don't think based on what we know that he should have been fired, maybe there is more to it.
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