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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
He cheated. So you deal with this shit in private, not on Twitter for the world to see. But let's be honest, the chick he cheated with putting this out there more than likely only wants the attention that's coming from this, especially since there was no abuse as confirmed by her.

It is shitty of her to post it. But honestly people need to wake up. People these days post everything on twitter. He lied to her about the whole thing, and then expects her to not gossip with her friends about a year long relationship she had with him?

It would be one thing if she knew all along and then changed the arrangement and made it public, but she didn't. He deceived her the entire time. Of course she is going to talk about it.


It sounds like he's intentionally stepping down, since his family life is ruined right now. Not so much that some Ubisoft executive was like "hey buddy, sorry but you gotta go".

Doesn't make sense. The last thing you want to do when facing a very probable divorce with children IN CANADA is to stop working. Also, I don't know how stepping down from a job helps with anything in terms of resolving family conflicts.

It's obvious to me Ubisoft doesn't want any part of this "controversy" associated with AC Vallhala and they asked him to get lost. Which is baffling because personal not illegal matters shouldn't affect your working life. The only thing in doubt is if they are going to fire him, just demote him or hide him until the storm passes.


The dude sticked his hidden blade where he shouldn't.





Going by that pic she was taking screenshots while actually in the middle of texting. She had to have been plotting this shit or at least preparing for it. She was probably doing the same thing with other guys and this is the one where were goals panned out.


Nobody is an angel.

The world needs to wake up. Everybody you've ever loved and will love will have done or said something bad in their lives. Everybody you look up to or idolise will have done or said something bad in their lives.

We are human beings, we are all fallible.

I thought this coronavirus bullshit would help heal things this year and bring people closer together but no... it's only got worse since people now have more time than ever to spout their nonsense all over social media.

I'm thankful to have lived a portion of my life when things were normal, we are in for a ride.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
this is getting ridiculous tbh. there is no reason for this to be aired publicly. its shocking how cold she is after he literally tells her he just lost his child, and literally begs her to not make this public. sign of a true sociopath. by all means, go to his wife and let her know. let him deal with the repercussions but why did this guy have to lose his job over this. why did i need to know about this? the only way this affects me is that this game will now be without its director for the crucial final six months. if you really care about other women in the industry, DM them. spread the word in private. there are probably only a handful of women in the montreal gaming industry anyway,. shouldnt be too hard to find.

also, how do you date a guy and not realize hes going back to his family every night? i bet they were just fuck buddies and it was a no questions asked kind of relationship full of afternoon delight during the lunch hour with an odd one night stand every now and then.
This is not the Porter Bridges I remember...
see this is what I miss on gaf. i came into this thread all angry, ready to rant and sometimes you just need a good laugh in these serious threads. it immediately made me cool down.


Can we please have a separate forum for crap like that? All this shit is getting tiresome and it's starting to take away my enjoyment of this hobby.

While I agree with you. Does reading shit like this take away your enjoyment of turning on a game and playing it? Really?


I thought he was a Quebecer? Oh wait, it is france wives that are good with their men having multiple concubines.


Gold Member
I actually agree with you. Wish I'd worded that better.

I think adultery could be decent grounds for a firing. It's actually still a crime in something like twenty states.
If you're in a higher up position in a very important industry, you become a target for black mail if its known you had an affair.
Think the US Government specifically asks this type of stuff for certain positions to minimize spying.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I feel the only victim here is the dude's wife, not only was she cheated on, but it was put out there for the whole world to see it.

yeah, we dont know if his wife knew about it. some women are reluctantly ok with their men stepping out, especially muslim women though i dont know if his wife is muslim. now she literally has no choice but to divorce him and start a new life or she will be seen as weak or a loser among friends and family. this Porter Bridges chick took that choice away from her.

If the wife IS muslim, this is even worse. getting remarried for muslim women in their late 30s or 40s isnt easy so she might be single her entire life. ive seen this happen to several muslim divorcees while their husbands were easily able to import a younger hotter wife from abroad.

then there are the kids who will now be harassed as kids of sexual abusers instead of proud kids of the best AC games in the franchise.
Man cheated on his wife (whom he has children with). Can't feel for that. You done goofed. Fuck with the wrong chick and shit is going live online. Reality of today's world. As for danger hair - she's only cutting down on her options. Ain't nobody with a bigger brain than a peanut gonna touch that after outing this dude. The dumbfuck that does is playing with fire.
It's quite remarkable. How much of a degenerate do you have to be to make a cheater actually look half way sympathetic.

She worked with him/knew him. Never in a million years did she not know he had a family.
Her twitter screams attention seeker, how many social media handles does this bint want? And she's screenshotted everything, posted it online with no consideration the embarrassment it'd bring his poor wife.

She's a psychotic cunt. My god.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Unironically calling your paramour a "lioness" is grounds for termination in my book.

I think adultery could be decent grounds for a firing. It's actually still a crime in something like twenty states.

It is in my state, although obviously not prosecuted anymore. But since it's still on the books, anyone accused on adultery in a civil divorce trial can still take the 5th on the stand and not answer specific questions about it.


Only if it’s not true.
And what if only half of it is true?
To give an example... If someone goes all over the internet saying that person X slept with person Y, but it turns out to be a single kiss... In both cases it's cheating, but, what was said was not the truth... Would it be considered defamation?


Gold Member
Can we please have a separate forum for crap like that? All this shit is getting tiresome and it's starting to take away my enjoyment of this hobby.
This stuff is getting annoying at this point. Can we make these threads exclusive to off topic?

Topic title clearly indicates topic content. You don't need to click it and thread whine, you click it and ignore the topic. The tools are available so use them.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It's quite remarkable. How much of a degenerate do you have to be to make a cheater actually look half way sympathetic.

She worked with him/knew him. Never in a million years did she not know he had a family.
Her twitter screams attention seeker, how many social media handles does this bint want? And she's screenshotted everything, posted it online with no consideration the embarrassment it'd bring his poor wife.

She's a psychotic cunt. My god.
yep. no way she didnt know. hes been the director of AC games going back to AC Black Flag. Everyone at his studio wouldve known that he was married with kids.

also how do you have a year and a half long relationship with someone without meeting his parents, friends, and especially coworkers since she knew him from work. i call BS. she knew.


This is a bit different from other #metoo cancellations for this reason. There's no accusations of harassment, just adultery and concomitant deception. I'm torn here between my usual disgust at trial-by-Twitter and also thinking the guy probably needs to face some consequences.

Can someone who cheats not be a good father and husband too? Or is it more of a desire,for,cosmic justice at him having broken his vow of monogamy?

Divorce is brutal on young children, even if mommy and daddy explain that they both still love little tommy and sarah because it rocks the foundation of their world by sundering the family unit. that is bad.

otoh, there are sex infections that can be passed on, so that is bad as well.

either way, fuck twitter.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Our entire culture needs to be rethought for the post- social media era, because this is not working.

The weakness is employment. No one has any kind of protection from being fired for basically anything a company wants to fire you for. I don't know how that would be stopped short of some kind of new law limiting all companies' ability to fire people easily, like in Japan.

So as soon as 100 random people online contact a company email and mention your name, you're already more trouble than you're worth to any employer so you're gone. If you become any kind of liability or negative publicity, you're gone and replaced.

No one is putting privacy back in the genie's bottle, and people are more likely than ever to hurt others when it's done online and at a distance.
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