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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations


Regardless its not our business that he did. This is a personal matter that could've and should've been handled differently. The guy wasn't a serial rapust, sex trafficker, or caught with child pornography,he committed no crime.

As a society we cannot allow running to Twitter to become the go to solution to confront people. The guy shouldn't have cheated, it sucks, especially for his wife, who now has her business being hung up for display by a bunch of morons on Twitter.

But it's her business. And she's allowed to talk about her business on social media. Many people do. Be it bad things or good things.

hemo memo

Gold Member



The age of social media. Because dealing with things like adults privately is not how we do things anymore. Getting attention is more important.


But it's her business. And she's allowed to talk about her business on social media. Many people do. Be it bad things or good things.

Well maybe that's the crux of the problem.

This has more of a negative impact on his wife and family than it will on him BTW. He's already proven himself to have little in the way of morals so the unfortunate reality is that he will be able to take it on the chin and cope.

His wife however won't be able to escape nor will she be able to deal with the news privately (or in the way she wants to, e.g. Informing other members of the family at the right time) due to the way this has all come out, it will be everywhere she looks on social media and there will be no escape other than cutting herself off from the internet for a period of time.

There are ways to expose cheaters, this ain't it.
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You can't even cheat anymore. Why the fuck would you inbox someone. It leaves an obvious trail to get you burned later down the road.

Just LIKE her social media pics and put winking emojis, thats it. Maybe add her pics to your spank bank but otherwise leave it at that.
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hemo memo

Gold Member

You can't even cheat anymore. Why the fuck would you inbox someone. It leaves an obvious trail to get you burned later down the road.

Just LIKE her social media pics and put winking emojis, thats it. Maybe add her pics to your spank bank but otherwise leave it at that.

It’s called Private/Personal Message and you’re dealing with adults. We didn’t hear his side of the story yet.
It's hard for me to have too much sympathy for cheaters, be they male or female - assuming this is true of course. Being fired (or rather, """stepping down""") may be a bit harsh though.

Also, if there's one thing to be learned from all this crap, it's that when you see a chick with colored hair, turn around and run the fuck away immediately. Do not intereact, let alone stick your dick in it. A lot of animals in nature tend to be brightly-colored for a reason... they're venomous.
It’s called Private/Personal Message and you’re dealing with adults. We didn’t hear his side of the story yet.
Lol no shit.

My comment was about the fact you 'DO NOT' use private messaging if you want to cheat or feel the need to as it can be used as evidence later down the road. I'm not an expert cheater but leaving a 'paper trail' is fucking stupid on so many levels if you want to do this kind of thing.

This guy screwed himself by inboxing this woman. Should have kept the interaction or dialogue private as in 'face to face'.

It's hard for me to have too much sympathy for cheaters, be they male or female - assuming this is true of course. Being fired (or rather, """stepping down""") may be a bit harsh though.

Also, if there's one thing to be learned from all this crap, it's that when you see a chick with colored hair, turn around and run the fuck away immediately. Do not intereact, let alone stick your dick in it. A lot of animals in nature tend to be brightly-colored for a reason... they're venomous.
lol what?
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Gold Member

Ashrafs miscalculation was that he found someone stupid, just not stupid enough.

Also who's using Polaroids in 2020? I don't understand what taking polaroids of badges has to do with not being gaslit?

Also she wasnt gaslit, she was lied to and was gullible enough to belive it. She just uses gaslighting to make it sound like he was some kind a psychological manipulator.


🤣😂 Caucasian women, I tell ya. So him cheating on his wife and her being stupid enough to not know is a crime? If there is a single group of people on the planet that has insurmountable power, it is them.

As for the other accusations that's why there is law enforcement.


Fuck this bitch. She is putting all his shit on blast.

Whats her problem she is pissed he isnt leaving his wife for her. Grow the fuck up.

The guys an ass for cheating but deal with this in private.

This is no different then a pshyco bitch keying your car or making a giant scene at your work.

Social media is a mistake and it needs to he regulated.
Fuck this bitch. She is putting all his shit on blast.

Whats her problem she is pissed he isnt leaving his wife for her. Grow the fuck up.

The guys an ass for cheating but deal with this in private.

This is no different then a pshyco bitch keying your car or making a giant scene at your work.

Social media is a mistake and it needs to he regulated.
They're both shitty people.


I wonder how many men have been cheated on who didn't blast it all over the internet.

I get that it's her right to put it online if she wants to but really what's the point of private messaging if people are going to do this?

I'm waiting to see some guy do it to a well-known woman and see what happens. How long it takes for feminists to come out of the woodwork saying stuff like,
"You monster!", "How could you do such a thing?!", "You ruined her life, I hope you're happy!". "If she kills herself, it's on you asshole!"

Nobody will say any of those things to her.


He cheated. So you deal with this shit in private, not on Twitter for the world to see. But let's be honest, the chick he cheated with putting this out there more than likely only wants the attention that's coming from this, especially since there was no abuse as confirmed by her.
It's honestly getting ridiculous. This isn't anything that uncommon really. Who doesn't have an experience of seeing a girl or guy hitting on people at work when you know they are married. I've seen it play out, divorce ensues, life goes on and they still work at the same place. There's no need to announce it to the whole world and drag someone through the mud.

The amount of attention seeking from these people is exhausting.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
But it's her business. And she's allowed to talk about her business on social media. Many people do. Be it bad things or good things.
That's not what she is doing. She is knowingly stirring up a mob that will settle for nothing less than his head. She is using Twitter as a weapon to enact revenge.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's terrible what he did, but what does his personal life have to do with his job in this circumstance? So he was blasting some hot young side piece for a while, what does that have to do with his direction over a video game? Hell, honestly none of this is even our business. That woman putting their personal business out there like that is pretty disgusting.


Is this a plan to make men and women hate each other so we stop reproducing and lower the population?
They are all coming at the same time and they won't stop
Cheating is bad, but this usage of social media to shame people has to stop and should be illegal
Fuck this bitch. She is putting all his shit on blast.

Whats her problem she is pissed he isnt leaving his wife for her. Grow the fuck up.

The guys an ass for cheating but deal with this in private.

This is no different then a pshyco bitch keying your car or making a giant scene at your work.

Social media is a mistake and it needs to he regulated.
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And if he wasnt an industry person, all the girl would do is go in her corner and cry herself to sleep and get drunk for feeling duped. The guy didnt rape her, he had a relationship with her on the side. So now because you got cheated on, you should put this out for everyone? I hate modern society and Twitter, attention, attention, attention.
Women rarely have to face repercussions for this sort of thing.

Zoey Quinn not only got away with it twice, but she got an enormous career boost out of it. She also somehow got away with driving a man to suicide due to false accusations.

Female pedophiles get a slap on the wrist.

The woman who started the whole #metoo movement paid off her accuser and not only got away with it, but possibly drove her husband to suicide.

Talk about privilege and equal rights.


But it's her business. And she's allowed to talk about her business on social media. Many people do. Be it bad things or good things.

So are you saying that if someone gets STD from someone, it is ok to go to Twitter and tell everybody who they got it from just to warn people and because it is their business?
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So are you saying that if someone gets STD from someone, it is ok to go to Twitter and tell everybody who they got it from just to warn people and because it is their business?

Unfortunately I'm sure this will have already happened in some form.
LOL WTF is going on with this industry right now? We've had like 6 threads about this kinda stuff this week alone from what I've seen front page?

Made out that every dude making games is trying to rape something.


Woman are so spiteful, yeah I get it the bloke cheated but to dragging im through the mud so publicly when she could of just gotten in contact with his missus just screams I want attention.

These types of females should be ashamed, they're the type of people that are told by the person they're interested in that they aren't looking for a relationship but still stick around for the dick and then scream bloody murder when the bloke they're interested in moves on.

These types of bitches gun for your nuts if you don't fall in line and will fuck over any guy when they are bored of them.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Fucker got what he deserved. In a pre social media world she would have just told his wife and co-workers with the same outcome. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. Maybe don't cheat on your wife with people that are active on social media, but that's probably how he got to know her in the first place.


She tried googling him and checking his facebook tags and couldn't find his wife, so decided to post it to the entire world instead...hmm if only there was some other way to find something about about a person you know personally and presumably have some common acquaintances with. I swear to god technology, the internet, and social media has left us all physically and mentally inept.

For that matter what does this woman actually do? I find a twitch channel with meaninglessly small following, and an Instagram that's to outside viewers, but I can't find any employment listing anywhere. I'm assuming then that she's not in the industry (as if you work in gaming (or any more advanced career) you need some sort of LinkedIn or portfolio or something, so how did they even meet? Given that she has a twitch channel and little else, she presumably would want this to have more followers...seems this whole thing is very opportunistic. Dude is still a dick though.


You also gotta wonder how dumb Ashraf had to be to get involved in an extra-marital affair with someone who has this twitter bio, and think it wouldn't bite him in the ass.
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Only if it’s not true.
Well, if he was cheating on his wife, well... it is still a private thing. Not something you should brag about in the internet where everybody can read/see it.
She should just warned his wife but not the whole world.

The problem here is, the internet more or less never forgets. It is one thing if people near you know about this thing, but well... the internet ....
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