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Creative Director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Ashraf Ismail, stepping down following accusations


Gold Member
Wonder if this will be a side mission? This woman would deffo nail the tailing side quests.

It's a big decision stepping down from a CD position on a triple AAA. I understand he has family and kids but it's close to shipping and I don't think I'd be doing the same. It wno't be worjed through in a month or two, if at all. It will take many months of healing and you would need an actual distraction to not spiral into depression etc.


Wonder if this will be a side mission? This woman would deffo nail the tailing side quests.

It's a big decision stepping down from a CD position on a triple AAA. I understand he has family and kids but it's close to shipping and I don't think I'd be doing the same. It wno't be worjed through in a month or two, if at all. It will take many months of healing and you would need an actual distraction to not spiral into depression etc.
Pretty sure he was 'advised' to step down. No decision on his part. Also the people in this place are assuming she didn't know and was lied to, but after seeing the wedding ring, its pretty likely she just acted ignorant. I don't give danger hairs the benefit of the doubt.


Golden Boy

You also gotta wonder how dumb Ashraf had to be to get involved in an extra-marital affair with someone who has this twitter bio, and think it wouldn't bit him in the ass.
I guess her “infinite compassion” became finite when she felt offended.


Gold Member
Pretty sure he was 'advised' to step down. No decision on his part. Also the people in this place are assuming she didn't know and was lied to, but after seeing the wedding ring, its pretty likely she just acted ignorant. I don't give danger hairs the benefit of the doubt.

Women aren't stupid which is why she was capping at the time. Even now, I have some girl mates, some on dating sites and they discuss this shit to death. Like early warning signs. No doubt she capped that, sent it to her mates and they chatted about it. Things like being unavailable for calls, or saying I'm busy for a few days don't call (e.g. crunch) are massive red flags. Wearing a wedding ring obviously another, being unable to meet until very specific times or a while away. She took a chance, got hurt then vindictively ruined a family. I get it - it hurts and you feel a fool, but fleece him for some cash and cut the losses.

I think what complicates it is that he supposedly did this with other women as well. Also reading some threads on the internet, people are really naive about presales, working away, conventions and the infidelity that occurs at them


So he’s had a bit on the side, ok, rather than expose him in private as you normally would, let’s expose him to the world while society are all feminist and try and spin this into a worse issue than it is, get everyone to feel sorry for me, mess up his life.

Takes two to tango lady.


From how I am understanding it, Side pieces are ok, But when you are telling them you are head of this studio, director on this game, inviting them to company events (you deserve to get busted for this hubris alone), that get's frowned on.
It is hard to believe she had no idea he was married for that long (but I actually believe her from her responses),
Any google search would have shown he had a family.
She either didn't want to know or...
She dated him 'on and off' so why would she even care if he was married or not.
Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to hook up again, he rejected her and she decided to go on the attack.
Lol good avatar/post synchro ratio.

I wouldn't be surprised if she got married to someone later and ends up cheating on him. Of course, she would rationalize it in her head and would play the victim if she was exposed.

That being said, Ashraf is still an asshole for cheating and an idiot, assuming everything is true. Even as a single, don't date a coworker.


She sounds like an absolute mess. She better not think she looks like she took the moral high ground and think she's 'done the right thing'................after all that time the fun came to an end and now she's trying to look good in all this by calling it out. Shrafs a twat and she's a little beg homewrecker


I had a similar-ish thing happen to me (although I was single, and it luckily wasn't on Twitter or anything).
Basically I went on a few dates with a girl and she started getting a little too clingy. So I broke it off with her.
She literally emailed my employer's general affairs department and told them I had led her on and tried to get me in the shit.
Her argument was apparently something like "You wouldn't want him leading on other girls and bringing your company into disrepute".

Fortunately, my company/boss isn't stupid enough to fall for that nonsense. I believe my boss said something along the lines of "this is not really anything to do with our business, if this individual no longer wishes to socialise with you, that's the end of it".

In hindsight I was a complete idiot for telling her where I worked. Haven't made the same mistake since.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Looks like she deleted her account. I hope the dopamine hit from the likes and retweets was worth the abject public humiliation this guy's poor wife and kids suffered.


That's not what she is doing. She is knowingly stirring up a mob that will settle for nothing less than his head. She is using Twitter as a weapon to enact revenge.

Clearly she's hurt by being lied to. Some people when they are hurt take revenge. This isn't some unknown thing with humans.

So are you saying that if someone gets STD from someone, it is ok to go to Twitter and tell everybody who they got it from just to warn people and because it is their business?

YES! If that person knew they had an STD and still decided to have sex with the person (and never revealed that information to them) it's understandable why the person that ended up getting the STD would go on Twitter to put the person on blast. That's TOTALLY understandable.


Gold Member
and she's a little beg homewrecker

This is the key point so far in this topic (Unless I've missed it) that nobody has touched on. The women that men are cheating with get slut shammed way way worse than the guy that's cheating. "It's her fault" "She's a homewrecker" "Looking for a promotion" and the woman will get that from both sides. Even the wife will blame her first rather than the husband. This is usually how it plays out. She knows this, so she got ahead of it throwing him under the bus and acting live she was "Gaslighted".

If she's single, she's not in the wrong technically. He's the married one. But she knew, of course she knew.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
How on earth does a standard affair impact a mans career? This is bizarre. I guess the issue is he lied completely about having a family?

Sounded like the affair caused his wife to leave him and he's too upset to work / taking time off to deal with the fallout.

He quit, he wasn't fired.


Gold Member
Eh, I don't get all the outrage over a cheater being exposed by his side chick.

Sure, using twitter as a platform for airing her dirty laundry is pretty tasteless, but it is her laundry to air. And thankfully she's not calling for torches and pitchforks or hitting him with some vague but damning label, like "predator." Quite the opposite. She even defends him from that.

She may have done wrong by exposing him in that way, but he's the one who decided to risk his family (and apparantly his career) for a little side action. Am I supposed to feel bad because he played with fire and got burned?

The only people I feel sorry for in this situation are his wife and kids, and the blame for that is all on Ismail in my view.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Eh, I don't get all the outrage over a cheater being exposed by his side chick.

Sure, using twitter as a platform for airing her dirty laundry is pretty tasteless, but it is her laundry to air. And thankfully she's not calling for torches and pitchforks or hitting him with some vague but damning label, like "predator." Quite the opposite. She even defends him from that.

She may have done wrong by exposing him in that way, but he's the one who decided to risk his family (and apparantly his career) for a little side action. Am I supposed to feel bad because he played with fire and got burned?

The only people I feel sorry for in this situation are his wife and kids, and the blame for that is all on Ismail in my view.

All of that is personal business that should have stayed private. It's ridiciclous that someone get's fired or is asked to step down for what happened between the sheets between consenting adults. Sone guy having an extramaritial affair, the resentful rejected ex girlfriend, the angry, disappointed wife, etc. I'm not interested, keep that stuff private. Fuck off with your revenge tweets.


Cheaters don’t need to be aired out in public. Nor is it a crime. Fuck outta here. Plenty of women cheat too. This shouldn’t have affected his career but she’s an attention whore.


This is the key point so far in this topic (Unless I've missed it) that nobody has touched on. The women that men are cheating with get slut shammed way way worse than the guy that's cheating. "It's her fault" "She's a homewrecker" "Looking for a promotion" and the woman will get that from both sides. Even the wife will blame her first rather than the husband. This is usually how it plays out. She knows this, so she got ahead of it throwing him under the bus and acting live she was "Gaslighted".

If she's single, she's not in the wrong technically. He's the married one. But she knew, of course she knew.
Yup, which is why I said he’s a twat also. But she’s the same type of person (like everyone for that matter) that will sleep with a married man and not give a shot about the wife and family, but later in her life she’ll be married and her husband too will have an affair and she will question how someone could do that to her and sleep with her man. Everyone loves thinking they’ve done the adult thing when truthfully your all just messy adults



This dudes AC games are the only AC games worth buying. I hope they're already done with most of Valhalla and his input was about maxed. This legit kills any interest I have in the series past this next game. :/


Late to the party. I guess bashing people for identifying as a tiger is furryphobe right? Or is that animal rights abuse?


When you join a company, you should make your social media accounts private, to begin with. If you are unable to do that due to being a high-profile public figure, then keep your shit clean. This isn't a male of female thing, as anyone can get touched. You want to cheat? Be ready to have a scorned lover put you on blast. This is just human nature we're dealing with. Jealousy and envy. And if you bring your company shame, you have to expect to be demoted or forced to resign. Employment contracts will usually have some clause about bringing the company into disrepute.

This dude had a mistress, and didn't handle his business. Make her sign an NDA, or make sure she was okay with the arrangement you had. This is why so many execs just hire escorts, because that's strictly a financial transaction, with no strings attached. You don't fall in love with your side piece, and you take steps to protect yourself, if you're exposed in public. If it was a false claim, he could easily deny it, and provide evidence or statements to support his denial, like so many celebrities do. This guy was a straight-up amateur, and caused harm to his family in the process. There should be no sympathy for him. No sympathy for the woman he was cheating with either, as she was a home wrecker, but her actions are not surprising. We've seen both men and women taken down in public fashion in the same way.


Talk about having receipts. Photographs too of where they slept. Nuts.


It seems pretty wild to me that she doesn't understand how awful this makes her look.
Sure, he looks really bad here too but what is she thinking?

She makes references to sexual harassment at the end but there's none of that from the guy who's life she is trying to tear down.
She makes references to being beaten and assaulted by some OTHER guy. Maybe to try and smear him in some way?

It's a bit troubling that she mentions his dead son a couple of times.
Like, does she not consider that maybe this guy is JUST AS troubled and fragile as she is?

It's a weird thing.
"Me, me, me, me. I am not a trusting person. I've been cheated on and beaten. I've been traumatized. That's why I'm a bit vulnerable."
"Hey, this guy has a dead son. He's behaving like such a prick though right? EVERYONE LOOK HOW HE BEHAVES! SHAME HIM!"
Just no sense of self-awareness at all.

There's a real vein of narcissism here too.
The "cute dress" selfie in a thread where she is exposing this guys private stuff for all to see.
Weird. Like she picked out her favorite picture of herself and somehow found a way to insert it into this.
I wonder how much of this is actually motivated by anger or jealously towards his wife.

Think about this.
Disregarding the moral implications of cheating on your wife.
(Which I thought this progressive society of ours would not be too troubled by.)
This guy was in a completely consensual friends with benefits situation with this girl.
To the extent that he made sure she was sober before they did anything so that there was no doubt about consent.
Also, LOL, she was dating some other guy when she started banging this dude.
Yet, through it all, she was taking Polaroids of the rooms they slept in and keeping all the bits of tickets and receipts so that their every step was fully documented.
But she didn't know that he was married while she did all this evidence collecting. Not at all. Definitely not. Just collecting all this proof just because.
I mean, she suspected he was married after the first week... so?

She just happened to gather all this stuff to definitely not try to destroy his life down the line.

The dude cheated on his wife. He should deal with this with his wife and family.
No way he deserves this kind of treatment.
No way she should be feeling like she's the "good guy" here.



For those who actually read the doc; He told that forest shit to all these girls(3 that I know of) apparently and it worked with all of them absolute madman:messenger_tears_of_joy:
Its also amazing that she fucks this Ash guy and immediately afterwards her friendzoned dude. She was so in love with ash that she HAD to fuck this other dude...you cant make this shit up lol :messenger_grinning_smiling:



It seems pretty wild to me that she doesn't understand how awful this makes her look.
Sure, he looks really bad here too but what is she thinking?

She makes references to sexual harassment at the end but there's none of that from the guy who's life she is trying to tear down.
She makes references to being beaten and assaulted by some OTHER guy. Maybe to try and smear him in some way?

It's a bit troubling that she mentions his dead son a couple of times.
Like, does she not consider that maybe this guy is JUST AS troubled and fragile as she is?

It's a weird thing.
"Me, me, me, me. I am not a trusting person. I've been cheated on and beaten. I've been traumatized. That's why I'm a bit vulnerable."
"Hey, this guy has a dead son. He's behaving like such a prick though right? EVERYONE LOOK HOW HE BEHAVES! SHAME HIM!"
Just no sense of self-awareness at all.

There's a real vein of narcissism here too.
The "cute dress" selfie in a thread where she is exposing this guys private stuff for all to see.
Weird. Like she picked out her favorite picture of herself and somehow found a way to insert it into this.
I wonder how much of this is actually motivated by anger or jealously towards his wife.

Think about this.
Disregarding the moral implications of cheating on your wife.
(Which I thought this progressive society of ours would not be too troubled by.)
This guy was in a completely consensual friends with benefits situation with this girl.
To the extent that he made sure she was sober before they did anything so that there was no doubt about consent.
Also, LOL, she was dating some other guy when she started banging this dude.
Yet, through it all, she was taking Polaroids of the rooms they slept in and keeping all the bits of tickets and receipts so that their every step was fully documented.
But she didn't know that he was married while she did all this evidence collecting. Not at all. Definitely not. Just collecting all this proof just because.
I mean, she suspected he was married after the first week... so?

She just happened to gather all this stuff to definitely not try to destroy his life down the line.

The dude cheated on his wife. He should deal with this with his wife and family.
No way he deserves this kind of treatment.
No way she should be feeling like she's the "good guy" here.


Tbh this is nothing particular new. The scorned woman has often operated in this way, social media just makes it easier.

There was a memorable movie about this in the 80s from which the phrase "bunny boiler" arises.

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It seems pretty wild to me that she doesn't understand how awful this makes her look.
Sure, he looks really bad here too but what is she thinking?

She makes references to sexual harassment at the end but there's none of that from the guy who's life she is trying to tear down.
She makes references to being beaten and assaulted by some OTHER guy. Maybe to try and smear him in some way?

It's a bit troubling that she mentions his dead son a couple of times.
Like, does she not consider that maybe this guy is JUST AS troubled and fragile as she is?

It's a weird thing.
"Me, me, me, me. I am not a trusting person. I've been cheated on and beaten. I've been traumatized. That's why I'm a bit vulnerable."
"Hey, this guy has a dead son. He's behaving like such a prick though right? EVERYONE LOOK HOW HE BEHAVES! SHAME HIM!"
Just no sense of self-awareness at all.

There's a real vein of narcissism here too.
The "cute dress" selfie in a thread where she is exposing this guys private stuff for all to see.
Weird. Like she picked out her favorite picture of herself and somehow found a way to insert it into this.
I wonder how much of this is actually motivated by anger or jealously towards his wife.

Think about this.
Disregarding the moral implications of cheating on your wife.
(Which I thought this progressive society of ours would not be too troubled by.)
This guy was in a completely consensual friends with benefits situation with this girl.
To the extent that he made sure she was sober before they did anything so that there was no doubt about consent.
Also, LOL, she was dating some other guy when she started banging this dude.
Yet, through it all, she was taking Polaroids of the rooms they slept in and keeping all the bits of tickets and receipts so that their every step was fully documented.
But she didn't know that he was married while she did all this evidence collecting. Not at all. Definitely not. Just collecting all this proof just because.
I mean, she suspected he was married after the first week... so?

She just happened to gather all this stuff to definitely not try to destroy his life down the line.

The dude cheated on his wife. He should deal with this with his wife and family.
No way he deserves this kind of treatment.
No way she should be feeling like she's the "good guy" here.


I agree with your points. I'm still saying wow to the fact that she took all these pictures and saved them. As well as the receipts of where they went and the dates they went to places. Beyond trust issues.
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No wonder all the new generations only swear by temporary message apps.
If that stuff continue they will have to update every social media with an auto delete feature on both side .
Mission impossible had it right all along. who knew.

For forgiveness to work you need forgetfulness.
Right now, internet doesn't forget, hence don't apologize for anything as there is no forgiveness to be found.
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Imagine being fired from your job for having an affair lol. And yes, that chick is batshit crazy so it’s partially his fault for being a dumb ass but why she thinks she’s a victim because she fucked some married dude is beyond me? What are you warning other women about? He had an affair. He didn’t beat you or treat you poorly. Fuck we’ve all gone mad.
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