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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed because of current gen consoles, new source claims


According to a Polish insider Borys Niespielak, the main reason for Cyberpunk 2077 delay lies in current-gen consoles, which are reportedly not powerful enough to run the game properly.

Last week, CD Projekt Red officially delayed their highly-anticipated RPG Cyberpunk 2077 to September 2020. The studio explained that the game is finished and playable but they still need more time to squash bugs and fix many glitches that are present in the current build.
This is probably one of the reasons why CD Projekt Red decided to delay the game but according to Polish insider Borys Niespielak, current generation consoles are actually the main problem for the developers.
Speaking in a podcast, which you can watch below, Niespielak says that the original Xbox One console is not powerful enough to run the game properly and apparently, Cyberpunk 2077 performance on the console is "extremely unsatisfactory".
Borys' sources confirmed that if "this problem with Xbox has not been solved by January 2020, the release date must be postponed."

Now, we would suggest that you take these rumours with a grain of salt, just like any other unofficial info but it would not be the first time that consoles have caused problems to CD Projekt Red. You may remember that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received a pretty noticeable downgrade close to its release, and apparently, the reason for that was entirely due to consoles.
As for the source, over at Discord, Polish players are pretty confident in Borys Niespielak, who seems to be as renowned as Jason Schreier in Poland. Discord user Klawiaturodzierzca even translated the best bits from the podcast and you can check them out in the screenshot below:
Discord/Klawiaturodzierzca artwork showing cp 2077 podcast translation from discord:


Information from the podcast, translated by Discord user Klawiaturodzierzca
All in all, this is some pretty big news if true and we can only hope that CD Projekt Red will find a way to properly optimise Cyberpunk 2077 without any downgrades. Surely they cannot let it happen to them again, not after The Witcher 3 backlash anyway.



According to a Polish insider Borys Niespielak, the main reason for Cyberpunk 2077 delay lies in current-gen consoles, which are reportedly not powerful enough to run the game properly.

Last week, CD Projekt Red officially delayed their highly-anticipated RPG Cyberpunk 2077 to September 2020. The studio explained that the game is finished and playable but they still need more time to squash bugs and fix many glitches that are present in the current build.
This is probably one of the reasons why CD Projekt Red decided to delay the game but according to Polish insider Borys Niespielak, current generation consoles are actually the main problem for the developers.
Speaking in a podcast, which you can watch below, Niespielak says that the original Xbox One console is not powerful enough to run the game properly and apparently, Cyberpunk 2077 performance on the console is "extremely unsatisfactory".
Borys' sources confirmed that if "this problem with Xbox has not been solved by January 2020, the release date must be postponed."

Now, we would suggest that you take these rumours with a grain of salt, just like any other unofficial info but it would not be the first time that consoles have caused problems to CD Projekt Red. You may remember that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received a pretty noticeable downgrade close to its release, and apparently, the reason for that was entirely due to consoles.
As for the source, over at Discord, Polish players are pretty confident in Borys Niespielak, who seems to be as renowned as Jason Schreier in Poland. Discord user Klawiaturodzierzca even translated the best bits from the podcast and you can check them out in the screenshot below:
Discord/Klawiaturodzierzca artwork showing cp 2077 podcast translation from discord:


Information from the podcast, translated by Discord user Klawiaturodzierzca
All in all, this is some pretty big news if true and we can only hope that CD Projekt Red will find a way to properly optimise Cyberpunk 2077 without any downgrades. Surely they cannot let it happen to them again, not after The Witcher 3 backlash anyway.

Is this a surprise?



I remember the first time I've watched the "gameplay" from C2077 and I was having hard time believing it'll run on modern consoles. Sure they'll do whatever they can to make it a cross-gen title because $$$, but I don't even want to know how ugly it'll look like on base PS4 & XONE compared to other versions.


I had it preorded, but I'm getting so many other games this year I decided to cancel it and wait to play a hypothetical next gen version, or sans that at least the current gen version running enhanced on next gen BC. So the delay hasn't bothered me one bit.

Probably going to do the same for Doom Eternal as well now that I think of it.
At this stage given their supposed Sept release date - having Cyberpunks console debut tethered to older consoles is an absolute mistake.

It’s going to run and look like absolute dog shit and will actually damage people’s perception of it.

It already looks like the vision was severely compromised coupled with all the woke stuff they have been discussing.

I don’t think it will flop but I expect it to be a massive fall from grace compared to W2 & 3


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Hardly a shocker. Games getting delayed for optimization/bug-fixing is the most common reason.
people acting like Series X having no exclusives is a good thing, are out to fucking lunch.

this is proof that its a very shitty approach to next gen.

Euh ... I think this is proof that the Series X won't be held back by "no exclusives". They're complaining about performance on the Xbox One, pretty sure it's running fine on the One X.


Absolutely not surprising in the slightest when you look at the recommended settings on pc lol. Honestly I wished CDPR went like "yeah you know what its just gonna release on PC and we're just not going to release it on current gens consoles, sorry bros"

Then again these guys have a history of being fucking liars to begin with


Sounds like either complete BS or a completely BS excuse to me. These consoles have been out for years. It's not like their performance capabilities were unknown.

I don't see CDPR wanting to take such a gamble on either putting out such a badly performing game or locking it behind next gen. They make huge games, but keep in mind they've only released one. None of their others were going to be huge sellers.


Can’t Git Gud
They started making this game years ago... They couldn't possibly target a years not yet existing hardware


If true, it explains why the game looked shittier the last time they showed it. Wont be surprised if it doesnt look anywhere close to the first trailer

And no, the game wont look much better or be more feature complete on the next gen consoles
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I remember the first time I've watched the "gameplay" from C2077 and I was having hard time believing it'll run on modern consoles. Sure they'll do whatever they can to make it a cross-gen title because $$$, but I don't even want to know how ugly it'll look like on base PS4 & XONE compared to other versions.

I would prefer CP2077 running at 60 fps on current consoles over how it looks.


CD Projekt Red will find a way to properly optimise Cyberpunk 2077 without any downgrades.
without any downgrades.
Oh come the fuck on. stop with the PR bullshit.

CDPR's approach to marketing has always been odd to me. Showcase your game on high-end PCs just about every single time, essentially raising expectations of the game's LOD and performance.

Wait until the very last moment to show off the game running on current gen console hardware (which will look considerably less polished than the PC demos they've been showing off)

Claim they have no plans for next gen versions, despite them launching relatively soon (which is obvious nonsense)
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
Sounds pretty far fetched to me. The xbox an the ps4 while different, aren't THAT different. If it can't run on xbox "properly," whatever that actually means, it would be an issue all around.
Oof. That's no fun. The PS4 and Xbox are over 6 years old now, and will be 7 years old* by the time their successors are released. That's a hell of a long console cycle.

(* - probably closer to 7 and 8 years, since the core hardware was likely finalised 12 months before release).
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