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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed because of current gen consoles, new source claims


Writes a lot, says very little
The truth is, is that CDPR are like us with our shared passion for gaming and want to see the games they make be boundary breaking and make a new golden standard, but with lofty ambitions comes a harder task to execute.

The Witcher 3 graphics at press reveals were the aim that the company wanted but their ambitions were too big so they had to scale it back, they wanted to add things like Horse fighting (jumping from Roach to another horse in combat) but couldn't get it working, they also are on their 3rd draft of Cyberpunk I believe after scrapping two older versions of the project. And then we all know about The Witcher 3 crunch and the launch state it shipped in.

CDPR are an amazing talented studio, without the knowhow of some more experienced AAA Developers (not looking at you Todd Howard), and this lack of knowhow shows in their inability to plan.

I think we will see a downgrade, not a big one but one that is big enough, do I trust everything from this Borys? No of course not and anyone who does so is a bit foolish to jump to conclusions based off a few words from a random "insider", but I do think that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a graphical downgrade and a loss in Civilian numbers roaming the streets of Night City, not a large decrease but one all the same.

Then in 2021 they will ship out an Enhanced Edition with exclusive content, graphical enhancements and NPC increases and so on, to make the most out of a new IP and a new generation launch.

Here is the thing, if you have to keep removing stuff and downgrading, it doesn't sound like a developer that actually knows what they are doing.

Sooooo how many years do they need with the damn hardware to know they can't do that? At some point, they are guessing, assuming etc instead of just creating based on known limitations. It sounds like a series of excuses to over promise and make an excuse that its the "hardware" and not the team. The team also KNEW of the hardware before development, so I'm not really buying that this is happening cause the hardware, the hardware is 7 years old, where was this team when everyone else was making games based on the KNOWN LIMITATIONS OF THE HARDWARE?

How on earth is Sony Santa Monica able to create God Of War? Naughty Dog The Last Of Us 2? Rockstar with Red Dead 2? Help me understand how they are able to understand what the hardware can and can't do, release a game and have the game work. As its more so sounding like CDPR are unable to do what those teams actually do. Its no longer this "ambitious" its now sounding like.....they shouldn't NOT KNOW what the systems can't do this late into a damn generation. So when we see a downgrade, I'm holding the developer responsible for that, not the hardware.

Why isn't every fucking game releasing this year or even last year getting tons of removed features, downgrades etc? They've now made this downgrade crap so normal, folks are out here making it seem as if its good cause it means they tried to do more..... or, or....see this the "EA" way, could they not be doing this to get more sales?

Show footage of Witcher 3 and bank in sales, wait to admit downgrade later after they've sold the title. Can EA do this with Anthem? I mean, Anthem wasn't bad, the team was just "ambitious" and that pesky hardware is what really got in the way /s.

I'm willing to let it slide with The Witcher 3, it was their first big open world game and first game this gen, not with a second title....at this point, their issues isn't because the hardware, its because they are promising things they either know can't be done on their engine ala Anthem, or they are worse, unaware of what can be done with the hardware 7 years in.

Not enough is really happening in this title for me to believe they are doing anything brand new to actually justify this amount of removed features and delays. It tells me their engine or team is more so to blame as don't give me that they have lots of NPCs crap, we've had tons of open world games this gen with CARS that have lots of NPCs.

What magic is Hitman 1 and 2 running on? GTAV is last gen and it has those features, do they need to visit Rockstar and Ubisoft and IO to figure out how to do that or? If the engine can't do that, I blame the team. They knew that going into this damn game, I blame them no different then I blame EA for forcing Bioware to work on an engine to do something the engine can't do. At some point, we need to hold the team accountable as it begs to question how stuff like Spiderman exist or AC Odyssey or Watchdogs 2 etc Ubisoft showed off Watchdogs 1 and The Division 1 and got SLAMMED for it, they admitted it, let folks play The Division for free mind you so they knew what they were getting into before release. They changed their policy to only show AAA titles that are playable to avoid it. The Division 2 and Watchdogs 2 both release with no downgrades as they only showed them when they were playable.

Is there a reason why CDPR can't do this yet we are seeing removed features and expecting a downgrade?

edit. Didn't mean to make a tree but lots to unravel here.
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Kagey K

Seems to me, you should be making the game for the consoles it’s targeted for.

Otherwise don’t announce it for those consoles and work on it until the ones you want come out.

This is them saying they over promised and now have to “compromise” in order for it to hit the consoles they said they were making it for 3 years ago.

Bullshit PR at this point.

Md Ray

damn you jaguar chips!
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It indeed is.

When you omit information, you are lying. They knew it was downgraded, then decided to not tell gamers until they took their money.
So by your logic; If you are fully aware that in game development every prototype until Gold is essentially a design target, and you then go post on a forum that you have been lied to by devs, aren't you basically lying to yourself then?

Also, save yourself the trouble and don't pre order.


Writes a lot, says very little
So by your logic; If you are fully aware that in game development every prototype until Gold is essentially a design target, and you then go post on a forum that you have been lied to by devs, aren't you basically lying to yourself then?

Also, save yourself the trouble and don't pre order.

Nope. They knew this information as its their game and decided to say no downgrade happened. Look at the time line bud, its not saying you don't have a "target", its saying that information was omitted to fans as they claimed zero downgrade happened as I doubt it happened in a few weeks or something. Even if it did, you could still be open to fans about it before release, not waiting until AFTER the game is out to finally admit with we could see with our own fucking eyes.

This is not about a target, this is about the team omitting the information about that target to their own fans.

So even if Jan 2015 they don't meet their target and say this prior to that happening.

Why did they go on months not telling fans this?

That is the issue here, not that a target was made, but that piece of information was withheld to the community to sell more units. This has nothing to do with them wanting to seek a target and everything to with lying about the games current downgrade.


Writes a lot, says very little
Seemingly in dev circles it’s a matter of semantics; downgrade = optimisation = downgrade

Sir, when you clearly see the game doesn't look remotely like what the trailer looks like, what you call it is irrelevant. The consumer must be told this and they need to be open about it, not admit it the day after release to gain sales from consumers unaware of the downgrade.

So I get that this happens in development, heck look at Anthem, but I have no respect for those that say "no downgrade" while clearly knowing something has been changed visually, just admit the downgrade when it actually happens and not the fucking day after release.

This is massively suspect as they can call it what they want, but they clearly know what the community was referring to when they said it was downgraded and when they did "optimisation" they should have then told consumers that after such a thing, the game would look different to admit, confirm and be transparent about the game taking a hit visually.

Again...I'm not debating the reason behind the downgrade, I'm addressing why that information was omitted from fans when the fans, community and journalist kept pressing this team for information, they said themselves "no downgrade" happened only to then confirm it after release.

Can EA do this exact thing with Anthem and we defend it by saying "optimisation"? What does that have to do with them NOT TELLING FANS PUBLICLY about this "optimisation" the day it actually happens before release and not after? What would optimization suddenly force them to lie and say "no downgrade" happened? So its just a poor excuse, its the reason behind the downgrade yes, no debate, it doesn't support lying to fans.
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Sir, when you clearly see the game doesn't look remotely like what the trailer looks like, what you call it is irrelevant. The consumer must be told this and they need to be open about it, not admit it the day after release to gain sales from consumers unaware of the downgrade.

So I get that this happens in development, heck look at Anthem, but I have no respect for those that say "no downgrade" while clearly knowing something has been changed visually, just admit the downgrade when it actually happens and not the fucking day after release.

This is massively suspect as they can call it what they want, but they clearly know what the community was referring to when they said it was downgraded and when they did "optimisation" they should have then told consumers that after such a thing, the game would look different to admit, confirm and be transparent about the game taking a hit visually.

Again...I'm not debating the reason behind the downgrade, I'm addressing why that information was omitted from fans when the fans, community and journalist kept pressing this team for information, they said themselves "no downgrade" happened only to then confirm it after release.

Can EA do this exact thing with Anthem and we defend it by saying "optimisation"? What does that have to do with them NOT TELLING FANS PUBLICLY about this "optimisation" the day it actually happens before release and not after? What would optimization suddenly force them to lie and say "no downgrade" happened? So its just a poor excuse, its the reason behind the downgrade yes, no debate, it doesn't support lying to fans.
I agree, as a customer looking in from the outside I call it downgrade. How the sausage is made is no concern of mine.


Writes a lot, says very little
I agree, as a customer looking in from the outside I call it downgrade. How the sausage is made is no concern of mine.

Well I guess thats one way of putting it lol, no disagree from me on that.

Its still a day 1 for me, but I'm more so keeping my expectations reasonable based on how Witcher 3 played out.
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Nope. They knew this information as its their game and decided to say no downgrade happened. Look at the time line bud, its not saying you don't have a "target", its saying that information was omitted to fans as they claimed zero downgrade happened as I doubt it happened in a few weeks or something. Even if it did, you could still be open to fans about it before release, not waiting until AFTER the game is out to finally admit with we could see with our own fucking eyes.

This is not about a target, this is about the team omitting the information about that target to their own fans.

So even if Jan 2015 they don't meet their target and say this prior to that happening.

Why did they go on months not telling fans this?

That is the issue here, not that a target was made, but that piece of information was withheld to the community to sell more units. This has nothing to do with them wanting to seek a target and everything to with lying about the games current downgrade.

I'm just pointing out that your accusation of CDPR lying by omission is, in this case, incorrectly inferred.

Also, in the 'article' you linked (took a bit of searching for the source, please, never link to Gamepur again), he is clearly referring to the January 2015 build.
lol I can't imagine the backlash when we finally see the inevitable downgrades for base consoles.

CDPR tend to bring this on themselves, when they've been showing off the game maxed the fuck out running on high end PC's.

The game at its core is still current gen, tethered to XB1/PS4, so even if they managed to make IQ on base consoles look good, it's still lipstick on a pig game engine-wise.

And I mean that in the nicest possible way. There are talented artists/programmers working on this and what they can achieve with 7 yr old consoles is amazing. But still, it's such a shame their talent couldnt truly shine by making this PC/next gen exclusive.


And people are happy with Microsoft's decision to carry the OG Xbox One through to next gen? Honestly, Xbox Fanboys support the dumbest decisions.

Going by what the Xbox top brass guy said, Xbox Series X will still be getting games that have to be released on the ancient relic that is the XB1 in 2021.

Who would have thought at XB1's release, exlusives 9yrs in the future would still have to run on it. It's a shocking decision by MS.

I don’t like having the game delayed either and would much rather have it next gen only, but what does Microsoft have to do with this? Cyberpunk is not a first party exclusive so even if it were going to release next gen only it wouldn’t affect the game. That mandate is only for first party Xbox games and iirc only in the first year or so. So please stop twisting the narrative as if every game is going to be like that.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I just assumed everyone already knew it's going to run/look like shit on current gen consoles. Honestly, how could it not?


I have seen new you tube material of this guy Borys who claimed that xbox is the main reason of Cyberpunk delay. He says that he sustains his statement, that it's not a gossip but an insider info from CD Projekt, and reason why CDPR devs officialy downplay it is because CDPR has big business ties with Microsoft which is involved in Cyberpunk marketing. Anyway the game is made, but during optimalisaton they encountered such problems with xbox performance, they had to delay premiere. They now have more time and manpower because they hired 3 companies which specifically deal with optimalisation and quality assurance. One of them is literally named "Crunching Coalas", lol.


Writes a lot, says very little
The game at its core is still current gen, tethered to XB1/PS4, so even if they managed to make IQ on base consoles look good, it's still lipstick on a pig game engine-wise.

And I mean that in the nicest possible way. There are talented artists/programmers working on this and what they can achieve with 7 yr old consoles is amazing. But still, it's such a shame their talent couldnt truly shine by making this PC/next gen exclusive.

Could be said about any current gen title during its last year tbh, lets see what they can do with next gen with a sequel.

I'm just pointing out that your accusation of CDPR lying by omission is, in this case, incorrectly inferred.

Also, in the 'article' you linked (took a bit of searching for the source, please, never link to Gamepur again), he is clearly referring to the January 2015 build.

Nope. They had information that they decided to not tell the public until the day after release. Sorry bud, but the damn game didn't suffer from a downgrade the very day of release or something. They are making a statement based on information they've known for months.

"he is clearly referring to the January 2015 build" The game comes out in May 2015, when did the downgrade happen and when did CDPR know it?

At the end of the day, the game was downgraded and when it was, CDPR DID NOT INFORM CUSTOMERS UNTIL AFTER THEY TOOK THEIR MONEY!

You are going to have to deal with that fact, that is a lie, that is them omitting key information about the final build of the product to get more sales. If the excuse is they had to optimize it, I have no issue with that as I've said many, many times...thats not what I'm debating, the issue is this optimization didn't magically happening 2 hours before release of the game or something, this isn't a digital only release, they clearly had to print disk, which means even that time they KNEW of what their build was and clearly it was not the original trailer.

So from the time of the original trailer to release, they had ample time to tell consumers this information, instead, they lied.

If you had to look around the web for it, you don't know how to use google my friend. Many sources exist for this interview. The link given early is relevant regardless if you like that website or not, it would be like saying Kobe didn't die cause you hate TMZ or something. Its irrelevant and only seeks to ignore reality and the truth of this matter.

When you decide to keep such information private, it is a omission my friend. EA, Activision and clearly Ubisoft could NOT DO THIS and have such a massive downpour of excuses to lie to consumers. We were correct to call out Ubisoft with Watchdogs and The Division, we were correct to call out EA with Anthems wild downgrade, stop making excuses for Witcher 3 literally showing a completely different game on 1 trailer vs the next and then having the team denying it for months on end, only to admit it the day after release. I bought the game day 1, will buy Cyberpunk 2077 day 1, but what I won't do is lie for this team and pretend as if what they did was fair, respectful to fans or even remotely ok. No excuse to lie to consumers about this as many of us were even forgiving of the teams issues as it was their first current gen title, most of us didn't even care btw, so they didn't need to lie the way they did as I'd argue the community would have completely understood.

This team has a history of lying to fans, they should have NEVER did that with Witcher 3 and just admitted it like Ubisoft and moved on. Fans are right to be cautious of Cyberpunk 2077 and prepare for downgrades, removed features and denials of this until after they take your money and release the inevitable "ok, so it was downgraded" interview.


I doubt the current generation is the reason for the delay. This game is in the making for a looong time and i dont think its possible to suddenly say "current gen is too weak".


Nope. They had information that they decided to not tell the public until the day after release. Sorry bud, but the damn game didn't suffer from a downgrade the very day of release or something. They are making a statement based on information they've known for months.

"he is clearly referring to the January 2015 build" The game comes out in May 2015, when did the downgrade happen and when did CDPR know it?

At the end of the day, the game was downgraded and when it was, CDPR DID NOT INFORM CUSTOMERS UNTIL AFTER THEY TOOK THEIR MONEY!

You are going to have to deal with that fact, that is a lie, that is them omitting key information about the final build of the product to get more sales. If the excuse is they had to optimize it, I have no issue with that as I've said many, many times...thats not what I'm debating, the issue is this optimization didn't magically happening 2 hours before release of the game or something, this isn't a digital only release, they clearly had to print disk, which means even that time they KNEW of what their build was and clearly it was not the original trailer.

So from the time of the original trailer to release, they had ample time to tell consumers this information, instead, they lied.

If you had to look around the web for it, you don't know how to use google my friend. Many sources exist for this interview. The link given early is relevant regardless if you like that website or not, it would be like saying Kobe didn't die cause you hate TMZ or something. Its irrelevant and only seeks to ignore reality and the truth of this matter.

When you decide to keep such information private, it is a omission my friend. EA, Activision and clearly Ubisoft could NOT DO THIS and have such a massive downpour of excuses to lie to consumers. We were correct to call out Ubisoft with Watchdogs and The Division, we were correct to call out EA with Anthems wild downgrade, stop making excuses for Witcher 3 literally showing a completely different game on 1 trailer vs the next and then having the team denying it for months on end, only to admit it the day after release. I bought the game day 1, will buy Cyberpunk 2077 day 1, but what I won't do is lie for this team and pretend as if what they did was fair, respectful to fans or even remotely ok. No excuse to lie to consumers about this as many of us were even forgiving of the teams issues as it was their first current gen title, most of us didn't even care btw, so they didn't need to lie the way they did as I'd argue the community would have completely understood.

This team has a history of lying to fans, they should have NEVER did that with Witcher 3 and just admitted it like Ubisoft and moved on. Fans are right to be cautious of Cyberpunk 2077 and prepare for downgrades, removed features and denials of this until after they take your money and release the inevitable "ok, so it was downgraded" interview.

Mate, they showed off the January build to the public PRIOR to the interview going live, so how can you claim that they kept the state of the game a secret? The interview is from a press event showing that exact gameplay to journos. Thus, his answer clearly relates to that build unless you insist on creating your own context. You and everyone else had every oppurtunity to know exactly what you were getting almost five months in advance.

Furthermore, I don't claim that your link invalidates your argument, just that Gamepur is horrible (They didn't link the source, nor spelled it correctly), and that you would be better off linking to a site that doesn't rely purely on clicbait mammon. Besides that, your three freshly provided links all have the same source, namely the video in your post.

... But all that is besides the point; I don't care about CDPR, EA, Ubi or their reputations. What I care about, and what triggered me, is people that keep (mis)using a serious accusation like 'lying' to construct a narrative that makes it look like they have been gravely wronged.
I'm sorry, but isn't there a stage where your attempt at painting CDPR as liars become a lie on your behalf?
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Writes a lot, says very little
Mate, they showed off the January build to the public PRIOR to the interview going live

Thats nice. Then they can tell folks on twitter, facebook, youtube and many social media platforms the day that downgrade happened what to expect.

Why didn't they tell people the very day that happened?

Anyway you slice it, they omitted this information from the public, they didn't NEED A FUCKING INTERVIEW TO TELL THAT, facebook exist, twitter exist, youtube exist etc. They made a choice to tell people this the day after release.

Pretty sure the downgrade didn't fucking happen 1 day after release or day of release etc. They clearly knew this months before release, having a hard time believing the game went from that 2013 trailer to the 2015 final release gimped version in a few days or something lol Just stop.

They lied to gamers. When you omit telling consumers something like this, its called a lie.

Why didn't they tell gamers this the day the actual downgrade happened? its clear from 2013 to 2015 you have a obvious massive downgrade.

Once again, easy question, when did the downgrade happen and when did CDPR KNOW it happened? Its very, very hard to argue there is no omitting of information when the very team making the game, is telling you indeed it was downgraded yet telling you the day after it released.

Soooooo when did he know that? Why did he wait? There is the issue.

I didn't "paint" this team as anything other they what they are, they are the ones that decided not to tell fans about the current state of their game until after they took their money. That is factual information. What else am I suppose to take from that? Jan 2015 even with clear fucking trailers and demos showing a downgrade, they are claiming nothing happened as if we don't have fucking eyes lol. May 2015 after the game releases, ohhhh what do you know, they finally open their eyes to see indeed a downgrade happened.

I painted them that way? What I stated is factually what happened. I didn't make them do that, that is the choice of the team to omit that information.
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Thats nice. Then they can tell folks on twitter, facebook, youtube and many social media platforms the day that downgrade happened what to expect.

Why didn't they tell people the very day that happened?

Anyway you slice it, they omitted this information from the public, they didn't NEED A FUCKING INTERVIEW TO TELL THAT, facebook exist, twitter exist, youtube exist etc. They made a choice to tell people this the day after release.

Pretty sure the downgrade didn't fucking happen 1 day after release or day of release etc. They clearly knew this months before release, having a hard time believing the game went from that 2013 trailer to the 2015 final release gimped version in a few days or something lol Just stop.

They lied to gamers. When you omit telling consumers something like this, its called a lie.

Why didn't they tell gamers this the day the actual downgrade happened? its clear from 2013 to 2015 you have a obvious massive downgrade.

Once again, easy question, when did the downgrade happen and when did CDPR KNOW it happened? Its very, very hard to argue there is no omitting of information when the very team making the game, is telling you indeed it was downgraded yet telling you the day after it released.

Soooooo when did he know that? Why did he wait? There is the issue.

I didn't "paint" this team as anything other they what they are, they are the ones that decided not to tell fans about the current state of their game until after they took their money. That is factual information. What else am I suppose to take from that? Jan 2015 even with clear fucking trailers and demos showing a downgrade, they are claiming nothing happened as if we don't have fucking eyes lol. May 2015 after the game releases, ohhhh what do you know, they finally open their eyes to see indeed a downgrade happened.

I painted them that way? What I stated is factually what happened. I didn't make them do that, that is the choice of the team to omit that information.
They made a public showcasing of the actual product five months prior to release. Please stop mate.


Writes a lot, says very little
They made a public showcasing of the actual product five months prior to release. Please stop mate.

Yes, then proceeded to state it wasn't downgraded at that exact time frame. No one is arguing they didn't show the game as buddy, that is how we even knew it was downgraded that even prompted the community of fans, journalist etc to even keep asking them whats wrong with the game. THAT was the time they should have just admitted it vs lying. Please stop mate.

I bought the game day 1, will buy CP2077 day 1, but I'm no shill. I'm not going to jump thru hoops to try to pretend this company didn't out right lie to its fans to get sales. They deserve all the criticism they get and I have zero sympathy for them. They had no choice in the downgrade, it happens and I'll never debate that, but they had a choice to be transparent and upfront with their fans about the games current status BEFORE the game released and spent months lying about the obvious.
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Yes, then proceeded to state it wasn't downgraded at that exact time frame. No one is arguing they didn't show the game as buddy, that is how we even knew it was downgraded that even prompted the community of fans, journalist etc to even keep asking them whats wrong with the game. THAT was the time they should have just admitted it vs lying. Please stop mate.

I bought the game day 1, will buy CP2077 day 1, but I'm no shill. I'm not going to jump thru hoops to try to pretend this company didn't out right lie to its fans to get sales. They deserve all the criticism they get and I have zero sympathy for them. They had no choice in the downgrade, it happens and I'll never debate that, but they had a choice to be transparent and upfront with their fans about the games current status BEFORE the game released and spent months lying about the obvious.

Because of that just out of spite I cancelled this bish, will grab it for nxt gen at some point.


Writes a lot, says very little
Because of that just out of spite I cancelled this bish, will grab it for nxt gen at some point.

I don't blame you. The team imho can't be trusted to be honest and transparent. Regardless of why they lied or omitted information or waited the day after release to start admitting stuff, it was withheld from the consumer. How do we know the day after CP2077 releases they don't admit yet another downgrade? or removed features? How do we know this game isn't going to be patched to death and take months if not years to correct issues like with Witcher 3? So how can we even believe there isn't going to be a next gen version considering the timing of this teams "transparency"? lol

So I think they'll have a next gen version and I don't disagree with anyone waiting for that version instead. At least when that version comes out, you already know what was removed, downgraded etc from the original release.


Sorry for the unintentional bump....somehow ended up in this thread and posting there rather than the new one. Must have bumped one of the related threads at the bottom of it on my iPad somehow. Moving my reply to that thread.
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Junior Member
I just assumed everyone already knew it's going to run/look like shit on current gen consoles. Honestly, how could it not?
Because we saw RDR2 and thought these guys were as capable. Well, it doesn't look like they were at the end.

Edit: Sorry, I didn't know the thread was necrobumped by mistake.
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Because we saw RDR2 and thought these guys were as capable. Well, it doesn't look like they were at the end.

Edit: Sorry, I didn't know the thread was necrobumped by mistake.
Rdr2 is an empty open world game heavy on story tellling and nothing else besides sidequests. Absolutely not a fair comparison, plus cyberpunk looks a hell lot better than rdr2, on pc.


Junior Member
Rdr2 is an empty open world game heavy on story tellling and nothing else besides sidequests. Absolutely not a fair comparison, plus cyberpunk looks a hell lot better than rdr2, on pc.
I don't agree at all, but let's leave it at that.
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