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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed because of current gen consoles, new source claims


yes, CDPR surely prefer scrapping 150 millions consoles, for around 6-10 millions Sony and Microsoft will sell in 2020 holidays. lol

this game is delaying because CDPR didn't want to do crunch
I'd rather they scrap the current for next gen but you are absolutely right.. It's financial suicide!
I imagine performance is still going to be rough when the game releases. It's a huge game with a ton of details that would absolutely cause the poor ol' 5400rpm hard-disk drives to struggle catching up with the action. Then again, CDPR can be technical wizards, so they could pull off some interesting workaround on the geriatric machines.


Gold Member
And to think this game was first promoted with that trailer in Jan 2013. By the time the game comes out it'll be about 7 years later, and basically skipped the entire PS4/Xbox One generation.


Funny how I see multiple people arguing that maintaining maximum compatibility across console generations is a bad thing... I guess it's real easy to find a scapegoat to blame and direct your anger towards. Somehow the consumer having more choice/options is bad. Go figure. Hating on the Xbox is popular I guess.
To me, it's a very good thing that you don't immediately need a new console to play the launch games, which more often than not are far away from the new hardware's potential anyway.

Game delays are not rare nowadays, and this is no different. If you're salty because you have to wait longer for a game to be released, that's your problem. You're not going to die if you wait a few months. Deal with it.

Are you doing this on purpose ?


Neo Member
I find this plausible but still odd. You're developing this from 2012, and only now you've realized the specs of your target hardware?

In most software projects optimization doesn't happen until the very end. Most likely they were very aware of this and, like the post mentions, had a cut off of January 2020 for having the optimization to an acceptable level before postponing.

Nothing odd about this at all.


RSI Employee of the Year
From what we've seen of the game (the density of the environments, NPC's) having it run above 20fps on a base xbox one or PS4 is actually no small feat. I blame the Jaguar cpu.

I've seen plenty of the game (including at press events). It looks great, but let's not trick ourselves into believing that it's a nex-gen miracle. The graphics are a notch over The Witcher 3, but first-person means a large advantage in terms of what you actually have to render in the frame.

I'm inclined to believe the folks at CD Projekt over a Polish "insider lol (TM)"
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Writes a lot, says very little

Witcher 3 downgrade incoming!.

Seriously though, hopefully they get it running well. I prefer this approach over something like Remedy with Control where it was "yeah it runs at 15fps...whatever here it is, give us $60".


This is why I'm a bit worried about these delays. This isn't the teams first time lying about shit like this. For all we know, that game is massively downgraded and they just going to tell us after the game comes out and they have our money lol

jadefire66 jadefire66 I disagree. CDPR have been working on this game for years, they already know what the PS4 and XONE can do, if they failed at this, its because them as a team, not the damn hardware. Imagine how stupid a team has to be to not know this for several years of creating a damn game.... How come everyone else understand how to create titles and what the hardware can and can't do? So Witcher 3's downgrades are enough to show maybe this team doesn't really understand what they are doing and they start to "assume" what the hardware could do, release some BULLSHOTS and start to downgrade when they realize they can't do it on that hardware.

That doesn't make me feel that they know what they are doing, it makes me question their intent when they are making those ummm CGI trailers for Cyberpunk that we saw at E3 2019. Maybe they should focus on actually creating games that can work on the hardware vs a series of guesses, assumptions and promises. It doesn't come off as "ambitious", it actually comes off as incompetence.

So the whole BS of "we tried too, but the hardware isn't good enough, we tried too, but the hardware isn't good enough, we tried too, but the hardware isn't good enough, w-" just stop, maybe try making games that can work on the fucking hardware first. That is how everyone else is able to actually release games on hardware this gen that aren't filled with bugs, downgrades etc. So this team needs to actually understand how to do that as this is starting to become a pattern of them doing this crap.

They've become the new Peter Molyneux. Be like "let me tell you a series of things we can't do" game fails to do what promised "oh bro, it must be that pesky hardware bro" /s
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Writes a lot, says very little
If you think this is "lying" you have absolutely no idea of how game development works.

I'm not saying the downgrade is the lie, I'm saying them not telling fans about it in time when they knew it indeed happened was the lie.

So when you omit information to fans, that is a lie my friend. Its not arguing that a downgrade can't happen or even WHY it happens, thats not being debated. Them not telling fans until AFTER they took peoples money is where they made a choice to omit facts about the games current state vs what we saw them showing off.

Sooooooo no, we are not saying the act of a downgrade is a lie, we are saying omitting that information for months and waiting to collect checks is the lie.


So they went from

“No Graphics Downgrade In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"


"we didn’t know that it wasn’t going to work,"

So...this my friend is a lie. They omitted this and knew the game was clearly downgraded yet waited til they got gamers money before actually admitting it.

Ubisoft was upfront enough about The Division's Downgrade that they let folks play it before release so you understand it was indeed downgraded, they even changed a policy so that any of their big AAA titles getting shown must first be playable and what you should expect to get, vs let me say its no downgraded and ONLY wait til I have your money to tell you, yea its downgraded b, b, bu, but we didn't know it wasn't going to work out bro.

So I still bought the game day 1, but I lost massive respect for this developer as they knew exactly what they where doing when they decided to not say anything about that.
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Why not delay the console ports?

PC ports get delayed all the time or they just get made later. Look at GTAV and RDR2 for instance.

Same happens with all these Switch multiplatform ports. The machine is weaker so extra development time is required to downgrade. So do the same for the base consoles.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Nice moving of the goal posts, this has no effect on how Cyberpunk is going to look or perform on the PC or next gen consoles, in fact in means the opposite, the fact that it runs like shit on Xbox One means it wasn't the target console, it also means that POWER DOES MATTER! those crying about Xbox One now will be crying about PS5 next gen if it is in fact underpowered by 30% as rumors suggest lmao.


Wow, trying to just get a rise out of people with some console warrior fighting from far out of left field there eh? How does it relate with GHG GHG ’s argument at all?
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
But muh PS5 exclusives...

You know it's only MS exclusives?

The reason PCDR probably want this on current consoles and not a next gen launch title is somewhere to the tune of 160 million potential customers at launch, paying $60, over a handful of million customers at $60 and then $30 or less to the late adopters over the next few years. They've only been working on it for the entire gen, they probably want some sort of return on the investment.

MS can port all their 1st party games down to last gen as they did this gen with Forza Horizon 2. Same game, vastly different IQ. And being as they are both x86 that porting will be much easier. 🤷‍♂️

The Forza Horizon case was still different teams releasing different SKU’s and you the consumer financed that by buying it for the system it was ported to and it still does not take away from the increase in budget spent in porting instead of further single platform refinements. Which is why at this point the argument shifts to either MS Xbox Game Studios’s infinite pockets or to “it is only for 1-2 years... then we have XSX MS exclusives”.
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Sounds about right.....

16 to 17 for XboxOne S....HIT

The damage has already been done before having to butcher resolution and fps. The scope of the game from the stsrt has been limited by what's possible on XB1's netbook CPU. So in the game, streets that would have been filled with 50+ npcs walking around and several cars had to be set back to a dozen max, physics like comprehensive destruction in environments has been totally dialled back from the start to static, non-interactive sandboxes apart from the most bare minimum. Thetaint of XB1/PS4 was always there.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
This is all on CD project. They have a history of downgrading and yet they designed the first demo on a 1080Ti at 1080p and 30 fps. That thing is over 10 tflops and around 8x more powerful than the PS4 and they thought they could get it to run on a 1.3 tflops console with jaguar CPUs?

Of course not. they knew this and didnt care. if they had any principles they wouldnt have promised to launch this on current gen consoles. this shouldve been targeted for next gen consoles as soon as they realized that they couldnt get their gameplay demo to run over 1080p 30 fps on a 1080ti.

greedy fucks will downgrade both versions and launch it on current gen consoles where it will run worse than control and look nothing like the original reveal.

This is the argument people like myself, GHG GHG , Gavin Stevens Gavin Stevens , etc... have quite regularly. Top down development where yes things could technically be possible, but are much better worked out the other way around pragmatically... as we seen one actual example of here.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The damage has already been done before having to butcher resolution and fps. The scope of the game from the stsrt has been limited by what's possible on XB1's netbook CPU. So in the game, streets that would have been filled with 50+ npcs walking around and several cars had to be set back to a dozen max, physics like comprehensive destruction in environments has been totally dialled back from the start to static, non-interactive sandboxes apart from the most bare minimum. Thetaint of XB1/PS4 was always there.

I disagree.

That is more so based on the team trying to force something on hardware they already know the limitations of. So if they understand the hardware after working on it for more then7 years, they have no excuse to not know the systems couldn't actually do that with the engine they were creating. It tells me they want something that looks good more then they actually even want the damn features.

If they want lots of NPCs, maybe they should ask IQ Interactive how thats done. Hitman 1 and 2 exist..

So my issue with this argument, is PS4 and XONE didn't JUST start to magically exist THIS YEAR, they've existed since 2013 and for CDPR actually longer if you consider they had the hardware before us gamers.

So how is it that IO interactive and other teams understand how to make open world games on this hardware, yet CDPR is the one acting as if they are brand new to gaming suddenly? Its not argument of what the PS4 and XONE can and can't do, that is moot as they already know that, its a question of why do they not understand this just as much as any other developer in gaming right now? By the logic, Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't even exist. Its not saying they couldn't do MORE with better hardware, its saying they clearly KNEW of the hardware limitations and created accordingly. So I'm not debating on them needing to dial things back for PS4 and XONE, simply why would that be something new to them and why would they even need to do that NOW vs when they first started even developing? Those systems didn't release last year or this year to argue some new thing came up.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
The damage has already been done before having to butcher resolution and fps. The scope of the game from the stsrt has been limited by what's possible on XB1's netbook CPU. So in the game, streets that would have been filled with 50+ npcs walking around and several cars had to be set back to a dozen max, physics like comprehensive destruction in environments has been totally dialled back from the start to static, non-interactive sandboxes apart from the most bare minimum. Thetaint of XB1/PS4 was always there.

Can’t help but notice you say the Xbox one cpu, and yet the Xbox one cpu was faster than the PS4.

Funny that.

I won’t argue everything else is better. It’s really not. But you clearly used this as a swipe at Xbox, and let’s just say that’s the one area you couldn’t.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Can’t help but notice you say the Xbox one cpu, and yet the Xbox one cpu was faster than the PS4.

Funny that.

I won’t argue everything else is better. It’s really not. But you clearly used this as a swipe at Xbox, and let’s just say that’s the one area you couldn’t.

The two are quite neck and neck even comparing the original Xbox One model and the S revision which boosted clock speed further as the Xbox One has always been said to take a higher efficiency hit because of the fully virtualised HW and the general higher CPU cost for their graphics stack (I think quite early on there were several developers comparing draw call costs across the two platforms which favoured PS4 considerably).
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Writes a lot, says very little
Can’t help but notice you say the Xbox one cpu, and yet the Xbox one cpu was faster than the PS4.

Funny that.

I won’t argue everything else is better. It’s really not. But you clearly used this as a swipe at Xbox, and let’s just say that’s the one area you couldn’t.

??? huh? I think they just state XBONE as not to always keep saying both systems, as I understand what they mean. They mean current generation systems in general. As why say this "Thetaint of XB1/PS4 was always there"

They didn't just say "XB1" They said BOTH "XB1/PS4".

Don't do that bud, don't try to argue that someone is saying that to swipe at MS or XB etc when its clear they brought up both and its more so because not everyone is going to keep saying XONE and PS4, XONE and PS4 etc

I got exactly what he was saying. He was not saying this is a 100% SOLELY XB issue and ONLY XB did this and ONLY MS caused this etc.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
“The scope of the game from the stsrt has been limited by what's possible on XB1's netbook CPU.”

Then say current gen. because this is quite a trend that I’m noticing, where facts are forgotten for the sake of putting one box down.

the truth is while the Xbox does trail the pa4, both of them could have been better and are now both seriously in need of retirement.

edit: to be frank I don’t give a hoot who posts what and who loves which plastic box. But let’s just keep it factual rather than spreading misinformation. There is a lot of that going on atm, and for some reason side A thinks it will sway side B and vice versa. Let’s just all keep it to facts. It’s fun to speculate, but it’s getting a bit tiring seeing every forum everywhere full of “my dad works for Nintendo...” type deals lol.
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The Forza Horizon case was still different teams releasing different SKU’s and you the consumer financed that by buying it for the system it was ported to and it still does not take away from the increase in budget spent in porting instead of further single platform refinements. Which is why at this point the argument shifts to either MS Xbox Game Studios’s infinite pockets or to “it is only for 1-2 years... then we have XSX MS exclusives”.

I'm sorry business reality interferes with your warz
Can’t help but notice you say the Xbox one cpu, and yet the Xbox one cpu was faster than the PS4.

Funny that.

I won’t argue everything else is better. It’s really not. But you clearly used this as a swipe at Xbox, and let’s just say that’s the one area you couldn’t.

Oh please dude, is everything with you about defending the Xbox brand?! It's unbelievable. You are a one-man defence force on here. MS are one of the richest companies on earth, many times more wealthy than Sony, why the insecurity?

I tell you what, if you go right back in my post history you will see I had misgivings about CP2077 being something truly special because of XB1/PS4 shackles, way before you felt the need to defend cross gen stuff when Xbox announced crossgen exclusive mandate.

The PS4 CPU is pathetic, a piece of shit. It needs to die already. Does that make you feel better? Anyone that sees gaming outside console wars can see how MS extending the life of current gen into 2021 is s bad thing, I mean come on. The reasons are not easy to put in one sentence (like your dismissive defence 'it wont matter anyway') and more nuanced than MS bad, Sony good which is the way you try to frame things.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I didn’t attack you personally, but that reply, yeesh...

Edit: actually for the very first time on Gaf Because I believe in discussion and not blanking people out, but.... block list +1
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I'm sorry business reality interferes with your warz
Lol, oh the irony here. I forgot the “ignore and passive aggressively respond with a one liner drive-by” option before.
You can keep circling your wagons and lash back of course, but do not go projecting on others too.


I see some people are saying release the P.C version earlier. I say no you must suffer the wait with console people.
And people are happy with Microsoft's decision to carry the OG Xbox One through to next gen? Honestly, Xbox Fanboys support the dumbest decision

What this got with the Series X? This game has been in development for 3 years? . When the Team were prepping this game they knew full well the system spec's.
If this was a series X game you might have had a point.


It's crazy but it's also transparent - it's only coming from one side because their fave console maker has decided to make a backwards move (motivated by money) so now we're getting all kinds of crazy arguments as to why new games only on new hardware is bad! I mean Christ on a bike.

Don't want and don't able Is different
I don't believe that the 2 years of ps5 are only games impossibile to downgrade on the ps4

I have to see yet a PC game with two 2080ti in SLI on the min. specs. even Star Citizen


The truth is, is that CDPR are like us with our shared passion for gaming and want to see the games they make be boundary breaking and make a new golden standard, but with lofty ambitions comes a harder task to execute.

The Witcher 3 graphics at press reveals were the aim that the company wanted but their ambitions were too big so they had to scale it back, they wanted to add things like Horse fighting (jumping from Roach to another horse in combat) but couldn't get it working, they also are on their 3rd draft of Cyberpunk I believe after scrapping two older versions of the project. And then we all know about The Witcher 3 crunch and the launch state it shipped in.

CDPR are an amazing talented studio, without the knowhow of some more experienced AAA Developers (not looking at you Todd Howard), and this lack of knowhow shows in their inability to plan.

I think we will see a downgrade, not a big one but one that is big enough, do I trust everything from this Borys? No of course not and anyone who does so is a bit foolish to jump to conclusions based off a few words from a random "insider", but I do think that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a graphical downgrade and a loss in Civilian numbers roaming the streets of Night City, not a large decrease but one all the same.

Then in 2021 they will ship out an Enhanced Edition with exclusive content, graphical enhancements and NPC increases and so on, to make the most out of a new IP and a new generation launch.


The amount of corporate worship and brand loyalty on this board and on the internet as a whole is truly fascinating.

These are multi billion dollars faceless corporations that dont give a fuck about any of us, why the need to defend them, white knight them and overall treat them like our best friends or relatives? Sony is the best! No way, Microsoft is the best!

It just boggles my mind that a person cares so much about some piece of plastic that they feel the need to defend it

Just say it how it is, no need for some mindless cult like following.

Both consoles are old pieces of shit that should be abandoned and forgotten already
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Prepare to be disappointed the game not living up to the stuff we've seen thus far...

(The Witcher 3 is very great game, but let's be honest; it was ultimately severely downgraded)


Prepare to be disappointed the game not living up to the stuff we've seen thus far...

(The Witcher 3 is very great game, but let's be honest; it was ultimately severely downgraded)
I found The Witcher 3 pretty great but the combat made I think I will never touch a games from CDPR again.
Cyberpunk change to first-person view changed my opinion again so I'm ready to try again a game from them.

It they can match the values of The Witcher 3 with a good combat system then it will be perfection.
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