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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


Well, now that I'm on my 2nd run of Chapter 1-5, I actually have some Tungsten to create/upgrade my weapon. But before that? None. Nada. It's kind of ridiculous that I have to repeat those chapters just to mine resources. And I hate that one of the side-missions in Chapter 4 is locked since I am not playing co-op atm. I thought all parts of the game can played on your own if you want to. I guess not..

I'm fairly sure you just find a plasma core and a heavy frame around the time you get to the first bench. I'll double check my fresh save since I'm just past that scene.

E: Just loaded up my save where I had just met the stranded crew. I had a Heavy Frame, but no additional Plasma Cores. Then again, creating a Plasma Core didn't require any Tungsten, just 200 semiconductors and 500 scrap metal. One could also pull the core from your Plasma Cutter if desperate enough.

nel e nel

Yes, there is. Do you even know which room is it or are you just defending the game for the sake of defending it? I'm talking about the large hallway where you have to collect 3 keys with elevators that goes up and down and a middle elevator that takes you from left to middle to right side. I've killed God knows how many enemies and they just keep pouring from all directions.

Heh, even the official guide mentions this very fact:

So I guess I wasn't the one who imagined shit.

I dunno, once I got all 3 parts to craft the item for the shuttle, the respawns stopped for me as well. I will say though, that they seemed to spawn infinitely UNTIL I got all 3 parts, then I cleaned up the leftovers and continued.

Also: fuck that goddam Refuse Disposal side mission outside the Geology building.

Mike M

Nick N
Okay, I'll try it again when I get there on Chapter 6. But that means they must have placed ridiculous amount of enemies down there.
Yes, there is a stupid number of enemies in the room, and more will spawn to replace the ones you kill, but they do stop eventually.


Neo Member
Just finished the game on normal, very pleased with my experience. Started a new game + save on classic. Does upgrades not carry over into classic mode? All my rig upgrades are gone and so are my resources.

Does anyone know anything about this?
The first 20 minutes or so...

What the fuck did I just play?

I was always a big defender of this game. I have no issue with more action or the addition of co-op. But the events so far and the way they've been presented... just didn't feel Dead Spacey at all. Suicide bombers, grenade indicators on screen and villians with british accents. The hell.

Mike M

Nick N
The first 20 minutes or so...

What the fuck did I just play?

I was always a big defender of this game. I have no issue with more action or the addition of co-op. But the events so far and the way they've been presented... just didn't feel Dead Spacey at all. Suicide bombers, grenade indicators on screen and villians with british accents. The hell.

Yeah, the prologue and Chapter 1 are... Not great. By Chapter 2 or 3 it settles into its familiar groove.
Just finished the game on normal, very pleased with my experience. Started a new game + save on classic. Does upgrades not carry over into classic mode? All my rig upgrades are gone and so are my resources.

Does anyone know anything about this?
Your guns and upgrades don't carry over to Classic, Pure Survival, and Hardcore. Which makes sense, considering what those modes are all about.

Your inventory DOES carry over to regular New Game Plus, though.

What does classic mode mean? Is it available after completing the game for the first time?
In Classic Mode, you can only construct the weapons from Dead Space 1 and 2 via blueprints and the Bench. There's zero weapon crafting and you can only play the mode in single-player. Classic aiming is on by default, as well.

And yes, it unlocks after you beat the main game, along with Pure Survival and Hardcore.


Neo Member
Your guns and upgrades don't carry over to Classic, Pure Survival, and Hardcore. Which makes sense, considering what those modes are all about.

Your inventory DOES carry over to regular New Game Plus, though.

Yeah that's what I thought, makes sense. Thanks for the info!


As the game progresses, I'm finding it a chore to play. I didn't get that feeling with 2, but this one..I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I'm forcing myself to play it, just because I have it.
The first 20 minutes or so...

What the fuck did I just play?

I was always a big defender of this game. I have no issue with more action or the addition of co-op. But the events so far and the way they've been presented... just didn't feel Dead Spacey at all. Suicide bombers, grenade indicators on screen and villians with british accents. The hell.

Keep playing
Finally starting to realize just how amazing the gun crafting is. I've been rocking a bolas upper and shotgun lower with acid bath. What's everyone else using?


"We're flying down to this planet we know to be covered in ice but I'm not going to scavenge any kind of material to cover myself with because my massive tits look fabulous in this incredibly low-cut top!"

Smh... Oh, videogames....
Finally starting to realize just how amazing the gun crafting is. I've been rocking a bolas upper and shotgun lower with acid bath. What's everyone else using?

The gun crafting is way too confusing for me. I don't like it. I want the old crafting back.I have no idea what the hell I'm doing now.


The gun crafting is way too confusing for me. I don't like it. I want the old crafting back.I have no idea what the hell I'm doing now.

I feel the same way. I've toyed with it a bit I just have no idea wtf I'm doing, so I've stuck with attaching upgrades to the starter weapon. Much preferred Dead Space 2's simple way of doing it.


So apparently one of the fixes in the v1.01 patch was to remove the Devil Horns from the other New Game+ modes. Not that the Evangelizer doesn't make those modes easy enough, but wonder what made them change their minds about limiting the game unlocks to Standard mode only. Kinda wish I could've used the suits from my 100% save in my New Game+ runs.


The first 20 minutes or so...

What the fuck did I just play?

I was always a big defender of this game. I have no issue with more action or the addition of co-op. But the events so far and the way they've been presented... just didn't feel Dead Spacey at all. Suicide bombers, grenade indicators on screen and villians with british accents. The hell.

And here I thought I was joking when I posted this.

Mike M

Nick N
Finally starting to realize just how amazing the gun crafting is. I've been rocking a bolas upper and shotgun lower with acid bath. What's everyone else using?
Rivet chain gun/Evangelizer shotgun w/flame glaze with amped clip size and damage on the chain gun, amped rate of fire/clip/damage on the shot gun.

Also have a force gun/rocket launcher combo with damage guard, ammo box, rate of fire and clip size buffs. Love that one, force gun a swarm of mobs to about the same distance, shoot half a dozen missiles at them as quickly as I can pull the trigger before needing to reload.


The crafting is sublime. Once is clicks for you, its so much fun tinkering with weapon builds.
I think it's a great addition to the game and probably why I disliked playing Classic mode, since it removes that option entirely once you've grown accustomed to it.


As the game progresses, I'm finding it a chore to play. I didn't get that feeling with 2, but this one..I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I'm forcing myself to play it, just because I have it.

It's the only Dead Space that I have used the run button to get point to point. There's no atmosphere and no tension. I am in chapter 15 and very bored.

I also got a hilarious glitch. During or after Chapter 14,
and after Ellie died in the gas chamber, she contacted me with a repeat message that I heard in the previous chapter. She explained to me what we will do after we put Rosetta together.
This was definitely an error in scripted events. Good job Visceral. Good job indeed.
Okay that's enough
Fuck that dumb serious sam shit. What is this? What the hell am I playing here?
And that first Boss in chapter 9 (demo)... Yeah nothing works here, because the controls are completely useless and fucked up.
And the save system...what's that? It didn't save my progress the last two hours...
This game....this game....I have no words.

Edit : I need to calm down....pausing the game :)

It's the only Dead Space that I have used the run button to get point to point. There's no atmosphere and no tension. I am in chapter 15 and very bored.

I also got a hilarious glitch. During or after Chapter 14,
and after Ellie died in the gas chamber, she contacted me with a repeat message that I heard in the previous chapter. She explained to me what we will do after we put Rosetta together.
This was definitely an error in scripted events. Good job Visceral. Good job indeed.

I got that too. Thought Isaac was about to start hallucinating or hearing things, but then... he didn't.

def sim

The crafting is sublime. Once is clicks for you, its so much fun tinkering with weapon builds.

The UI when upgrading and changing parts is what's initially confusing to me rather than how it works. Satisfying stuff once I understood enough.
Not sure how people think the upgrade system is "complicated" or anything. I guess it can be overwhelming, but there's seriously like 0 penalty for crafting something you don't like... so experiment. It's kind of like you can mix and match stuff from DS2 with a few extra options. For awhile I was running around with a plasma rifle that had the line gun alt fire from 2 instead of grenade launcher. When I got to the first bench, I immediately dismantled the submachine gun and tried building whatever I could that was different, just to see how it works. And I thought it was pretty simple, honestly. Pick a frame, pick a power source, pick a tip. Try firing it. Like it? Good, add attachments and circuits. Don't? Change the tip or change the engine.

And once you have a weapon you like... as I said, add circuits to it.
Want it to fire faster? Add a rate of fire circuit.
Want more ammo in your clip? Add a clip circuit.
Want more damage? Add a damage boost circuit.
Want faster reload? Add a reload circuit.

The one thing that might not be apparent is that the top row affects the top tool only and the bottom row applies to the lower tool only; however reload bonuses apply to the weapon in general.
(Thus with the Negotiator, you can load up the contact beam (upper) with +reload circuits to make the line gun (bottom) reload faster... helpful once you realize it.)

It's that simple.
Watch the bars on the bottom for upper tool/lower tool, it will show you how the application of a circuit will affect the gun stats.

Add attachments for better bonuses: flame glaze/acid bath/electric/stasis bonus are all great on attachment 2. Attachment 1 is kind of useless most of the time, but pick something that makes sense. If you have a rocket launcher or something that deals explosive damage add the safety shield, for example.

As far as the actual crafting? Experiment with it. Overwhelmed? Save your game, go to solo mode, go to the weapon crafting menu option, it will put you in with a bench and you can craft whatever you like, test fire it, even try it on enemies.

With that said, the best thing I've found in 4+ playthroughs are as follows:
Stasis coating attachment 2 and acid bath attachment 2.
Combine with the LE weapons (Evangelizer/Negotiator).
Go destroy the game.

Classic mode (and hardcore) could have greatly benefited from the readdition of save stations; classic mode also needed to bring back power nodes... I don't think it would've been that hard to have some code for that mode that basically replaced all circuits with power nodes and then finding an exchange rate for resources that worked to "buy" power nodes. I didn't feel like "classic" without those two things. Also, classic mode needed to allow you to carry at least 3 weapons. When classic Dead Space games allowed for 4 weapons, having 2 classic weapons with no ability to change what you have is aggravating. I did hardcore on DS2 using the plasma rifle, line gun, and plasma cutter. I couldn't even carry anything more than say plasma rifle + line gun if I went with the blueprints for classic. Thank God for the LE weapons...

With all that said, the devil horns are totally worth it solely for the reloading animation.


It's just so opaque. Clicking back and forth, back and forth between samey looking menus until you find something new or interesting is not very inviting. I like the idea of mix and matching weapon parts but the process is designed so badly it's off-putting.

On another note it's kind of disappointing the first two suits you get after the Eva suit are just re-colours of one another. Checking out all the different suit designs is one of my favourite parts of Dead Space, so seeing two re-colours thrown in one after the other is a shame. The arctic/archaeologist suit didn't even look very good to begin with.

def sim

The EVA with bug eyed helmet and functional looking astronaut suit is my favorite one. The little details like the michelin man folds and glitter-like texture on some surfaces are great. Anyway, I think I've made my go to weapon for this game: a heavy elite enervator with an MK-V ground diffractor. Combined with the stasis amplifier and ammo box* attachments, it's the best crowd controlling weapon I've used in the game. It's also really satisfying since it tears body parts up. Fun stuff!

*no more reloading is a little broken


Okay that's enough
Fuck that dumb serious sam shit. What is this? What the hell am I playing here?
And that first Boss in chapter 9 (demo)... Yeah nothing works here, because the controls are completely useless and fucked up.
And the save system...what's that? It didn't save my progress the last two hours...
This game....this game....I have no words.

Edit : I need to calm down....pausing the game :)


I hated that Boss and you will soon find out why lol...but I never had 2 hours of play go by without a save...not sure what's going on there for you...


I find it corny that Issac puts his first suit on like he's changing boxer shorts, but every new suit that follows requires a mellow dramatic cut scene, followed by Issac cracking his neck like a bad ass.

There's nothing rewarding about getting new suits in this one. I miss the days of earning them.
I miss everything from the previous games. You just walk and shoot..there is nothing memorable thus far (Chapter 10). This is not Dead Space... I really don't know what it is...or what it's supposed to be...


Finally starting to realize just how amazing the gun crafting is. I've been rocking a bolas upper and shotgun lower with acid bath. What's everyone else using?

I'm just into Chapter 6 but I'm using A shotgun/forcegun combination. Just did a side mission were so much was thrown at me can't imagine using anything else.

def sim

I replayed the first last year, the second one just two weeks ago, and maybe I'm crazy here, but you just walked around and shot in those games too.
I replayed the first last year, the second one just two weeks ago, and maybe I'm crazy here, but you just walked around and shot in those games too.

Yeah but these games had memorable scary moments. I cared for all the characters, the kids who died, etc...

In Dead Space 3...there's nothing. You're just shooting monsters. Where are the videologs? Where are those scary locations?

In the first two games you felt vulnerable ...now you're a badass

Randy Pitchford approves.
Yeah but these games had memorable scary moments. I cared for all the characters, the kids who died, etc...

In Dead Space 3...there's nothing. You're just shooting monsters. Where are the videologs? Where are those scary locations?

In the first two games you felt vulnerable ...now you're a badass

Randy Pitchford approves.

I am not sure why but we are the vast minority here. I felt the same way. This game was my RE5. Same gameplay (slight changes) but without any attempts at scares it just feels like a shootbang game.


I am not sure why but we are the vast minority here. I felt the same way. This game was my RE5. Same gameplay (slight changes) but without any attempts at scares it just feels like a shootbang game.

Oh there's scary moments all right. Too bad they pop up with almost clock like accuracy so you get numb to them.


In the first two games you felt vulnerable ...now you're a badass

I've lost count of the amount of times Isaac has been sent tumbling through the air, off a cliff, down a slope and dashed over some rocks only for him to immediately stand up, totally unphased and be on his merry way. It utterly shatters any kind of illusion of vulnerability or frailty and murders any sense of fear. Why should I fear for the safety of a man who can fall 30ft onto his head and barely even notice it's happened?

And speaking of Isaac's startling lack of awareness of his surroundings, I distinctly remember a moment with a suddenly falling elevator... while Isaac stands stock still, evidently not giving a shit. He's either brain dead from all the high falls or he's as bored of these tired scares as I am.


I find it corny that Issac puts his first suit on like he's changing boxer shorts, but every new suit that follows requires a mellow dramatic cut scene, followed by Issac cracking his neck like a bad ass.

There's nothing rewarding about getting new suits in this one. I miss the days of earning them.
Not to mention the new suits are mostly hideous compared to DS1 and DS2's suits.


The key element that DS3 is missing is space madness. Without it we may as well play Resident Evil 6 instead.

Eh, I disagree. The hallucinations were annoying and hardly scary so I'm glad they got rid of that. Plus, having them again will be a step back on Isaac's character development.

No, the problem with DS3 is mostly the lack of atmosphere. I get that they're trying to replicate "THE THING" with Tau Volantis but the tension in that film came mostly from having several character distrusting each other. Also, the creature in the thing is far more disturbing than anything you encounter in Necromorphs. Deep Space is what Dead Space does best so the Tau Volantis part with its sunlight and ice just don't look as good IMO.

There's also the misuse of cut-scene. In a horror game like this, cut scene should be used as effectively as possible to actually convey the horror in question. Show how each Necromorph came about, make them fearsome. Just dropping you right bang into their face makes them just another random enemy #258 that you have to fight. Nothing special about them at all. Then there's the frequency. More isn't always better. Sometimes it's just more and in this case mean it's that annoying, pesky ugly you have to dispatch again and again.

I think there's also a bit of a downgrade in the graphic for some reason. Character design + environment design aren't as nice as they were in Dead Space 1/2. Take Isaac's design, for example. What happened to his face? That doesn't look like Gunner Wright at all. It looks like someone punch his face and it goes a bit mushy. Take a look at the comparison between the graphic in DS2 and DS3 when it comes to Issaac. Let's forget about Ellie because she's a lost case at this point.

Dead Space 2 (L) vs Dead Space 3 (R):


On a glance, they look similar especially if you just analyze element by element (nose, face shape, etc). But looking a bit more and you'll notice that his mouth is a bit wonky in DS3 and his eyes are different. Even his eyebrows no longer has the intensity of the ones in DS2. Overall, he just doesn't look as gritty as his appearance in DS2. I mean even a fan-render looks a lot closer to how he looked in DS2:

Can't wait for next-gen though so we can get closer to this (although probably never exactly look like this):

Not to mention the new suits are mostly hideous compared to DS1 and DS2's suits.

Yeah, the design of the suit are just awful. Too bulky. It's like they saw the comment about how the suits were too light in DS2 and went the opposite way too far to compensate for it. Thankfully there's the N7 suit so I'm wearing that most of the time.

def sim

Yeah but these games had memorable scary moments. I cared for all the characters, the kids who died, etc...

In Dead Space 3...there's nothing. You're just shooting monsters. Where are the videologs? Where are those scary locations?

In the first two games you felt vulnerable ...now you're a badass

Randy Pitchford approves.

The second definitely had the better cast. The first had two largely unimportant characters, which was for the best, and Nicole. It gave that feeling of isolation that's completely missing in the latest game. Whether or not it's scary isn't because of a lack of trying, it's because we've become accustomed to the cheap scares. The first one had the benefit of being fresh, but all it consists of are the same monster closets mixed with great sound design. A replay will highlight how mundane the horror factor is in that game.

As for Isaac being a badass, he has always been very capable. Weapons were more effective from the start and stasis was the free get out of jail card in the first two games.


I replayed the first last year, the second one just two weeks ago, and maybe I'm crazy here, but you just walked around and shot in those games too.
The difference here is that there's very little sense of atmosphere compared to the first two games. Dead Space 3 is missing moments like in Dead Space 2 where you encounter Stalkers for the first time and you hear nothing but their chirps, wondering what the fuck is making that noise. There's no tinge of madness or a sense of dread at the fucked up situation at hand. The only chapter in DS3 that recaptured what made the previous DS games great is Chapter 9. Finding out about the Feeders was really the only truly memorable moment in the game for me.


Trying to fight the urge to jump into the series with this one, playing in the wrong order like I did with the Gears of War series. I know it's not as "scary" as the others but I dunno, I guess I kinda dig the Thing similarities. With that said, I actually own 1 and 2 (got them cheap a while ago, kind of a pussy and expect them to scare me at least initially) so by the time I get through them I bet this one's cheaper.
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