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December 2014 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes January 13th

I never asked for Abdiel to be banned? Are you kidding me? So people that work in retail aren't aloud to talk to each other about numbers / shipments anymore when THEY are the ones who openly bring them up?

Alright GAF thats it then. No more NPD or numbers from me again. I decided I'd talk a bit about it after the shit that went down last month but basically every thread I try to discuss this stuff in turns into everyone bash Shogun when I'm trying to add discussion to the community but frankly fuck it,it doesn't feel like its appreciated at all.

I'll still post about some stuff but numbers talk for me is done.

Spoken like a true Shogun.

You aren't being bashed for your numbers, they are liked and appreciated. It's the confrontational way you talk to some of the other Amiga owners people are having a problem with.

And fuck! It looks like we lost the shogun. Thank you very much guys :/

and we could just as easily lose Abdiel and Fehyd for no good reason at all if they can't post their numbers without being called useless lol.

On Demand

I never asked for Abdiel to be banned? Are you kidding me? So people that work in retail aren't aloud to talk to each other about numbers / shipments anymore when THEY are the ones who openly bring them up?

Alright GAF thats it then. No more NPD or numbers from me again. I decided I'd talk a bit about it after the shit that went down last month but basically every thread I try to discuss this stuff in turns into everyone bash Shogun when I'm trying to add discussion to the community but frankly fuck it,it doesn't feel like its appreciated at all.

I'll still post about some stuff but numbers talk for me is done.

I'm pretty sure it was you. Something along the lines of-- this is why i don't get why he said they were close. It wasn't like that at my store--- then went on to ridicule his info. If i have you wrong then i apologize.

Still though, you didn't have to respond to Fehyd's post like that. He has numbers sitting right in front of him just as you do. I don't get how you came to the conclusion his company is poor at stock managment and PS4's should be easy to get. Maby for your store it is.

You're cool dude but sometimes you come off as your info is better than everyone else's.
There was no need for everyone to group up on The Shogun. All he was doing was expressing how things were from his perspective. There is nothing wrong with discussion of how their experiences varied.

If you're offended by the word choice then that's fine(I saw no problem with it), but saying that The Shogun thinks he's "better" than anyone else is ridiculous and unfounded. I don't see how he gave off that impression at all.
Spoken like a true Shogun.

You aren't being bashed for your numbers, they are liked and appreciated. It's the confrontational way you talk to some of the other Amiga owners people are having a problem with.

I'm pretty sure it was you. Something along the lines of-- this is why i don't get why he said they were close. It wasn't like that at my store--- then went on to ridicule his info. If i have you wrong then i apologize.

Still though, you didn't have to respond to Fehyd's post like that. He has numbers sitting right in front of him just as you do. I don't get how you came to the conclusion his company is poor at stock managment and PS4's should be easy to get. Maby for your store it is.

You're cool dude but sometimes you come off as your info is better than everyone else's.

Yeah my tone may be sounding a little dickish and I apologize. I did openly disagree with Abdiels numbers you have that 100% right, but I didn't want him banned. I dont want anyone banned that would suck as GAF is an awesome place to talk.

Again I can be wrong, I'm not the worlds greatest insider with all the info ever. I'm just a regular person like anyone else. As I said the numbers game is certainly more stressful business and why I'm going to not be in these threads anymore. Not because of anyone here's fault or anything but because it simply isn't worth it. You'll still see me around GAF plenty though and no hard feeling to anyone.

Again I apologize and this is the last of my off topic posts, thanks guys and gals.


lawl popcorn.gif up in here.


Can't wait for Thursday.
I'm pretty sure it was you. Something along the lines of-- this is why i don't get why he said they were close. It wasn't like that at my store--- then went on to ridicule his info. If i have you wrong then i apologize.

Still though, you didn't have to respond to Fehyd's post like that. He has numbers sitting right in front of him just as you do. I don't get how you came to the conclusion his company is poor at stock managment and PS4's should be easy to get. Maby for your store it is.

You're cool dude but sometimes you come off as your info is better than everyone else's.

You're remembering right.

Yeah my tone may be sounding a little dickish and I apologize. I did openly disagree with Abdiels numbers you have that 100% right, but I didn't want him banned. I dont want anyone banned that would suck as GAF is an awesome place to talk.

Again I can be wrong, I'm not the worlds greatest insider with all the info ever. I'm just a regular person like anyone else. As I said the numbers game is certainly more stressful business and why I'm going to not be in these threads anymore. Not because of anyone here's fault or anything but because it simply isn't worth it. You'll still see me around GAF plenty though and no hard feeling to anyone.

Again I apologize and this is the last of my off topic posts, thanks guys and gals.

I've removed the quotes from last month, there's no point. Look, your numbers are appreciated very much, so please carry on with your input, don't leave the sales threads because of this. Sometimes you get pulled for stuff. You haven't done too bad with this though, look at what the Artisan is going through (and I apologised to him, I don't know what's going on but he's a hell of an act if he's not genuine - and he does seem genuine to me after some private chats).

Sorry for pouncing on you man.
I imagine it's a very, very hard problem to solve, since you not only need to anticipate demand, but also manage shipping flows throughout the country and place orders ahead of time.

Yep... component lead times, good production and packout lead times, consumer sales, pricing & promotion, etc etc. Some orgs call it a "flow balance" as you're trying to balance out all of the factors that impact sales.

When one forecasts this stuff, you're trying to thread the needle. You want to have enough, but not too much, components on hand, final goods being produced, goods in transit, goods in retail warehouses and goods on shelves. Have too little and you miss consumer sales. Have too much and prices are forced down, killing profitability.

But when something goes screwy, things get difficult. Consumer demand for the new boxes has been stronger than previous cycles. That caused some shortages for PS4 early, for example. But then you have to be careful... ramp production too much and exceed consumer demand... well then you have unhappy retailers and increased inventory carrying costs, forcing price cuts through promotion or MSRP changes.

Like with economic or finance forecasting, though, "bad" is relative to the rest of the industry, no?

Yep. Like Pachter says all the time, you want to be right on the summation of the entire business. If you're forecasting, and in total your forecast error is 10% or something, then you're golden. The individual components of that forecast will show a wide range of forecast error. It happens. But if you're really terrible at forecasting, and your combined forecast error is 20% or more, well, you need a new forecasting group.



Hey it sounded like you didn't believe the guy and questioning the way the store runs business. The same way you called out Abidel about his stores sales of PS4 and XB1 for November. Even asking for him to be banned. Shit is not cool. You know your shit, he knows his. Same for everyone else with retail info.

Yep, it is really shitty. Also, Abdiel is longer here than Shogun.

On Demand

I've apologised to the Shogun via pm. I'd hate for him to leave the sales threads because of this. Sorry guys.

Yeah he didn't have to leave. It's just the way he responds to other members with retail info.

Well that escalated (and died down) quickly.

Some people really need to think before they type.

If this was for me. That goes both ways.

Yep, it is really shitty. Also, Abdiel is longer here than Shogun.

No longer here?

Miles X

Hey it sounded like you didn't believe the guy and questioning the way the store runs business. The same way you called out Abidel about his stores sales of PS4 and XB1 for November. Even asking for him to be banned. Shit is not cool. You know your shit, he knows his. Same for everyone else with retail info.

I won't question anyone bish checked (because it doesn't seem to be allowed) but why exactly does everything they say have to be taken as gospel exactly? You think people are incapable of applying their bias OR outright lying just because they've proven they work in retail (and I mean that is all they've proven).

Not pointing any fingers because I havn't seen anything suspect but yeah, don't have a go at shogun for his comments.
I won't question anyone bish checked (because it doesn't seem to be allowed) but why exactly does everything they say have to be taken as gospel exactly? You think people are incapable of applying their bias OR outright lying just because they've proven they work in retail (and I mean that is all they've proven).

Not pointing any fingers because I havn't seen anything suspect but yeah, don't have a go at shogun for his comments.

it's always a good thing to have a healthy amount of skepticism towards any channel check.

they're meant as data points to help guide predictions...not an end-all gospel. and there's loads of room to massage channel checks to fit a bias.

the "bish checked" thing only means that the person in question has been proven to work in retail and has access to retailer sell-through numbers to some degree.

it's not supposed to convey any more authority than that.

Miles X

it's always a good thing to have a healthy amount of skepticism towards any channel check.

they're meant as data points to help guide predictions...not an end-all gospel. and there's loads of room to massage channel checks to fit a bias.

the "bish checked" thing only means that the person in question has proven to work in retail and has access to retailer sell-through numbers to some degree.

it's not supposed to convey any more authority than that.

Yeah, I feel some think it does tho. I think we should be respectful when questioning anything that seems a bit off, but we shouldn't outright believe everything we're told.


Is it almost certain that Microsoft won this month?

Yeah, preatty much a forgone conclusion. Anything other than that would be an upset for sure...

it's always a good thing to have a healthy amount of skepticism towards any channel check.

they're meant as data points to help guide predictions...not an end-all gospel. and there's loads of room to massage channel checks to fit a bias.

the "bish checked" thing only means that the person in question has proven to work in retail and has access to retailer sell-through numbers to some degree.

it's not supposed to convey any more authority than that.

Word aqua.


no power, no authority, just plain old numbers. mine are a very small sample compared to, let's say, Abdiel's. I appreciate looking at the different retail outlets and how their sales look, then comparing them. You can get a good idea of how the market is looking from that, but in no way is it a grand total or fact to be preached. I mean, how many retail outlets are used to determine NPD?. Abdiel always takes the skeptical side with his numbers, as well as shogun, which is the right way to do it... Number are numbers though, so at least there is a level of prrof that they are not numbers pulled out of one's rectum.

Now, with NPD, did anyone else notice they now offer weekly reporting? How can we get our hands in that cookie jar?
Truthfact: All companies are pretty terrible at stock management these days. Every single retailer, 1st party and publisher is struggling with how to read and react to this market.
Just reading through the last few pages. But I cannot see such a huge problem. No one got spit at. If someone shares information that is not reflected by your own experience it is totally okay to question that as long as it doesn't become personal. Disagreement and discussion is essential. A bish sticker looks nice, but it is does not make invincible.



Maybe one day.

They could manage it if they wanted to.

It would make the monthly "victory" PR irrelevant, so it would ruin that fun for the companies. I guess they have to shout it from the mountains when you win....

dammit, I want the numbers weekly, lol...
It would make the monthly "victory" PR irrelevant, so it would ruin that fun for the companies. I guess they have to shout it from the mountains when you win....

Nah. It's very likely more about a particular retailer that excells during week 1 not wanting other retailers to be able to do the share math.

dammit, I want the numbers weekly, lol...

Most companies and retailers do as well.


Everything nowerdays happens in real-time with the speed of lightning, everywhere and whenever you want. Only the NPD takes it's time.
I find that nice, old-fashioned and classy.
Rock on NPD!


There have been whispers of hope for world peace as well, dammit NPD get with it; screw the whiny companies that do not want to share.

On Demand

I won't question anyone bish checked (because it doesn't seem to be allowed) but why exactly does everything they say have to be taken as gospel exactly?

It doesn't.

You think people are incapable of applying their bias OR outright lying just because they've proven they work in retail (and I mean that is all they've proven).

Of course not. Bias is there.

Not pointing any fingers because I havn't seen anything suspect but yeah, don't have a go at shogun for his comments.

Excuse me? What are you implying?

I wasn't having a go at shogun for his data if that's what you're thinking. Nobody was. His info is legit. Clearly. He has that tag for a reason. It's the way he takes otheres retail data and assumes things is what i have a problem with. That's it.

It's time to move pass this.

As member.

I didn't know he left. Was it because of last month?
Taking lots of money

There are ways of increasing revenues per pub, but there's been a significant decline in the number of companies publishing games in the last 5 years.

Did a graph:


If you want to talk about if the retail market is in trouble, here's a symptom. There are far fewer companies (around half) that see making video games on a disc is a good investment risk than there were just 5 years ago.
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