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DF- Devil May Cry 5 SE: PS5 vs Xbox Series X - The First Next-Gen Performance Face-Off


Likes moldy games
You doubt what? even in a bad looking game you need the ROPs unless you are using compute rendering
X has a slight advantage in all other modes and in the mode with less graphical effects it has random spikes down when not much is happening in those scenes in comparison to more demanding scenes in the same mode
. I doubt it and like you say your guessing.


Soooo.... who won?

Denial?, its you lot in denaial, cherry picking screen shots and acting like that screen is the norm ,and not just some werid bug in 1 room.
XSX is better in all 3 main modes, the 3 modes that will be used by the vast majority of people due to the need of 120hz tv's for the high framerate mode.
In fact take away the 120hz mode, which the vast majority of games wont have next gen, and its a clear slam dunk for XSX. And thats with this being a Japanese game where they have shown with Pro vs OneX that they always put the least effort in on Xbox.

1-0 to XSX
The cherry picking
would be when xsx dips to half of ps5 and say ps5 is better by 100% . No one is doing that. On average it was lower by 20% on frame mode

Denial?, its you lot in denial, cherry picking screen shots and acting like that screen is the norm ,and not just some werid bug in 1 room.
XSX is better in all 3 main modes, the 3 modes that will be used by the vast majority of people due to the need of 120hz tv's for the high framerate mode.
In fact take away the 120hz mode, which the vast majority of games wont have next gen, and its a clear slam dunk for XSX. And thats with this being a Japanese game where they have shown with Pro vs OneX that they always put the least effort in on Xbox.

1-0 to XSX

I'm just happy it isn't a massive difference. If it was it could make games really bad on the weaker platform. Since they appear similar (so far) we should expect almost the same experience from both. That's a good thing.


Why are you saying 20% worse frames when they said the average in both was 100fps, when the XSEX dips it dips harder. Where are you getting this 20% from?
High Frame-Rate Mode: This mode retains a 3840x2160 target resolution, but achieves it using image reconstruction techniques - effectively smart upscaling from a smaller native resolution. In fairness, Capcom's solution here is excellent and the increase to frame-rate is substantial. Across a range of content tested in this mode, both consoles delivered a 100fps average. However, the average does not tell the real story. Xbox retains an advantage in cutscenes and in some gameplay content, but again, the boost is typically small. Meanwhile, in many of the gameplay areas we tested, PS5 is significantly faster and more consistent that Series X overall. It's conjecture on our part, but there is the sense that there's a graphics API bottleneck here that impacts performance on the Xbox side in some scenarios, while PS5 simply powers on.

The average is equal because Xbox Series X have more solid and better framerate in the cutscenes.
It tanks in gameplay.
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Denial?, its you lot in denial, cherry picking screen shots and acting like that screen is the norm ,and not just some werid bug in 1 room.
XSX is better in all 3 main modes, the 3 modes that will be used by the vast majority of people due to the need of 120hz tv's for the high framerate mode.
In fact take away the 120hz mode, which the vast majority of games wont have next gen, and its a clear slam dunk for XSX. And thats with this being a Japanese game where they have shown with Pro vs OneX that they always put the least effort in on Xbox.

1-0 to XSX

'All 3 main modes' what so performance mode is not even a mode now?! Lol calm down fella. There will be a lot more of this to come this generation, with PS5 being 'ahead', it should only surprise those that fell for teraflops as a marketing tactic...
The cherry picking
would be when xsx dips to half of ps5 and say ps5 is better by 100% . No one is doing that. On average it was lower by 20% on frame mode

Just let this sink in...

Honestly, I doubt it’s the console’s fault. There’s clearly some power there... It must be an API thing or even the devs. (Why there’s two threads of the same thing??)


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I’m not getting it? Watch the video lol. In 4K mode the Xbox is often 20+ frames per second higher. That’s significant. If they drop the resolution on the ps5 to match the Xbox frame rate, that’s a significant thing too. It seems to be you that “doesn’t get it”.

It's not. The FPS is averaging under 10FPS. This is why Richard is saying its "punching above its weight."

You also must be comparing the frame-rate at the exact same time when you have to compare the frame-rate WHEN the most demanding scenes start.

When the building breaks, the PS5 drops to 75-79fps while the Xbox Series X drops to 81-84fps

During that same scene when there's a lot of effects on screen, the PS5 drops to 46fps. The XsX drops to 62fps. Of course, there's a lot more fog on screen on the PS5 so it's not really a like for like comparison.

The fight scene is averaging within 10fps and its not "often 20fps+" higher in Native 4K mode. That is a flat out lie.

What you're not getting is that the PS5 is NOT expected to be this close while having the same graphical settings.


Haha, this is a massive win for Sony, the far weaker machine is punching well above its weight, where are those massive differences.

Not only that you get to have the added advantages of sony's new controller, there ssd and sound engine.

This is not what xbox fans wanted lol, it shows the ps5 is the better-engineered machine by far.

And this is only the start, wheres that crow, its time to start eating


Yeap 120Hz TVs are so common that ever after the end of this new generation probably over 90% of PS5 users won't have one.
Didn’t say they where just pointing out where you said 120Hz is useless when it’s obviously not.
I hook up my consoles to a computer monitor that does and more newer TV’s will have support for 120Hz looking ahead.
Where did you get this theoretical idea that over 90% of users won’t have one ? Your not very convincing and if anything it’s a good option to have rather than not have.
High Frame-Rate Mode: This mode retains a 3840x2160 target resolution, but achieves it using image reconstruction techniques - effectively smart upscaling from a smaller native resolution. In fairness, Capcom's solution here is excellent and the increase to frame-rate is substantial. Across a range of content tested in this mode, both consoles delivered a 100fps average. However, the average does not tell the real story. Xbox retains an advantage in cutscenes and in some gameplay content, but again, the boost is typically small. Meanwhile, in many of the gameplay areas we tested, PS5 is significantly faster and more consistent that Series X overall. It's conjecture on our part, but there is the sense that there's a graphics API bottleneck here that impacts performance on the Xbox side in some scenarios, while PS5 simply powers on.

The average is equal because Xbox Series X have more solid and better framerate in the cutscenes.
It tanks in gameplay.
Again it doesn't say 20% anywhere, where did that number come from?


Remember this diagram guys, when comparing games now and near future.

Sony devkits are built to quickly tapped into the system power, and are more matured ahead of Xbox. 1+1 = 2 for Sony atm


Lmao SO IT BEGINS, thank me later for warning everyone on this forum, more to come.

Ps5 is a CUSTOM MONSTER, wait to see 1st Party games using the GE.


'All 3 main modes' what so performance mode is not even a mode now?! Lol calm down fella. There will be a lot more of this to come this generation, with PS5 being 'ahead', it should only surprise those that fell for teraflops as a marketing tactic...
A lot more to come of games being beter on XSX, i dont doubt it.
Dont cherry pick stuff, say it how it is, and everything will be all good. Just like how yesterday i said i'd pick the PS5 version of Valhalla based on that video comparison.


It's not. The FPS is averaging under 10FPS. This is why Richard is saying its "punching above its weight."

You also must be comparing the frame-rate at the exact same time when you have to compare the frame-rate WHEN the most demanding scenes start.

When the building breaks, the PS5 drops to 75-79fps while the Xbox Series X drops to 81-84fps

During that same scene when there's a lot of effects on screen, the PS5 drops to 46fps. The XsX drops to 62fps. Of course, there's a lot more fog on screen on the PS5 so it's not really a like for like comparison.

The fight scene is averaging within 10fps and its not "often 20fps+" higher in Native 4K mode. That is a flat out lie.

What you're not getting is that the PS5 is NOT expected to be this close while having the same graphical settings.
Do you know how averages work?

Look at the graph at 3:49 for example. Biiig stretches of significant FPS difference.
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Exactly what I expected. SX is ahead, but it's closer than most were thinking. It generally will be in the 10% difference range, at least that's what I'm guessing.

Which is actually a great results for the PS5 if you are ok with the digital version. 100 bucks cheaper while being very close performance wise.

I'm guessing even the 500$ version is still a great buy. The console is very efficient and has a great controller. Even if you bought one over the X I don't think you should feel bad about the power difference if they are that close.


Article with overall impression from all modes.

Normal mode: Xbox with very small advantage (around 5-8%?)
High framerate mode: PS5 with huge advantage
Ray-tracing performance mode: tie
Ray-tracing quality mode: Xbox very very small advantage even lower than Normal mode (around 2-3%?)

Overall conclusion: In the meantime, the results seen here in the cross-platform comparison are fascinating. In terms of correlating on-paper specs to the actual experience on-screen, PlayStation 5 is either punching above its weight, or Xbox Series X isn't delivering on the full potential promised by a bigger silicon investment and a much more substantial memory interface. It'll be interesting to see to what extent the results seen here extend to other titles, and we'll be reporting on that as soon as other games are available.

PS5 again shocking the non believers... on machines shows better results than paper specs while another below paper specs? I did not called it before launch... never.

I suggest all the xbox fans who have been bragging about the 'power gap' read that quote and take it in and think back to what we told you in the next gen thread for months.

PS5 performs above its paper specs.

It's exactly what was said in dev leaks ages ago both very close with their own advantages.


Why is everybody bringing their big dick denial power to this thread? It's a poorly optimized game in both platforms, with performance fluctuations that would make the Bering Sea cry of shame. Whoever is looking for that massive performance difference they were expecting will not find it, and whoever was expecting this is definite proof the PS5 is exactly the same will also not find it.

Save your swords for other games further down the line that show more consistent performance (even within the same system) before you start dealing in absolutes.


X has a slight advantage in all other modes and in the mode with less graphical effects it has random spikes down when not much is happening in those scenes in comparison to more demanding scenes in the same mode
. I doubt it and like you say your guessing.
I'm not guessing about the ROPS advantage on PS5


Everybody losing seems to have gotten everyone to be alot more civil.
Im liking this version of NeoGAF alot more.

If you are playing this on Xbox prepatch lock it to 60 for the best experience in all modes........not even VRR can save jumps like that.
If you are playing this on PS5 prepatch......lock it to 60 and get down to business and dont worry about the Xbox advantage its negligible.

PS5 can't be locked to 60 if you have a 120 FPS screen. Which is John's issue
Two days ago you were telling us nobody has a 4k/120hz TV so such a mode is irrelevant.

Interesting how your narrative has evolved.

I never said any such thing, you are confusing me with someone else.

A lot more to come of games being beter on XSX, i dont doubt it.
Dont cherry pick stuff, say it how it is, and everything will be all good. Just like how yesterday i said i'd pick the PS5 version of Valhalla based on that video comparison.

AC: Valhalla will be an interesting comparison for sure, hold on to yer butt cheeks it could go either way :messenger_savoring:
I suggest all the xbox fans who have been bragging about the 'power gap' read that quote and take it in and think back to what we told you in the next gen thread for months.

PS5 performs above its paper specs.

It's exactly what was said in dev leaks ages ago both very close with their own advantages.

It's the first little bit of vindication of many to come, Cerny weren't fucking around when he talked about removing bottlenecks.


i was expecting Ps5 to match SX in almost everything but crush it? WOW

Now what a turn of events lmao
How does it crush it ? Ps5 is underperforming with RT on , and only has a real advantage at 120 hz which almost no users have TVs for! Why would you ever use 120 frames if you can have 4K / 60???
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You call it "faulty API", I call it "Capcom is a Sony partner that not only releases exclusive content for them (Street Fighter V, Resident Evil 7 VR), it has historically put more effort on optimizing for their previous gen console.
I call Capcom a Nintendo partner, right after they betrayed PSP. "lollipop_disappointed:


Gold Member
Pretty much same on both.

Some frame dips on one and not the other dependant on mode.

All in all who cares.

Both platforms will perform pretty much identically.

Only childish fan boys will care for the difference.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
PS5 can't be locked to 60 if you have a 120 FPS screen. Which is John's issue

What do you mean?
There is no option in the settings menu to output at 60Hz?
Rather have a perfectly smooth experience than the fps bouncing around esp without VRR.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Damn, Xbox fans and Sony fans are having a hard time today.

Double negatives are making this thread a lot more civil than one would expect.

Im actually hoping for more of this so people will just chill out and stop sniping each other.

XSX has an advantage here pretty much equal to its TF advantage.
PS5 loads faster by just under its throughput advantage.
So everyone is on the chill because everyone is winning by about what they expected to win by.
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