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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)

His only purpose is for First turn in battles and speed boosts. Beyond that I tend to swap him out, he's really not much of a damage dealer.
i just remember a dlc mission with Rina Shinomiya where i'm supposed to fight this mothafucker and he goes 10 times in a row. fuck this guy
I bought the game, not knowing exactly what I was getting into.
I like the idea of digivolving and de-digivolving. It makes the game more like SMT/Persona than Pokémon. No controllable camera is a bit awkward at first.

I've played for 4 hours only for now, but does the game picks up soon story and gameplay wise ?
I'm finding the game too easy now, should I play it on hard from the beginning ?
Also, what should I know before going further ?

Gameplay doesn't really get harder until the DLC and endgame missions, so feel free to bump it to hard. Digivolving is always fun, though.
Story gets really good at about halfway, but your a bit off from that still.


i just remember a dlc mission with Rina Shinomiya where i'm supposed to fight this mothafucker and he goes 10 times in a row. fuck this guy

Yeah that was pretty ridiculous really, especially considering it was the very first of the Great Challenges and, in my opinion, the very hardest of them all.


Is it me or the (DLC case)
second Lucemon form
is absolutely broken? What the actual fuck is that fight? It's the third time I try beating him but it gets impossible to keep fighting after a while.


Is it me or the (DLC case)
second Lucemon form
is absolutely broken? What the actual fuck is that fight? It's the third time I try beating him but it gets impossible to keep fighting after a while.
I gave up on that in the end, just couldn't get through the second form and from what I read the third form afterwards is even harder.
Just beat the game earlier this morning. It was a solid game that will has some really neat elements that could be greatly expanded upon in a sequel. This was my first Digimon game, so I'm just going to rant about the game a little. Sorry.

Collecting, digivolving, and training digimon is by far the most fun part of the game. It's been years since I kept up with the digimon universe, so it was exciting to see what some of the digimon would evolve into. There's some really cool designs, though I feel like the franchise plays too heavy on the digimon becoming more anthropomorphic as they go up the digivoltion chain; Some of them still look really great, where as other just look like people in crazy armor.

The characters and story was pleasing enough, though I definitely messed up and chose the male protagonist. There's a fun story and world in the game, but it's unfortunately bogged down by walls and walls of text that are often poorly localized or completely irrelevant.The whole detective aspect really reeled me in early on; I had a lot of fun solving cases and actively wanted to have my digimon investigate to see what new cases would arise. This enthusiasm unfortunately waned as I got further into the game. Even beside the randomly generated ones, the majority of cases don't have you going to new locations or doing anything you haven't already done outside the main quest. Granted these quests expand upon the world and some even flesh out important characters in the game, but I found myself losing motivation to take on new cases because most of them go no where. It's unfortunate, as there's really room for variety in the case structure that the game just doesn't capitalize on.

Which in lies my biggest complaint of the game: its repetition. The game is content having you do the same mission structure over and over. It's either "Go to point A and talk to X" or "Go to Point A and battle X". This wouldn't be as huge of an issue if he game didn't repeat locations so often; Some later dungeons are literally the same dungeons you progressed through earlier on. The last quarter of the game ramps up and offers some unique locations, but by the 30 hour mark it's a little too late. Likewise, the battle system becomes routine way too quick. There's not the greatest room for customization once you pick your digimon in terms of moves and abilities. Also, the game undeniably pushes you to digivolve into more advance forms; it gives you the option to keep lower tier digimon, but you have almost zero incentive for focusing on a lower class digimon as opposed to a more evolved one. Battles then become the victim of spamming your best character and loading up your heaviest digimon for battle. I could have used multiple teams, but it was just more simple to keep spamming Wargreymon's strongest move that dealt massive damage regardless of types.

Regardless of those flaws, I had a fun time with the game. It was really satisfying seeing certain characters go from their base form to a dominating monster capable of beating any of the bosses in the game and I even started to like some of the main cast. I'd love to see the franchise ditch the persona-esque mix of real world vs. battle world in lieu of something more imaginative and set in the digital world. Then again, maybe that's what other games in the franchise do. I have no idea.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The Digimon video-game franchise is actually fairly unique and diverse---there's a ton of different styles they've used over the years, though recently starting with Digimon Re:Digitize they have gone for a more uniform Persona-esque style and I can't say I'm that much of a fan of it. I remember the original World series for the PlayStation basically went with a different genre for each game, as well as changing up the art, and that was pretty neat.

I honestly would love to see the next Digimon game have high-quality graphics that seek to mimic the style and designs of the original anime, especially since I feel the Digimon themselves pretty much look like they were pulled from the show. And also I'd like to see a return to younger protagonists as that's what I think of when it comes to Digimon, like I said the strength of Digimon for me has always been mixing that cuteness with more adult elements but this game seems like it does the opposite almost---it wants to be more adult yet is at its core about raising silly monsters with a pretty weak and generic plot I've mostly been skipping through to get back to raising my Digimon.

If you want an amazing Digimon videogame experience, find a copy of Digimon World for the PS1 if you can---it's still the best and the most imaginative. Don't settle for Re:Digitize, it takes all the fun out of the original imo.

So far I've been using the classic trio of Ikkakumon, Birdramon, and Kabuterimon, but now I realize I should probably diversify a bit since they're all Vaccine---gonna keep Bidramon (now Garudamon) since she's my favorite for my Vaccine, I'm thinking of MegaSeadramon for my Data, and I'm still raising my Digimon to find a cool Virus to use.


I'm still raising my Digimon to find a cool Virus to use.
Best anti eater digi for half the game

His special always does 200


Then lilith for the second half


Already got the Vita (well, pstv in my case) version, but stopped playing around chapter 6 or 7 due to other stuff coming in the way. It was fun, though. Ps4 version worth getting for 25 euros? Vita version looked kinda terrible on a big TV so higher resolution miiight be enough, but does the ps4 version have anything else to offer other than a bunch of more Ps vs the Vita version?


Already got the Vita (well, pstv in my case) version, but stopped playing around chapter 6 or 7 due to other stuff coming in the way. It was fun, though. Ps4 version worth getting for 25 euros? Vita version looked kinda terrible on a big TV so higher resolution miiight be enough, but does the ps4 version have anything else to offer other than a bunch of more Ps vs the Vita version?

Apparently it's also 60FPS.
So I just bought the Vita version in the sale but I remember hearing there are some missing sidequests and voiceovers. Did this get fixed or are those problems still present?


Found a pretty good spot to level up Champions in Chapter 4. 5 hours later I have a farm filled with Ultimate's, most already trained ready for their Mega forms. The rest of my Champions (many of which I've already dig then de-digivolved) are now just rotated in and out till their ready to digivolve. Have I just broke the game haha?
So I just bought the Vita version in the sale but I remember hearing there are some missing sidequests and voiceovers. Did this get fixed or are those problems still present?


Found a pretty good spot to level up Champions in Chapter 4. 5 hours later I have a farm filled with Ultimate's, most already trained ready for their Mega forms. The rest of my Champions (many of which I've already dig then de-digivolved) are now just rotated in and out till their ready to digivolve. Have I just broke the game haha?

IT's pretty easy to do this in any RPG, just have a team which you don't grind as much and it'll stay challenging. That's partly why they put the party memory limit in.

Already got the Vita (well, pstv in my case) version, but stopped playing around chapter 6 or 7 due to other stuff coming in the way. It was fun, though. Ps4 version worth getting for 25 euros? Vita version looked kinda terrible on a big TV so higher resolution miiight be enough, but does the ps4 version have anything else to offer other than a bunch of more Ps vs the Vita version?

Smoother frame rate+ better Anti alaising I think.


For the people who bought this game in the EU Sale: Were you guys able to download the day one/pre-order dlc? Because in the description it says they are included, but iam not sure. I want to own the game digital too.


I do not know how to defeat Lucemon and Belphemon's secondary mode. It makes me sad. I don't want to finish the game without beating them.

I can go back and get ALL medals on NG+, right?
If you want an amazing Digimon videogame experience, find a copy of Digimon World for the PS1 if you can---it's still the best and the most imaginative. Don't settle for Re:Digitize, it takes all the fun out of the original imo.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Funnily enough, I've actually watched an incredibly extensive Let's Play on Digimon World, and I find it to be one of the most fascinating games ever. I have absolutely no desire to play it, but I find it really cool and interesting to watch and learn more about. The world is just super fascinating and has all sorts of unique puzzles that don't follow normal conventions, that I can't imagine it was an easy game to progress through for people without a guide (for which apparently the game has terrible ones that differ depending on who you ask or where you go. That's without even mentioning the whole death cycle, care mistake aspects, and difficulty spikes.

I would lose my will to go on the 2nd time my digimon died, so that's why I instead watch other people lose their mind doing it. It's the perfect Let's Play game for me.
Well, this thread picked up a bit all of a sudden. Thank you EU sale!

Devimon's too edgy for me, literally the devil and all.

This reminds me that Daemon is Creepymon in this... blah...

Kids can handle devils but not demons.

Oh, well the edges are less noticeable at least.

Yeah, I thought that there was anti-aliasing before it came out because the characters look a bit smoother on PS4. I think the higher resolution does it.
Do they not get instakilled or affected by statuses for some reason?

Your others do - Jesmon doesn't, but using revival sprays is enough. I did it with just Jesmon and everyone else just defended and stayed dead, just incase Jesmon died(which he didn't IIRC). I may have been lucky, but Jesmon's skill lets him survive until next turn which you can just keep repeating. I thought the fight was kinda fun since I went into it blind. Lilithmon on the other hand almost demolished me and it was like a 20min long fight, would've been so much easier with status barrier.

No, they're more noticeable from an IQ standpoint.
The pixel density of the Vita screen almost makes AA useless for native res games.

I would've agreed for alot of other vita games, but for this it was noticeable.

Yeah, I thought that there was anti-aliasing before it came out because the characters look a bit smoother on PS4. I think the higher resolution does it.

Yeah probably.
Really tempted by the current psn sale but I'm wondering if there's a chance it might come to PC.

Doesn't seem very likely atm, but publishers have been porting alot of JRPG's to pc recently, danganronpa got one after like 2 years.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Funnily enough, I've actually watched an incredibly extensive Let's Play on Digimon World, and I find it to be one of the most fascinating games ever. I have absolutely no desire to play it, but I find it really cool and interesting to watch and learn more about. The world is just super fascinating and has all sorts of unique puzzles that don't follow normal conventions, that I can't imagine it was an easy game to progress through for people without a guide (for which apparently the game has terrible ones that differ depending on who you ask or where you go. That's without even mentioning the whole death cycle, care mistake aspects, and difficulty spikes.

I would lose my will to go on the 2nd time my digimon died, so that's why I instead watch other people lose their mind doing it. It's the perfect Let's Play game for me.

That was why the game was so awesome, you literally had to be prepared and anything could happen, there were events after you hit certain checkpoints etc. The game was brutal at times, but so were alot of other JRPG's at the time. The fact it was on PS1 though and had so much content is one of the best things about it. You definitely needed a Digivolution guide though - I had one from a gaming magazine, the thing is literally falling apart from how much me abnd my brother used it. A playthrough guide was only really needed if you didn't want to explore or didn't follow the story or speak to yuramon.

EDIT - I suck at mobile.
Hnng each time I play this game it's like I'm expecting some kind of Press Turn system à la SMT.

Did a few sidequests for now. It's a bit of shame that the combat system amounts to only "use the weakness to do more damage" and not something more. Oh well.


I've been following the thread a little. I have a hunch about... stuff, but for someone that hasn't played any Digimon games since the PS1 games and don't actually know much about Digimon in general, will I be able to go through the main story without thinking much about how I set up my team? (Obviously, I will figure some stuff out as I go.)

I want to boot this up tomorrow.
I've been following the thread a little. I have a hunch about... stuff, but for someone that hasn't played any Digimon games since the PS1 games and don't actually know much about Digimon in general, will I be able to go through the main story without thinking much about how I set up my team? (Obviously, I will figure some stuff out as I go.)

I want to boot this up tomorrow.

No prior knowledge is needed before getting into the game. Everything you need to know about the battle system is taught to you.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You won't know what Digimon you'll be evolving them into unless you've encountered them beforehand, fans will be able to figure out based on the silhouettes and canon lines, but that isn't really a deal-breaker and will make things more exciting.

Though as a Digimon fan myself I've been mistaken when looking at the silhouettes too---like thinking I was evolving into Garudamon only for it to be AeroV-Dramon.


Beat the game at 48 hours. It was a pretty great ride. The remaining quests should make the game about 50 hours worth, which is pretty good for a JRPG these days. The final boss was pretty hilarious, especially with totally overpowered Digimon. The funniest part is that at the very end, one of the wings revived and I swapped in a full party that was weak against the core just to take out that wing again, but the wing bugged the entire party, and I took the change to go all in on the core instead with Lilithmon while bugged... lol. Finished him in a single turn.


10 ultimates with no farm goods, is that okay for black agumon's case?
I've been trying for hours with 3 full farms and I still didn't get it.

I got blue metalgreymon probably 5 times already.

Edit: Obviously, I get it as soon as I post about it after like 2 total hours of save scumming.


10 ultimates with no farm goods, is that okay for black agumon's case?
I've been trying for hours with 3 full farms and I still didn't get it.

I got blue metalgreymon probably 5 times already.

Edit: Obviously, I get it as soon as I post about it after like 2 total hours of save scumming.

I'm not sure I understand how the savescum thing works. Do you just save right before the timer hits, wait for the timer to hit, check it, and reload if it's not the right case?
I'm not sure I understand how the savescum thing works. Do you just save right before the timer hits, wait for the timer to hit, check it, and reload if it's not the right case?
That's exactly it. The results are calculated when the timer ends so resetting like that will get you different results each time much faster than waiting the entire countdown.
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