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Divinity: OS - EE |OT| No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


Thanks for answers! Is it safe to say the combat is similar to kotor and dragonage? I enjoyed those games.
It's closer to those but those are still realtime games that allow you to pause at any time and issue new orders. Original Sin is turn-based. You move one character at a time.

While they're hard to directly compare, I'd say that Original Sin's combat allows for more interesting decisions than KOTOR or Dragon Age. You should watch a gameplay video in any case.


Really glad I waited to dive into this until the enhanced version came out. I'm having way too much fun murdering everything with wands.


Ah, maybe I didn't try bracers. I did try helmet, boots and chest. What I read though was that those worked on multiple types of gear, not just gloves. Maybe they changed it, or it can't be gear that already has resists?

Oh yeah, can't add resists to resists. In terms of bracers (for example) what I look for is +primary skill, +2 initiative. Then I enhance it with a ruby for elemental resists.

Anyone else here play on Tactical? That first fight in the pirate cove. Man that blindsided the shit out of me. Super amounts of fun.
Thanks for answers! Is it safe to say the combat is similar to kotor and dragonage? I enjoyed those games.

It is closer to the old school fallout titles and wasteland. There is also a lot more to the game outside of combat, when exploring the world with traps or walking around town interacting with people and merchants and the environment.


Lol, I am just super terrible at this game!, I am getting annihilated!.

I tried to kill the lighthouse guardian and his cronies at Lvl4, got whooped numerous times, so decided to go the other way, came across a group of archers, priests and swordsman, got whooped.

I am just rubbish!.


Lol, I am just super terrible at this game!, I am getting annihilated!.

I tried to kill the lighthouse guardian and his cronies at Lvl4, got whooped numerous times, so decided to go the other way, came across a group of archers, priests and swordsman, got whooped.

I am just rubbish!.

The Lighthouse Guardian fight is meant for level 5+. The other fight you mentioned is a pretty hairy ambush. It's the one on the hill, right? That one's rough when you get caught blind.

Best tip I can give for new people is to figure out the game's systems, and utilize them to full effect. That's a very broad piece of advice, but once you know the mechanics/what's possible the game really opens up strategically.

For example, set up your party in a defensive spot, send out one of your characters with a pyramid to trigger the hill ambush, then use the pyramid to teleport back to the rest of your party. Now the ambush has been reversed, and the enemy has to come at you.


Is there a sure-fire way of spawning that book that the Orc librarian (Victoria) is supposed to sell? Trying to get into Boreas' treasure room, but no luck without that book I guess.

I know the latest PC patch notes mention the issue, but still...


The Lighthouse Guardian fight is meant for level 5+. The other fight you mentioned is a pretty hairy ambush. It's the one on the hill, right? That one's rough when you get caught blind.

Best tip I can give for new people is to figure out the game's systems, and utilize them to full effect. That's a very broad piece of advice, but once you know the mechanics/what's possible the game really opens up strategically.

For example, set up your party in a defensive spot, send out one of your characters with a pyramid to trigger the hill ambush, then use the pyramid to teleport back to the rest of your party. Now the ambush has been reversed, and the enemy has to come at you.

Yup, that's the one!

Yes, I feel like I am struggling with the mechanics a bit, there is a lot to get your head around, that and the fact that the only way to revive downed companions is by scrolls, that when I run out I have to trek back to town to buy stunts my progress somewhat.

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep trying!.

On another note, the flee mechanic, hows does that work?, only my main character flees leaving the rest of the party in battle.
How do status effects applied by clouds/puddles work? So for example, I hit someone with a elemental arrow. They're instantly tagged with the effect for 2 turns and a cloud or puddle is formed. If they don't move out of the cloud/puddle will they keep getting re 'infected'? When is the damage applied, at the beginning or end of the turn?

I've also noticed I take immediate damage if I walk through a puddle/cloud.

I've noticed some weirdness around this. AI is standing in fire, hit them with a poison arrow forming a cloud. Nothing explodes. I then walk into the cloud, and set to burning by the fire puddle and only then does the poison cloud explode!
Is there a sure-fire way of spawning that book that the Orc librarian (Victoria) is supposed to sell? Trying to get into Boreas' treasure room, but no luck without that book I guess.

I know the latest PC patch notes mention the issue, but still...

Well after the patch I would assume leveling would make it spawn. The book is only for opening a normal chest in it though, not for entering.

If your problem is the blue field, there's a statue on the right wall in boreas room you have to talk to.

How do status effects applied by clouds/puddles work? So for example, I hit someone with a elemental arrow. They're instantly tagged with the effect for 2 turns and a cloud or puddle is formed. If they don't move out of the cloud/puddle will they keep getting re 'infected'? When is the damage applied, at the beginning or end of the turn?

I've also noticed I take immediate damage if I walk through a puddle/cloud.

I've noticed some weirdness around this. AI is standing in fire, hit them with a poison arrow forming a cloud. Nothing explodes. I then walk into the cloud, and set to burning by the fire puddle and only then does the poison cloud explode!

Clouds don't explode if the only source of fire is on the ground, they're like separate height or whatever. If however any other source of fire enters the cloud, such as another fire projectile or a unit that's burning, then it'll explode. Also walking into poison or fire will deal direct damage per step in the surface and reapply the proper effect. Burning/Poison effects are applied at the start of the turn of the entity that applied them, so for example if you shoot an arrow that burns enemies, then the next time your archer plays, the damage is applied right as he starts(well first enemies roll again for bodybuilding, and will remove the effect if they succeed). If they move into a surface that applies the effect, then the damage is applied at the start of their turn. Also pretty sure those overwrite the direct applications, so if you poison an enemy, then it walks in a surface and fail a roll, it'll now take dmg at the start of its turn rather than at the start of your archer turn(or whoever applied the original poison).


How do status effects applied by clouds/puddles work? So for example, I hit someone with a elemental arrow. They're instantly tagged with the effect for 2 turns and a cloud or puddle is formed. If they don't move out of the cloud/puddle will they keep getting re 'infected'? When is the damage applied, at the beginning or end of the turn?

I've also noticed I take immediate damage if I walk through a puddle/cloud.

I've noticed some weirdness around this. AI is standing in fire, hit them with a poison arrow forming a cloud. Nothing explodes. I then walk into the cloud, and set to burning by the fire puddle and only then does the poison cloud explode!

Hitting someone with an element has a chance of applying the effect. It's not 100%.

Standing in an effect does not do continuous damage. Standing in an effect makes you save vs the status every round. So standing in fire doesn't do fire damage. Standing in fire makes you save against the Burning status every round. The Burning status does the damage. If you keep making the save you don't take any damage as long as you stand still.

Moving through the effect does damage, depending on the effect, in addition to making you save vs. the status. So moving through fire does fire damage for every tile moved, and makes you save vs Burning for every tile moved.

I generally use poison before fire when blowing stuff up, and focus on AOE versions. So not fire arrows or poison arrows, but explosive arrows and poison cloud arrows.
The writing and characters in Original Sin are not as good as in Dragon Commander IMHO. That's also a pretty high bar to set though. It's still humorous and in an irreverent style, just not as memorable to me.

(More people should play Dragon Commander. It's a very unique game)

Thats what I wanted to hear, thanks durante!
Its a pity about the characters, but well, its probably normal, as the game tries to do a different thing, at least it seems it has some of that spark.
But yes, Dragon Commander is amazing.

I like Dragon Commander, I just found it to be kind of tedious. I get wrapped up in the RTS shit, and realize it's not as good as it could of been, and a lot of it's out your control. Sometimes I get massively outnumbered for no reason. Everything else is great though. I should give a go again, and actually play the rest of the game.

The RTS parts are too repetitive and have some strange rules that made me feel like the CPU is cheating. I suppose they did that becuase having the dragon makes is supear easy to win some times. At the end I had to play the game in casual to enjoy those parts. But the rest of the game is too great to pass out.
The raven (the ship where all the visual novel and choices dialogue happens) is the best part from that game, its like playing a RPG about politics. It excels at doing those and I would love to see more games with that kind of system. Of course, it helps that is written amazingly well and is funny as hell.

Ploid 3.0

How do you make enhanced or more than one stat Robes? The only thing I see is Needle and Thread/magic option + Cloth scraps, but nothing to add to it.



Any help or suggestions on how to take down Pontus pirate?

I'm currently level 7. I have madora and barbidor in my party with another fighter and wayfarer/water healer. The battles always get off to a bad start getting feared and then poison arrow into the group before I can even really do much.


Any help or suggestions on how to take down Pontus pirate?

I'm currently level 7. I have madora and barbidor in my party with another fighter and wayfarer/water healer. The battles always get off to a bad start getting feared and then poison arrow into the group before I can even really do much.

Tricky with your party comp.

I'd stick Madora and your main characters facing the doorway leading to his room. That's your choke point. Then I'd stealth Bairdotr into the room, and have her use Splintered Arrow at max range to initiate the fight. Have her fall back to the doorway. Hide around the corners of the door, and murder anything that tries to come through.


Any help or suggestions on how to take down Pontus pirate?

I'm currently level 7. I have madora and barbidor in my party with another fighter and wayfarer/water healer. The battles always get off to a bad start getting feared and then poison arrow into the group before I can even really do much.

It's tough, but you should be able to get a character to sneak past Pontius Pirate before the battle starts, and then you can use the cannon on the ship. Made it easy as hell for me.


This is really starting to get good around lvl 7-8. Have useful skills and spells now and more AP.

I will say melee chars really suck, you almost need 2 mages, 1 range and 1 tank.


This is really starting to get good around lvl 7-8. Have useful skills and spells now and more AP.

I will say melee chars really suck, you almost need 2 mages, 1 range and 1 tank.

Playing on Tactician using 2 melee fighters, one melee rogue and one mage. Doing just fine.


This is really starting to get good around lvl 7-8. Have useful skills and spells now and more AP.

I will say melee chars really suck, you almost need 2 mages, 1 range and 1 tank.

Im having pretty good luck with a 1h+shield melee, a 2h melee, and 2 mages.


This is really starting to get good around lvl 7-8. Have useful skills and spells now and more AP.

I will say melee chars really suck, you almost need 2 mages, 1 range and 1 tank.

Tactician with
Archer (Bairdotr)
2H tank (Madora)

Things are going swimmingly.
Finally felt like I'd appropriately equipped and spec'd my team -- fire/water/witch, air/rogue, Madora and Bairdotr (w/ earth). Went into mysterious cave past orc beach. Crushed the boss.

However, I'd teleported him into a poison cloud, and he'd landed on the trap. When he died, the trap went off and all my guys ran through it. while I was scrambling to find my poison-cure spell my leads both died >:-<

Shows me for being over-confident.


Playing on Tactician using 2 melee fighters, one melee rogue and one mage. Doing just fine.

Using a 2H offensive lone wolf + melee tank with buffs lone wolf and managing up to now.
Grenades are a really good addition for non-casters to control the battlefield elements.


I'm pretty sure I could solo Cyceal in Tactician mode with a Ranger/Scoundrel hybrid, knowing what I know about improvised explosives now. Just blew up the skeleton pirate boss. Combat didn't even initiate.
I'm pretty sure I could solo Cyceal in Tactician mode with a Ranger/Scoundrel hybrid, knowing what I know about improvised explosives now. Just blew up the skeleton pirate boss. Combat didn't even initiate.

You should make some videos! I've been messing around w/ sneaking and moving barrels, but haven't quite hit my stride yet...


I'm pretty sure I could solo Cyceal in Tactician mode with a Ranger/Scoundrel hybrid, knowing what I know about improvised explosives now. Just blew up the skeleton pirate boss. Combat didn't even initiate.

Yeah, I was thinking this too.
I'm about to start another game where I'll leave one of the character on the beach at the beginning and just go on solo.
Yeah, I was thinking this too.
I'm about to start another game where I'll leave one of the character on the beach at the beginning and just go on solo.

Iirc it's annoying if you do that due to dialogues and stuff, but you can suicide him in the first fight(naked and run in front), then never rez him. Works a lot better.

Game is I think soloable, but some forced fights for the story would be rough because you don't get time for out of combat preparation in some of them, I think. Maybe if you enter the room invis it doesn't trigger right away, not sure.

I think some sort of crazy hybrid char would do well though even in failed preparations combat though. Something like a rogue/mage hybrid, enough dex for invis and self haste, dual wield to 5 for raw damage, rest in int and magics for secondary invis, charm, summon, double low AP freeze(the touch and the normal freeze), haste, oath, oil, teleport, heal. Dual wield speed daggers for +4speed for free, charm grenades, switch to charm arrows if needed. That kind of stuff.


You should make some videos! I've been messing around w/ sneaking and moving barrels, but haven't quite hit my stride yet...

1. Cornerstone of the strategy is Shadow Walk. 5 rounds of invisibility let's you get away with murder. In this case, dropping and picking up items.
2. Gather every oil and poison barrel you can. Don't explode ones you find in the wild unless absolutely necessary. Use 1 point of Telekinesis for this.
3. Your oil barrels are your initial explosion. You set them off with fireball scrolls (a really common thing sold by many vendors).
4. Toxic grenades (poison) can be made by the dozens with materials that respawn at almost every vendor. Every toxic grenade you drop (pile of 1) near an oil barrel will explode when the barrel explodes. Dropping around 10 of these around a single oil barrel and then detonating it will kill half of the bosses in Cyceal on tactical mode.
5. Amplify your explosions with other grenade types. Nailbombs, armor shredders, molotovs, tremor and stun grenades all make the explosion more fierce. Problem is, these are hard to create in large quantities so: save them.
6. A few bosses are fire immune. This greatly fucks with your ability to blow them up, unless you stack special grenades (grenades that don't do fire damage) around your oil barrel. The beach boss, for example, is fire immune. Dropping nail bomb/tremor/armor shredder grenades around an oil barrel to kill him.
7. The idea is a 1 round kill. So you explode bosses before they can buff or summon other monsters. Do it right, and they don't.
8. You can form a chain of grenades on the ground if the grenades set off other grenades when they explode. So toxic grenades are out. I use molotovs. You can create a 'fuse' this way by laying a line of grenades leading to your main cluster of explosives. Setting off the tail of the line means that you're nowhere near the boss when the cluster goes off, so combat isn't initiated. Now sit back and watch the boss bleed/poison/burn to death.



Is anybody else having a ridiculously hard time with the level 12 goblins in Luculla forest, kinda sorta close to the troll cave? The fight with a goblin ranger, armored goblin sentinels, and a goblin mystic. I'm level 11, and I've usually been able to fight enemies 1 level above me without any problems, but these guys have a ton of health, no real weaknesses, and way too much AP for their own good.


Is anybody else having a ridiculously hard time with the level 12 goblins in Luculla forest, kinda sorta close to the troll cave? The fight with a goblin ranger, armored goblin sentinels, and a goblin mystic. I'm level 11, and I've usually been able to fight enemies 1 level above me without any problems, but these guys have a ton of health, no real weaknesses, and way too much AP for their own good.

I used smoke to split the ranged and melee, killed the melee and then Battering Rammed right into their backline after.


Is anybody else having a ridiculously hard time with the level 12 goblins in Luculla forest, kinda sorta close to the troll cave? The fight with a goblin ranger, armored goblin sentinels, and a goblin mystic. I'm level 11, and I've usually been able to fight enemies 1 level above me without any problems, but these guys have a ton of health, no real weaknesses, and way too much AP for their own good.

Charm arrows and grenades.


Is anybody else having a ridiculously hard time with the level 12 goblins in Luculla forest, kinda sorta close to the troll cave? The fight with a goblin ranger, armored goblin sentinels, and a goblin mystic. I'm level 11, and I've usually been able to fight enemies 1 level above me without any problems, but these guys have a ton of health, no real weaknesses, and way too much AP for their own good.

What kind of group are you using? Most of them can burn or get poisoned, and freezing spells (Ice Wall especially) or charms work wonders.
Any help or suggestions on how to take down Pontus pirate?

I'm currently level 7. I have madora and barbidor in my party with another fighter and wayfarer/water healer. The battles always get off to a bad start getting feared and then poison arrow into the group before I can even really do much.

You can initiate the battle yourself if you are having trouble. Cast freeze on Pontus from afar and then begin the battle.


I used smoke to split the ranged and melee, killed the melee and then Battering Rammed right into their backline after.

I've never messed w/ smokescreens before, so I might give this a shot.

Charm arrows and grenades.

Charm arrows, rapture, and most of my status ailments I've tried on them don't work because their saving throws are too damn good for my crappy party.

What kind of group are you using? Most of them can burn or get poisoned, and freezing spells (Ice Wall especially) or charms work wonders.

Battlemage, earth/fire mage, Jahan, Bairdotr. My battlemage character has suffered from being a hybrid character, though. Her strength isn't high enough to make her that great of a melee fighter and her int isn't high enough to debuff the stronger bodied/willed enemies. I also don't have that many adept skills on any of them.

your party level?

Level 11.

It's an oddly difficult fight, at least for me.


On the subject of party members, what is (considered) the best party for a new (i.e. crap) Divinity player?

One warrior, 2 mage (one fire/earth another wind/water) and an archer/rogue whatever you want

I've never messed w/ smokescreens before, so I might give this a shot.

Charm arrows, rapture, and most of my status ailments I've tried on them don't work because their saving throws are too damn good for my crappy party.

It's an oddly difficult fight, at least for me.

your party level?


I've never messed w/ smokescreens before, so I might give this a shot.

Charm arrows, rapture, and most of my status ailments I've tried on them don't work because their saving throws are too damn good for my crappy party.

It's an oddly difficult fight, at least for me.

:( Damn. Maybe just try setting everything on fire. Fireball scrolls, explosive arrows, the works. Let them run through the smoke and burning fields.


:( Damn. Maybe just try setting everything on fire. Fireball scrolls, explosive arrows, the works. Let them run through the smoke and burning fields.

I might just come back later. I think the current main quest is taking me through Hiberheim right now, and stuff there is mostly my level. I think classic mode is plenty tough to the point where if you didn't do enough side quests, it could easily overwhelm players unfamiliar to the genre. I've played my share of PC RPGs (KotOR II and Dragonfall recently), so I have the experience, and it can still be rough.


Is it possible to have more than two characters using one controller? If so how?

You mean in co-op? I don't think so. Each player is limited to two characters plus anything they summon.

In single-player, you have to recruit one of the four NPCs in Cyseal or hire a mercenary from your homestead (gotta move the story forward to get access to the homestead).
1. Cornerstone of the strategy is Shadow Walk. 5 rounds of invisibility let's you get away with murder. In this case, dropping and picking up items.
2. Gather every oil and poison barrel you can. Don't explode ones you find in the wild unless absolutely necessary. Use 1 point of Telekinesis for this.
3. Your oil barrels are your initial explosion. You set them off with fireball scrolls (a really common thing sold by many vendors).
4. Toxic grenades (poison) can be made by the dozens with materials that respawn at almost every vendor. Every toxic grenade you drop (pile of 1) near an oil barrel will explode when the barrel explodes. Dropping around 10 of these around a single oil barrel and then detonating it will kill half of the bosses in Cyceal on tactical mode.
5. Amplify your explosions with other grenade types. Nailbombs, armor shredders, molotovs, tremor and stun grenades all make the explosion more fierce. Problem is, these are hard to create in large quantities so: save them.
6. A few bosses are fire immune. This greatly fucks with your ability to blow them up, unless you stack special grenades (grenades that don't do fire damage) around your oil barrel. The beach boss, for example, is fire immune. Dropping nail bomb/tremor/armor shredder grenades around an oil barrel to kill him.
7. The idea is a 1 round kill. So you explode bosses before they can buff or summon other monsters. Do it right, and they don't.
8. You can form a chain of grenades on the ground if the grenades set off other grenades when they explode. So toxic grenades are out. I use molotovs. You can create a 'fuse' this way by laying a line of grenades leading to your main cluster of explosives. Setting off the tail of the line means that you're nowhere near the boss when the cluster goes off, so combat isn't initiated. Now sit back and watch the boss bleed/poison/burn to death.


This is so awesome. Nicely done.

So a weak (5 str) rogue can pick up barrels as long as he/she has telekinesis?


You mean in co-op? I don't think so. Each player is re limited to two characters plus anything they summon.

In single-player, you have to recruit one of the four NPCs in Cyseal or hire a mercenary from your homestead (gotta move the story forward to get access to the homestead).

Thank you. I didn't know I could hire/recruit other characters later.
I thought I made a mistake when I started the game by picking two characters instead of four.
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