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Divinity: OS - EE |OT| No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


One warrior, 2 mage (one fire/earth another wind/water) and an archer/rogue whatever you want

Pretty much, although I'd say Ranger over Rogue for a first playthrough if someone is asking for advice, claiming that they aren't that good. Ranger has some explosive combos with the elemental arrows early on, and later can blow shit up in a major way with just skills. You could always just play a "Rogue" that also switches to bows to use the elemental arrows, but then you'd end up having to spend AP just to switch your weapons again later.

As far as Fire/Earth is concerned, you may as well add Witchcraft as well due to the extremely long cooldowns and the long periods of time you go without seeing any new spells. Plus, Oath, Malediction and Charm are pretty great. It might take you a few more levels to get five in two schools, but that doesn't matter much. You can just focus on one first after those three are all 3-4. Most of the level 15 spells have such an absurd AP requirement too that you'd either just initiate the fight doing it and then not worrying about them again, or waiting 2-3 turns to do anything.



As far as Fire/Earth is concerned, you may as well add Witchcraft as well due to the extremely long cooldowns and the long periods of time you go without seeing any new spells. Plus, Oath, Malediction and Charm are pretty great. It might take you a few more levels to get five in two schools, but that doesn't matter much. You can just focus on one first after those three are all 3-4. Most of the level 15 spells have such an absurd AP requirement too that you'd either just initiate the fight doing it and then not worrying about them again, or waiting 2-3 turns to do anything.

Wait what do you mean by a number and schools of magic?


Wait what do you mean by a number and schools of magic?

Schools of magic are abilities, which mean you can level them up when you level your character. For each level, you can learn more spells. Some spells have a penalty to their AP cost unless you have the appropriate high enough school of magic level.


I've been doing some inventory management for like an hour and a half and I've come to the conclusion that I need even more backpacks, so where the hell do I buy some leather in Cyseal? I could pick a crate or a barrel but those weight five times as much.


I've been doing some inventory management for like an hour and a half and I've come to the conclusion that I need even more backpacks, so where the hell do I buy some leather in Cyseal? I could pick a crate or a barrel but those weight five times as much.

Each of the 4 possible NPC has a backpack in their inventory.
Just loot those (either pickpocket or murder)


I've been doing some inventory management for like an hour and a half and I've come to the conclusion that I need even more backpacks, so where the hell do I buy some leather in Cyseal? I could pick a crate or a barrel but those weight five times as much.

Just took a quick look through the crafting and treasure tables from vanilla D:OS and it looks like you can get 'Animal Hide' from cows, boars, bulls, deer, pigs, rabbits, and wolves, then combine the Hide with a knife or dagger to get 'Leather Scraps'.


Yeah, I know I can craft backpacks, and in fact I've crafted four already, but I need more. I'll take a look into the animals, thanks. Funny thing with these four backpacks is that I've used the crafting system more than in my entire previous playthrough. Once I'm done with this I'll begin getting crates and chests to the homestead. The inventory system sure has seen some improvement compared to the original game, but is still annoying.

I have to say I'm starting to love grenades, they have turned some impossible looking battles into relatively easy victories.

Ploid 3.0

Ice grenades are my MVP. That with walk on air for my rogue tank makes things too simple. To get to him they have to usually slip and CC themselves. All set up by him. When some enemy uses the area of effect buff version of walk on air that puts a big damper on my plans.


Well after the patch I would assume leveling would make it spawn. The book is only for opening a normal chest in it though, not for entering.

If your problem is the blue field, there's a statue on the right wall in boreas room you have to talk to.

Yeah, it's the blue force field stopping me. But isn't that the thing? From what I understood you need the book in order to talk to the sentinel(s); currently, they just seem to buff me or something similar, can't unlock the force field.

EDIT: Nevermind, just found the wall statue you were referring to. Thanks!


Source King down.

1 Oil barrel
4 Tremor Grenades
9 Frost Grenades
4 Nailbombs
2 Stun Grenades
38 Toxic Grenades

All separately placed in a nice configuration I should have screenshotted. The resulting explosion dropped my fps to 1 while the particle engine was falling over itself.


Wow this game gives me a very good impression, didn't play for too long but I cleared the first dungeon and I made it near the city (just after the beach attack). I also made my own pizza dough (lol)

Really fun so far I love the pickup mechanic the synergy with water and fire etc. Confused a bit on what attributes and talent to take but I just leveled once so far.

I went with an archer and a wizard.


Trying to sequence break some quests legitimately. The game actually accounts for this super well, and the dialogue fights adapt. For example, killing a key badguy before the game even alludes to the fact that they are evil changes the quest accordingly. It doesn't just end, nope. It actually changes.

I've also skipped the second map this time around for shits and giggles. I'll go clear it out once I'm tired of the Phantom Forest.


Trying to sequence break some quests legitimately. The game actually accounts for this super well, and the dialogue fights adapt. For example, killing a key badguy before the game even alludes to the fact that they are evil changes the quest accordingly. It doesn't just end, nope. It actually changes.

I kinda want to kill
right at the start to see what would happen.


I kinda want to kill
right at the start to see what would happen.

I did just that for my current playthrough. Things get amusing. I also went and found some incriminating letters from a far off location before the owner could get run away. The resulting conversation was amazing.
There is an Elemental Immunity totem/thingy at the far end of the lighthouse that is preventing damage to him. You can hurt him with physical damage in the meantime, but if you want to do more you'll have to take out the thing causing the barrier.

Okay, feels like I'm starting to get the hang of this game now; I've done pretty much everything but the south-east area of the first zone (working on
now) and I'm about level 6.5. Really enjoying the combat challenge (Tactical mode) as I've never played the game before. I wish the enemies didn't hit quite so hard, especially double and triple attacks sometimes... but I really like how it forces you to use consumables and environmental objects on even the run-of-the-mill trash mob fights. Normally in these kind of games I finish them with loads of scrolls, pots, etc, because I always horde them waiting until I "really need them"... but that time never seems to come in most other games.


has anyone beat the game? im at the end and I have no idea what im supposed to do.

Yeah. Where are you?

a) Rescued a certain Halloween enthusiast.
b) Did some arcane B&E.
c) You've been through stinky woods.
d) You're inside yet another temple.


Yeah. Where are you?

a) Rescued a certain Halloween enthusiast.
b) Did some arcane B&E.
c) You've been through stinky woods.
d) You're inside yet another temple.

e) in the king crab inn where everything is backwards? haha. I've just been going through portals and the cemetery area. followed icara around until the point where she goes through the door where leandra and zandalor are. they poof when we open the door and now I dont know what to do. the door down that long hall is locked can't find a key or anything.

edt: THANK YOU! ^ haha


e) in the king crab inn where everything is backwards? haha. I've just been going through portals and the cemetery area. followed icara around until the point where she goes through the door where leandra and zandalor are. they poof when we open the door and now I dont know what to do. the door down that long hall is locked can't find a key or anything.

edt: THANK YOU! ^ haha

Oh, you're RIGHT at the end :D gz!
So, I originally picked this up for PC and I liked it, but it kinda fell to the side. However, Im VERY interested in the couch co-op aspect on PS4. For those who are playing it like that, would you say it's worth the purchase?


So, I originally picked this up for PC and I liked it, but it kinda fell to the side. However, Im VERY interested in the couch co-op aspect on PS4. For those who are playing it like that, would you say it's worth the purchase?

Just in case you're not aware, the splitscreen co-op feature is present in the PC version as well.

If you don't feel like getting your PC to display on a TV, the PS4 port is reportedly well done.
I dislike traits. Some of the bonuses are SO helpful, that roleplaying opposite of that can really penalize your party. Immunity to fear, cursed, charmed, and a bonus to leadership are all great.


I agree that some of the bonuses are too good. It feels like Larian did the trait bonus thing instead of redesigning the game so that NPCs would react differently based on your traits.

But whatever, I just ignore them. Min-maxing like that is no fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Can I get rid of the round and square pendants from the doppelgänger quest? Can't seem to sell them or anything.
Right then, Arhu Robot thingy boss fight.

Message to dev:

If you want to insist on implementing some sort of gimmick to a fight within your RPG, please make sure the gimmick actually works as intended, and is not fundamentally broken.

The game was already asking for a ton of time investment on my part, but this? This probably makes me walk away.

Having the controller glitch out on me is not fun.

Edit: Meant Arhu's robot.


Right then, #### boss fight.

Message to dev:

If you want to insist on implementing some sort of gimmick to a fight within your RPG, please make sure the gimmick actually works as intended, and is not fundamentally broken.

The game was already asking for a ton of time investment on my part, but this? This probably makes me walk away.

Having the controller glitch out on me is not fun.

#### is optional. Quest has an alternate solution too.


Just killed
after several tries, dropping all my explosive stuff near him and firing a spell on it as soon as I could definitely helped.

Seemed he also couldn't get invisible due to the fire surrounding him afterwards?

And I got lucky with some early crits on 3 of his minions so I could start focussing on him early and killed him without a partymember dying. :)
The new patch doesn't label containers as empty once you searched them. 😒

There's also still no saved recipe for crafting pixiedust with bonedust as an ingredient. You have to do it manually if you don't use moondust.
I find inventory management in the enhanced edition still very tedious.
I'm spending a lot of time moving around food and crafting equipment.

I would like it to work much like a file explorer.

Box-select or shift/ctrl-click multiple items, then drag or cut and paste into bags or onto other characters
Man this game is soo good. But frustrating as,he'll from time to time. Sleeper hit of 2015. I know it came out on pc before but new to console. 9/10 for me. Ps. Rogues and archers are garbage. Roll knight.
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