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Driver: San Francisco |OT| A whole generation, with a new explanation

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just finished the game. Fantastic experience. This is the kind of racing game that I've wanted as a movie race scene fan. It's not about the car stats but more about presenting a cinematic experience to great chase scenes. It's basically the Smokey and the Bandit or Blues Brothers games I've always wanted. Humor is very well written. Tanner is incredibly likable while still having faults, and Jones is easily my favorite supporting character of the year.

Also, amazing soundtrack and of course the frame rate and overall fluidity is fucking astounding. I don't think I ran into a single bug.


derFeef said:
Finally got this for PC. But whenever I choose Multiplayer, the game crashes .

I'm having some crashes too, and sound blips

Looks like PC version was delayed to fix bugs? But they didn't get them all yet?

It really awesome when it works, hope its fixed soon


Anybody is having resolution and fps problems when playing this on PC? When I set my game to 1920X1080 (my native res) I get black borders all around the screen and the FPS are locked at 50 for some reason... It's really annoying and I can't find any infos about that on the Ubi/Steam forums.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
Picked this up used earlier this week at GS (360 version). Had a $10 off coupon from their rewards thingy, so my total out the door ended up $24 bucks. The great thing about used in this situation, of course, is that the Uplay is gimped, so the online component should be free for everyone, new or used buyers alike.

MAN is this game fun! I like the gameplay implementation, as it offers multiple ways of accomplishing your goals. The cars "feel" heavy and drive accordingly, and the missions so far have been really cool as well. Would have felt like it was worth it at full price; it's most definitely worth it at $40 or less, which it is apparently everywhere now...


So.. patching problems ... the game want's to patch from the ubi launcher, but the patch installs in a weird folder that is not the game folder so I can't paly it at all. Tried manual extraxting and so on but nothing helps.


I finally reached rank 38 in multiplayer, been playing this almost exclusively since it released, and it remains as fresh and fun as it was in the beginning. The MP modes are enough to keep you busy for a long while (trophy hunter or not), and there's enough variety to avoid getting bored. Plus the unlocks you get as you level up give you an edge, but not that big of an advantage that the game feels broken for newcomers. I'm sad to see this genuinely good game fall by the wayside...

I'm only three trophies short of Platinum: Tag You're It! seems glitched (progression bar is full, no trophy), Carry the Team is hard for me (not good at CTF games, sessions too short), and Air Rage is quite problematic too with the detection. But I'm over the moon to have finally gotten I'm on Fire :) These bronze MP trophies vary wildly in the number of games necessary to get them though.
I'm enjoying the game, but it has definitely lost the dynamic feel the physics used to have. You just can't do the same stunts/accidents, doesn't feel as bouncy and lively. Probably better for the playability of actual missions, but it's kind of dull and artificial. The handling of the cars is more fun though I think.

derFeef said:
So.. patching problems ... the game want's to patch from the ubi launcher, but the patch installs in a weird folder that is not the game folder so I can't paly it at all. Tried manual extraxting and so on but nothing helps.
In case this is still a problem, this worked for me.
Once again, problems caused by publishers and retailers have been solved by gamers. Temp solution for this as posted by GreenMan Gaming user morfrog:

I've managed to upgrade it manually, use instructions at own risk (can probably uninstall/reinstall game if doesn't work):
1. Run the install, and hit next until it tells you the install dir, which will be a temp directory of some kind, e.g. c:\users\you\appdata\temp\random.
2. Explore to this location manually, and copy the directory InstallerData to your own temp directory, such as c:\temp\driver5
3. Cancel the installer - it will delete the orginal temp directory
4. Under your own temp copy, browse to InstallerData\Disk1\InstData\Resource1.zip\$IA_PROJECT_DIR$\DataPatch102
5. Copy the files from the Misc dir to the game directory, 2 of the files should already exist
6. Probably something should be done with PC\Locale\*, however I ignored this
7. Open the PC_*.jar file with 7-zip or equivalent. May need to copy the file out first, as it is inside a zip.
8. Copy all 3 directories and 2 files into the game directory. 2 of the directories and the 2 files should already exist.
9. Run the game - works for me.
Only overwrote the files, not entire folders. Think that's what the guy actually means, as the patch folders don't contain all the files of the game folders.

Ploid 3.0

So does this game run well on PC? So used to bad PC ports:

NFS: Hot Pursuit = looks laggy not smooth no matter what I set it on, even if it says 60fps.

Test Drive Unlimited 2 = Straight up FPS horror stuck at 40-60 and don't look smooth ever).

The best racing game I have on PC was Dirt 2. Dirt 3 is more on the slightly laggy side, but it's good.

Oh my system is
Processor: Athlon II x4 640
Video: asus GTX 460 768MB
4gigs of ddr3 ram
I new I wouldn't have any time to invest myself in the multiplayer, so I hired this one. Totally unexpected entry into my top 10 of the year. But man, it is so, so short. As good as it was, if I had of bought it at full price I would feel ripped off.


TriangleOfCorruption said:
I new I wouldn't have any time to invest myself in the multiplayer, so I hired this one. Totally unexpected entry into my top 10 of the year. But man, it is so, so short. As good as it was, if I had of bought it at full price I would feel ripped off.
I'd be surprised if you had completed all the SP stuff in one rental besides the story missions and the ones needed to unlock them. Dares, Activities, Challenges, I must have spent at least 20 hours doing solo stuff and there's still some movie challenges (unlocked by driving over tokens on the streets) I haven't tackled. This is far from a skimpy game, even if the story mode is not too long, which I actually think is a good thing given the wacky premise on which they can only build so much storytelling, while extra-curricular activities do not bear the same mandate (even though they use the same framework).
crispyben said:
I'd be surprised if you had completed all the SP stuff in one rental besides the story missions and the ones needed to unlock them. Dares, Activities, Challenges, I must have spent at least 20 hours doing solo stuff and there's still some movie challenges (unlocked by driving over tokens on the streets) I haven't tackled. This is far from a skimpy game, even if the story mode is not too long, which I actually think is a good thing given the wacky premise on which they can only build so much storytelling, while extra-curricular activities do not bear the same mandate (even though they use the same framework).

You're right, I only did the story missions. After I finished I planned on doing all the other stuff, but I wasn't enjoying it. I liked the goofy set ups for the story missions, and the missions themselves were varied, but the side missions were just 4-5 mission types repeated over and over, and it wasn't fun.

I agree with you about the length being optimal though, as I think both the story and the gameplay would have worn out its welcome. Honestly, I really didn't like the last 30 minutes story wise, but it was the only place they could go.


I can't believe how much fun Tag is with the other people possessing shit all the time



TriangleOfCorruption said:
You're right, I only did the story missions. After I finished I planned on doing all the other stuff, but I wasn't enjoying it. I liked the goofy set ups for the story missions, and the missions themselves were varied, but the side missions were just 4-5 mission types repeated over and over, and it wasn't fun.
To be fair part of it has to be that I cleared the map completely before I moved on to the next story mission, which of course helped a lot in mixing tasks that could otherwise could repetitive. The MP is so unpredictable that it never gets dull, though.

Ploid 3.0

Having a ton of fun. I almost got cold feet after Triangle's post under my last one. Glad I went ahead and got it. I can only dream how amazing Saints Row The Third would be if it ran this good. Especially considering the far out zooming going on in this game. I didn't think Just Cause's grapple + parachute could be topped in sandbox transportation but this game just did it.


Amazon is selling the 360 version for $40 while the PS3 version is still at $60. My Gold sub just expired so I'm only looking at the PS3 version.
Curufinwe said:
Amazon is selling the 360 version for $40 while the PS3 version is still at $60. My Gold sub just expired so I'm only looking at the PS3 version.

On Sale this week at Target for $29.99. (10/16)

Ploid 3.0

Is anyone able to get a match going online in the pc version? Every time I try I can never get in a match. It feels like I'm the only person that got the game.


Hey everyone, I'm thinking of purchasing this game, but I heard multiplayer for PS3 is sort of inactive.. Can anyone confirm this, and provide thoughts on singleplayer and/or multiplayer?



Sorry for the triple post, but I need an answer :{

1. PC or PS3?!

2. Is multiplayer still alive for either platform?!

Thank you very much!


Not as deep as he thinks
I got the game in the mail after ordering it in Black Friday and let me say it is one of the most underrated games of this year for sure. The cutscenes and sound effects are cheesy, but the overall story is great. I'm actually quite surprised at how good it is because when I was reading interviews about the shifting mechanic, I thought it was the most stupidest idea ever. However, it is such a brilliant idea that I can't believe it has never been done in the racing genre. It works so well. The dialogue between the characters are great and so is the gameplay. I'm REALLY enjoying it. More people need to give this game a chance because you'll be pleasantly surprised at how great it actually is. After I'm done with the SP, I'll dwell into the MP, which I found incredibly awesome in the demo. Hopefully the online community is active since the game was on sale in Black Friday.


Hey everyone, I'm thinking of purchasing this game, but I heard multiplayer for PS3 is sort of inactive.. Can anyone confirm this, and provide thoughts on singleplayer and/or multiplayer?

I got a PS3 version. There are not many players on PS3 :( I assume there arn't many players on PC either. But the game is still worth trying for SP :)


I finally started playing the game tonight and it's ridiculous that if you don't like pressing Up on the left stick to boost and you want to move it to a shoulder button, that shoulder button has to be R1. That means you have to take your finger of the accelerator to boost.

It's hard to believe the designers didn't think of that and put boost on L1 for the third control scheme. Or, better yet, let us remap the buttons how we like.


I just played online for a few hours in order to get the Professional Racer trophy, and this game is still a joy to play.

With Twisted Metal sitting in my living room and the vita only a day or two away... I worry I wont find much more time for Driver: SF for a while, but my time with it since last fall has been spectacular. This game is an under-appreciated gem- seek out a copy if you haven't and give it a whirl. The tag mode alone is worth the $20 you'll probably find it for.


I just played online for a few hours in order to get the Professional Racer trophy, and this game is still a joy to play.

With Twisted Metal sitting in my living room and the vita only a day or two away... I worry I wont find much more time for Driver: SF for a while, but my time with it since last fall has been spectacular. This game is an under-appreciated gem- seek out a copy if you haven't and give it a whirl. The tag mode alone is worth the $20 you'll probably find it for.

Couldn't agree more. I think the problem is that Driv3r soured many people and the announcement of the shift/coma scenario only made them even less interested in the game.

It's a shame the games media is still unable to recognize great games unless they have a huge budget or hype around it. I actually don't understand why everyone loved Hot Pursuit but Driver SF was ignored despite having better cop chases and MP than NFS:HP.
just played a bit of this weird game. so bizarre the ghost possession thing; not sure if I like it - odd blend of CGI+ingame visuals too.

and.... most bizarrely, cars control like shit; too easy to spin out. :/


Bought it on steam. Runs with 60 or 120 FPS on max settings and...the engine stutters. I think it's frame skipping. I hate it when that shit happens. Hate it with a passion.


It's probably framerate drops. Nvidia or AMD?

NVIDIA and if there are drops, they are not shown by fraps. It's a 100% solid 60 or 120. I do think it's the engine, it's probably just not well done. Be careful though: The issue I'm talking about goes probably unnoticed by at least 75% of players...that's my experience with stuff like that.


Can someone explain for me how I am supposed to make sharp turns in this game?

Whenever I hit the handbrake, either I barely turn at all, or i turn 270 degrees.


For some reason the PC version is running with only 1080i for me. Don't now why. ANy idea? It's fine via DVI on my monitor but not working via HDMI on my TV.


I finished it. Overall it had potential but was a bit hindered by sub par presentation and tech. Also I would've enjoyed the classic chases way more than the "modern" stuff they put in. Changing cars was ok but for some reason the rest didn't click with me. 7 out of 10.


man i decided to buy this used for 360 knowing nothing about it and it's surprisingly awesome and fun ! talk about a sleeper...


I'm now clocking 20 hours, i'm clearing all the side missions and buying all the cars. It's so addicting! The multiplayer is dead though, i can't find any players.
I am not a Member and cannot make a LTTP thread, but I would love to see one for this game. I just got around to playing it and it clicked with me a lot, and I think everyone should give it a chance. I am surprised it didn't get more praise, I am hoping and praying for a sequel/clone.
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