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Driver: San Francisco |OT| A whole generation, with a new explanation

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nothing like switch to a bus, turning it on its side in the middle of the freeway. Switching back to the original car and watching 3 street racers plow into it.


I'm very interested in this game, but I have a feeling that I may end up not enjoying it as much as the original Driver. It just seems like the shift mechanic would end up diluting the difficulty significantly. I mean, as much as I hated out the original game cheated you out of victory, I've gotta say that it was very satisfying to finally overcome some of its challenges.

By the way, did anyone else who played the original Driver on PC resort to deleting the entire voiceover folder after hearing "YOU WRECKED THE CAR, MAN!!!" far too many times when attempting to pass the initiation in the parking garage? XD


all right, this game has seriously taken over my life. i have about 20 hours in so far. i am finishing up some side missions and single player achievements before moving on to multiplayer. this is easily my game of the year so far. the shift mechanic is amazing. i love swapping to oncoming traffic to head on my opponents in races or make roadblocks out of 18 wheelers or buses. this game basically rewards you for cheating. hell, i love how if you knock out all of your opponents you don't even have to finish the race.

so what is everyone's favorite car? for just cruising around i'm a big fan of the trans am. but for making races and challenges easy the suped up murcielago (sp?) is the shit. makes the game feel easier than it already is. i thought the zonda would be badass but i was very disappointed. thing handles like it is on ice. well, i'm off to finish up some shit. and then there is always the new game plus (did i mention reflections knows how to make a AAA game?).


I'm seriously about to throw my fucking monitor out the window over this dune buggy race. Slick controls (Check), AI racers that constantly bump into/link up with you (Check) GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


legbone said:
all right, this game has seriously taken over my life. i have about 20 hours in so far. i am finishing up some side missions and single player achievements before moving on to multiplayer. this is easily my game of the year so far. the shift mechanic is amazing. i love swapping to oncoming traffic to head on my opponents in races or make roadblocks out of 18 wheelers or buses. this game basically rewards you for cheating. hell, i love how if you knock out all of your opponents you don't even have to finish the race.

so what is everyone's favorite car? for just cruising around i'm a big fan of the trans am. but for making races and challenges easy the suped up murcielago (sp?) is the shit. makes the game feel easier than it already is. i thought the zonda would be badass but i was very disappointed. thing handles like it is on ice. well, i'm off to finish up some shit. and then there is always the new game plus (did i mention reflections knows how to make a AAA game?).
Same here, I just finished all Activities and Dares, I'm only missing one car (a Dodge) which I suppose is Tanner's, to be unlocked when I finish the story missions. Then I'll dig into the MP, can't wait! This game really is awesome, but what's the New Game+ like? Already access to the full garage? Harder difficulty?


Trucker Sexologist
kevinski said:
I'm very interested in this game, but I have a feeling that I may end up not enjoying it as much as the original Driver. It just seems like the shift mechanic would end up diluting the difficulty significantly. I mean, as much as I hated out the original game cheated you out of victory, I've gotta say that it was very satisfying to finally overcome some of its challenges.

By the way, did anyone else who played the original Driver on PC resort to deleting the entire voiceover folder after hearing "YOU WRECKED THE CAR, MAN!!!" far too many times when attempting to pass the initiation in the parking garage? XD
Don't use shift. Instant frustration. The cops stay on you like stink on a skunk.
Yesterday i finally brought a DeLorian... of course the first thing I tried was to go at 88M/h

And then something happened! An achievement and a new mission, a very special one: the first mission of the first Driver, the one where the player must show his drive abilities with a couple of maneuvers in a garage! You remember that?

Awesome... but i feel some nostalgia now, this particulary game remember me my first trip with friends in Amsterdam, i was 18. We rent a giant camper and put there a tv and a playstation with ISS and the first Driver.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think Tanner could be the new 'Shepard is a dick' or 'Michael Thorton is a psycopath'

Tanks full of explosive material? Jack public buses and ram them into it
Endanger and murder dozens of citizens by ramming their cars into other cars to prevent a street race


crispyben said:
Same here, I just finished all Activities and Dares, I'm only missing one car (a Dodge) which I suppose is Tanner's, to be unlocked when I finish the story missions. Then I'll dig into the MP, can't wait! This game really is awesome, but what's the New Game+ like? Already access to the full garage? Harder difficulty?

i don't know, i haven't started it yet. i'm still cleaning up the "stragglers". then i'm going to finish the movie challenges. then i will check it out. i think it is access to all of the vehicles from the start but i don't know for sure.


How's the online for everyone?
Every time I choose racing it takes ages to find a game and then I end up with 2 others.
Whenever there are 4+ it only lasts for one game ._.
I like the classic races so I always end up playing this but the low player count is really annoying.


Bollocks said:
How's the online for everyone?
Every time I choose racing it takes ages to find a game and then I end up with 2 others.
Whenever there are 4+ it only lasts for one game ._.
I like the classic races so I always end up playing this but the low player count is really annoying.

Yeah, that's been my experience online 360 as well. Guess this bombed...hard.

Dead Man

zoner said:
Finally, a game with a Trans Am that isn't ass.
Midnightclub:LA was awesome...



Jintor said:
Seriously, this game is fantastic.
It is, both SP and MP! I'd be curious to know if GAF's lack of enthusiasm is met by disappointing sales figures, or if it's some kind of sleeper hit that got in before the Oct.-Dec. madness...
Picked this up from some of the postive reactions here on GAF and wow. Talk about AWESOME! The style, the humor, the shifting. Talk about a fresh take in arcade racing! Loving it.
I didn't like the demo but I wanted to give the game a chance so I rented it. After getting to chapter 4 I had all I could possibly take. The story is boring, the driving isn't fun, and shifting into head on accidents becomes the solution to almost every mission. It also hurts that they force you to do the side stuff to unlock the main story.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I didn't like the demo but I wanted to give the game a chance so I rented it. After getting to chapter 4 I had all I could possibly take. The story is boring, the driving isn't fun, and shifting into head on accidents becomes the solution to almost every mission. It also hurts that they force you to do the side stuff to unlock the main story.
Yeah, the story's pretty ludicrous but the driving physics are pretty fun IMO. Graphics aren't bad either plus it's 60FPS.


I absolutely love this game. There are only a few games that you can use muscle cars in races. Muscle cars in Midnight LA are fantastic but they are useless in the game.

But I'm not sure about "shift". Movie challenge is my favorite, no shifting, no boosting, simple car chase like classic Driver games and I hate the challenges/modes in which shifting to oncoming traffic works well.
Up to Act 1 atm. The game really is alot of fun...and pretty damn intense. The cars handle so much better then the demo.

In fact they should be ashamed of that demo. It really doesn't do the full game any justice at all.

I love doing the stunts and challenges. I also loving shifting into a big ass semi and smashing into everyone and everything :p

It's just a pity that there is no day/night/weather cycle. I guess having that may have caused problems with the game running at 60fps. Oh well.

I was playing it earlier and wad chasing down some criminal. I rear ended him into the side walk and into a shop. He reversed back into the road, but as he reversed back, he was suddenly hit by an oncoming bus :lol

I also love driving underneath the trucks at full speed :D

Dead Man

Jintor said:
I didn't touch the demo. What was it comprised of? Why did it turn so many people off the game?
I tried the PS3 demo... it cured me of wanting the game, I'm glad to hear the game is better. I didn't like the car handling, didn't really understand why they added the shift feature, and didn't really enjoy the vibe of it like I thought I would.

But yeah, after hearing the game is better I'll give it a go, just not now, to much backlog already.
Square Triangle said:
I want a new Stuntman, wasn't it done by the same team?

Stuntman.... was just torture. It was just pure, awesome torture. My roommate and I used to wreck our controllers on this game in college...... but we had to keep playing.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jintor said:
I didn't touch the demo. What was it comprised of? Why did it turn so many people off the game?
Basically the game takes a while to get used to how it controls and how shifting works. On the first hour or so of playing Driver, it makes you think the controls are off, but it's just different.
Wow this game is really awesome. Surprisingly awesome. Everything from the controls, to the music, to the dialogue and story, is really clicking with me.


Ok, I deleted and re-downloaded the demo THREE times for this game because I kept getting an "ehh, I like it but I also don't at the same time" kind of vibe. Then I read reviews and saw it was doing real well. Then I read GAF opinions and saw great feedback.

So, I am picking this up tomorrow. I am trusting you on this one, fellow GAFfers!
Just beat the game. Man I loved the story. When they first explained the whole shifting and coma things I thought It was stupid. Im hoping they make a sequel.
Damn there are some difficulty spikes later on in the game. One activity (which I had to do to get to a main mission) took me 5 or 6 retries. =\


Wow, another game where the demo does not help its cause.

Played for just over an hour now after buying this today. WOW am I really impressed. This has to be one of the most well-polished and impressive Ubisoft games I've ever owned.

Just the menu system alone and the way the tutorials are seamless and easy to follow is impressive enough.

I've gotten the hang of the driving at this point I think, and this is definitely going to keep me busy for a while.


Para bailar La Bomba said:
Apprently the DRM on the PC version has been circumvented...... before the release date.

Great job punishing legitimate purchasers once again, Ubi.
XD. Way to go Ubisoft.
Beat the game, clocked in around 12 hours. Aside from some frustrating moments later on I really enjoyed it.

Samurai Penguin said:
Just did the
Bite the Bullet
movie mission. God..what a glorious mission that was. You + that car + streets of SF = heaven :D
Yeah that one was really awesome. Too bad you have to collect chotckes to open up all those movie challenges.

Has anyone tried the uPlay challenges? I'm debating whether I want to spend the points.


Trucker Sexologist
Para bailar La Bomba said:
Apprently the DRM on the PC version has been circumvented...... before the release date.

Great job punishing legitimate purchasers once again, Ubi.
Sounds like they don't have to be punished anymore. You can mod it if you want after you own it if you don't go online.


Thinking about picking this up for the 360, but was wondering if anyone could tell me how active the multiplayer modes are?


I love the little comical aspects throughout this game.

I shifted into a car today with a passenger and the dude just happened to be talking like a pirate. So then Tanner started playing along with it and talking like a pirate too! It was awesome, and totally unexpected.

I really hope this game does well sales-wise. It deserves it.


Trucker Sexologist
UFRA said:
I love the little comical aspects throughout this game.

I shifted into a car today with a passenger and the dude just happened to be talking like a pirate. So then Tanner started playing along with it and talking like a pirate too! It was awesome, and totally unexpected.

I really hope this game does well sales-wise. It deserves it.
I don't know about the states, but it charted pretty well in the UK (top 5 IIRC). If Ubi doesn't screw up the PC port they might do okay in Europe.
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