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E3 2008: The Thread (central information aggregate, see OP)


[Nintex] said:
If i'm not mistaking it's just 5 more hours till the MS conference starts!

Isn't it roughly now when some non-gaming site starts to spill all the beans? I remember that happened for the Nintendo DS :lol
Rlan said:
Isn't it roughly now when some non-gaming site starts to spill all the beans? I remember that happened for the Nintendo DS :lol
At the very least you can depend on a European site to leak Microsoft's main press release at least an hour before the actual conference.


*LOVES* Bob Marley
Thomper said:
You can still download those podcasts. They're incredibly good. All of them have great interviews with developers.
Oh wait, that chick who did the story for Uncharted and the Portal chick? I remember bits and pieces. Nothing like the amazing poolside episode.


[Nintex] said:
If i'm not mistaking it's just 5 more hours till the MS conference starts!
Yeah and the timing is killing me - It's ages away and it's already 11pm and I have work tomorrow. I'm too damn old to stay up all night and work through the day, and it's too damn cold to get up at 3am for the fireworks!

Hoo boy, there will be fireworks
Oh man, I had the weirdest dream about e3 last night...

So, I wake up and realize it's e3, so I turn on the tv and tune in to e3, just in time to catch the first trailer...

First, I saw a new jak and daxter, where they were fighting this big old grizzly bear in the air as they were falling, since they had apparently jumped off the sky scraper. The bear had this amazing fur that was being blown around in the wind and all this detail as they're falling, and I'm saying to myself, "OMG, go Naughty Dog! They did it! This has to be CG!! Wooooow!" The fight and characters pass through some low wispy beautiful clouds and disappear, and the title appears: Jak and Daxter: something something Carnival for DS, PSP, Wii, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3. O.O It's multiplatform! They sold the IP! It was CG! Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Then I saw an underwater scene with campy spy music and announcer animated like an internet flash cartoon with those sharp edges. Anyway, the announcer says something like you played him as the hero now get ready for a new tale... and then old snake appear out from a rock swimming in place with flippers, wearing his MGS1 sneaking suit, and a black vest half unzipped, with massive torpedo tits... and I'm pretty convinced those torpedo tits are actual torpedoes heads stuffed under his shirt...Solid Snake : The Woman: The Game... then cheesy spy music play with snake in all sort of action sequences throwing punches underwater... then I scream, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This isn't e3, I'm dreaming, I'm going to miss e3!" Then I woke up.
I got to go run some errands. I'll be back in about two hours. Then I'll be all hands on

EDIT: ^^^ You should stop doing drugs. :lol
Gazunta said:
Yeah and the timing is killing me - It's ages away and it's already 11pm and I have work tomorrow. I'm too damn old to stay up all night and work through the day, and it's too damn cold to get up at 3am for the fireworks!

Hoo boy, there will be fireworks

What do you know? *retrieves medieval torture device*


Wow, didn't notice there was an E3 thread. :eek:

[Nintex] said:
If i'm not mistaking it's just 5 more hours till the MS conference starts!

It's that early? 0.o

Wasn't last year's around like 8 or 10p.m.?


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Yeah, it's going to suck hard for MS if some Euro site leaks info again JUST to get their site updated before closing time like last year - you'd think they'd stay in their office one hour extra for the one or two biggest days in gaming...

So unproffessional...

Either way, gonna be home in about 3 and half hours to get the necessary preparations made - E3 may be smaller, but the giddy feeling is still there for me...


paid requisite penance

Microsoft E3 Media Briefing:

San Francisco - Monday - 10:30.
Seattle - Monday - 10:30.
Los Angeles - Monday - 10:30.
Denver - Monday - 11:30.
Mexico City - Monday - 12:30.
Minneapolis - Monday - 12:30
Chicago - Monday - 12:30.
Detroit - Monday - 13:30.
Washington DC - Monday - 13:30.
New York - Monday - 13:30.
Rio de Janeiro - Monday - 14:30.
Reykjavik - Monday - 17:30.
London - Monday - 18:30.
Paris - Monday - 19:30.
Copenhagen - Monday- 19:30
Oslo - Monday - 19:30.
Frankfurt - Monday - 19:30.
Stockholm - Monday - 19:30.
Athens - Monday - 20:30
Cairo - Monday - 20:30.
Moscow - Monday - 21:30.
Kabul - Monday - 22:00.
Hong Kong - Tuesday - 01:30.
Tokyo - Tuesday - 02:30.
Melbourne - Tuesday - 03:30.


30 mins? I've got it as about 4 hours from now...

Oh well, I'll be bumming around online til then anyway so I'm sure news will hit me.

Go MS, don't let us down (Alan Wake!).


slider said:
30 mins? I've got it as about 4 hours from now...

Oh well, I'll be bumming around online til then anyway so I'm sure news will hit me.

Go MS, don't let us down (Alan Wake!).

ms briefing is 130pm EST


has calmed down a bit.
Can't frickin wait. I need to clear out my x360 HDD to accommodate all the bringing it home stuff.

Is Sony going to be doing something comparable for Ps3?


Sleep. Then get up in the morning (Australia) and lavish in all the news from a hundred different websites. Get so overwhelmed I'll loose track of time and get fired from work. They better announce a Banjo Demo. Any Aussies staying up?


Okay, what?

Links to Gamespot in the OP don't link. Gamespot itself has links to E3 2007 video streams. Not even a screen saying, "Give us ur monies" so I can pay my three dollars and watch this year.

What the heck?

And the G4 screen is telling me all about chat, but I just want to watch a video stream and then check GAF for reactions.

I'm off work today and would like to see MS's conference. What am I doing wrong?


MMaRsu said:
You know I'd make it but I aint updating shit

Yeah, it's a freaking huge job but I know, just know, that some Gaffer will step up.

The call's from heroism, will you accept?


[Nintex] said:
I'm currently checking out IGN's new livewire stuff:
I've installed the player and watched some videos and the quality should be decent for the conferences.

Sounds good. Is the subscription easy for me to cancel, like, on Wednesday after I've watched all the conferences?

edit: Naw, I'm not paying $15 to watch the conferences this year. I'll hang with Gamespot and hope they give me a link to THIS YEAR'S stuff soon.

[Nintex] said:
I'm not paying anything, it's free.

OMG, you're right! I've got the "heartbeat" screen now. Thanks!


Kolgar said:
Sounds good. Is the subscription easy for me to cancel, like, on Wednesday after I've watched all the conferences?

edit: Naw, I'm not paying $15 to watch the conferences this year. I'll hang with Gamespot and hope they give me a link to THIS YEAR'S stuff soon.
I'm not paying anything, it's free.


Gold Member
How about the live streams, will there be any direct feed like there was for Blizzard Invitational? I'd rather have a stream going in VLC in the background than of a flash-based in browser.
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