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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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I just finished Route C 1.0 of IO, and it's really strange that they even have the four routes unlocked from the beginning. Route C would be utter nonsense if you hadn't played through A and B. And even then, it's pretty wacky. The route was really short though, each route has been progressively shorter.

Big Route C spoilers
I thought the protagonist reveal was going to be Sakuya, at least until they showed Yumi wasn't captured. Hinata being HE was made obvious really early in the route.

Edit: Finished Route D and A 1.0. The 1.0 ending just added one extra scene, everything seems to be build up for Route E.

How do you know which ending(s) are the 0.1/1.0 endings? I've just started my game and it says I'm on Route A. But
There was a choice of 4 characters to select in one scene, so I just picked the 1st on the list


How do you know which ending(s) are the 0.1/1.0 endings? I've just started my game and it says I'm on Route A. But
There was a choice of 4 characters to select in one scene, so I just picked the 1st on the list

Each of these characters is a different Route (from A to D). First time you clear a Route you unlock a 1.0 Ending for a different Route. Everything is (sort of) explained in the included walkthrough.


Finished Route C, that was pretty damn good. :O I thought Route B's first half was a bit worse than Route A's but the ending was pretty good. And Route C, although short, was the best route yet.

Spoilers for Route C
The plot twist of Ishtar being Mayumi actually caught me by surprise. That moment when Magdalene's Shadow Null asked "Who are you?" reminded me a lot of Remember11. I actually was waiting for Hinata's role in all this, and that didn't really dissapoint, but is he really THE {HE} or is there another one? I guess I'll find out in Route D. Looks like the physics hard science fiction explanations that are trademark of the Infinity series started too.


Just got a Lenovo Miix 2 Windows 8 tablet (not RT shit) because some Best Buy store locations are selling the Lenovo Miix 2 for $199.99 I Installed Kamidori & Otoboku on it and they run great. It's awesome to have a dedicated portable eroge/visual novel device. Now I really can't wait to play Steins;Gate!

Quick Edit: The initial storage size is a joke but you can do some things to recover space.


Done with route C.

Truly an interesting routes full of twists and revelations... maybe even too many. There are 2 routes left and a bunch of endings yet too see, it feels weird to know so much already.

Some comments in spoiler:

HE=Hinata was kinda obvious as soon they showed his eyes. Still not everything is explained I guess. I doubt it's the same Hinata from route A, so perhaps he's a shadow/program traveling back in time?

Ishar C being Yumi on other hand was truly brilliant, especially when you realize the crystal ball stuff. Who else but Yumi could know who was in the ball for sure? Only one half of the double. :p

Egill being a woman was in retrospect obvious, it was something I thought about (Anu sorta confirmed that with one comment during the roof encounter), however I basically stopped thinking about It since the game pretty much never bring it again and "she" was repeatedly confirmed as a man in Mutsuki's diary.

The "eye" that often appears definitely caught my attention. It seems some sort of god-like entity giving some sort of commentary on the plot. Perhaps the IA mentioned in route A?

I have no idea where they are going with the main plot. Hinata's dad, the "incident" 10 years ago, the virgin birth... there is even a mention of mysterious ruins (pls don't be another YU-NO)... it's all kinda nebulous.



Leave the poor Schroedinger's cat alone writers, he did nothing wrong!!! (seriously, it's like the third VN in a row I played where it's mentioned, lol)
Done with route C.

Truly an interesting routes full of twists and revelations... maybe even too many. There are 2 routes left and a bunch of endings yet too see, it feels weird to know so much already.

The game seems shorter than Route A led me to believe. Of course Route E probably ends up being massive.

Some comments in spoiler:
HE=Hinata was kinda obvious as soon they showed his eyes. Still not everything is explained I guess. I doubt it's the same Hinata from route A, so perhaps he's a shadow/program traveling back in time?

Ishar C being Yumi on other hand was truly brilliant, especially when you realize the crystal ball stuff. Who else but Yumi could know who was in the ball for sure? Only one half of the double. :p

Egill being a woman was in retrospect obvious, it was something I thought about (Anu sorta confirmed that with one comment during the roof encounter), however I basically stopped thinking about It since the game pretty much never bring it again and "she" was repeatedly confirmed as a man in Mutsuki's diary.

The "eye" that often appears definitely caught my attention. It seems some sort of god-like entity giving some sort of commentary on the plot. Perhaps the IA mentioned in route A?

Finally I have no idea where they are going with the main plot. Hinata's dad, the "incident" 10 years ago, the virgin birth... there is even a mention of mysterious ruins (pls don't be another YU-NO)... it's all kinda nebulous.
I'm also curious what the hell is going on with Sakuya, though maybe B 1.0 will reveal some of that. As far as Enlil being a woman, the idea popped into my head early too, I just couldn't figure out the significance of it. I still don't really know why it matters.


Spoilers from Route C all around.

The "eye" that often appears definitely caught my attention. It seems some sort of god-like entity giving some sort of commentary on the plot. Perhaps the IA mentioned in route A?

Perhaps we're in for a E17-like twist again.

I have no idea where they are going with the main plot. Hinata's dad, the "incident" 10 years ago, the virgin birth... there is even a mention of mysterious ruins (pls don't be another YU-NO)... it's all kinda nebulous.

I noticed the ruins comment as well, I hope this all leads to a mind-blowing final route.



Leave the poor Schroedinger's cat alone writers, he did nothing wrong!!! (seriously, it's like the third VN in a row I played where it's mentioned, lol)

:lol I don't think I've ever read an SF VN where the Schroedinger's Cat isn't used.

The game seems shorter than Route A led me to believe. Of course Route E probably ends up being massive.

When the game was being translated, I remember seeing that Route A and Route E had about the same script count (something like 54 and 52), so Route E would be pretty big, assuming it doesn't have the slow start of Route A

I'm also curious what the hell is going on with Sakuya, though maybe B 1.0 will reveal some of that. As far as Enlil being a woman, the idea popped into my head early too, I just couldn't figure out the significance of it. I still don't really know why it matters.

Mayumi said she was the only survivor, maybe Sakuya and her dad where included in the body count. And about Enlil being a woman, it seems Mutsuki doesn't know going by her dairy. Aren't they lovers? This seems like it could damage their relationship.

Replaying the scene of Mutsuki's diary, nowhere in the Japanese dialogue is said that Tsukasa is a man.


Decided to go on to R11 for now rather than I/O.. (think it'd be too much to read 2 VNs at the same time), not sure... does it matter which, baring in mind I'm just done with Never 7?

In R11
There's a scene with a girl crying saying "I will kill you too" to another boy when he says he'll protect her, I think she'll grow up to be the murderer in the hospital...
All the colored text in Route E is driving me crazy. For whatever reason it's really irritating.

Edit: I see why they are doing this, but there's no reason
every single "I" needs to be colored. The text box color already gives away whose POV it is, they should only color the "I"s that aren't the same as the background.
This implementation is obnoxious. God knows why the lemnisca team thought this was a good idea.


I/O Route B (0.1) complete.

Another non-ending, but yeah, defrag section clearly states there's a few scenes more to be seen here.
Route wasn't perfect as well - interaction between group members and characters of pretty much everyone except for Ishtar were grating and atrocious. I'm too old for this kind of shit.
Hacking depiction was okay-ish, although really doesn't hold a candle to Gibson/Stephenson novels.

Well, off to Route C, let's see if that one's any better.


lol grim-tales can't wait for your reactions.

I just started IO, route A. Hinata and Sakuya are seriously reminding me way too much of myself and a friend in high school. If I were clinically depressed.


I don't know how to feel about the
' Routes
(Is this even a spoiler?)

D' ending
for example was great and explained many things, but it felt like "here, have a bunch of things we couldn't insert into the main plot despite the fact they are quintessential".


Just got a Lenovo Miix 2 Windows 8 tablet (not RT shit) because some Best Buy store locations are selling the Lenovo Miix 2 for $199.99 I Installed Kamidori & Otoboku on it and they run great. It's awesome to have a dedicated portable eroge/visual novel device. Now I really can't wait to play Steins;Gate!

Quick Edit: The initial storage size is a joke but you can do some things to recover space.
I picked one of these up too and am loving it. A great replacement for my crappy old netbook that I used primarily to play VNs on :p

I'm still waiting for my SD card and other crap, but for now I've installed Sharnoth on it (which I stalled out on before because the "minigame" gets annoying later on) and am watching the intro over and over again.


Done with route

... Well, that was weird.

So, to summarize (huge spoilers, holy shit)

A, B, C, D and E all take place in the same timeline(s). D' and C' are part of the same timeline too, with C' giving us a better insight on Yumi character and with D' explaining how the whole shit started, the fateful meeting between He/Izaiah and Nami/Lem/Ereshkiga. D' is also an extra ending as it explains what happened to Marduk/Ashur and as well the two lovers.

B' was the spin-off outsorced to Koggima (nanomachines) and it takes place in a complete different timeline. A' was the route where they remembered Sakuya character existed apparently.

I/O is an exercise in seeing how far up its own ass a story can go. The plotting and writing in this is some self-indulgent nonsense. I liked it earlier, but finishing it feels like a chore at this point. It's really overstayed it's welcome. It's something where the mysteries are more interesting than the answers, the more that is revealed, the worse it gets.

Prime route spoilers.
D' and C' are fine for filling in the gaps of the story, though D' is full of unnecessarily filler scenes that we didn't need to see because we'd had those scenes and their outcomes described to us multiple times. The game's pacing had already fallen apart during E anyway, so those two weren't a big departure. But A', B', and E' are where the game goes crazy, and not in a good way.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this VN anymore. You probably have better stuff to read than this.


Those spoilers are really tempting to click.

But no, I will keep my cool. Hopefully I will like the game more than you. :)

Started Route C and all I can say is... wtf?
I came off as harsh on I/O, but the last two routes of the VN enter so bad it's good territory. It actually had me laughing out loud. I/O is basically what if Kojima wrote Evangelion and mixed in some Parasite Eve.

The rest of the VN is decent to good. I/O doesn't jump the shark until the prime routes. It does have a problem of a lot of redundant scenes. There are a bunch of times where it will give you exposition multiple times, or you give exposition and then show you the scene they just described anyway for no good reason. If it had had been paced better, Route E could have been a lot better, and a good "end" to the game.


I came off as harsh on I/O, but the last two routes of the VN enter so bad it's good territory. It actually had me laughing out loud. I/O is basically what if Kojima wrote Evangelion and mixed in some Parasite Eve.
I wasn't expecting anything great from this game to begin with, so that actually makes me look forward to it more.
I wasn't expecting anything great from this game to begin with, so that actually makes me look forward to it more.

Haha, not deleting it just yet then. It's gonna stay on hold for a while longer though, I've got so much other stuff to keep me occupied right now.

It's worth noting that part of it is really about the end of the VN.

But oh does it get hilarious. (Huge spoilers)
Humans are not CRTs! Hinata and Mutsuki are identical twins because "Hinata barely has a Y chromosome" because nanomachines hidden in human DNA are putting the Y Chromosome to extinction and evolving humans into a single sex organism that reproduces through virgin birth. Memes and genes fighting a war within human bodies, and humans will go extinct because meme driven machines hate flesh. Nanomachines produced from four leaf clovers that can resurrect the dead. And something something Instrumentality. The original Sakuya died, and the current one is a copy that her father made with a quantum computer and downloaded to reality. That Gainax Ending where 9 souls combine into child versions of Hinata, Sakuya, and Mutsuki and live on the beach. And there's more.


When I'm done with Danganrongpa going to be starting up Remember11.:)

For me it'll probably be the other way round.. just entered the 'Prologue' of Danganronpa' and.. WTF?
Why exactly was Makoto sent to the academy if he's such a loser? What's that half angelic/half evil bear thing in the opening clip and why was there a skeleton in the rocket?


For me it'll probably be the other way round.. just entered the 'Prologue' of Danganronpa' and.. WTF?
Why exactly was Makoto sent to the academy if he's such a loser? What's that half angelic/half evil bear thing in the opening clip and why was there a skeleton in the rocket?

Becuse he's the Ultimate Loser. Explaining rest would spoil the game for you


But oh does it get hilarious. (Huge spoilers)
Humans are not CRTs! Hinata and Mutsuki are identical twins because "Hinata barely has a Y chromosome" because nanomachines hidden in human DNA are putting the Y Chromosome to extinction and evolving humans into a single sex organism that reproduces through virgin birth. Memes and genes fighting a war within human bodies, and humans will go extinct because meme driven machines hate flesh. Nanomachines produced from four leaf clovers that can resurrect the dead. And something something Instrumentality. The original Sakuya died, and the current one is a copy that her father made with a quantum computer and downloaded to reality. That Gainax Ending where 9 souls combine into child versions of Hinata, Sakuya, and Mutsuki and live on the beach. And there's more.

This shit actually happens in I/O?



What the fuck lmao
This shit actually happens in I/O?



What the fuck lmao

It all happens in the last part of the VN. It's an unreal run of insanity.

If your intention was to make people not want to read I/O, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
I actually posted that after finishing the VN because I didn't get across how hilariously bad it gets in my other post. I/O took another dozen jumps of insanity that made it much more entertaining. Of course you have to get to the end to see that stuff.


You have no idea how much I hate you now.
I won't click that spoiler. Just won't. Even if I want to so badly. Still have good few routes to go.

Haha, seems like you're in for one hell of a show.

I think I'll have to speedread my way through the first couple of routes, I really need to see this madness go down myself.


For me it'll probably be the other way round.. just entered the 'Prologue' of Danganronpa' and.. WTF?
Why exactly was Makoto sent to the academy if he's such a loser? What's that half angelic/half evil bear thing in the opening clip and why was there a skeleton in the rocket?

Hahahahahaha that's exactly how I felt I went into Danganronpa completely blind!


. I/O is basically what if Kojima wrote Evangelion and mixed in some Parasite Eve.

Ahah, I'm surprised I didn't think of PE myself when they mentioned
war between memes and introns.

But really, route B' (I don't think I need to spoiler it) was so weird, they drop so many bombshells in such a short time, even if some things were foreshadowed or had some background they felt so out of place. Luckily the route had little to do with the main game, so you can almost entirely write it off.


Remember 11:

When you wake up after the crash and ask about the kid sitting beside you on the plane, the response is "What are you people plotting?" and the woman taking care of you sounds very angry.
When you give your real name (?) she thinks that person is dead.. buh?



Remember 11:

When you wake up after the crash and ask about the kid sitting beside you on the plane, the response is "What are you people plotting?" and the woman taking care of you sounds very angry.
When you give your real name (?) she thinks that person is dead.. buh?

lol, you're already "wtf"ing? this is gonna be good


I'm sure I'll enjoy it :D
Though, speaking of Ever 17...
In the Kid's routes, just WHO was the mystery person counting and kicking the can?


Why would it be against the TOS?

E. Self-Promotion and Spam

Do not create new threads promoting a product or service you have any involvement in, or paste PR materials for promotional purposes, or attempt to embed referral links in your posts to generate revenue. If an existing discussion is taking place directly involving something you are associated with, you may participate in order to answer questions, clarify details, and otherwise engage with the community, but as a person, not an advertisement.

Well, I'm kinda involved in that since I created the wikia but it's not like I'm making money off of it so it might be ok. I don't know.


Well, I'm kinda involved in that since I created the wikia but it's not like I'm making money off of it so it might be ok. I don't know.

I don't think it would be a problem to provide a free service to your fellow gaffers, but you could always PM a mod just to CYA.


What's 'that girl' who killed people in the hospital doing appearing there?... Err... OK...
She certainly looks like her, but she cant speak? Hmmmm.


Pretty sure this is one of the rare things in E17 that was never explained in any way.
Yeah but it's easy to guess.
Considering Kid was able to do things like disturb the life sign number, it's not a stretch that he could also project the sound of Pipi kicking the can because he believed he's in Takeshi's incident.


Ooh boy..
Now you find Yuni, but he doesnt know who you are? Amnesia maybe? Memory swap?[ He says he remembers the flight and the crash but not 'you'... :s

HOLY EVER 17 Batman.. why do you not look like yourself?! Granted I didnt really know what Kokoro looks like but you're supposed to be a girl!



I wonder how it'll be presented and
How they'll do the final twist at the end with 2 screens
I know it removes all the puzzles the DS original had.
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