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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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I wonder how it'll be presented and
How they'll do the final twist at the end with 2 screens
I know it removes all the puzzles the DS original had.
Yeah, I'm wondering that, too, but given the fact that they added stuff in like the timeline, and have readapted the puzzle room dialogue, I'm sure it'll be just fine.

*no explicit 999 spoilers, but covering up just in case*
They might do something like what was done with the iOS version of TWEWY and alter some descriptions to fit the new format.


I wonder how it'll be presented and
How they'll do the final twist at the end with 2 screens
I know it removes all the puzzles the DS original had.

Genuinely interested too, it's not gonna be easy. Will buy it if it ever hits Android, I need to replay 999 anyway.

e: damn, i'm late at wondering AND douple-dipping!


Done with common routes for I/O, did a skip-playthrough yesterday to unlock all endings/defrag scenes.

Spoiler free impressions - it's good, better then I felt about the game after A 0.1. But there are some things about the game that mar the experience considerably. Tonal shifts break the immersion and ultimately, all those scenes that strive to be funny don't amount to anything. Those were annoying in 999 (
you're all gonna die in few hours, stop talking about Akane being wet
) and are way more annoying here, because frankly, most of characters suck.

I've liked the game well enough to read everything that was there, and frankly, other than protags for all routes and Enlil/Anu/Nergal, rest of them could be safely ignored.

The game stands on world building, but does not build the world enough IMO, instead spending its time on such banalities like 'my childhood friend can't be this cute' or 'kyaa, it's a stalker, let's all act retarded for the next hour'. This makes the dramatic scenes fell flat at times - why should we care for deaths that happen in an MMO if the game doesn't explain how they relate to realspace.

Also, I have a beef with the scene unlock system. Expanded routes are way better than the stuff we get at beginning and I simply can't fathom why would anyone think giving your customer a gimped experience the first time is a good thing. Everything should be unlocked at start, just not explained/understood - this would make the game's punch much meatier. Either change the stuff that spoils further routes or lock them so that the player has to play them in order, whatever.

On a more positive note, at least the routes aren't 95% pointless drivel like Ever17 was. I'm genuinely looking forward to E/prime routes. Can't wait for that 'Kojima does End of Evangelion' stuff Basileus777 spoke of.

Major common route spoilers:
Is Ishtar B's mother really a hermaphrodite? I don't get it, they can't really self-impregnate AFAIK. Also, who's the other LEM? One is Mutsuki since she uses black pronouns like in Route A, but I don't have any ideas about the other one? And what's the deal with time jumping in Routes C/D


I started playing Ever17 yesteday and got to my first ending today. It's the
You - Good Version
and something's really bothering me about it. In particular the whole part where
the Kid and You are being told that her father and mother died 34 and 15 years ago, respectively. Earlier when they tested the Kid's amnesia Takeshi mentioned that it's the year 2017 - and yet neither the Kid nor You blink an eye when they read that You's mother died "15 years ago" in 2019. Why has the Kid completely forgotten what year he's supposed be in when it was told to him just two days earlier? And why is You not aware of it, despite not being supposed to suffer from amnesia? It's weird and I'm not sure if their ignorance is part of the plot or just an oversight... But, then again, there's definitely some time loop going on and it wouldn't surprise me if the Kid's at two different spaces in time from time to time. Overlapping time loops would explain why he's seeing that small girl when no one else sees it. Most characterrs, You included, might be suffering from amnesia with the difference that Kid is the only one who realizes that part of his memory is missing. But even then it's weird that Takaheshi thinks it's 2017, while You's not surprised in the slightest when it's supposed to be in the 2030.

In general it feels like
I can see quite a few twists coming after having already played both VLR and 999. I might be totally wrong, but it seems like Uchikoshi likes to re-use his twists - like there's some fourth wall breaking stuff with Blick Winkel going on, they seem to be some place in the future and are possibly much older than they think they are (hidden from them through the devices they are wearing in their ears and maybe there's some RSD shenanigans going on to manipulate their looks) and stuff like that.. But maybe I'm totally wrong and it just appears similar while it actually is something completely different. I'm definitely looking forward to play some more.


Started up Remember 11 it always weird me out at first to see the mouths moving in visual novels so used to none moving sprites.
Started Banshee's Last Cry on iOS got 4 endings so far and while I have an idea where the plot is going I need to get more runs in the later half of the game.


R11 -
Why is Yomogi (guy in the hut) calling me 'Yukidoh'? I'm clearly 'me' this time because Yuni called me Kokoron, and I saw myself in a mirror. Never heard 'Yukidoh'??
Maybe Yukidoh is the man's name in the dream I had


Holy crap I just learned that the main character of Sailor Moon is named "Usagi" (rabbit) and I thought to myself how strange it was that I've seen so many connections lately between rabbits and the moon in Japanese stuff. I'd completely forgotten about the Moon Rabbit legend in East Asian cultures. Damn I'm thick.
I finally got around to finishing Virtue's Last Reward and I came away mildly disappointed. Mechanically and structurally it's a big improvement over 999, though the lack of text speed options or the ability to skip unread text was a pain, and fuck all those door animations and map walking segments. The pacing is a bit better than some of Uchikoshi's other stuff, but none of his works are well paced.

My real problem with it is how derivative and uninspired it is. VLR is basically Uchikoshi throwing together a bunch of ideas from other VNs and his own older works. Like 999 it probably works better if you are new to VNs and Uchikoshi, but 999 did a much better job of putting everything together in a way that was compelling, Virtue's Last Reward makes me think Uchikoshi has run out of ideas.


I'm sure you can skip unread text or speed through, you press X or Y (on the 3DS that is)?
I agree about the blinking map and door animations though, and having to read through
all the vatriations of "Oh noes Quark has fainted, let's look for him!" ARGHHHHH
I enjoyed VLR, it was still very good, but after
playing earlier works Ever 17 and Never 7 (post VLR)
I know what you mean, definitely he must have taken some inspiration from them.
If ZE3 ever gets made, let's hope he has some really new ideas. (I know it sounds like I'm being harsh here). I'm still new to VN's compared to some of you :D


Wha... who....

You just pick up a paper with an article about the plane crash, why is your picture there with Yomogi and the woman, saying your bodies were found?! But you're alive..
Maybe the article is fake? A newspaper from the future, thats impossible.
What does 'Heisei 23' mean? Is that only used in the Japanese calendar?
31 people... 30 deaths...
Making Yuni the sole survivor...??!?!



Now you're back in the cabin again, which one is a dream and which is real?
In both 'realities' people seem to distrust the other 'personality'/side (?)


So I really enjoy the VNs that are plot intensive and like to mind f*ck the player. Though I have no objection to trying other styles. Was hoping for suggestions.

I've played...
All Ace Attorney main games
Both Zero Escapes
Ever 17

Thanks to anyone who answers I'm advanced.
So I really enjoy the VNs that are plot intensive and like to mind f*ck the player. Though I have no objection to trying other styles. Was hoping for suggestions.

I've played...
All Ace Attorney main games
Both Zero Escapes
Ever 17

Thanks to anyone who answers I'm advanced.

You're looking for Remember11. Never7 too, though I haven't heard much about it's ability to mindf***, they're all by the same writer as Ever17 and the Zero Escapes.

I've also heard good things about Higurashi, G-Senjou no Maou, and Steins;Gate, but haven't played any of them personally, so I can't give a concrete recommendation.


Is there any suggested order in doing Never 7 and Remember 11?
R11 only lets you play it in one way. Go in and let it carry you, it's amazing.

Posting impressions here is necessary too.

And yeah Higurashi, G-Senjou and especially S;G, all exactly what you're looking for.


R11 only lets you play it in one way. Go in and let it carry you, it's amazing.

Posting impressions here is necessary too.

And yeah Higurashi, G-Senjou and especially S;G, all exactly what you're looking for.
I meant which one first between Never7 and Remember11, lol. Like, will playing one first help appreciate the other more come time?

And I'll throw down impressions when I get around to playing it (my current situation of University wi-fi might restrict my ability to download things like that until after I get back home). I've also watched the Steins;Gate anime, so I'll probably avoid that one.


I haven't played N7 yet but people said in this thread that they're unrelated and there's no perfect order. There's a pretty easy and cheap way to buy R11 digitally (in Japanese to apply a patch), which is a rarity, which is why I went for that one first. Plus if you start soon you'll be doing it alongside grim-tales which is always fun.


Never7 and Remember11 are separate stories. Never7 is more slice of life-y and Remember11 is more sci-fi/suspense. I played Never7 first to save the best for last, but either order is fine.


LX, read Steins;Gate, it's awesome, and the official version should be out at the end of the month.

Now, for a change of pace, I've been reading the recently-released partial patch for KoiChoco (slice-of-life visual novel), and it's pretty decent. I haven't exactly moved past the prologue, per-say (for those who know what this VN is about, I've barely reached the part where the MC gets into the presidential run) but so far the translation is pretty good, and I'm liking most of the characters. Ironically, I'm not a fan of the first heroine which sucks since you're forced to play her route first to unlock the rest, not to mention that it's the only route translated and released so far.


There are some links and tutorials (the stores are in Japanese) on TLWiki, it was around $20 last I checked.

It looks like the only place that sold digital versions stopped selling them at the end of this January... :(

Well, I'll look into more ways of getting ahold of it. Physical copies are generally just not going to work for my purposes.

LX, read Steins;Gate, it's awesome, and the official version should be out at the end of the month.
Well, with the amount of what I haven't played, I rather avoid doing things I already know the story for.


I played Never 7 first, as it has a small connection to Ever 17 apparently, it was good but playing Remember 11 now and it's amazing so far, really good :D I can't wait to see what crazy shit will happen next :D


Woah.... I don't know why but I'm getting a "innocent kids do really nasty stuff or something bad happens" from that trailer, I don't even know what's going on, lol :D


That trailer certainly set the tone, I'll say that much. It felt a tad heavy handed at what it was doing when it was showing the intestines and stuff. I am curious what media it is, though.


That trailer certainly set the tone, I'll say that much. It felt a tad heavy handed at what it was doing when it was showing the intestines and stuff. I am curious what media it is, though.

Youtube page for the trailer states 18禁PCゲーム。2014年6月発売予定, so AO PC game released in three months time.
I'm back! I finally plan to start Umineko's final chapter to celebrate the start of my spring break. God, I think I've forgotten so much. I think I'll have to re-read my initial impressions to catch myself back up.


Youtube page for the trailer states 18禁PCゲーム。2014年6月発売予定, so AO PC game released in three months time.

Well then, that took a turn I didn't expect. AO, then? Would anyone be nice to enough to inform me and other whether AO for Japan would have the same or similar connotations as an ESRB AO rating?


Well then, that took a turn I didn't expect. AO, then? Would anyone be nice to enough to inform me and other whether AO for Japan would have the same or similar connotations as an ESRB AO rating?

Either is a erotic game with explicit sex scenes, or has extremely gruesome murder scenes with gore flying around like bad jokes. Or both.
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